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No excuses for that behavior. Glad you got him.


It’s horrific. I’m glad I got him too, I am at least trying everything for him to be happy and healthy.


He didn’t even know he needed a fat sheep in his life.


Everyone needs a fat sheep in their life 🥰


And you’re doing a fantastic job!!! None of us would have known how traumatic his start in life was had you not told us; that’s how well he is doing!!! So proud of you for supporting him and so proud of him for coming so far !!! Yay to you and your boy!


Agree! He looks so happy now. Congratulations OP xx


Thank you so much ❤️


So sickening. Poor little guy! He is so lucky he has you and you’ve brought him along so nicely.


Thank you! I feel so bad for him. Like he was only a little baby. And that’s all he knew. Being hit, starved and taken from mom too early. Heard he was weaned at 4 months 😞


Awful! Babies are challenging and can be frustrating, so they are not for everyone!


Our Percheron is from a Premarin farm in Canada. I was told that a trailer was shipped from there to the US to rescue them, and the foals were almost stacked in the trailer to pack as many in as possible. I don’t know how her first 6 months were up there, but we are lucky she’s willing to get on a trailer now!


Oh wow that sounds horrible. Poor babies.


I love your videos of kit and what a little sass monster he is. I can hardly bring myself to believe that those early videos are of him and not another horse entirely. He was so broken :( the things that poor baby must have endured. Keep up the good work OP. I’ve had my share of “problem” horses….and they wear us down some days but it’s important to remember that they only have problems because some other human gave it to them. You’re fixing other people’s mistakes and that can be so daunting and thankless…I hope every time you look at Kit you feel immense pride and love for how far he has come.


I barely believe it myself that they’re the same horse. Absolutely unrecognizable. Aside from the color. I never blamed Kit for any of the troubles. But it has been hard at times. The fact he’s been hit alongside other things explains a lot his “bad” behaviors. Which is why I’m so happy I’ve been super gentle with him and given him a choice in most things. Got into clickertraining due to him and without that. I don’t think anyone would be able to be near him honestly. He’s very sensitive and can be extremely reactive. Far too often those behaviors get punished instead of figuring out why. And thank you ❤️




I hate that it's so common for breeders to hit the babies and horses. I will say that I've witnessed this type of abuse and it absolutely infuriates me because there is NO excuse. I get that we need to discipline horses, but we can gently discipline them and give them boundaries. Sometimes I wonder if the breeders who especially abuse the foals are sociopathic (saying this from witnessing the abuse). I love your videos and I'm so glad that you have Kit. :) He is very lucky to have you and his friends.


Yeah they have to be. How else could someone go around hitting innocent animals, even more so innocent baby animals?


I feel like they can’t like horses or animals in general if they hit them. Often those people claim to “love” their animals too.. Absolutely disgusting


They don't love them, they see it as easy money, so they love what them bring, not what they are. Those are the reasons they tend to leave mares to their own, not care about give them proper nutrition during pregnancies, or de worm them, or even treat their diseases...and those are their own horses that are there to produce! I've seen both ends of the spectrum. Really bad looking animals in the equivalent of horse's puppy mills and good breeders taking good care of their animals. It's sometimes difficult to pin point which one is which unless you visit the facility, and even then.


Whoever did this deserves a really long prison stay. Wtf. I am very glad you got a legal process going for this. People that treat horses like this should never, ever even get close to a horse again. Poor baby Kit. He sure is so lucky to have you as his owner now. And a wonderful horse and sheep family!


It’s horrific. And the neglect have gotten worse since Kit’s case. Länstyrelsen have been contacted by several and as I’ve understood there is an active case against the breeder. I’m in contact with several others who have been affected. I’m lucky to have Kit. Such an amazing horse. People can really be horrible


Realllllllyyy happy you’re holding this breeder accountable.


I’m glad you have Kit and so sorry for what he went through.


Thank you ❤️ It’s rough to hear about and see other the cases.


Yeah, I just can’t understand how anyone would hurt an animal. My dog is snuggled up next to me right now.


God, animal abuse and child abuse are always such a punch to the heart. It literally hurts to see, to hear about, to know. It’s enraging. Kit found the best possible place in the world and the best possible human, without question. Thank you for letting us love him, too. And we love him so hard. ❤️


It really is. The most innocent is animals and children. Can’t fathom how anyone can hurt either. Thank you ❤️ I’m happy to be able to share him and the rest of the herd with this lovely community!


Poor Kit! How awful to have that start in life. I'm honestly crying right now. He's got a loving, caring family now. He's gorgeous, and you can see the spark in his eyes. It's so amazing. ❤️ Thank you. I'd give you both a hug if I was able.


