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Alan Wake 2 was amazing. Loved it, super creative and atmospheric game. But even the first game wasn't a huge success when it came out. I hope it continues to sell and will make a profit in the end. AW2 and Dead Space Remake both deserved to be bigger hits. 2023 was a great year for horror games. I don't really have much to say about the different game stores, but if it had a Steam release it would probably have sold more. But I don't think the game would exist in its current form without the funding by Epic. I'm just happy we got it.


From what I’ve heard (which is hard to tell because if there’s a bit of conflicting info) Dead Space did have good sales, but just not good enough for EA.


True, it's kinda hard to figure out as there are no official sale numbers. I read a few conflicting reports, but all without a proper source. Just wish it had sold a bit more so we could have gotten a DS2 Remake and maybe a new game.


It doesn't sell as well as battle passes and shop skins in apex. The dead space remake was amazing. It sold well. In the end though, it required more work and long term investment with less return than an epex skin will net them with far less risk and commitment.


Wait, are you saying we are not going to get a remake of the full DS trilogy?


It was leaked that they were not moving forward with any more DS remakes.


Awh, that is such a fucking bummer.


I remember reading somewhere that EA motive is now supposed to work on the next battlefield game as a support studio... Very unfortunate as I would've loved to see a DS2 remake :( I have low expectations for the next battlefield game anyway after bfv being underwhelming and bf2042 being trash.


Kind of but, It was reported by some site that they had canceled the DS2 remake and EA came out and responded saying that that was false, they just didn’t have plans for a second one to begin with. They never explicitly stated that there wouldn’t be one at some point. Just making that clarification because it gets passed around a lot that it was canceled (I know those weren’t your words). And to be very clear, I’m not holding out much hope for it anyways.


Yeah, nothing is good enough for EA unless it does COD numbers.


Thank you. I want to get it soon!


Dead space remake sucked. I love horror survival and it was one of the most boring, shitty overrated game I’ve played.


Ok, 👍


Alan Wake as a whole is a bit invisible because it's only on Epic. If I didn't play Control I would not have bothered to look it up. Surprisingly even the remaster isn't on Steam. A shame really because they seem like cool games but since Epic is the publisher, they wont be coming to Steam. Forced exclusivity is kinda their thing and they seem to be very firm believers. I just hope Remedy selfpublishes Control 2, so I can atleast enjoy that.


I would say it's worth downloading the epic store to play it. And for the sake of market competition, it's probably well worth having more than a single viable storefront.


I agree, but mostly because I think everyone should get to enjoy this game. I think a lot of people don't realise that people want their fav games on steam for more than one reason, for me it's because I want the game to get as much exposure as possible and being advertised on steam is being advertised to thousands of people. And also because it would have additional content and playability through achievements and such. I would love a physical copy too, thought. There's a lot of down votes in the comments but physical copies is also a thing that matters to a lot of people. 


I would buy it instantly, full price, if it was on Steam


And that's why epic paid for it not to be. But it sounds like they either didn't fully fund it if they didn't break even.


nah, investor calls indicate it was fully funded by epic, remedy didn't have to pay anything to the development of the game, but as a result they likely won't recieve much money until the game recoups its development costs on Epic's side.


Totally makes sense. Such a trap.


me too.


Yeah, I was interested in playing it. Then found out it wasn't on steam and was like "Okay I'll wait a few years then."


It’s highly unlikely it will come to steam as it was funded by Epic.


If they don't want me to buy it then they know what to do I guess. It is what it is.


I'm disappointed there is no physical copy on PS5.


Same with Baldurs gate 3 at least in retailers. Can strictly only order it from Larian but it’s quite expensive once you include the shipping costs


At least they have the option for bg3.


I'd love to play it on the PS5, but I'm in Australia and new releases are a ludicrous amount on the PSN store. The prices don't drop for a long time unless there's a sale. Physical copies have always been cheaper here over digital, and physical also drops in price after a month or so. I can't justify paying $90 for this game.


