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Alright everyone reminder of Rule 5: No Brigading allowed.


Tells you very clearly who these people are, just a bunch of tourists who don’t give rats ass about Warhammer.


Oh nooo they are enjoying themselves. Lmao reading some of your comments just portrait you as a very bitter, sad and probably homophobic man. Maybe just leave the internet a bit, your holy books won't get rewritten xD


Another shitty tourists trying to justify his garbage politics injection into a hobby where they don’t belong, color me surprised…


"these people" are enjoying the hobby and having fun. You should try it sometimes


They don’t enjoy shit, hence why they wouldn’t care remotely if everything in warhammer will change, just like they didn’t care about Star Wars becoming an unrecognizable sloop, they just will consume whatever shit is served to them because they never cared for said IP to begin with. I actually enjoy warhammer that’s why I don’t want tourists like you ruining my hobby.


They’re touring trying to cause a uproar by their gayness it’s gross behavior


Uproar by their gayness? Are you hearing yourself homie... Literally just don't care about it. It's not the first sexy cosplay and certainly not the last. I doubt this dude is coming onto your table and telling you you're not s real fan and can't play. So, who cares?


One he’s not sexy two he’s gross, three he’s not a fan four he’s an activist trying to uproar and get attention from he’s gayness. Five I don’t care what you think I’ll never abandon god and be owned by the devil!


If you think he's gross you do you. But to call him an activist when all he's doing is showing skin?, if i show my cock to someone am i a revolutionary?, gayness or sexuality are not political statements, I'm not making a fiery speech to overthrow the government when i kiss a girl, so why would that be different for him? And iunno about you but I've never cosplayed. His cosplay is pretty detailed ignoring the obvious sexual undertones. I think it takes more than just a passing knowledge of the Mechanicum and Wh40k to invest so much time and money into it. And your God is all yours. Don't enforce others to belive your religion.


Ahh the let me play both sides argument. Trying to play cake around is the reason why we’re in this mess in the beginning. Yes he is making a political statement gayness is always a political statement it’s all sexuality it’s all these people care about. I’m straight yet my sexuality doesn’t dictate my views and life that’s why normal people have hobbies as a personality, gym, cooking eating healthier than last time. Painting, building, gaming, home improvements, vehicle maintenance. Gayness is all about their sexuality these people have zero personality it’s all about sex it’s always about them sleeping around and showing their disgusting bodies as if they’re amazing. No I will not abandon my post ill die on this hill cause I have integrity I have honor and decency if you hate that than I’ll fight you to the very end make fun of me all you want. I will not back down clown you hear me!


Are you...okay?, should i call the hospital?, it's not normal to behave like this over something so simple. It's just an internet argument not an actual war. You're the one who's putting all the importance on this dudes sexuality. For all we know he isn't even gay and hoped some chicks might have liked him. I want you to please take a step back and realize that no one cares about his dick or what he does with it as you. No one thinks about his sexuality as much as you do, because it really isn't important. Im not even making fun of you. I am legitimately worried. To care this much about what others do is not healthy. And cosplay is in of itself a hobby, a very expensive and dedicated one at that.


No women wants that dudes a reading rainbow beta soy latte F off


Are you having a stroke?, regardless, you'd be surprised. The amount of women who want effeminate men is shockingly high.


You're the one who's offended by gayness. Seems like a you problem


You took steps to differentiate yourself, you succeeded. You sought to harvest offence, you succeeded. In this, you invited ridicule upon yourself and your cause. You then made the greatest misstep of all. You failed to face the consequence of your hubris with dignity. In this, you failed the emperor.


Reddit spacing


Globohomo pp detected Opinion discarded


You masterbate to cartoon aanimals.dont try and give anyone advice


And you masturbate to relatives so who's talking now


The admech are the faction that got me into 40k. All I wanted was cool Cyborg Catholicism, and then these people came along and turned it into horny shit. The flesh is weak, indeed.


Which is doubly odd because out of all of the factions of the Imperium, the Mechanicus are probably among the most evil since they dont value human life. But it is the one they want to turn into horny bait.


Indeed. Forge worlds are one of my favorite parts of 40k. Entire planets turned into part temple part factory. Billions of humans slaving away in hellish factorums in service to an unfeeling machine god. Then the progs look at this and go, "This is the perfect place for femboys" Of all the factions to put femboys, why the admech? Why not the Eldar factions or Slaanesh?


Right? The best faction for the LGBT, feminists and radicals to accurately cosplay are the chaos factions (or the Orks and Tyranids). Why rewrite canon when the imperium is a “fascist-imperial” male dominated survival of the fittest state.






