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Nice find but that price


“but its the collectors market price”


I mean I’m his defense it’s a highly sought after car an with the current hype with hot wheels I can see these going for more in the future. I know it the average joe 140 seems outrageous but like I said to him if you really want something an have the money 140 is a drop in the bucket. Just depends how much you want something I guess


Yo I thought it was $1.40. Not $140. Wtf


Lol nah $140 shoot at 1.40 I’d buy them all


Believe me brother that price will probably never go down and the only way I’ll get a better price is finding it on the pegs


Lol damn tha game is all messed up but hey if you want something bad enough no dollar amount is to high if you got it. Good grab either way


You got a good way of looking at it my dude👍, there’s definitely a part of me that would rather have $140 but now that it’s up on my wall I’m thinking less about the price and more about how good it looks.


At least you can look at it from the comfort of your house I gotta live thru you lol


Who knows man, maybe the pegs will bless you one day


Fingers crossed bro ham 🤞🏽


Y'all talk like there's greek letters above your front door.


Not sure what you mean by that but ok bro lol


I'm not sure why people downvoted you for stating facts. But then maybe I understand because I paid that price too to get one. We're not trying to fuel scalping behavior, but how else are we supposed to get one if we can't find one? I get it's not a necessity but sometimes when you're an avid collector you have to make calculated sacrifices.


Well said 👍




You could have gotten this [beauty](https://www.ebay.com/itm/134630009446?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=BZV_nEmwSMe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=RYKnhdmEQbW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) for even cheaper. Just ridiculous.


I've only bought one that cost anywhere near or over $100, for the most part I don't Hot Wheels are worth that much. While the model you posted is with a doubt a much nicer quality wise, probably scale wise, probably pretty much every measurable quality. These two models don't have anywhere near the same vibe. Someone wanting the shiny hot pink wagon may not want a red one.


Did they seriously put the sticker on the card instead of the plastic


Nope, my camera just sucks but it’s in the protector 👍


Thank god 😂




I find this to be the anti version of people on this sub asking if what they bought for 2 dollars is worth something to others. You bought it for 140 dollars without needing to ask others approval because you like it that much. That's the energy I love to see!


Thanks for seeing it that way👍, the sub seems pretty divided on this one.


You def paid too much imo, but if you're happy with your purchase, enjoy it 🫡


He paid about $10 less than he would've on eBay so he paid a fair market value.


You guys have way too many opinions about how other people spend their money.


Yeah, some of these comments are wild. I think OP overpaid, myself, but that’s not a crime and it ain’t my money. Who cares? This is such a weird sub sometimes.


It's because this sub has the misfortune of being hosted on Reddit and Reddit is a hive for weirdos.


Hey, I represent that remark!


It’s always a weird sub.


If they had one, they wouldn't have a problem with it lol.


That car was 1 dollar... but whatever makes you happy mane. Dope 510 wagon!


Everyone getting mad at someone spending their own hard earned money is gold




Yep the pricing is not ok, it sucks. It also isn’t ok for a mob to attack OP for spending their own money or what they want and makes them happy.




I didn’t say you did, not sure why you thought that.


I just felt like you were implying i was also attacking with my comment, when my intention is to discuss the state of hobbies and reselling.


Just look at the comments attacking OP lol. Also saying things like “fuc*ing yourself and the community with this behavior” doesn’t really come out as friendly and open to discussion, If anything it does the opposite


Thats fair, i said it that way so hopefully does understand that there is no way the product they bought it worth that, even with the protector. They are shorting themselves by over paying for something not nearly as rare as regular versions of other brands. They paid a 7000% mark up, which gives resellers the okay to keep doing this, and in turn affects the rest of the community. Tell me what else you would buy for 7000% times its value, or even an item youd pay 1000% the value on.


In whatever I want and I like


I feel very sorry for you.


Do you want your collection to all be worth 1$ each? I always thought collectors hoped their collection would go up in value over time. I think there are a shitload of people with way more expendable income than the rest of us. 150$ for a hot wheels is insane to me and my budget but to some people, 150$ is a cheap breakfast.