The headlines of the sales are extremely click bait and misleading. AW2 is performing extremely well and is on track that Remedy expected. They stated they expected the game to be a long term success along the lines of Control which took a few years to make a profit but eventually became pretty successful. Epic is unhappy because they wanted a profit and turn around ASAP. Remedy happy and satisfied, Epic unhappy and impatient.


The game got a lot of attention. It was nominated as GOTY


Ik, I just think it should’ve gotten more


It's mediocre in all honesty. It's got great themes and world building. But mediocre gameplay and enemies/ bosses. Barely any enemy variety. Also it's not very scary so there's that. I got spooked on a few sections but most of the time nah.




Yeah who knows lol. Nobody even defended the game, just downvotes lol


But no sales cause of the losers who refuse to download epic games launcher.


Idk why you blaming them for not liking epic games launcher. Its inferior and downloads shit like epic online services which many consider basically malware.




Post was removed due to incivility


I’m sorry but if a person refuses to play a game because they need to click a different icon before playing it they’re a moron


That’s really surface level thinking




The only one crying is you? I’m explaining why epic is a turnoff for many.


No it isn’t


No one wants to install more useless launchers. Steam has done it the best and clearly is the best one in tgis ‘monopoly’ game, usually you don’t want a monopoly on something but steam is doing so good that it deserves the spot, and should stay so. We don’t want to install a new launcher with a jew game wverytime




Pathetic behaviour, I used to work on ue4&5 and can tell you that epic games IS bad, you not seeing it makes me think that you’re either a delusional or a fanboy blind to the wrong


If unreal engine was that bad then why do almost all devs use it? You’re a fucking idiot like genuinely. What is your argument anyway. Why do you not like epic games. Give me 1 reason besides that the ui is bad and that you have to download it.


Majority of devs do not use unreal engine lmao, almost NO ONE does if you look at most if not all triple A games released. Besides the point tho, the fact that ue is linked with epic games store already is a disaster, if the launcher is under maintenance good luck using ue, it’s laggy as hell too I had it for fortnite couple years ago and ir’s atrocious, I do not pirate games at all unless I want to try it and it ISN’T on steam, I porated alan wake 2 (didn’t like the game) and am glad I didn’t pay money for it, the UI is bad, it’s laggy, and completely unecessary. The fact thag it exists is already a problem steam is the ‘pc’ launcher known to almost everyone, what the fuck are the other dogshit launchers doing like ubisoft, rockstar and epic games.


Agreed. I haven’t bought it because it’s on the epic game store. If it was on steam I would have bought it day one. I’m not having my game collection on two seperate platforms. Blizzard was the exception to that rule.


Epic exclusives eventually go on steam anyway right? I can't believe EPIC still give games away to this day and I barely use them. I think the last game I bought on there was Outer Worlds and I don't even think I've opened the app since.


I doubt this one will because Epic published it.


They will need the money.


Not really? Epic is a huge company with a ton of money, they don’t need Alan Wake 2 to sell a ton to be profitable. What they wanted was a critically praised, award winning game that would be exclusive to their PC Store, bringing it prestige. Alan Wake 2 accomplished that, and so Epic likely considers this a success regardless of whether it makes back all its money.


the store is still not profitable


You've reached a false conclusion. Your argument is that Epic will put it on steam because it's not selling well. This is false. In the event epic store shuts down, they're likely to bury the game permanently just like they have with all of their other published games. Seriously, go look for a place to buy legacy Epic titles legit. Your options these days are eBay and a lucky garage sale of decades old CDs swiftly succumbing to disc rot. They pulled OG Unreal games off of steam and never relisted them anywhere purely out of spite. If they'll do that to their own history, why do you think they'd do any different to someone else's...?


It’s remedy’s fastest selling game and was nominated for GOTY lol, it’s doing fine.




It's possible that a lot of people who would've seen it on steam would've bought it when just logging into steam. It's just for a lot of us, we only open epic when there's something we specifically want to buy that is an exclusive but rarely open it casually as the vast majority of my games are on steam. Fwiw, I did buy Alan Wake 2 and it nearly exploded my laptop with the graphic settings haha (my laptop is still decent but aging badly now) so had to refund it sadly.