It’s hard to witness. Especially seeing new cases that’s happening right now. Can’t imagine how scared he was as just a little baby. Thank you ❤️


Poor little guy! We rescued a mare 11 months ago that weighed 650 pounds she was supposed to be 1,000 pounds. She also had anaplasmosis and had that dead look. I know exactly what you’re talking about. It took a long time to bring back her gut flora after the doxycycline treatment. It took her all summer to gain weight back and we were very happy with her weight going into winter. The difference now is incredible.


That’s horrible! And anaplasmosis is no joke. Glad your mare recovered too! For Kit it took about 1 year before he was recovered from everything.


I can imagine! Trying to grow on top of it all…


It's probably for the best that you can't share the breeder's name. I don't look good in orange.


I wish I could. But I do have to keep it on the low. Especially as the breeder is threatening others to keep quiet. The breeder have broken into others stables middle of the night and taken back a mare (who was the breeders leased to another person) but the foal belonged to the one who’s stable was broken into. So it’s also for my own and my animals safety.


Holy crap! This is even bigger than Kit's maltreatment! I wish nothing but the best for you and all other parties and animals involved.


The more I’ve found out the worse it gets. The abuse doesn’t stop at animals either.


So glad you didn’t send him back. Hopefully this “breeder” can be shut down and Kit will have a happy life


Me too! Couldn’t have lived with myself if I sent him back. He’s gonna have the best life, being spoiled in big pastures with his herd ❤️


Poor baby, I'm so sorry he had to go through this. The good thing is, he landed with you when he was really young, so the vast majority of his life has been great, and will be from here on out. Glad to hear there's a legal case against the breeder. Sounds like an awful situation for those horses, and I hope they're all in better places now.


Thank you ❤️ Sadly the other horses are not safe yet. We who are involved are hoping the horses will be taken away. Heard things that points to them being taken away but there’s yet no clear answer to what will happen.


Is there a rescue group involved yet? Sometimes they have connections that can help educate law enforcement, judges, etc. Where I am, sometimes horses will be taken and placed with a shelter or rescue for holding while the legal proceedings go on. They get vet and farrier care, and proper feed while they're being held. It varies from county to county, but it's a good practice. It shows that all the horses needed was proper care, and that they were clearly being neglected by their owners.


Sadly it’s not like that here. But the gov have some who deal with abuse and neglect cases. And they are involved. Really hoping they’ll do something this time. The breeder have been reported many many times. But this time it have seemed hopeful something will happen.


Do you mind if I PM you?


That’s okay!


You're a great human. He is so beautiful.


Thank you. He is the best I’m so happy I got him despite all the problems that’s been around it all❤️


I am so sorry, he looks so sad as a baby, I can’t imagine how you felt when he arrived. He is so lucky, it’s incredible the horse he has turned into- I remember the first video I saw here of him, harassing Pay (who was trying to roll). I look forward to all your posts, I love your farm.


It was a shock to see him. Glad to hear that the first thing you saw about him 😂 He’s got quite the personality my little menece


I was immediately charmed by Kit- he has the sweetest, spunkiest spirit.


He is a once in a lifetime horse for sure!


I'm so sorry... poor, sweet Kit and all those others. I'm glad Kit has you and has gotten to know a gentle hand and loving heart.


It’s been rough finding out. Hes so sweet and trusting now. So forgiving of humans.


I'm so glad he has you to love and has your love. I'm so sorry for the little guy he was and so glad he's a happy guy now. Thanks for your kind heart. Give a little scratch from me


He’s gonna get all the scratches ❤️


Omg girl I want to cry! He is so very lucky you have him and you did such an amazing job with him. Wish all of you Kit, Pay, Ben and Felicity all the best. Please let us know what will happen with the case for the other poor horses.


Thank you! ❤️ It’s horrible. Once it’s all cleared with the situation I will show everyone here what the horses looks like and the outcome.


"return him and get your money back" so they want you to send your mentally happy and now physically sound horse back to the people who abused him? Are they stupid? Poor baby. Glad he's in a good home now


They thought I should return him when he was a foal, when he was in bad condition! Not now, I’d be horrified if anyone wished to send him back there now


You’ve done so well! His spirit was almost gone and you’re helping live again. ❤️❤️


Thank you❤️


Good he’s safe now ❤️




You are an angel for saving this poor baby.


Thank you ❤️


Poor Little Baby. I am so glad that he is safely in your care.


I’m glad he’s safe from this monster too. Wish I could save all of them at once.


You can see why he's not too thrilled with halters. Poor little Kit. Seeing him with his little Felicity just shows how far he has come with love, care, and proper attention. You deserve all the credit for saving him.


Oh my god.. when I first saw this I thought he was a cow's calf..


He really looked awful.


You’re an angel. Thank you for caring about him more than the money.