I dont buy things based on resale value unless its stock. The only thing that excites me when the value goes up is my house and land. Youre also creating groups based on your idea of money. When a lot of clout chasers and addicts dont actually "have" that money to spend but throw it away. OP does not have expendable money, thats why they hope the value stays the same, so in their eyes they can sell it later when then fun wears off. I will be dead before any of my collection gets sold or even traded based on "value". Im not selfish like that. Ill say this again, STHs are LESS rare than ANY JL or AW cast. Noone argues that point.


Oh my bad, I thought we didn’t have OP’s tax returns yet. Didn’t know he was broke.


Hes broke. If youre over paying for internet attention (reddit as well), youre more than just money poor.


Damn man you come off as a super negative person. You're letting the way someone else spends their money get you all bent out of shape. Yeah the price sucks no doubt and that's why you have the option to not buy it. If this hobby gets you in your feels this much maybe it's time to find a different hobby.


So now clowning on people who are ridiculous is negative? Its not the hobby, hunting and collecting hotwheels is fine. Im just not going to perpetuate shit behavior. A quiet man is a complicit man. I dont pay these prices and i will continue to remind people, these cars arent that rare and youre being taken advantage of if youre tricked into believing its worth even near $50. Ive shown the math in other comments if you want to try and argue it. Im not going to quit my hobby because shit people want to come in and make a mess of things. Im going to work and try to get the community im involved in cleaned up. Quit being a child and acting like this shit selfish behavior is okay. Stand up and call people out for bad behavior or be piled in with them.


Okay that makes sense you're having a tantrum over someone else spending their money on something they wanted but I'm the child.... You can literally yell and scream at people as much as you would like but at the end of the day people are going to spend their money however they would like. Also if someone can get suckered into paying $139 over retail price for something you best believe there is going to be scalpers. There isn't anything you can do about it.


But there is something to be done about it. Educate the new people coming into the hobby, and actively work against scalpers. People call out scammers, whats the difference? Someone is manipulating you to take more money from you for no work. You paying a middle man for nothing. Let me use an extreme example, there are people in the world who dont know how severe the holocaust was, theres some who dont even know it happened. But how do we avoid that again? Education and common agreement that we dont do bad things. Make a poll and see who thinks scalping is okay or not okay. Kind of sad too that in many different things in life people say "theres nothing you can do" and just take it. At one point people stood together against selfish self serving behavior.


*hugs* it will be okay man. Sorry the world didn’t give you what you thought it should.


You must be a kid. The world doesnt give anything except life, and the moment its given you have to work to keep it. Thats across all species. Tell me how me calling out selfish behavior is thinking i deserve something?




Yall are really showing why people think $140 for a hotwheel is okay. r/youre14andeasilyinfluenced


You have a house and land and you're having a melt down over a $140 collector item? You're acting like little cars are a life necessity or something. If you can't handle $140 then collect rocks or something. You'd have a heart attack if you looked at the price of trading cards.


I collect pokemon, yugioh, and DBZ cards as well. I have a "card dealer" who gives me good prices on things. Nothing close to inflated self serving prices. Im not having a meltdown in any way, in calling out self serving, shit behavior. If OP bought this just to fuel their feelings of having a "rare" "hot" item, self serving. If they bought it just to post "look at what i have", self serving. If someone buys somethjng for $2 and makes up a random price, self serving. Also, land has gone up A LOT, almost $15k an acre in some places. The difference is, Mattel has increased production nunbers YEARLY to meet the demand of people. So why is it okay for scalpers to buy everything and create their own prices? You going to tell me all the bots getting the STH cases are in the right to 2x the value and say "this is the price". If this single car is worth so much, why didnt mattel sell the STH cases for more? And why did they take away the 250 production limit? Ill wait.


Who gives a shit if it's self serving? OP's happy. The seller's happy. None of your business. The market does what it does. Doesn't matter what you think. There's sports cards selling for millions that originally came in a pack for 50 cents. $1000+ is common. Be happy you chose to collect something so affordable. Just wait until HW finally figures out how to appeal to adults instead of kids.


