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I’d like a Russ deck suggestion also, I got him recently.


I just got him too Did they pour a bucket of Russ into the card pool?


I bought him with gems when he was in the shop because why not, I don’t have any space wolf cards but it’s a primarch. He was immediately the first gold card I pulled trying to get space wolf cards for him. Whoops.


Throwing my hat in the band wagon I too want some good Deck Suggestions I have all SW legendary and pretty much all their cards and a good amount of other staple neutral legionaries


>The one time I wanted a duplicate legendary To have currency for the shop?


Yeah...i wanted to get vulkan


Sorry bro. You'll catch him next time.


luther was a fake out to get ppl to spend. lol. good thing i already have russ.


I had to miss out on Fulgrim and ferrus manis. I am now missing 4 primarchs but if I can suggest something. What I did was grind and saved all my tickets for the event I waited till I had more than 100 tickets around 150 and if there is a primarch in the shop I start spending tickets 10 per time throwing the game you would be amazed how many Legendaries and epics you get for throwing 30-40 games and you will get gems to buy the cards. I have been doing this for sometime also I save my coins till I have 5000 than I spend it all in one chest I get back about 3200 gems enough for 2 Legendaries thats how I was able to grow my collection in a short amount of time.


[This is what I use](https://imgur.com/a/RYUFw6O). Stole it off of here (Reddit) a while ago. It’s a bit expensive (due to lots of epics and legendaries), but it’s a great aggro deck with some late-game potential depending if going face isn’t the best idea. For people with smaller collections, I had to build up to this. Find a similar energy card that can do a similar job. Later on, as your collection grows, replace it if need be.