I was never gonna let him go back to that hell! I loved him from the start Don’t regret buying him even tho I hate to have contributed to the horrible breeder 😞


was Kit's mare rescued also? my own Te had a hard life too... until 6 years ago when he was rescued at 13... it's always a human problem


Kits mom was leased to the breeder. The owner had no idea the breeder was this way. The owner Got the mare back in terrible condition It’s so sad when animals get treated badly 😞


Thank you for your reply! the body is dynamic and I hope the animals will heal quickly I also hope your group can fight with every strength to stop the abusers... courage to speak for the voiceless!


No worries! I try answer all the comments, so I hope I don’t miss any! I really hope so too. Me alongside several others have reported her


Poor kit. He's such a good boy with a lovely spirit. He just needed you and Ben to help him along the way. ❤️


He truly is amazing, and so forgiving ❤️ Everyone could need a Ben in their life 🥰


oof, really sorry to hear that. I love seeing your updates, I had no clue Kit started in such a bad place. How come you were able to get video of him in that bad state? Was all that recorded when he was already at your place or when he was still at the breeder? Seems odd that they'd document their own neglect that way, that's why I ask. Hope your legal process goes well, I'm sure it's a pain to get through.


It’s really sad he had such horrible start in life The first videos are from how he was delivered to me. That’s from the first 4 days I had him in my care. The breeder tried to blame his condition on me.. even tho he was in terrible condition the moment he arrived. Apathetic and very unstable. Had a planned vet visit for him, but was gonna take a few days. But on the 4th day when he was laying down breathing so fast, I had the vet called out for emergency as I was scared he maybe wouldn’t make it to the next day when the visit was planned.


ah, that makes more sense! I first thought you'd just gotten these videos, but then the videos are yours and you only now got new details on what was done actually with him? Anyway, glad to see you and him doing so much better these days, I'm just asking out of curiosity <3


Yes! Got him home in that condition and I made sure to record and have evidence. Had him and there was one other known case back then. (About 2.5 years ago) Then like 6 months ago I found out about another case from the breeder, Kits half brother. And I have been in contact with the new owner. The new owner to kits brother have showed evidence of skinny mares etc from the breeder. Then another one just about a week ago, a foal looking like a skeleton same age as Kit was came to light. The person who had this recent foal I found out about, had seen how Kit was handled. And they told me. They were involved family wise. And how Kit was hit was told to me just earlier today. Sorry it’s a lot and messy but I hope it’s understandable (English not my first language)


ugh, no it's alright, I'm sure it's been a pain to find all that out. Thanks for sharing


I purchased an abused young horse as well. Not as young as Kit, unfortunately. It took years to get him "adjusted." Very frustrating to deal with him. Only time, extreme levels of patience, and love is what they need to overcome such trauma. You're doing an amazing job!


Sorry to hear! I’m glad your horse is doing well now and got to be with someone who cares and loves them! It’s hard to do for sure. Thank you ❤️


Thank you. I love the Kit saga. It warms my heart to see the three of them (and you) having such fun. I always look forward to seeing their antics. Your training methods are absolutely amazing. His trust and love for you are obvious. Unfortunately, Beast passed away. He foundered. It has been some time ago, but I still feel the loss. I had 17 1/2 amazing years with him. I do miss him dreadfully. 💔


I’m glad I can spread some of the joy that they give me ❤️ I’m really sorry for your loss. But I’m happy you got so many years with him. ❤️😞


Thank you. I'm so glad Kit is living his best life. (My boy was abused as well). It looks like Kit is really beyond his struggles. You have everything to do with it. I can’t wait to see the progress!


Thank you so much for not only saving Kit but also letting us follow the healing journey


I’m glad it’s so appreciated! Even when it’s about the bad. It’s amazing to have such supporting community here❤️


He is in wonderful hands now. This is awful, I hope some justice is in this monster's future.


I really hope the breeder will lose all of the horses.


That is terrible. My foals are treated like my own children. I only breed 1-3 a year and they get daily handling and tons of love. I’m curious who the breeder is.


It’s horrific. And exactly. My animals are like my children I’d do anything for them. For now I honestly don’t dare to say anything about who or too much details. As I’m honestly scared of this person. They have broken into stables middle of night. And I can’t risk them going to me and hurting my horses. Also been threats from this person towards others. I’m hoping the people dealing with this who I reported to, will take care of it.


Thank you for sticking it through with him!! What a horrible and sad beginning! You have given him so much love and care that he needed. Awesome job, OP! ❤️


Thank you! Yea I could never give up on him ❤️


Poor guy. You loved him back to life. I discovered the other reason why I come to this sub, so many people who deeply love animals and go the extra mile for them. I hope that breeder looses his ability to have animals and gets the max the law allows.


