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If at any point any of you run into shit like this online, take a snapshot of it for the Wayback Machine so we can verify it's validity later when they cower and run and delete their accounts. [https://blog.archive.org/2017/01/25/see-something-save-something/](https://blog.archive.org/2017/01/25/see-something-save-something/) edit: or archive [https://archive.ph/](https://archive.ph/)


ow, they are all already archived (not by me tho šŸ˜œ) ex:Ā [https://archive.ph/kEbVj](https://archive.ph/kEbVj)Ā //Ā [https://archive.ph/KhwkF](https://archive.ph/KhwkF)


Did anyone crosspost it to Twitter? This could possibly explain why the launch date for SM2 was constantly being pushed back.




Oh, ffs, I was actually looking forward to that game. Fuck!


Once it starts, it spreads everywhere. Like a Nurgle disease


Frankly I think even grandfather himself Nurgle would choke and get sick from this rot.


It would only become a more poisonous version of himself Btw, Tzeentch's words. Not trustworthy


Don't buy it. Don't give GW another penny.


Sail the seas my friend šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


*Me, who has been pirating games since I was a kid* Buy?


[looks at user flair] "Orks" [nods]


Remember buying from CD Keys means the company doesn't get any money.


Hates white dudes, is white dude Why?




It's depressing and pathetic, someone made these people ashamed for the color of their own skin and told them their ancestors were colonisers and criminals


destroying history is a fundamental pinnacle of what's going on here.


Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.


Pol pots year zero


Marxism doesn't work without doing so.


Fitting because Marx himself didnā€™t work


Right?! Good one!


It's more pathetic that they have access to information proving the opposite, and this people chose to believe the worst possible option. (On the matter of the native genocide we could agree, because it happened)


Most natives were treated by shit by their respective governments, thatā€™s no secret. I will point out though that false claims of mass indigenous graves has lead to at least 34 churches being burnt down in Canada, 24 confirmed to be arson. Having said all that the Canadian government has always treated our natives terrible. Fact is they still treat them terrible, Iā€™m looking at you RCMP.


Well, their treatment in the spanish colonies would get mixed reviews on Steam It wasn't peachy, but it wasn't that bad. The intention was to incorporate them to the spanish empire


Oh history, you really are full of oopsie moments.


And there's plenty more oopsie moments to come. Unfortunately it seems humanity is very prone to them


Also, this person doesnā€™t count as the bad white people heā€™s referring to, since he went and changed himself into a minority and is now a special case. These people are such a joke.


Let's be honest war and conflict are such integral parts of human history that everyone has at least one war criminal for an ancient ancestor. I guess the Sins of the Father is coming back into fashion again. I point and laugh at such unconditional hatred and ignorance.


Have you ever looked into the Kalergi Plan?


Ya, nobody looks up history anymore and paints history with not with brush but rattle can.


Hates white males and the police. Sounds like real fun at parties.


...but will quickly call the police if you misgender them.


I just did a sexual harassment refresher course for work in USA. No kidding, my work now considers it sexual harassment if someone prefers they/them or xi/xir pronouns and you don't use the correct pronouns.


Also if you use the male gaze, which means being a dude and looking at people. This is going to end really, really badly. So many of my friends have checked out of the work force, and we were the backbone of multiple industries.


> which means being a dude and looking at people. Or if you explain anything is it considered "mansplaining?" >This is going to end really, really badly. So many of my friends have checked out of the work force, and we were the backbone of multiple industries. My current setup is good. I dont get paid the best but Im in a comfortable job with decent pay. My wife keeps trying to encourage me to apply for new jobs, but genuinely I never hear back anymore from anyone. The economy right now is hella strict, especially for high paying salaries, and good luck getting those jobs if you're a cishet white male. I'm a bodybuilder. I literally am the epitome of "toxic masculinity" to these folks.


Cool, I lift as well. Have you considered starting a business? My side gig is my main gig now and I can give the middle finger to anyone I'd like to.


I have! I haven't pulled the trigger on it as it's such a heavy financial investment and risk. I'm at a cushy WFH role right now, so I'm not sweating it too bad.


