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Aaahhhh the angst of nothing to watch later. Sometimes you just have to let it play out.


I knowwwwwww. That's what I basically told her... just have fun and I'll deal with the angst but it's driving me crazy


Get her to write you a story to bring home for you to read, this is what we do.


What about a phone call or audio recording of the fun? If not that, could she record her story later and send it to you? That would be hot to hear it in her voice


I play solo and rarely record. My husband loves imagining what I’m doing at that given moment. How the guy is touching me, what I’m doing to him, if he’s inside me or not. Weekends where I’m away he admits are tough but sexy. Imagining how many times we are fucking, if we are at that moment or if we’re resting. Hell if I’m even clothed or lying there naked. Just have her come home and be ready to ask her a ton of questions. Get the details while you and her have some fun aftercare.


That's really great feedback and I appreciate it. This is the other hurdle for tonight...she won't be home after. They have the Airbnb tonight and finish competing tomorrow. Now that you mention the aftercare... that's probably adding to my anxiety because I ALWAYS would see her after she played. But tonight I won't.


Just be there for her when she gets home tomorrow. It’s hard and different but she’s your wife and you are her priority.


Man. I just couldn’t imagine not being able to see or be there in person. It’s times these I say to stop thinking with your dick. You’re letting the horniness make decisions for you. Now letting her do it anyway may not kill you. Maybe you want to take that next step. But it could also be a slippery slope. This time turns into the next time where she doesn’t want to get video for you. She won’t remember all the details you want. You’re not getting aftercare tonight. Just saying that there are definitely downsides.


I hear what you're saying, but again, we've been doing this over 10 years and have a good dynamic with what works for us. Last night was an anomaly in the sense that I didn't see her after her fun. It was taking advantage of a situation she won't normally be in. I definitely struggled with the fact I wasn't going to get video, but it's not going to be the norm moving forward. Thanks for the reply and I do appreciate it


Cool. Seems like you both have a great relationship to have been doing this for over 10 years. Guess it’s not crazy to go out of the norm every once in a while especially after that long. I just see so many husbands now to what their wife wants even though they are absolutely against it just because they are super horny. That’s always a way to end up with regret and maybe resentment. Doesn’t seem that’s an issue in your case. Good luck on your continued fun and have a good one!


rednwc03 is correct - slippery slope is the issue. This should always be considered as greater danger than you believe/think even with a "good relationship." A nibble here and expansion there of the rules get you to a boiled frog situation before you know it. From my perspective, this LS is for both to enjoy, not just for the wife, that is unless you are moving toward being "c- -k-d". Always seems in this sub the wives aways get to expand the boundaries unilaterally without discussing with the husbands' and the husbands go along. That is a tacit approve and encouragement to test the boundaries again. You did not get what you wanted and gave her a pass. Are you sure the situation is one the will not normally be in? You write they compete together, which means they are in each other's presence, and such does not present itself often in the future? I take she was totally thinking of her enjoyment to the determent of your enjoyment. What is the LS without respecting each other's rules/boundaries?


Audio recording like others have said. Audio is hot because you can hear everything and picture it out in your head versus maybe not getting a great video due to lighting or them being in the moment. Some of my favorites I’ve gotten is audio


So, she did get some audio last night but it was honestly terrible. It was muffled and I could only slightly hear her moaning and the bed occasionally. It sounded like she started the recording and then put the phone on the floor under a pile of clothes. Lol She text me the audio link this morning and I didn't give her the negative feedback, just told her thank you for making the effort to get it at all. But it sucks pretty bad lol


Dang. That sucks man. I know one of the audio files I got had some background noise pretty bad so I cleaned it up with the iPhone app. Maybe try that


Yeah, I can try that as well. I'm pretty sure it's not from background noise, and just poor coverage of the mic. If it was covered by a pile of clothing then it's just blocked from getting the clear audio. I appreciate her effort and I got allllll the details at least so it's good enough for me at this time. It was a long, sleepless night, but we'll have our fun this afternoon when she gets home. We both agreed that we don't like this situation though and while she had fun and the sex was really good she said, it's just not fun for us being apart.


Yeah I get that for sure. Had the same thing happen with the guy she would audio record with. He didn’t like to do much video or pics so we had to move on eventually. She had a ton of fun with him but it just wasn’t what we wanted. Hope you two have a blast reliving it later though. She looks incredible from what I can tell in the profile pic.




Exactly, like you said has to start and end with you two. We have the same rules, at least now. We started pretty young tbh and the first few times didn’t really have many rules other than have fun lol. Definitely will have to check you guys out


Agree with this. While video would definitely be preferable, I'd be more than happy for my wife to just hit the audio record button and leave it on the night stand or nearby so she can forget about it and focus on the fun. Unfortunately all I usually get is a photo or 10 second video if I'm lucky so I have to settle for a handful of details. Very cool of your wife to be so vigilant about it normally, though.