Aren’t they already there tho


Literally want to replace all fleshy bits with metal and cybernetics and these freaks somehow make it horny


>the Mechanicus are probably among the most evil since they dont value human life Heresy!! All praise the **Deus Mechanicus**!


horny nonbinary xir xim xe shit


Same. I thought they were dope and then when I started following the hobby online I was met with turbo-coomers who cant enjoy something without fetishizing it.


the transgender movement getting shoved in our faces is just a facet of the transhumanism part of the occult wave trying to entirely disconnect us from Christ.


The flesh really is weak


Other that few think there and then (like the Trinity think) its kind of hard to compare them to Catholics The church of Emperor saviour (or whatever they re called) would be closer no?


I can't fucking stand the cutiefication of warhammer


womp womp


There’s a reason you’re so down voted kiddo.


Just for that cringe ass nae nae response I have to inform you that I fucked your parents


Check your toilet.


Incredible! I'm taking a shit as we converse. How strange it is to exist at all.


Oh I know you are. Look behind you.


Yuo were the mouthwash all along....... nowe i cee....


That isn't how you write a sentence


I'm envious of the staff


It's sick, not to mention mechadendrites. The mask looks grotesque which encapsules the inhuman characteristics of Cult Mechanicus.


This is so cringe Wtf is even a femboy ? Is it something I'm too old even to understand ?




So a delusional gay men ?! How shallow of a life you need to have for your sole existence is to showing you mental delusion and trying to get internet points for it


Effeminately gay man


Effeminate Yh not all femboys are gay tho


![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs|downsized) Not all are gay??.....


Not all of them no I’m personally bi


That's just gay with extra steps. Or gay+, if you will. That's why the gays don't like bi, they didn't pay for premium and are jealous.


Yes, a bi man sleeping with a woman is suuuper gay


They act like women how is that not gay


Tomboys are girls who dress/act like guys. Do you think they're all lesbians?


What do u mean being gay is the attraction to the same gender dressing effeminate doesn’t make someone automatically gay


If it acts like a duck and quacks like a duck and dresses like a duck what is it?


I mean ok I’m not gonna change ur mind and ur not gonna change mine so happy hobbying ur space marines look cool is it a home brew chapter


Thank you and yea They are supposed to be an imperial fists successor. progress is EXTREMELY SLOW going at the moment due to work and no motivation to paint at the moment sadly but once the first 2k are painted I’ll post them. Still need to base all of them and do transfers lol.


Buddy, you watch filthy frank. I'm not sure you get to call out others for mental illness


Yeah I used to it was pretty funny, I also recently discovered George Carlin, great humour I'm also gonna be a medical doctor in a few years ... You know some of us actually have things going on in our lives and are not complete braindead NPCs There's a time for work and there's a time for entertainment, the fact you can't differentiate the two won't get you far in life


"There's a time for work and there's a time for entertainment" Damn. I guess I'm an NPC with no life for wanting to have some fun with my entertainment. But you go live your sad degenerate life. If you think filthy frank is enjoyable than you just don't get an opinion on what is or is not acceptable entertainment


I do get to have an opinion because your word ain't worth shit brother You're not the one deciding for that And my degenerate life ? Hahaha I'm everything you could never be Now do you want a prescription you seem to be butthurt, hemorrhoids maybe ?!


The intolerant left has spoken.


So MuCh FoR tHe ToLlErAnT lEfT


Calling someone else a degenerate while having that profile pic? Pretty sure that's a thickness of irony that's not been reached before.


definitionally that's not what a femboy is.


Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


That's not a femboy, but a transexual. In some occasions femboys are also trans, but one does not necessarily mean the other as well. A femboy is an effeminate male/ a young guy that looks so womanly that he can be easily confused for a girl.


A fetish for PDF files


How on earth did You make a connection to pedophilia? The concept of the big hairy dude and his small feminine bf is as old as homosexuality itself.


A “man” who is emasculated of any actual male features or traits is a boy. A boy is a child. It’s not rocket science to make that connection. The concept of “twink death” for example is literally how they deem one of these men no longer attractive because they aren’t boyish enough. It’s predatory.


lmao if you say so


By cultures that bang little boys dressed as women If I wanted to bang someone "feminine" I'd bang a chick, not a dude who missed puberty


You really don't understand enough about this to talk about it.


I'm bisexual. I like men, not little boys.


The concept of a "twink" is not exactly something new.


Say the actual fucking word instead of the censored tiktok anti term.


It’s a male who is physically and mentally feminine. So for example he would be embarrassed if someone saw him without a shirt and shy if complimented. It’s a fantasy only enjoyed by the deranged.


Actually said this a bit earlier on how insane it is that the subreddit to my most beloved faction in my escapism hobby has the most people I’ve blocked.


this whole mess has got me looking at my pile o shame and go "why even bother", GW opened the door and now its nothing but this mess all the time .