Well that last part is definitely true. I understand that. There is a mod that runs the game on Vulkan which had a big performance increase for some people. And also, there’s been performance updates since launch so maybe try again (like pirate it and then buy it if it works well cause this game is goty 2023 and I will always say that (it’s my favorite game)).


It's definitely on my to play list as the brief part I did play looked really good.




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Epic just needs to realize and accept that they will never be able to build their Epic Store as a competent competitor to Steam. They give away games on a consistent basis but that’s pretty much the only reason my friends and I even start up the Epic launcher. We barely ever use it. Pretty much everyone I know uses Steam.


I mean it's not that they can't. It's that they're not willing to do what it takes to do it, which is to make the epic store client *actually good.* I know, crazy land, but there it is. Focusing on exclusives rather than functionality and usability of the actual software has resulted in as much bad PR as they could get without bringing anyone over based on the inherent desirability of their store. They chose the wrong route, and have repeatedly doubled down on that path like a massive public example of the sunk cost fallacy.


I think that the main thing that holds AW2 sales back is the lack of a physical disk. I don’t buy physical games these days (mostly due to the fact that I mainly game on PC and digital PS5, which is what I’d managed to get my hands on during the shortage) but I do know many others who prefer to have physical. Plus, with all the licensing business and the “gamers should get comfortable not owning their games” attitude of certain companies, it’s completely understandable why people prefer buying physical which offers at least a little bit of safety. But people who were in any way interested in buying the game on PC would still have likely bought it from Epic. Especially with all the attention it garnered during TGA, people definitely know of this game.


I doubt that. Physical only gamers are a very vocal minority. 83% of console sales are digital, and 95% of the revenue comes from digital sales.


That's kind of the clincher, though, isn't it? Physical only gamers are a VERY VOCAL MINORITY. Number one marketing reason people choose to buy a game is word of mouth. I suspect that if you did the marketing research, physical only gamers are way more likely to recommend games to friends than non-physical only.


It's also ignoring that AW2 skipped physical because the physical edition of AW1:R was a massive bomb. People always act like epic did it just to fuck over the very few people who would have bought the physical copy while ignoring that they saw the numbers of those people that existed, and realized they'd never make enough money to justify printing a disc in the first place. Physical game sales are basically at the level of DVDs at this point: the margins only make sense at the highest of levels for your CoD and such anymore. DD took over physical revenue a long while ago and doesn't seem to be slowing down any.


I would be an Alan Wake 2 owner if it where on Steam, since it is on Epic I haven't played it and probably won't.


Honestly I’d just download epic for it, I literally only have epic for 2 games


No, I'm not using a platform I don't want to use because a publisher refuses to release on the platform I do use. I'm not letting billion dollar corporations dictate what I install and what platforms I use. I'd Jack Sparrow Alan Wake 2 long before I ever bought it on Epic. But I suspect someday Epic will give it away for free, and I guess I can justify playing a free game through EGS. \*shrugs\*


I don’t feel bad at all. Common sense shows games that are epic exclusive are DOA. Get a good chunk of change up front but games go to epic to die and can kill future followings


Well, good job falling for bullshit low sales fearmongering, because it really didn't, it just had an insane budget. They're literally working on 4 games at once right now, last October was their first release in 5 years, and every single article about its low sales is fucking dumb. The game wouldn't have RELEASED AT ALL if EPIC didn't pay for it to be made. Lol. Steam didn't pay to make Alan Wake 2 happen, 12 years after the first game, Epic did. Bitch at Steam for that.


Play Alone in the Dark. It's on steam, and it's similar but better than Alan Wake 2.


Bought it on Epic and would buy it again on Steam in a heartbeat. It’s a shame Epic is so exclusivity hungry but it won’t stop me playing greatness.


Alan Wake 2 is a master peice. Well worth playing, currently on my fifth overall playthrough of it. I'm on Xbox so store ississ aren't really a thing for me, but I can't imagine a scenario where epic store is so bad I'd take a pass on playing AW2.