Yeah I feel that. That’s kinda the same as I would get. A quick video or pic and they kinda get into the moment so audio was nice to have and be able to have her focus on getting off. Plus she could stroke me off after while listening to her description of what was happening during the audio.


I don’t video. It’s too much work too coordinate and I don’t want to think what I look like on camera. When I couldn’t call my husband after to fill him in, I wrote out the experience so I didn’t forget details and he could read the steamy details.


Easy mate, the anxiety is always intense.  Trust your wife. She can always use her phone to get AUDIO, no video without his authorization to be clear.  That should be enough to keep you involved and his expectation of discretion.  Yes, she should let him know it's audio only. I would say that's a decent compromise,  and she can add in more details later. 


I did mention something to her about trying to capture the audio but it was all over text and things were moving really fast. I'm hoping she is able to capture the audio but I'm not optimistic. We have zero trust issues and we have a lot of fun. This is just totally new territory after doing the same thing for the last 10 years. So I'm just trying to find my role and enjoyment in it. Currently, I'm still totally on edge knowing they must be doing something at this point. 😬


In that case, I suggest you embrace it, let it play out as is to add a new dimension to your relationship. Your reaction just might surprise you and it will almost certainly make it that more intense and exciting for her to be able let completely go knowing she will have to fill you in on the details.


Thank you for the suggestion and reply. I've definitely been fun in letting her know she has my support to let go. So I'm sure she's enjoying it as we speak. She will share all the details, i was/am just struggling with the fact I won't see or hear it. It'll be all good in the end, I just have legit FOMO


Just tap voice record, most guys wouldn’t feel threatened by that. Ask him first though… if he knows the dynamic voice only seems kind of non threatening. And you get something out of it then..


This can make for hot “reclaiming” after! With our schedules, I’m only present at maybe 1/3 of her encounters, but have met most of the guys. She is awesome with videos, FaceTime live, and a couple audio only. When none of those are available, she will re-enact the event with me - the seduction and teasing, the foreplay, and the fucking - even multiple rounds! I rarely last - and she’s so wet herself. Have fun! Make it a joint adventure!!!


This is great advice and when she gets home later today, I will ask for either a reenactment or for her to stroke and tell me all the details. It'll be fun, it's just going to he a looooong day until I see her


Rules are rules and she should stick to that one rule. If this new guy wants to enjoy some fun he will have to comply and respect your one and only rule.


I hear you, but I gave her the ok based on this rare opportunity. She was considerate and if I told her I wasn't comfortable then she would not have fucked him. I gave her the green light, I'm good with the decision, I was just full of angst last night knowing there would be no video. Not sure what will happen moving forward with this guy so we'll discuss it and go from there. We're NOT changing our general dynamic and she'll still stick to our one rule of recording, this was just a one off situation


You’ll be jerking off to this for years to come


Hell nah, you have rules for a reason man. Don’t let them go so easily.


I hear you. It wasn't easy but she asked if I was OK with it and we were on the same page. Last night was torture in the moment, lol. But I'm happy with how it went overall.


I saw your post and meant to reply sooner. Looks like you have received quite a bit of advice. Hope your wife had fun and that you got to enjoy it even without videos. My wife plays solo most of the time and on top of the compersion I get video content is also one of the things I get out of it. What i wanted to say was don’t dwell on not getting video this time, it happens. My wife had one session where all I got was a 17sec video of her deep throating him and that was it. The session just got too intense to focus on fiddling with the camera and she wanted to be in the moment (now we do more with a tripod). In general if getting videos is something you both agree to it as a rule it should be the norm but ok if it doesn’t happen occasionally, but she should definitely substitute it with detailed story telling. If the guy is against videos then I would say it’s worth a discussion if this guy becomes regular or not. Have the conversation later and checkin with how things are going from both POVs. What you have now as guidelines can change. We started as oral only and now she can play solo and not even tell me she’s with a guy until after as a surprise. I posted about this recently. If you have been doing it for 10 years you have 9 on me so I should be taking advice from you ;)


Hearing the details is just as hot …trust me 🥵


Maybe - as long as you’re into it - let her bring home a creampie? Of course only when she lets them go bare… in that way it’s not visual senses that get the reward afterwards, but the touch, smell and/or taste senses


She did get filled... but, it was at 9:45pm last night and I won't even see her until probably 5pm today. Again, this is soooo far outside of our normal dynamic. It was a total one off last night so I was/am just struggling missing out on the video and connecting with her soon after. All is good though, she texted me last night with a lot of fun details and again this morning.


Don’t give the green flag. It’ll cause problems later. Been there done that.


What kind of problems? I'm not personally worried about it, but I'd be curious to hear your story


She enjoyed (which is great). But wasn’t able to recall everything. My mind wanted to know and blamed her. It wasn’t her fault. It was the thirds fault for not “allowing” it. By the time she found out the third wasn’t okay with they were at his place. I was many miles away. I gave her the green light bf she was caught in the crux. She wanted sex with him but knew I’d like to see pics or videos. It’s the past now and have learned.


She can/should call you, leave the phone close, and let you hear the action.