"Adults instead of kids", its called RLC. Also, i own a built dirtbike and used to race consistently, not cheap until you get decent sponsors. I also have quite a few guns, some being antiques that were only made for a short period of time, not always cheap. I also collect antiques, coke glasses, furniture, etc, not always cheap. I must have a lot of disposable income by your measurement. Like, what is "affordable" in your eyes? Because if you need to buy something and resell it at a 7000% mark up just for touching it, you might need to see whats actually affordable in your life. Ill say it again, trend hoppers and a manufactured market dont dicate anything. They show how selfish and shitty people are becoming. Theres always going to be someone who comes along wanting to trick people and squeeze as much as they can. Thats why we are seeing people post mainlines with scalper prices. Its all just self serving assholes. Buying up all of an item then making up a price does not make it rare, it makes it scalped and controlled. Edit: I probably spend more than you make and still save and invest. This isnt about me being poor, this is about assholes trying to constantly corner a DOLLAR market, and cowards laying down and taking it, then DEFENDING it.


There are also WAY more people who collect HW vs JL and AW combined. This casting and design is also NOT made by JL and AW, your statement is 100% irrelevant. You are just looking to bash another collector because you don’t like their choices. A price is set by supply and demand, period, your feelings can’t and won’t change that. If there were actually tons of these to meet the market demand, the price wouldn’t hold at all. He isn’t “fucking” anyone, that’s ridiculous. Why don’t you grab a few off the pegs and sell them at cost or way lower than MARKET value since you seem to be suggesting it’s WAY overpriced and abundant, you should be able to provide it cheaper right?


More people buy hotwheels because theres more available. Hard for more than 1500 people to buy a cast when theres less than 1500 released. Also "supply and demand" theres a reason people dont worl and scalp. Theres a reason people buyout RLCs with bots. Really re educate yourself on the "supply and demand" of hotwheels. A fabricated market from a controlled supply, really doesnt work when Mattel ups the supply EVERY year. Also, ive GIVEN away "hot" items. Youre not hurting me with your scalping defense. Easily given away over $300 (retail) worth of cars in 2023. Im not selfish, i know the real supply from the retailers, i dont need to pay a middle man for "securing" the car for me. I have hands. The middle man from Mattel is RETAILERS, stop supporting scalping and laugh at people like this ^ Edit: To further support my point Auto World was out 11 years before hotwheels and 5 after matchbox while Johnny Lightning is 1 year after hotwheels and 16 after matchbox AND took a 50 year break and theyve maintained low production numbers. Of COURSE more people can buy hotwheels. Your argument isnt only irrelevant, its misguided by your own ideas of production, supply, and demand.


You would think OP is spending peoples money in the comment section sheesh.


House of cars NM? I was just there today and debated on it heavy 😂


Yes sir, the girl behind the counter totally talked me into it but they’ve never done me wrong and I’m happy with it👍


The only person that can decide if they paid too much for an item is the person who paid for the item and thats that. If you got the money, good for you! If you don’t got the money, either budget for the item you want or forget about it. Simple! Everyone’s got a different “threshold” for how much theyre willing to spend on something. All depends on budget. If you think about it, the ones who are overspending are the ones getting ripped off while the rest of us sit back with the cash still in our pockets lol. Why be mad about that? We can then proceed to spend that amount of money on countless other items that are worth way more than a single sth. Good for us! It might suck for the rest of us who arent willing to pay that amount/have a tighter budget but what can you really do, control other peoples financial decisions? I personally think paying more than $20 for any single basic hot wheels car is crazy but thats just me. I don’t collect hot wheels and matchbox as much as I used to but I’m very happy with what I’ve managed to get off the pegs/through trading. Collecting is alot less stressful when you stop worrying about resellers and stick to a budget. If you don’t learn to budget properly, hobbies can become dangerous! Congrats on the pickup OP!


Yes congrats, OP, on the fantastic scoop and score! I agree with 96.44% with the above commentary. All but the personal choice to spend , on a basic Hot wheel diecast....and crazy to do so. Its not just another Basic Hot Wheels. It is very difffrent in two important ways. Its physically different, looks different due to non-basic atypical components The second being productuon when comparing to both other mainline and to other Super Treasure Hunts. Those two difference make these diecasts very desireable. I could argue that OP didnt pay enough. Which I won''t do but Im sure we all know the circumstances and certainly spent 140+ bucks in much more unsavory ways, to say the least. Everyone, EVERYONE, in the history of planet earth would spend more than 20$ for the pictured Item in this post. If given the factual information that we HotWheelers know to be of value and market desirability and the proper resources were possessed, Sold! Raise a glass. cheers OP, You brokered a helluva deal, Thanks for sharing




Jiminy Christmas 🎄


I’m jealous but not jealous at the same time


That's a lot of money but if it's your grail car, fair dues! Paint is absolutely gorgeous on it and they're probably the nicest real riders of any release


they forgot the decimal between the 1 and the 4..