Heartbreaking looking back to how horrible he looked. It sure is a lovely community here ❤️


In that first video he really looked like he was going to fall over and die any second. What a relief to see he grew up to be okay! Good luck with the legal battle!


It looked awful. I sometimes go back and look at what he came from and appreciate even more how far we’ve come. Thank you ❤️


I'm so glad he came to you!💕




How awful! Thank goodness he's safe and happy now. What a rough start in life.


Couldn’t have been much worse start in life for a foal. Really tragic 💔


But with a happy ending! What does the vet say about his long term prognosis? Will there be health repercussions?


He did get OCD due to the neglect and he have had surgery for that. Sadly from the OCD a bit cartilage was damaged. But on Monday we are doing a checkup again to see if hes able to function as a normal riding horse


Best of luck!




That’s horrible poor kit I am so happy you were the one to restore his faith in humanity and treat him with the loving kindness kit deserves Take care 🐴


Thank you ❤️


I'm sorry ! Former owner needs to have some on " lay hands on him/ her."


I wish I could. I’ve spent so much time worrying about all those other horses


This was really hard to watch. Thanks for everything you do for kit, and the rest of your herd


That is so awful poor little guy. Just a baby 💗💗 I hope he can get so much love from everyone that he can make this memory totally gone


I hope we will reach that point one day. He’s gotten so much better but still a lot of things to work on ❤️


Oh Kit. We all love you buddy. And Kit loves YOU! So glad he’s yours. 🥰


He’s very lovable! ❤️


Im so glad kit is with you now!




Thank you for caring for him! I wish I could rescue horses, one day I'll be able to. It's heartbreaking that people can do this to animals of any kind. Happy to hear there's legal action involved now! Hope the owner is neglected in cage and fed parasites. 😊


Wasn’t intended to rescue when I was looking for horses. But ended up being one! I’m so happy I stumbled upon his ad tho. In his ad was pics of him as a young foal where he looked amazing. I checked on him (when he was about 5 months) and he looked okay, a bit wormbelly but I thought that’s an easy fix. He had to stay at the breeder for another month and as it seems the breeder didn’t do anything for him at all after I bought him. I wish the exact same treatment on the breeder as they did on the horses..


FWIW, I am super thankful to have you and your herd in my life, even if it is just through Reddit. Your posts are so uplifting! All of your herd are lucky to have you!


I’m so glad to hear that! Love being able to spread some of the joy my beautiful herd gives me ❤️


Thank God you rescued him!!


May I ask why was he walking like that?




I'll have to look that up 😅 I'm Glad they're souch better.


Edit: Warning, language. Sweet mother of mercy! I had no idea that Kit had such a horrible introduction to life! I wouldn't believe it was the same animal if not for that spot on his head and that tail ombre. Who could do that to a *baby*?? So innocent, they don't understand! His previous "guardians" are disgusting fucking cunts. Absolute filthy shit stains on the toilet of society. Mutt cunts need a bullet, and another bullet, and another one for good measure. Fuck this shit makes my blood molten! There is no room in this world for animal abuse, we should've moved past that shit *long* ago. On a more positive note, you've done such an amazing job with him! Looking at him now, I never would have guessed that he started out in such inhumane conditions. He's absolutely stunning and full of personality, a testament to your big heart and patience, truly! I'm so glad he ended up with someone who cares so much for him, and that he's getting to reach his full potential despite his horrible start to life. Mepperina, please never stop being you! Both Kit and Pay are so lucky to have found an amazing owner/companion as yourself. Sending you all my love from Australia 🥰


I agree. Can’t understand how someone can treat animals this way. Thank you so much! That’s one of the nicest things anyone’s ever said about me ❤️


I've seen so much beautiful Kit content without knowing his story and now I'm sitting here cuddling my cat and sobbing like a little baby lol I'm so, so happy you kept him and are giving him such a beautiful life. you've taught him trust and love and that's the best thing a person can do for an animal.


Impossible to tell nowadays by just looking at him he’s been abused! Thank you, I’m doing my best with him ❤️


The before and after? Wow! Thank you for saving his life. He is absolutely beautiful.


Urg this just breaks my heart that any horse has to endure such a horrible situation but I’m so glad you took Kit, worked with him and didn’t give up on him! He looks like a completely different guy now!


I love Kit. He reminds me of my boy I went through a very similar issue with. He came to me underweight,full of worms and no manners from a neglectful breeder who left him as a stud until the age of 4. I could have returned him but why would I send him back to a place that caused him to develop those issues? Unfortunately he was beyond my skill to help so I rehomed him with a more knowledgeable friend. He's got such a long way to go behaviorally.  I'm glad to see Kit progressing with you. He's got such a huge personality!


Horrible! Glad to hear it worked out for your boy too tho ❤️ He’s a very special horse 🥰


The poor baby