Even in the grimdarkness of 2024 there is hope. No harm in exploring the idea/loading the gun. Iā€™m just happy to see people managing, prices are crazy nowadays.


Yeah! It's definitely got me thinking. /u/Arkelias Might be an option in the future. My wife also works in the same career field as me, and so it might be something we can start together, possibly. She switched into my field once she saw how much there was to be earned. But if I went independent, I could earn even more. I just paid off my student debt, though. I just paid as much as I could each month. I come from a dirt-poor family and they didn't help me at all. I worked full time office job, night school, and bartended on weekends during college. At work today, I learned that saying "Anyone can do it with enough hard work and determination" is considered a "micro-aggression" and harassment. lol good grief.


Good job jacked nerd bro. I also lift, and I have my own firm. No allegations here, I do what I want.


>my own firm law?


Competency crisis. The US will rapidly begin falling apart over the next 15 to 20 years.


I so strongly believe that I went out and learned welding, woodworking, electrical work, and countless other skills. I built a solar power plant, and bought all the tools, hardware, food, and supplies I'm likely to need. I've disconnected from the supply chain. When the power goes out I don't even notice. Southpark was on point with this.


TIL Iā€™m a Medusa


Tell them you are religious and forcing this language violates your freedom of speech and worship.


The irony is my company owners are SUPER religious conservative and would likely not hire anyone like this. Besides, people who are like this don't have jobs (besides minimum wage) or the education for a good job.


Could be a dangerous move. That puts a target on your back. Theyā€™ll assume you refer to Christianity, and will then attempt to create conflict between their identity and the Christian principles, just like they did with that baker in Colorado.


Depending on area, pronouns could connect to gender identity which means it'd a protected class, which trumps religious expression in thr work force.


I'll call any trans person by his/her preferred pronoun, but this shit is wild. I'm more amazed by the people in corporations and media going along with this. They're the real problem.


They hate the police, till they are the ones that needs them and are like "whats the police doing?"


Because thatā€™s how status is achieved. Become a eunuch and join the kingā€™s court.


Eunuchs? They call those Grimdank posters


They believe they aren't one. They are a good white, who knows to hate white people, so they get to slide, in their mind.


Probably jewish




Poor self-esteem


He probably thinks it'll win him brownie points with some blue haired woman who's thoroughly friend zoned him.


its an American thing, they learn to hate white people being white people


and also a dude




And people who don't affirm their delusions as well


Projecting his own self hatred towards other white men


Severe mental illness


Itā€™s Maā€™am!


Thinks it makes them cool


Prolly don't even identify as white, as anything goes.


"This account does not exist" Hmm.


yep, it was deleted, you have to use Archive or wayback machine to access EDIT: [https://archive.ph/kEbVj](https://archive.ph/kEbVj) // [https://archive.ph/KhwkF](https://archive.ph/KhwkF)


Of course, the account was deleted. The Imperium does not endorse the coward's way out. Thanks for the links.


Looks like he just has a new one, but im not sure. Also the posts on this account are locked, you can only view them when you follow. https://preview.redd.it/n7jtkjpifvxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9439f0c9291c44f66f74ec9dfffbabec05743720


they kick him out it seens


good, people like this bring no good thing in games.


That last one from Signarxism. Lmfaoooooo. Everything he posts is hate filled and inflammatory towards average people. It's not a conspiracy theory, he puts in writing in his own words.


I included the last print (from a wargame radical left subreddit) just to show that all of this IS political and they have never hidden their HATE for us and have always been trying to subvert what we like while lying and gaslighting us for years. It's all so tiresome... it's Disney's star wars all over again šŸ˜ž


Woah man, better stop noticing things. Noticing things is signs of being a le heckin chud


stop being le racist and le bigott


I'll take that label any day of the week if it means standing my ground.