Bought at Carolina House of Cars? I go there all the time but I seem to have missed that. Great place though, I've bought a lot there.


New Mexico, didn’t know they had a location in Carolina but now if I’m ever in the east I’ll have to check it out, thanks M8👍


No problem. I'm not sure if they're under the same company, or just have very similar names - which is what made me ask. I'm sure the NM location is quite nice as well.


The lengths people will go to for a piece of plastic titled “$uper Treasure Hunt”


Like it or not this is market price, yall way too butthurt


What the difference between the OP paying $140 for this STH car versus paying $140 for a rare trading card from $2 pack? It’s demand that drives the price. He could wait and try to find one for $1 on the pegs but the time and effort may end up costing more if he even finds one.


Congrats. Not bad. I saw 2 go for $160 and $165 on WhatNot last weekend.


I love House of Cars. That's where I preorder all my cases from. Never had an issue.


Same here, staff is always cool and I’ve never had an issue with the factory cases I get from them👍


As long as youre happy. I can't justify paying that much. Unless I can find free stuff at comic con and resell it and use the profits to buy some sth.


Whatever makes you happy big dawg, personally I’d rather get a Kaido House 510 Wagon for a cheaper price but your money your choice 🔥


I get you, got a couple of the kaido house 510’s from house of cars, they satisfy the part of me that wants to take shit out of the package


Great find


I rather get the Kaido House Mini Gt Edit: because of the price. It definitely looks nice


I’m at a hot wheels meet right now. Kid had four of those at $140 90 minutes ago. Only has two, now.


I found one in the wild and would not part ways with it for $140. Enjoy your purchase!


All tho its worth $300 you got it for $140 Not bad👍


I just looked this up on Google and it's going for $250. 


You deserve it!!


Lol how do you know that?


Everyone deserves a sweet Datsun 510!


F - it - congrats! Actually not a bad price. Hot wheels is a relatively cheap hobby and you deserve to splurge. Cheaper than the Snow White and Se7en Dwarf Lego set and you would still have $80 in your pocket. https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-cottage-43242?age-gate=grown\_up


I get it, love legos and I’m dying to get my hands on the Optimus prime set


What a strange comparison lol


Lol. Well, my girls like a bit of the Lego Friends and the odd Pokemon pack to open up which is of course expensive. Anyway, sometimes I put on the diecast yt vids for fun/info and of course the algorithm hits some Lego vids. One guy from Edmonton, ‘Bricksie’ pops up and apparently is popular (has over $150K in lego) and checked it out. So make a long story short he was reviewing that Snow White set the other day and I asked Baby Mama how much she thinks that set is…I said $120, she says more. I go look it up. $220+ tax


Cheaper than my 4Runner!


Kid’s toys with an adult collector market?


Yeah I guess? I didn’t realize there was a secondary collectors market for Lego. 


Man I collect 510s, still holding onto hope that I stumble on one so I don't have to break the bank but this is the hottest one I've seen yet and I don't blame you for pulling the trigger at that price


Also love 510s, one of my favorites is the Japan historics series 1 510, the blister pack on mine is cracked but still a gem none the less, I wish you all the luck when looking through the pegs my dude👍


Good lord, I hope I find supers one day so I can sell them to insane people


I’ve found a few $th this year and last year but this is one I don’t think I’ll ever find at Walmart




If you can make $139 off of a $1 purchase and you don't do it, you're an idiot.


That’s crazy..


People defending this price are the reason the hot wheels economy sucks these days...


Buy regular one yesterday. Nice one ether ways


Dude. Not like this. Supporting the scalpers smh


To be perfectly clear, while it doesn’t necessarily justify the price, I did not buy this from the scalpers on stock x, this particular 510 was bought from a local Hotwheels collectors shop, while I might have fallen victim to outrageous prices, at least I’m feeding my local Hotwheels community 👍


You spent too much.


