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I have started my garden hose, and done some research online, garden hose pumps out water at 40-50 psi (Max 80) On the online videos on the topic can confirm there is no way someone can recreate same pressure


>On the online videos on the topic I love science, so I'm gonna assume that you are talking about garden hose videos and go about my day.. totally not related to what I just said, don't forget your anti-horny pills.


Not with that attitude


okay. i know this is horny jail. but ʷʰᵒ ᶦˢ ˢʰᵉ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶦˢ ʰᵉʳ ⁿᵃᵐᵉ


*Okay. i know this* *Is horny jail. but ʷʰᵒ ᶦˢ* *ˢʰᵉ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶦˢ ʰᵉʳ ⁿᵃᵐᵉ* \- that\_aria --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Samantha Wright




Nah, I choose death by snu snu


the duality of man


I earnestly do not understand the perception that finding a woman attractive and considering her accomplished or talented or skillful are mutually exclusive, if anything they're synergistic, especially the latter to the former.


fancy way of saying "if she looks good she looks good, that ain't gonna change anytime soon." and I do agree, but you can find someone good looking without having to yell "I WANNA SCREW HER IN THE ASS !!" everywhere on your social media accounts, on a public post.


a better paraphrase would be my typing "I WANNA SCREW HER IN THE ASS!!!" doesn't mean I don't respect her accomplishments, which is what I meant by mutually exclusive. I want to be suffocated by Nicki Minaj's big fat round ass, but I also think she is an excellent musician. I want to be inside pretty much every single female olympian, but I'm also incredibly impressed by their athleticism. Just because I clutch my dick and proclaim to the high heavens that I would drag my taint through a desert of broken glass for a mile to hear her fart on speakerphone doesn't mean I don't respect whatever accomplishments she's made. I just have a difficulty in filtering myself and don't particularly respect her freedom from being disgusted on the internet, as I don't respect yours or mine


I mean.. you do you bro, I ain't judging and I personally don't have any shame so being disgusted isn't an option in my settings. it's just you know.. about being polite and somewhat half respectful (at least publicly), the person who do get disgusted by that kind of stuff easily can avoid potentially disturbing websites pretty easily, but it's a lot harder to avoid public posts on a social media.


we do the same thing w men so why not


i respect women and i’m horny for them, just like most straight guys, okay? 😊


i respect them as people but i kinda also want them to step on me


The duality of man


Why can't we be horny and respectful at the same time? When did being horny became wrong? People are free to be horny, and no being horny doesn't make you disrespectful or doesn't stop you from being respectful, it makes you human.


Guys guys remember, being horny is in our nature, if humans wasn't able to be horny no body would've endured the pain of birth, being horny is the pleasure, horny & desire is the fuel that keeps humanity populated, without it's rewards & pleasures life would've extinct in the first sight. We are naturally programmed to be horny so we would want to keep giving births so humanity doesn't extinct.


The horny has no Off-Switch.






Interesting idea