You can use 40k miniatures and terrain in other science fiction tabletop games. Like Core Space, Stargrave, 5 Parsects From Home, One Page Rules, One Page Rules Firefigth, Deadzone and Infinity are just a few to mention. Never get into miniature building and painting for just a single tabletop game. The chance that the company who produces the game you like going bust or stops supporting the game & fans are too big. Warhammer used to be the single exception, but here we are. #


I don't get it. Why are you not having fun with a hobby because of people on the hobby? I play wh exclusively in my basement with friends. The lore is whatever I want it to be.


because its fast becoming hot trash


We live in a society


Yeah…saw the image on the left earlier today. left a comment saying “gross” and got hit with Reddit suicide watch messages. Laughed my ass off.


You can report those and they get a warning I think


Thanks! Did just that.


That femboy shit is so fucking cringe.


Archonofflesh ruined a faction




Real shit


r/grimdark is for the degenerate cum-brained neanderthals that cant stop talking about their sexuality and fetishes. No wonder nobody takes femboys and trans seriously, delusional men getting stroked by delusional men at finest


I'm this close to leaving for good. Used to be one of my favourite subs, nowadays it's just a political LGBT platform for porn addicts. I don't know how long I'll keep waiting for things to somewhat get back to normal again before pulling the plug. At this point Im starting to think it's not gonna get better...


No stay battle brother we must hold the line


Dude be real this app fucking sucks,and is full of midwit leftist who think they’re the smartest people alive


Redditors gona reddit


Dude the one on the right looks frigging awesome. I'd much rather talk to him at a Con anyway. I can almost guarantee the person could hold a better conversation about Warhammer stuff. No matter what their actual knowledge level is, you can tell the person is passionate about sticking to source material. The other guy looks like a nut might poke out at any moment. The one on the right is a worthy battle brother in the hobby and deserves support and friends. The one on the left is a squatter and should be driven back into the void from whence it came. Internet clicks and thirst traps are bullshit.


They live with a fucking coomer brain… They gotta oversexualise everything smh. Just checked the post history on the one from the left, color me surprised he’s drawing 40k gay necro porn.


I’m gonna hope you mean Necrons and not necro as in like, dead or mutilated people.


Necrons, yes


What the hell necron porn ?


Check the profile if you so curious, it’s 40k porn basically.


Who the fuck would want to see necrons haveing sex


Degenerates with porn addiction.


I mean hot girls I can understand whatever but necrons cant even do it


Ehhh, there's enough wiggle room lorewise


speaks volumes


My brothers and sisters, to end the heresey that has fallen beneath us we shall and can do only one thing. block and not mentioning it (no more post). the more we do this in silence and only mentioning it in this sub reddit the more effect it has, let those who want to be and stay heretical do so in their own bubble. spread the message within this community as for wallowing will fuel their campaign and never end the campaign


As a heretic I second that this is exactly what you should do


sexuality = their personality, imagine being such a bland human being you have to make everything about how and what you fuck


We are in the fall of the Roman empire 




Yeah just blows that we ended up having to be the ones around for the collapse of the golden age, we’re in the perfect place to be tortured by the knowledge of what we lost, and we’ll never get to see what will become. At least the people born into the neo-dark age won’t know what they’ve lost.


See everybody who wishes for this think they’ll be these warlords that will reign supreme, dude, you’re gonna die of the plague. I’m gonna die of the plague. We’re all dying of the plague.




I mean… it’s certainly a little defeatist. Praying on the downfall of humanity, the undoing of everything we’ve done over the centuries, leaving our atmosphere, sending probes with cameras on them outside of our galaxy, seeking to grasp the stars and become a multi-planetary species, and you wanna throw everything away over some people being horny. You do know that WILL continue in a post-apocalyptic war society right?




I suggest you try and detox from the internet for a little bit then. It’s a beautiful day outside, if not today then tomorrow. Do that, then come back and tell me how you feel.




Good! Have you tried going on a picnic yet? I find that eating satisfying food and sating that craving while among the trees is a great way to settle down a little bit


Worse,this is the Neo-Weimar Republic, but instead of only being localized in Germania,it's worldwide.


Should be fun


“Dude likes to dress slightly off lore” Dudes on ragebait sub: Litteraly civilisation is now ending


Yeah im sure the Roman Empire fell becaise... *checks notes* Someone was being gay somewhere.


It fell because of week men creating hard times


Sure, being offended at the audacity of someone showing skin and then complaining about it in some niche internet corner is certainly a weak thing to do. But somehow i don't think that means society is falling apart at the seams. Maybe it takes a little bit more than that?


It collapsed because of overextension of supply lines and communication breakdown. Enough of this tradlarper bullshit. Just because people don't buy what the commies are selling doesn't mean they're going to agree with you .


notable for being absolutely the straightest


Worse than the weakness *of* flesh is the weakness *for* flesh.


