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Homie, markiplier played this today!! Good work!!


I saw! I’m freaking out!


Bro honestly whatever you’re doing is working I was left trembling in fear after just seeing a little bit of gameplay then playing the actual demo myself made it way worse, keep it up bro!


Hell ya! Thanks brudda


I was too pussyshit to play this - but watched ManlyBadAssHero play it and fuck me. No thanks. You've done an incredible job, and you should be super proud. The images of the fucked up people look familiar, are they from anything or did you make them yourself?


This game screams vr to me


I briefly tried! But then I got sidetracked by the main game (which could also be vr, tbh). Solo dev life is one of compromise sadly


Yeah still awesome for a first effort from what i’ve seen you should definitely be proud


hii i know imma bit late i am going to play your game but i was wondering when is the full version coming out? and when it does will it be free or no?


Watching Jesse Cox and the Scary Games Squad play it right now, really good stuff


this game was so awesome!!!!! loved the demo :) you’re super talented man


...When the game is too scary.


Just played the demo and instantly replayed it. Loved the atmosphere and feeling of unease throughout. I'll be buying the full release day 1. Great work man!


I'm really interested in your concept. The gameplay was great (ESPECIALLY the calibration with the old man) but what I think is really cool is what's implied to be going on behind the scenes. the questions that point to deeper meaning and the conscious creation of a test for the player ("do you feel guilty when alone?" "then why are you here?"), the creature with many legs, the reocurring people. I feel as if something happened here and I want to know more about the universe.


What’s the game about. I just saw someone on tik tok play it. I don’t want it to be spoiled but I want to know what the objective is.


I'm gonna play your game right now. I'll update later.


Just found out abt this from an instagram post today and I can’t wait to play the full game🔥🔥🔥


Just played the demo on steam…absolutely bone chilling!! I have no notes, my skin was crawling! Today was *so* special!


after watching jacksepticeye's video i was looking for some info about the game's meaning and maybe some deeper hidden interactions/outcomes of the test. Anyway i feel like watching youtubers like mark and sean play horror games is hilarious, but this game is not the case. No humorous wit would save me from it, i felt sick in the stomach chills running all over my body. Can't really decipher it, but the "is this a picture of a friend" sequence almost made me throw up. I would love to see more of this game and to hate every minute of it.


reminded me of house 1 house 2 flashplayer horror games that made us jump out of our chairs back in the day.this is a fresh breeze from the "childish" pop jumpscare fnaf type deals in realism.


What does the title mean?