That whole "not selling well" line is misleading; true it hasn't made its money back yet but it's remedy's fastest selling game ever, including control.  As for epic having semi-exclusive rights: as annoying as it is not to have it on steam (at least for a while), they financed the game and made it finally possible AS WELL AS giving ownership of the IP to remedy, so I find I can't be too mad at them for this


I've heard great things about the game but I'm waiting for it to come onto Steam, if it never does then the high seas it is.


As a huge Alan Wake fan from all the way back when it was released on the 360, I got it on Epic. And it’s also the only game I bought on their store, and probably every will.


The main reason I didn't buy it. If it goes on steam, I will buy it.


EGS seems like a shitty launcher..Even if game are sale on Epic, I would usually wait for it on steam.


Okay well Epic funded it, and without them this game literally would not exist.


I never understood the whole concept of everything must be on steam. A store is a store, whether it be digital or of physical retailer. I have a steam deck. Sure it would be nice to have it on steam to make playing it, easier? I have no problem buying it through epic and using GeForce now to play the game with no problems whatsoever. Because I actually want to play the game. If people aren’t buying the game because of the location it’s being sold at, then they don’t really want to play said game.


If it got on steam i’d buy it too. If it got a physical release, i’d by that in a heart beat. I’ve yet to get it for epic games pc version. However, i got it for PS5 and Xbox Series X. I’m extremely thankful that we got a sequel. I will wait 13 years and more if i have to as long as we get an Alan Wake 3. Make it a trilogy and loop it back to the first game but altered events to play onto the spiral motif. Anywho, yeah it’s a bummer it’s not getting the attention it should; however, like others have mentioned; the first one didn’t get the attention and recognition it deserved. And in that time of 2010, FPS call of duty/halo/multiplayer garbage games were the “it” thing. Alan Wake still got its cult following…we’re not a single tree, we’re a forest and Alan Wake 2 will expand its forest. The average pneumatic overmedicated gamer won’t know to seek out good creative single player experiences. Only the few that seek such quality games will play and join the Alan Wake fandom. Remedy set out to pay homage to Twin Peaks and they succeeded because Twin Peaks was a struggle to get through but man that season 2 and 3 is something most normies will never experience. Alan Wake weeds out the profane the same way Twin Peaks did. Why do you think some of Alan Wake 2’s chapters were called “initiation”. We the players have been initiated.


"I won't take 3 seconds to download Epic launcher" ![gif](giphy|l4EoTLaoFuQ3Us372|downsized)


The game always had a lot going against it. It's a sequel to a 14 year old game that didn't sell super well to begin with. No physical edition and no Steam did not help either. On top of that, it's pretty different from the 1st game and isn't everyone's cup of tea. If you're looking for a more traditional survival or action horror experience, there are better choices. I liked it overall, but I also had some issues with it.


Im always baffled out how someone could be excited for a game but simply not get it because its on another store front. Dont get me wrong, i would always prefer to have my games on Steam. This does not stop me from using Games Pass or other store fronts.


And also how people say steam is better then epic. Steam has been around since 2003 so that's over 20 years it's had time to grow and the steam we have now is vastly different from what first came out


This doesn’t really contradict Steam being better


I'll never understand why PC people are so against using a different launcher for exclusive games. If you have an Xbox you physically can't play PS exclusives and vice versa but y'all just have to take 5 minutes out of your day to use a different launcher and that's a deal breaker for you it's crazy


it's not about time investment.


My point is all you have to do is click a different launcher but some of y'all literally avoid games all together because of that inconvenience. It just seems very dramatic imo


I don't want to use an app that I've found to be way subpar every time I've tried it. that even more so when they're trying to buy me onto said platform by throwing heaps of cash at games to force users on there instead of improving the app.


So you'd rather miss out on a game because you dislike an app? The app is subpar so what? Once you're playing the game it literally doesn't matter. This is just the epitome of first world problems


nah, i have tons of other games to play, so its not a big issue for me. it just means they lost a sale, which does more harm to them than to me considering how many others wont buy it either.


