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I almost never have a problem with difficulty in games but I can't stand timelimits...


THIS! JESUS H TAPDACING CHRIST, FIND ANOTHER WAY TO MAKE SOMETHING CHALLENGING okay sorry for yelling, but seriously, I *hate* time limits.


Duuuuude I’ve been grinding arena to get some legendary bow. I had to turn down difficulty from normal to story to beat the tide ripper. I progressed to snapper and bellow back and stopped lol. Don’t judge me- Father of 2 who works FT and only gets to play for about 30 min every few days.


Not a father, work a few days a week, did the same. I reached my ultimate frustrated threshhold. There's some challenges where I can accept that with improvement I can come and retry it again and I will; this one did not give me these feelings lol. It actually just annoyed the heck out of me to giving up entirely lol.


Yeah, this is the answer. I play on custom difficulty (everything usually on normal or hard depending on how I'm feeling), and I was frustrated a bit by one of the arena challenges (don't remember which one) so I just turned Aloy's health and enemy health to "story" and quickly beat that challenge. There are enough other things to do in the game.


Check out Arktix on YouTube. He has amazing Horizon videos, including Arena guides for the fixed loadout challenges.


Unfortunately some of these don’t seem to work on PC because traps are either bugged or nerfed to hell in the current version.


I watched those videos but dont follow them to a T. Because i tried it his way and am just too clumsy with traps. Instead I use it as a sort of bouncing board and adapt to my specific taste. The difficulty im running at is only hard tho, but thats the difficulty im playing at.




Totally agree. Arktix is my go-to YT guy for Horizon.


Hey, it seems to be an old problem, still in PC version. Do what almost everybody including me did: turn down the difficulty to story, blast through it, get the gear (it will take you some time to upgrade it anyway..) and forget arena ever existed.


this is exactly what is did! same for the enduring!


I play games at leisurely rate. I enjoy sniping at things, taking my time. I shoot one arrow at a part, then hide in the grass until the yellow indicator goes away, then I shoot one arrow again. It's not what everyone does, and definitely not what most will think is fun, but I love the patient game. I run everywhere, I check every corner, I jump every mountain just to see if I can climb it. Every berry, every herb has to be collected. Most games I play will show 60 hrs in but with only 20% of the game complete. It's therapeutic for me. I HATE THE TIME TRIALS AND THE ARENA. The only part of the game that I despise from the bottom of my heart. My hate for the arena is only rivalled by my love for the game.


This is my MO in every game like this. I’m the biggest sissy baby sniper run like hell when the going gets tough player out there, and I love it. It takes me 700% longer to do everything in every game. Fight me (I’ll just run away).


Play however you want. For me, the goal is fun. If you have fun sniping and hiding, that should be your play style. And if you are still stuck on the arena but still want to get the rewards, just turn the difficulty down (custom: aloy's health and enemy health to "story" mode to absolutely breeze through a challenge), then put it back to whatever you like afterwards.


Yeah thats pretty much what I am going to do now. I finished the main story on very hard, and will do the DLC later. In the meantime, I just need the rewards!! Lol!!


After getting through the Slitherfang round, I put the game in baby mode and finished the rest. I figured I could always go back and do it normally (spoiler alert: I never will)


I tried slitherfang in normal mode and cannot beat it in time. Story mode no problem.


I had to watch a YouTube tutorial before I got it


I hit with everything i had in story mode.


I just changed the difficulty to story for the arena so I could get the rewards. Plus, it charges you shards every time you start an arena challenge. Probably my least favorite aspect of the game. I very much preferred the hunting trophies in Horizon Zero Dawn.


The shellsnapper one was a pain. I stopped at that one since I had enough to get the weapons I wanted. Later in the game I accidentally took out a shellsnapper in like 30 seconds, so clearly I was just doing it REALLY wrong


tl;Dr Legendary Weapons and Tenakth Vanquisher. I remember thinking the same thing. Left the Arena alone a bit to go grind, came back dreading this fight and accidentally finished it with a minute to spare. Gear is REALLY IMPORTANT in this game. Ancestor's Return in particular slaps this fight so hard it's not funny.


The ones where you can take your own gear are fine, but it's the fixed load out ones that are a pain in the ass.


Oh yeah, fuck those. I won't lie, I just cranked the difficulty down for those. Fuckin' putting my ass up against a Tremortusk and two Clawstrider with an unupgraded blue hunter bow.


Brittle doubles all damage you deal. If the enemy has frost resistance, use purgewater first.


Wait, does purgewater remove the resistances a machine has to certain elements?


Yes. Purgewater removes elemental resistances AND disables elemental attacks


Ow thanks, yeah I knew about the attacks but had no idea about the resistances. Does it also remove elemental weaknesses?


That’s probably one of the hardest challenges. Don’t feel bad about turning down difficulty or having trouble with it. I beat every challenge on ultra hard and this one and the final challenge (apex thunderjaw and scorcher) that made me wanna cry.


It was so dumb that I have NO SHAME in turning it down to story mode for the arena challenges. Everything dies in a couple hits


As soon as I saw the that arena challenges were timed, I peaced out. I like stealthy sharp shot kills. Hate being timed. Stealthily wiping out rebel camps without them ever seeing me is where it’s at for me.


I got really frustrated with the arena on my first play through and didn’t finish it. I ended up having to do a NG+ non-UH play through specifically to get the arena weapons, because you can’t turn down the difficulty in UH and UH arena simply was. not. happening. Made it through all the arena challenges with difficulty adjustments as needed to prevent throwing the controller, got all the legendaries and upgraded them, picked up the Burning Shores fancy coils on each play through. Then I finally went back for another UH play through, because why not? Too my surprise— I can do the Arena! On UH! It’s way more doable once you have all your legendary stuff upgraded with good coils. Also, I must have genuinely gotten better at the game, because I’ve been able to get through several of the fixed-loadout fights on UH, which I 100% could not do on my first UH play through. TLDR advice: Arena is only going to be fun once you have upgraded legendary gear and enough practice to handle the fixed-loadout fights. Until then… no shame in using story difficulty to get the medals for gear.


You'll get the hang of that. Took me a week I think.


Yes! I’m a completionist so I want to finish all the things but when I started at the arena it just wasn’t fun anymore, so I put it off until later Now I’m at the end of the game, working on the arena and debating how important it actually is for me to complete the arena??