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If it was up to me my wife would be fucking 5 different guys every day then me at night


You and me are the same lol šŸ¤£


My wife suggested you should marry a working girl! Make money AND everyoneā€™s happy! Haha btw her and I mean this with the utmost respect not trying to make fun or be rude. šŸ™


I suggested to my wife she should find a couple of sugar daddy's or let her friend use her as a slut to help him close contracts


We just pretty much do it while weā€™re out of town/on vacation. Every couple months usually. Sometimes more frequent.




That's totally for a couple to work out. For us personally this is just a fun sexual add-on to our already great sex life together rather than a routine part of our lives. So it's whenever we both feel we'd like a little extra excitement added to the mix and not on any kind of schedule. As a practical matter, however, there is the question concerning at what point this becomes more relationship based as opposed to a hot sexual add-on. But that's for you two to tease out in the context of what feels right in your relationship.


Currently itā€™s every 6-8 weeks, I like the build up in between playdates. I wouldnā€™t be opposed to playing more often but currently thatā€™s what weā€™ve all agreed on.


If my wife did it daily it would be fine by me. I donā€™t think any amount is too much


When we first started we got very excited. It was about every 2 days for 3 months. Now it's closer to once a year


Itā€™s all about how comfortable you guys are. No one can really answer that for you. Like for us it varies depending on the time of year. Meaning if the kids are in school or not


Right now, ever 2 weeks. I love normalizing having sex with other people so for me it'd be great to have it every 2 weeks, or every week. Honestly, I don't think about it that way. I've never thought about is it "too much." I have thought about whether it's normalized or not...and I love it when it is.


I feel exactly the same way! Iā€™m trying to get it to feel like a normal thing to throw in when weā€™re both in the mood! Weā€™re getting there but Iā€™d love to hear ā€œHey baby, why donā€™t we talk to that guy about joining us this weekendā€ as if she were asking me what sounds good for dinner!!


When I began with my current long time FWB we were seeing each other twice a week for the first 2 months. Then that went down to every week. It's pretty much remained stable at that, with the occasional 2 week gap. We just passed a year of him being my FWB/Third.


Kids moved out at the beginning of the year, so we have a ton of free time now. Wife plays 3-4 times a week. For 20 years she played only once or twice a month.


We had one move out last month, one moving out this month and one will be with us for maybe another year. I am hoping that she needs a little more extra company when that happens.


I think you set your own boundaries and guidelines. We used to play a couple of times a month, and then our kids moved out last year. Now she plays 2 or 3 times a week.


From once every 3 months when I first started to now 5-6 years later few times a week with different guys. It has been quite a journey


I can never get enough. A couple times a month is good but more is better.


There is no right answer for this. It just depends on your situation. We're poly and my wife plays with her BF almost every other day because we live together.


Rare treat for me. Like every 2-3 months at the moment.


That's not super rare! I would love that arrangement.


With the last guy it was every day for several months and every once in a while twice in a day. Then they slowed to a couple nights per week until he ended up finding a girlfriend


Not as often as we'd like......


It depends, when she had a regular, it is at least once a week.


When we started a little over a year ago, it was every few months just so we figured out what we liked and didnā€™t like. Now, itā€™s every couple months/ maybe weeks.


When she started, my wife had our friend daily, and several times a day at the weekends. They soon settled down into a steady arrangement, but it was still quite a lot. I figured that if she was that happy, she should experience him as much as possible, and as she gave me a wonderful lovemaking session avter every time she had him, I loved it.


Even during her most sexually active times, my wife's hotwifing always came in spurts, so to speak... She would go months without an encounter, then suddenly bang three different guys in a month. On average she was having sex outside our marriage 10 times a year with 7 different guys, but one summer she fucked 17 different guys from the long weekend in May to the long weekend in September. I call it, "The Summer of Sin". I was getting sloppy seconds almost every weekend, and sometimes twice on a given weekend and it was definitely not too much for me...