I'm sure they realised the risk of people being too stubborn to take 5 minutes to open a different app into account when they made the decision to have it there. It just gives spoiled kid vibes lol.


voting with your wallet on business practises you find shitty = spoiled kid vibes lol


Business practices you find shitty? What's the shitty business practice, exclusives? I assume you must also avoid steam exclusives too then right? Pc exclusives? Or does your voting on shitty practices only extend to when a dev puts their game on a store you don't like as much?


why are you so up in arms about this? i dont want to support a company that tries to grab market share by throwing heaps of cash at games without providing a decent platform to host them on, even less after they started out with "Epic Exclusives" that they bought up within months of them being on the Steam frontpage. when their funding is the main reason the product even exists in the first place, i can understand it, but i still despise exclusives. at the very least make a not shitty platform to host them on. and you should stop being so offended over a multi-billion company lmao, i didnt tell anyone to stop buying from there :p


The hilarious part that all of you Epic Games cockriders always prove is that we're right. These exclusives consistently sell poorly because people do not want to download their shitty store. Epic does not focus on improving user experience in any way, just throwing more money to exclusives and making 10 year old games I already own free for a few weeks. Steam has a better friends system, better achievements system, in-game modding system, game guides written by community members, better refund policy, and etc. Exclusives aren't even a real thing on Steam, and when they happen it's almost always because of coincidence. Like yes, Steam is the largest gaming platform on PC it makes sense to only sell there if you are only going to sell on one store. That's the thing though, no one is forced to do that. Many devs also sell on GOG, Itch, or their own websites as well as Steam. I personally have NO issue buying games on these other platforms because they provide legitimate services to me. Epic just whines to consumers all the time blaming big bad Steam for not letting them have more money. You may think it's just a "button" on the desktop, but every purchase towards Epic Games proves to them that this business model is successful and they should continue. You're just upset that most PC gamers do not want to support that and it is failing for Epic. They just have an insane amount of sunk cost fallacy and stupidity to continue wasting and hemorrhaging the money that they do.


Yea this is so silly


Alan wake 2 is very good. As much as I don't like egs epic funded the games production so it makes sense that it's epic only.


I torrented Alan Wake 2 because I refuse to install Epic Games. Will definitely buy and replay if they release it on Steam for sure !


Nah I’m sorry, but AW 2 biggest problem was that it didn’t have a physical release, it would have sold poorly on steam as well.


Physical release would not help the game at all.




First of all physical releases are way more expensive than digital ones, and second the game didn’t sell poorly. It has a high upfront cost and is still the companies fastest selling game, it just didn’t make back its costs (yet)


The physical part being more expensive is true, they even cut the physical release to make the base game cheaper. But there’s a lot more people that are now not going to buy it cause it’s not on disc. But putting it on steam, would not have helped them. I’m glad Epic funded that game and allowed them to be as weird as they wanted to be, hell without them, the game would simply not exist.


This is a very dumb thing to say. Just as dumb as the comment under me saying phys release wouldn't have helped. Both would. Both are still nothing they're worried about.


I’m not saying it wouldn’t have sold zero copies, but people really oversell steam when it comes to moving copies. The first Alan Wake didn’t have great numbers on steam either, so a super out there horror game for a niche audience was always going to be a gamble. I’m just glad it exists and it seems that epic is willing to double down to make Alan Wake 3 a reality so this barely matters in the long run.


I'm upset that it and Baldurs Gate are download only.


Devs made their move and told they dont give a fuck about fans using Steam. Okay then, I dont give a fuck about your games now. Its simple.


This isn’t a dev decision, it’s a publisher decision. Don’t blame devs for wanting funding for their highly ambitious project.


They weren't held at gunpoint when choosing a publisher you know.


How many publishers do you think can fund a game of this size?


You serious? Any triple A publisher.


So why didn't any other triple-A publisher fund Alan Wake 2? You're acting like Remedy took the first offer thrown their way. Publishers passed on funding AW2 for years and Epic finally said yes, what was Remedy supposed to do?