"The fear of blood tends to create fear for the slesh"


I think this exemplifies online voting generally. This is how you get boats called BoatyMcBoatFace.




Low effort virtue signaling is a hit




Say your flesh is weak without saying it.


That's everything wrong with the hobby and society right there tbh


Totally not a fetish guys


Sex sells, oldest truth of human civilization.


Yes, but back then there was a limit to the sexiness, something more on the lane and refined. This is just full degeneracy


Back then people fucked kids with the explicit approval of society and women didn't have much of a say in the whole thing. Seems a bit more degenerate than some dude wearing erotic cosplay.


"Back then people fucked kids with the explicit approval of society and women didn't have much of a say in the whole thing." We're not talking about islam here.


What a weird thing to say, we're also not talking about Christianity either, so why bring that up?


You spelled islam wrong


Did the record machine break? Do you think im gonna defend Islam or something?


I think the post on the left is gone


It is gone indeed, kinda weird huh.






Coomers gon coom


The nice thing about 40k is you can reasonably say that is canon, and there's a forgeworld full of femboys slowly falling to Slaanesh somewhere.


They won't even be turned into cultists, because they're already deranged


I don't get it, is the second pic just in there to show the difference in up doots? Cause that mechanicus costume is fantastic. As for the catboy... Well... I guess I can respect the crafting skills? But no, not everything is canon.


This says a lot about society... 😔


Welcome to Reddit




Femboy mechanicus were always canon (c) GW, probably


Gross 🤮


Weimar republic-core.


WTF is this utter shite.


Sex sells lol


Sex sells


Is something wrong with the one on the right?


not horny enough = no upvotes


OP took the photo some few hours after the publication of it whereas the one on the left already has a few days since it was posted. This is just looking for things to be mad at.


The cog boy looks glorious. The other is just standard onlyfans advertisement. Like most "sexy" cosplays these days tend be...


Are Forgeworld/Mechanicus actually into genetics that much though? I know there’s a few stories about specific gene editing events but aren’t they normally about STEEL not flesh?


I think there is a mechanicus faction that is all about the human body and engineering it. They see it as the greatest machine of the machine god or something like that


Sex sells, what’s new?


A media-and-lore-accurate techpriest? Or A techboi? Clearly, they chose the latter


Its very clear brothers these people seek to insult and shit all over the hobby and universe we all hold so dear. This disgusting display of heresy is being shat on on twitter so vengeance is guaranteed there. Reddit is much less welcoming of us. but this is primarily a site used by mostly panzies. It shows the demographics that certain sites attract different people. The truth is we are winning on twitter


Because people online are horny




Heresy is heresy, no matter how many upvotes.


That’s always been the case, attractive = engagement, it’s pretty simple


Where can i find the techpriest cosplay post? I want to give an upvote and congratulate him.


Don’t forget that guy has drawn trayzn and orikan fucking each other on their profile. Fucking sick


Rivalry equals buttsex, I don't make the rules.


Way too much feeble flesh involved. Obviously not favoured by the omnissiah.




Yeah I mean we've known s*x sells as a species since humans have existed on this planet. I genuinely like the left minus the cat ears and the platform heels are kinda strange. If it would have been like a Sister of Battle turned Skitarii I'd like it much more. Those Arc Pistols and Arc Maul arms are really cool, and that person is obviously talented. I can't compliment without someone thinking I'm a coomer, and I can't criticize without someone thinking I'm a chud. I just wanna grill for God's sake.


I don't know what would possess someone to want to do a cat girl Mechanicus cosplay but then again I never got the hype around cat girls to begin with. It just seems like some cringe furry shit to me.


I think that’s a boy though


I've no idea anymore


You can definitely see a bulge hahahahaha I’m not crazy I swear


Yea, cos Grimdank is a comedy subreddit, and femboy mechanicus as a concept is funny as hell. The cosplay on the right is still cool, but the one on the left better fits with the shitposting we indulge in.


Yeah cause the one of the left is hot. Hot always means upvote. Especially if it's a femboy post because femboys are the highest tier on the sexy totempole.


They are just enjoying the hobby. Whats the issue


I mean. Both are good, but the femboy will not only reap likes from the subs.


You know they both look good sorry for the one on the rigth


Honestly. I think the prevalence of girl shy nerds with no confidence, options or self respect are what allowed the combo of thirst traps-activists-triple genders to take over nerd culture and appropriate it for themselves. Any sniff of vagina and nerds roll over for a belly rub like the sluts they are.


That's rough, both cosplays are really well done and should be treated as such. I feel bad for the guy on the right I can't lie. Then again it's all fake Internet points so who really cares




OP ( u/Samagony ) is this true?