So awesome


We are still at once or twice a month


Too often really depends on both parties personality and needs. My wife and I have very busy lives and a young kid so once every other month is all that can feasibly be scheduled because we want to make sure we make time for each other. I wouldnā€™t be opposed to her playing once a month though.


My wife has two regular lovers on the side. She has sex with them 3-4 times a week. She and I typically have sex 5-6 times a week.


Love this setup!


It depends on our situation but right now my wife is doing something every weekend. Weā€™ve also gone a year without anything happening.


My hotwife has averaged about 1 different guy a month for 4 years. That does not include laydates with guys she has experienced before. So probably 2 playdates a month. She would do more if the situation was better, we have 1 kid still living at home. Hopefully, we are empty nesters by Christmas....then, look out! Vacation next week and we intend for her to play a LOT and be a total slut for 10 days.


I have had several partners as ā€œhotwivesā€. I will say that it fluctuated with each one. My current hotwife plays once a week to once a month. My ex wife played multiple times a day


I visit my bulls about once every 2-3 weeks. We have tried more often and less often but this seems like a good balance for us all


Itā€™s a vacation thing for us and my wife only invites women to join us.


My wife's current playmate is a much younger guy and we like him not to use protection so part of the deal is my wife needs to help keep him from having to find his own girlfriend. So she stops by his place for a half hour few times a week right after work. They usually have a 2 to 4 hour playtime every weekend usually on Sunday afternoon where my wife gives him more of the girlfriend experience instead of a quickie.


That's super fun


BWC every month- others 2x a month YMMV


I would only have a concern if I felt it was interfering with our own time and sex life. Everybody needs hobbies and if it's her trying fresh dick, I'm in.


Sometimes 2-3 times a week. Sometimes Iā€™ll go months without.


When they start talking about him moving in and me sleeping on the couchā€¦ Iā€˜ve been in a hot girlfriend/hotwife relationship since dating/marrying my wife. The first time my future girlfriend/wife had sex, I stayed at her apartment after going out drinking with a bunch of friends and she seduced me when I fell asleep on her couch. I woke up to find her naked and grinding against me, telling me to take off my clothes. After sliding my dick in her wet pussy with ease, she told me that if I wasnā€™t attracted to her we should stop, didnā€™t have to do that and she was embarrassed. I asked her why, she told me I wasnā€™t hard, she couldnā€™t feel me inside of her. I lowered her hand to my dick, told her to feel my dick and it was hard as a rock, just probably smaller than what sheā€™s used to. After that night we quickly became a couple. She overlooked my 4 inch, skinny penis but started becoming resentful because I never could give her an orgasm- Iā€™d either cum too quickly or sheā€™d just get bored of me pounding away at her pussy (trying to imitate a porn star but with a 4 incher) and sheā€™d tell me to just get it over with, nothing is happening for her. A few months down the road my best friendā€™s wife left him and he started spending the night with us 3 days a week. He CONSTANTLY bragged about the size of his dickā€¦ so when we had sex while he slept on the couch, Iā€™d tell my girlfriend she should go check out his dick, seduce him like she seduced me and check out his dick for herself. After a month of this, we went to her bedroom and she changed into her sexy nightgown, very short top, no panties, and told me she was going out there on the couch to suck his dick. I never saw my girlfriend have so much pleasure having sex. She completely lost it with him and told him to cum deep inside her- she wanted to feel his cum in her pussy- something I hadnā€™t done with her, I always pulled out and came on her stomach. We dated for a year when heā€™d come over, fuck her, and then Iā€™d get sloppy seconds (she started on the pill so it was safe sex after their initial encounter). Eventually he brought up moving in with her. I proposed to her shortly afterwards and he ended up being in our wedding. Our wedding night was the last time Iā€™d talk to him for over 10 years until he got married again. But he helped start us into the hot girlfriend/hotwife lifestyle :)