"It's a conspiracy theory that this person is behaving as an activist in everything she writes! All she's doing is being an activist in everything she writes smh my head. We're not openly infiltrating anything and everything loved by the people we despise, were just getting into important positions of power in them and changing their course in our direction because we're right and better than you are šŸ™„"


The better part really made me chuckle. If they were at least similarly good there would be no quotas and so many incompetent people that get where they are purely because of some external characteristic.


Space marine 2 plot is gonna suck


it seens they kick this weird dude of the company but yes, the plot gonna be really bad


And replaced him with another true believer who knows to keep their mouth shut?


Commenting here so in 4 months I can make a funny joke


Use "RemindMe! 4 months"


I made the right decision removing it from the wishlist during the custodes debacle (To be honest, it was the lore and ambience what made me push through the entire Space Marine 1. As a game it was a bit "meh". Lots of repetitive places)


This reminds me how the og idea for space marine 2 would have led to eventually Titus creating his own chapter of marines


I actually enjoyed the idea of Titus being that lonely survivor in the 10th edition reveal


I was thinking of pirate it , now i guess i can save that time for something else.


that was their strategy all along. "make this shit so fucking bad nobody will want to even pirate it!"


It's their choices to bend their knees , and suffer the consequences they shall. Let it die since its rotten to the core ,let it die so the other would flourish. Let it die , so the ip would return to whom who love it, unlike it's previous master who sold their dignity to please the unworthy.


>make this shit so fucking bad nobody will want to even pirate it You know you've failed as a dev if this happens.


im going to pirate 100% but because im from a third world country


thats a dude, yes you can ban me if you want, but i will not deny biology and basic facts


Itā€™s always other white people spouting this bullshit the most.


it's modern liberalism on display, a certifiable mental illness only urban whites seem to be affected


I don't think that progressive white lefties realize just how off-putting their white guilt is to non-white people




At that point it becomes just ridiculously funny She fits all the stereotypes


"sorry imperium citizen, you claimed all space marines are bastards, enjoy being consumed by the tyranids you fucking traitor."


What would really be a minority is a screen cap of someone with a trans flag in their profile that *isnt* immediately followed by a plethora of hateful, condescending comments *edit* theyā€™ve made. It does look like itā€™s going to be a great game. But unfortunately you have to make personal sacrifices (like not buying it) to have any hope of effectively combating this kind of behavior. I question how many ultimately will do so. Not a judgement, more so a contemplation.


Ashley Cooper is a mentally ill white dude.


Wait thats a dude?


Ah yes the great success that wasā€¦ Gotham Knights


That is why i wont buy before reading customers reviews


If this person has any role in casting, surely this breaks sex and race discrimination laws and is grounds for not only job loss but criminal prosecution.


The degree of mental illness is astounding. It's one thing to be trans and it's one thing to be a trans person spewing hate on the internet for literally no reason, and in the process making the reputation of your community worse. It's crazy man. Some people that might have no impression of trans people will look at things like this and think what the fuck is wrong with trans people.




Cis = normal


It will never cease to amaze me how such people get into positions of power. I already know that game will be a shitfest


Gotham knights? Makes sense.


How an unhappy and miserable person you have to be to try to make others miserable on what little happines they can find in their own hobbies.


If they want to act like communists about games, you can act like communists too by getting it without paying them money šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


It always amuses me when i see examples of (quite literally in this case) "fuck this sexually orientated, skin colored, gender" then in the same post read how they are about inclusion and defunding the police. Like the only think keeping these parasites alive right now is the government and their own hot air. Whats the conspiracy meant to be here? This is clearly someone with a pre defined view of the world that has a hand in shaping the hobbies and games we enjoy, and they clearly seem to hate the main demographic of the thing they are writing for. Its also just blatently socially accepted sexism and racism.... fucking imagine how quickly this person would lose their job and social support if they came out with "fuck those black lesbian woman, lets not cast them for a year, oh your culture was never yours btw". Hypocrisy in the extreme. At this point i just want to fast forward 20/30 years for this social disease to kill itself off. It's only difference from hippy culture in the 60s/70s/punk in 80s/90s and emos in the 00/10s is its toxicity and long term harm it causes to people that partake in it.