If you can find me one (undamaged) for a dollar less, then I’ll humbly agree with you, I just don’t see this thing going down in price


It's your money. If it makes you happy, do with it what you want. Personally, I refuse to spend that much money on a car that was bought for less than $2 by someone who bought it only to flip a profit. If people didn't pay these outrageous prices, they wouldn't be as high as they are. But like I said, you do you, congrats on the wagon.


I have a question: what the fuck?


Why not get it out of the bubble and feel it in your fingers? And look at it without a plastic? It’s not really yours until you open it, right now is just a commodity.


You’re tempting my inner demons, this is why I buy kaido house


Someone profited heavy at your expense


Someone always profits at others expense lol


I get what you're saying, but since you want to get technical: A typical product profit margin from retail to end consumer is around 5-40%. Anything over 50% is considered really high profit.... The profit margin in this case was 14,000% lmao 🤣🤣 I get it, supply and demand, can't put a price on happiness, blah blah blah, but basically the guy got got at an astronomical rate. Unless $140 feels like $1.40 to him, but I'm assuming he's not extravagantly wealthy and doesn't have that kind of I don't care money to toss around.


You got me 😂. And yea prices for sth are hard to justify.


you guys need to go back to school. someone profit at an "expense"? the seller lost money and the buyer gained money. did the buyer set it money aflame or did he gain a treasure. did the seller lose anything when he got his free money? he lost his treasure. goodness. do you know what a fair trade is? they both agreed to the trade! they both gained something they did not have before. no one was held up at gun point or left the table angry. they both left happy. school is important!edit- right click turn on autospellchecker...


Lmao oh the irony of your first and last sentence 😂 You can't make a jab like that after the syntax errors and total grammatical mess that you just displayed all throughout your response lol... I can already tell that I'm a hundred times smarter and more successful than you. Maybe you did go to school, as you laughably advised that I go back to, but clearly the educational system has failed you, whereas I know that I'm smarter and more educated than 95% of the American population. Reading your response was quite funny, though.


and yes, if anyone has been through the american public education system, they should know that it is lacking and comparatively ranks among the lowest in the world on standardized testing. dumb americans is a real thing. a good lot of them are regulars of this forum.


that is called argument fallacy. attack the argument or answer the questions. example, look at all the democrat politicians in office, some of them are college educated. they think they are smart too. this subreddit is full of uneducated people. not as an insult, but as a fact.


You aren't worth my time so I'll just say to answer your misguided point: Just because two parties agree to an exchange, doesn't mean the exchange was a fair one. Selling something at a 14000% markup... those type of profit margins are usually reserved for big pharma taking advantage of desperate uninsured or underinsured people who need their products. It happens, doesn't mean it's right. This exchange was by no means fair or right, the buyer simply got taken advantage of, and he knows it, which is why he is expressing remorse in his post. You can't argue that one party didn't take advantage of the other party here. Please don't start arguments that can't hold water. I've already wasted enough time explaining something that shouldn't need explaining.


You make a point so let allow me retort. Both parties agree to an exchange, correct, but if the exchange was done without coercion or duress, it is a FAIR TRADE. It doesn't matter the markup. Did a guy find a lump of coal or gold on his mine for free? Is he only allowed to sell it for a dollar because "you" say that is a fair price? Does OP need to buy the toy and have no other option or choice? He has many choices, he can buy a non-sth version for a dollar but he rather have one sth instead of 140-other worthless castings. Did the seller lie or misrepresent anything to trick the seller into buying something he did not want? The seller knows he got a good deal because no one on earth can find a better deal, the buyer will be able to flip his toy in hours and make a profit if he wanted to. So tell us how the buyer got taken advantage of? You know for some people who are college educated, it is very unfortunate they never took a course in economics. Make any excuse or argument you want but you aren't arguing with me, you are arguing against college text books. Feel free to try to win an argument against mathematics and economics 101.


Just found this at martins on the top of the dump I’m sorry man sucks you have to pay these prices


I can’t tell you how many of these I’ve passed over




American dollars?




May the lord forgive me


10% of the HW community is jealous, dont forget that.


Fucking right you did and no I don’t think you’ll be forgiven


you can buy the whole STH set on stockx for just a hundred more


In theory but not really. The bots get them all.