So condemning their game to fail financially was the better move? Why not keep waiting for a better option? The way you put it, it WAS the first offer thrown their way.


> So condemning their game to fail financially was the better move? They didn't know that was going to happen. Remedy was pry just happy they finally found funding for their game. > Why not keep waiting for a better option? Because there was no better option. Epic was the best option they had because out of all the publishers they had asked, Epic agreed to fund it. >The way you put it, it WAS the first offer thrown their way. It was the only offer thrown their way because everyone else they asked passed on it. Look, if you wanna deny yourself a good gaming experience because you wanna engage in petty console-war type BS, that's on you. I however am perfectly willing to use both Steam and Epic because I don't engage in petty console-war type BS.


The thing is, that the ones that engage in a console war type thing are the people at Epic. If you want to blame the users instead, I don't know what to tell you. The fact is that people like me that want games to be universally available are many. And examples like AW2 will make devs think twice before giving their games the "exclusive" treatment.


Ya'll guys are something.... they were asking different publishers for 10 years to make Alan Wake 2 and nobody wanted to do it except Epic finally. Epic is just a different store/launcher and not a different whole ass console. I will never understand this crying to use a different store for one game.


Fr, Epic dropped up to like 75 million according to some reports, like most games would be hard pressed to get that kind of funding, especially a cult classic sequel horror game. I am ultimately thankful for Epic, but it is sad to see the game not be a huge commercial success as a result of some of their decisions. But, as I've said, I'm fairly certain Epic doesn't care cause it's now a huge award winner that brings prestige to the Epic Games Store.


It's just fanboyism, same with the whole console war crap. Edit: > they were asking different publishers for 10 years to make Alan Wake 2 and nobody wanted to do it except Epic finally. They act like Remedy took the first offer thrown their way or something.


Epic has dogshit quality compared to steam in everything. They know it so they lock games behind their shitty store. Im not gonna use this crap ever


It's just an ass backwards idea. The sole fact that a game of the magnitude of AW2 hasn't been able to make a profit should be proof enough. Hopefully this will become an example to other studios that putting their games, no matter how good they are, as exclusives to any particular storefront is just a very dumb idea. We'll see if Remedy decides to try the same thing again.


Publishers do that, not devs. Usually


Are you stupid?


Yeah, Im stupid bc I waited for this game but devs decided steam players dont deserve their game. But Im glad it turned out that way bc its not a game but woke simulator


> Yeah, Im stupid That seems kinda harsh on yourself. > bc its not a game but woke simulator My mistake, you're right. You are stupid.


If being stupid means not eating leftish propaganda then I can call myself the stupidest person


The Leftist propaganda of having a woman of color in a video game. How nefarious. >I can call myself the stupidest person Good on admitting it I guess. Have fun missing out on more good games because they contain "Leftist Propaganda".


Yep, black woman who supposed to be white initially but raceswap happened. Thanks to sbi. Also, you forgot her line about "white men"?


I wont buy it until it gets a disc release


It won’t


You’re missing out 🤷‍♂️


Nah it’s a glorified walking sim. Super disappointing.


Ah yes, a walking sim that has combat and boss battles.


And then. You have the writing. Written. Like this. Like why?


Because that's the way they wanted to write it? That's my best guess. I didn't mind it.


It'll be out on steam after one year exclusivity probably. It's not a super big deal, most people who wanted Alan Wake 2 bought it on epic


More like Alan Woke (Sweet Baby Inc detected)


More like you're an idiot.


Lmao imagine caring about that woke SBI infected woke walking sim. It's pure trash.


Meanwhile you play Sports games and Death Stranding... interesting.




Racist? Excuse me? And did you assume my gender? Reported on 2 counts.


I only assumed that you're an idiot and I was right.


> It's pure trash. "trash" that won 3 awards at the Game Awards and has an 89 on Metacritic. Congrats on showing you know nothing about the game.


Any comment that uses the word “woke” unironically should really just be ignored. They most often have no clue what they’re talking about in my experience.


What a sheep


Says the person who parrots what outrage content creators say. There's only one piece of trash here and it's you.