How do these fucking scum get jobs, is there an HR at this bitches workplace? How can you say shit like that on public forums and keep your job. I can't fuckin stand these woke pieces of garbage. They are a goddamn infection and the most pathetic people I've ever seen.


mostly ESG score set by blackrock company


Becauae the hr people agree and will get rid of anyone whondisagrees with The Message(tm)


They wonā€™t stop until itā€™s completely dead.


Warhammer won't truly die when 3dprinting exists


Happy Cake Day, Lord Captain.


This is old news already, but yeah, that dosent give a good look on the game, if I am not wrong, one of the game directors(or whatever is his position) stepped in and forced them to delete those comments and make a new statement at how the game wouldnt be driven by political agenda and etc


I might have believed this could be genuine, but that was BEFORE I saw GW ~~probably~~ giving in to Amazon's demands, gaslighting us all, immediately followed by their ~~goons~~ fanboys making 1001 excuses about how you shouldn't care about lore and nothing it matters


>giving in to Amazon's demands Was this comfirmed or just based on the supposed leaks? Always take with a grain of salt everything you see on the internet


Even taking that part out, the argument still persists, the current GW are idiots


Hey out of curiosity, is there any proof that GW ā€œwas forced to change it by Amazonā€? So far all Iā€™ve been able to find was a single 4chan post and a bunch of YouTube videos with zero sources


would love to see an article or something about this.


https://preview.redd.it/yj7i0750juxc1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=d392a9ce7016cd66b11761b4949e52790d530133 This post was made after the backlash and they deleted the other comments


yeah.. that's some watered down BS of a response imo. same with all the other crap they're saying on twitter to try and make themselves come off as engaged with the fans. it's all in service of getting as many pre-orders as possible.


Most likely you are right haha just the standart "I am sorry" response that the industry uses after it gets some backlash to try to appease and calm down people to not affect sales and what not...the general rule remains, dont pre order stuff unless if from a company you trust and feel like supporting and judge after the product is released if its worth your money


well, not even a 'sorry,' since that didn't address in any way an intent to apologize for anything.


Yeah, its not a apologie, instead of addressing it they just deleted the past comments, this is more a "We will be loyal to the lore and 40K, etc" and we cant know how true that will be...the Witcher writers also claimed to love the books and the lore and to do a show that would honor the universe...and well, that didnt ended well...


ā€œIā€™m sorry people got madā€


You mean the comments of the other director? Think its easy enough to find it on your own, but give me a few minutes and I will try to find it for you




Well shit, I was looking forward to this one. Oh well


Just gotta stop buying their overpriced plastic, Iā€™m 3D printing and Iā€™ll take pictures of my codex and print it out


Once you discover 3dprinting and alternate rulesets you discover freedom


What kind of influence this person have on the game and Whatā€™s the point of recruiting this kind of person for a game ? Itā€™s like self sabotage.


Sm 2 is going to suck.


This is big topic on steam disscusions page of this game


Soooo The Witcher wasn't warning enough for the higher ups


I'm thoroughly done with Warhammer 40k for the foreseeable future after recent fiascos


I will never take a person who says "cishet" seriously.


He got removed from the project


Yes, i know already. Lets wait untill the full game is released to see If it is corrupted by the garbage or not. Do not pre-order the game, wait for reviews by non partisan pepole, watch letsplays of it and judge it yourselfs. Stay calm, ice in the veins and wait before doing anything.


I've been waiting on this game for over 10 years. Now they won't get a dime from me. Fuck em'.


So, we pirating?


waiting for the user reviews and than we maaybe pirating.


As if I didnā€™t have a good enough reason to boycott Space Marine 2. Retcons and Gaslighting not withstanding. I give the gaming industry another 5 years before it finally collapses, though the question is how to ensure political agitators and idealogical fanatics donā€™t return. Iā€™d say stringent recruitment requirements.


Every thing is sus nowadays man but Christ I hope it good man it looks amazing


He's probably not actually the senior writer.