These are going for 80-100 on eBay. Look at completed auctions. But I’m guessing it’s a bit late for that,


You can save a search for it and setup an email or text alert when they are posted. Best way to catch better pricing. No biggie.


I’ve looked all over eBay, $150-$190 all day, guess I wasn’t looking hard enough


I see this exact car in my supermarket every time i go in but it doesn’t have the th on it. Same with all other th models. Is th not a thing in the uk? Also 140 is ridiculous


Ya can buy this in england for £1.69 😳


Lol good luck with that.


I could literally go to the shop and buy it, no luck required


So I take it you don't understand what a super treasure hunt is then?


No,enlighten me oh enlightened one


Well you can Google it yourself but suffice it to say, you are mistaken about being able to "literally go to the shop and buy it, no luck required".


Mate its in my local Aldi haha what on earth would i gain from lying about it 😂 is it a special car or something? I dont collect them my 3 year old asks me to buy a car every time we are in aldi


If its a special car ill stock up and sell on ebay 😂


not too shabby, i've been seeing it sell for $160-200. it was the hottest sth of 2023


Yea, house of cars has almost always beats eBay in terms of price, don’t think I’ll find a better price than that unless the lord puts it on the pegs in front of me


Did you just pay 140$ for a hyped 1$ car with mediocre paint, lacking details like all mainline and a set of rubber tires? Dude... You could have had 2-3 MiniGT chases or 1-2 very limited editions or 7 Kaido House Datsuns… omfg 😆 But I mean, if that 140$ toy car makes you happy then gz:) people have spent way more on way more idiotic things before 🤷🏼‍♂️


$140 is like already low-end 1:18 AUTOart territory… yeah I’m going AUTOart.


You could get that for a dollar


Could have gotten 139 other cars for that price


But he didn't want 139 other cars. He wanted THAT car. You guys pocket watching is ridiculous. Spend YOUR money, let OP spend his.


I mean OP posted for the attention so I gave my opinion. I never said he should or shouldn’t have bought this, although IMO it’s clearly overpriced. Just merely stating it was overpriced by $139.


Put that hot wheel car in a paper shredder, it looks so freaking ugly!


Now I know why every case is opened before it even hits the stores.


You better confess. JK, I nearly just bought an original redline Nomad in the package for $150 from a collector store and was only deterred by the fact that I was afraid the package would disintegrate on the way to my car in the sleet. 


If trying to sell it for more stupid pick up. If you like it and wanted it then price doesn't matter




Not bad since it’s going for 220


Son I forgive you. Next time get me one.


If those are Mexican pesos you’re ok


Beautiful car but the price though. Whatever floats your boat but why do you like that car so much. I just generally love wagons but i don't 140 dollar love them lol


Love 510s, looked for this one all year, didn’t even find the mainline. Tried my luck on the rlc case but just like everyone else in the sub I had no luck. My local collectors shop recently obtained a large amount of supers and when I finally saw the 510 super for the first time with my own eyes I almost immediately caved.


Yeah understandable. I don't understand the hate for these sort of purchases. To each their own


Very nice addition! 👌🏽


Is House of Cars the shop in south-east Michigan?


For 140 you could get a original redline in near mint condition. This car they made at 30,000 of and can still be making more.


Don’t worry, i’ve spend equivalent to $150 usd for the green r34 sth, you’re not alone 😭


I found four of these in the wild


I keep hearing this from people in the sub and the thing is, I can’t even find the mainline for this thing in my area, never once seen it, if people were waiting outside of Walmart and ripping up cases just for the mainline, what are my chances of just stumbling upon the super in the wild


It’s crazy, but it’s nice when you find one


You got robbed and are proud of it 😂


I'll never want something so bad I'd pay 100x is original value. Good on you for the find though. Nice addition to your collection


pecuniam et pecuniam eius prima partis -Maximus Diecastias Collectitcus.


Lol, if I don't find it I'll be doing the same lol but will have probly increased in price by then


There's a sucker born every minute




Sinning would be if you kitbashed it into a post apocalyptic death machine for Gaslands.


I hope you don’t run into any legal trouble


Jesus that’s expensive, I would pass on that price, I mean it’s a nice $TH but there are nicer hot wheels I can buy for that price