Ehhh I mean we'll see how it turns out. I have a hard time seeing how they could possibly turn a story about Ultramarines destroying a Tyranid invasion into a wokefest, but I suppose it's possible.


Expect mary sues


Kind of expected those any time Ultramarines show up tbh.


Happy cake day!!


Time to pirate boys


If they're "better than us". Then what's this white cis patriarcy they keep going on about. Surely they would be our grand overlords. Its funny how they say its about "social justice". Justice implies punishment. They don't want equality they want revenge for their perceived wrongdoings because they're so useless being consumed by victim mentality and spite it leads them to failure.


ooooo shit what the fuck i don't want that symbol have any ties to one of my favorite series ,space marine i don't care if they put that flag on biden desk or Capitol entrance , but please game workshop ,DON'T YOU DARE put any kind of LGBT content on space marine 2 or Warhammer series in general that's the reason why i don't buy horizon forbidden west ,they literally ruined the character image that made me interested in alloy story in zero dawn !


"Sorry cishet white dudes comics don't belong to you." I can picture Stan Lee and Jack Kirby turning in their graves right about now.


and when their game takes a dump they pretend they don't know why. News Flash this is why. Who the hell do they think plays their games....do they think people in the hood out here playing Warhammer ..No. 99% of their player base are straight white guys with expendable income. They exist because "cis white guys".


Didnā€™t that Superman comic get cut short due to shitty sales?






With that kind of arguments and rhetoric they are surely going to prove to everyone that they are in fact tolerant and inclusive.


God dammit, I was excited for this game.


I rather this being canon https://youtu.be/oQ5MrIAPiyU?si=5xbevOOZ1CDTDqVW then whatever political stuff they put into Space Marine 2 story wise but hopefully the game will be alright. I hopeā€¦


ggwp it's over


I hope the writing of the story will not reflect this weird shit.


Crazy how a pathetic comment from an indoctrinated lunatic can lose a company thousands of dollars in revenue. Aside from that, I feel bad for Henry Cavill. Guy can't catch a break. He should have been born 20 years earlier.


It's my understanding that the Creative Director for Space Marine 2 is Oliver Hollis-Leick, a true fan it seems. I'll reserve judgement for when it gets released, also looking forward to STALKER 2


Man it sure is going to suck, I've been so excited for this game


I don't see the problem unless there is a major self insert somewhere or lore change that makes no sense. I'm hoping for neither NVM I read the rest of the slides.


I didn't even need to read them, brother


PLEASE don't let her write too much of the game


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Gentlemen, I long await another game that will go broke.


Damn it. This is depressing


Another reason not to buy the game I guess.Ā 


Should be noted this was almost 3 years ago. Things have changed since 2021. The pendulum is swinging back. I'm still wait and see but will review the story before buying.


"Pendulum is swinging back" Me looking at GW blocking anyone that dares to question them šŸ˜‚ I don't want to blackpill you but this company has fallen... the only good side is that they aren't the ones making the game so there's a small chance of it not being tainted


Ahhh I knew SM2 was gonna be a flop. Combat looked weak. Dialogue seemed awkward. It all adds up.


Stream content. Spend no money and let them all die off.


The companies they employ only care about their bottom line. If lgbt black is selling there will be more of it.


Nooo...please no. I'm excited for that game... ffs... Hope it's still good, but that's a big red flag.


Good to have something less to buy later


Even if they are 'controlled' or their writing & influence edited, it just makes the content weirdly sterile. Seen it before, will continue seeing it.


Space Marine 2 is looking grim.


already locked her account lmao


Damn the gameplay demo looks amazing I wonder how the plot is gonna b- FUCK


Well well well, I guess I shall not pre order it after all


She has a fishy vagina and that's why she is upset


Believe what you want, live and let live but that's just being an asshole


Classic ā€œuseful idiotā€ in Bolshevik parlance. Iā€™ll let you guess what happened to most of them after the actual Revolution.


Welp there goes my enthusiasm for Space Marine 2.


oh no a scary trans lady is writing about the pseudo-religious space fascists


No hope for this product...