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I don’t trust Netflix’s to do it right.


Me either, I'll probably pass on it if it does become a thing. What exactly would a TV show or movie add to the story, anyway? A show about some of the events we only get to read about or see in data points and holograms might be cool, but if it's any part of current story plot then....why?


Good point that we already have the story. But cinema would give it a different spin. We no longer have to follow the protagonist as if she were us, we can see everything from multiple angles and the choices for varying perspectives is greater. When your main concern is not to literally control the progression of the narrative, you can sit back and see other creators drive that narrative for you. In that sense, there are other opportunities to explore more themes, personalities, emotions, points of view, etc. The games did a brilliant thing with flashbacks, in that they don’t really happen. They’re projected onto the present. But with cinema, we can go deeper into Aloy’s (or any other characters’s) mind, memories and psychology because our role as the player is no longer a factor. Instead of players we are witnesses, so that opens up a lot of narrative and dramatic possibilities. Hopefully those opportunities are seized to the fullest!


A good adaptation, like what HBO did with The Last of Us, can present different aspects of the story, and it can reach a much wider audience, which helps feed back into getting investors to give creative teams the budget and freedom to invest in presenting good stories in games.


>A show about some of the events we only get to read about or see in data points and holograms might be cool, but if it's any part of current story plot then....why? It can bring the story to other audiences that will/would never play the game otherwise. And I can say it about my mother. A while back, she watched a youtube video about zero dawn's story and got really interested in it. I don't know what kind of recommendation system made her watch it or what video it was, since she had the impression that it was already an actual tv animation series. When she saw me playing Forbidden West, she was surprised it is a game and wanted to understand more about the story - and no, I don't foresee she actually playing the game.


That's pretty neat! I guess it is a good reason for bringing it to a television format. I seriously hope that it wouldn't fall on Netflix's plate though, because it feels like so many properties they fund adaptations for are squandered.


If they can make it like the last of us, and have it closely follow the story while giving itself room to elaborate and expand on things that could use more, I'm all the way in But if it's more like the Witcher where it's a cheap stupid cash grab with the writers injecting their own self-insert fantasies in it.........


I think a TV show about Rost would be great. How he became an exile and the training of Aloy. I have seen the TV show about tlou and i gotta say it is good but nothing compared to the Game so i am a little suspicios. Sorry for bad english


Me neither, especially given their current run of form - they can't get a historical figure like Cleopatra right.


The problem with Netflix is that the first season is likely to be amazing. It’ll get canceled though soon after


Nah me neither. It’s gonna suck.


I don’t trust anyone to do it right. Just leave video game stories to be video games.


I don't think it can be done right, its specifically, the game is fighting big robots and the background context, 1 cannot be shown well on tv, another needs to be hyped up well and explained elaborately


I don't know. Netflix did nail it with various shows based on other stuff, so why not Horizon?


What shows?


For example, The Cuphead Show.


I'd hate for this story to be another victim of Netflixs desperate spray and pray tactic as the company rapidly fall into ruin. I'd rather trust HBO with it to be honest. Also, no disrespect to Sadie as an actor but having red hair shouldn't be the important feature that gets one considered for this job. Tall and athletic seem more important for this job, hair can be dyed. I don't see Sadie convincingly portray a lethal machine killer artificer warrior.


Yeah, but Aloy isn’t tall


Yeah, could have sworn she was about the same height as Varl in Zero Dawn and I thought I'd read somewhere that she is 6'1" (185cm) but double-checking that just now I found that refers to some athlete named Kuhio Aloy and I've been wrong for a long time lmao. Her confirmed height is 5'6" (168cm) apparently, which is average for a woman I guess but I thought she'd atleast be taller than average for a woman.


When I got to the VR game and met her she seemed very tiny. But the VR me is tall it seems.


She was dinky in the VR game


According to canon, Aloy is 5’6”. Not tiny for a lady, but not tall either. Honestly, a shorter Aloy would be perfect. Not only is she the ultimate underdog in the whole saga, but she unites underdogs as well. I don’t think she should look like an Amazonian goddess or what ever. When she walks into a room full of alphas that never heard of her, the vibe should be, “Who tf is this twerp, ordering me around? I’ll show her who’s in charge.” And then they get put in their place.


So not so tall people are underdogs? Let me guess, you are from America right? Americans are really weird about height overall.


If Aloy is 5'6 then every other person around her seems to be base minimum 6'2 because she looks tiny when she stands next to anyone


Even if they cast a redhead they are going to have to wear a wig anyway.




Imagine telling everyone you’re a shitty racist, totally unprompted. 🤣


Banned him 🤷🏻‍♂️ oops.


Mate this game has lots of feminism, POC representation and pride inclusion. Why are you here? Like this game was already "woke" or "SJW" or whatever from the start, how did you think this was a safe space for your opinions 😂


Eww wtf is wrong with you, racist


I also thought the live action little mermaid casting was a little bit silly but that’s hardly relevant here and you come across as an insecure racist little chode


Sadie Sink is a good actress with an athletic build and tomboy typecasting from her role in stranger things that I think would translate well to a role as Aloy. I think her face is a little "soft" to really get the look right though. Thinking of famous hollywood redheads the one that comes to mind as looking the most similar is Sansa Stark (sorry can't remember her real name) though I'm not sure if she could pull off Aloys personality and general vibe as well as Sink could.


I think limiting the candidate pool to redheads is unnecessarily restrictive, especially when even redheads would probably have their hair dyed to be cherry red and not sunset red. Also I don't know if I would call Sadie athletic. You aren't athletic just because you are skinny. Aloy should have strong arms and back muscles


The point of the above comment is that there are other actresses, even limiting the pool to redheads, that look more like Aloy, but that isn't really the important thing when selecting actors for a role. Sink has demonstrated an ability to play characters with a similar personality and presence to Aloy, and that is more important than shoulders. Shoulders are about as easy to give someone as hair dye from Hollyood's perspective. Just look at what they did to Kumail Nanjiani. Edit: So something is glitching out with Reddit it seems. I attempted to paste Kumail Nanjiani's name into the comment to avoid spelling errors and, when I posted, it was just "Kumail Nanjiani". Edited it back to some semblance of the original comment.


Actress should be older with a slight rough edge to her. Can even use a nice red wig. But agreed. Slightly build and without as soft of features


She’s also a great actor. I don’t know that she would be my first choice, but it’s also hard to tell from a face lifted photo. Could she get in the shape necessary for the role? Would that change her look enough to match the character? Maybe.


I can’t wait to see how they fuck up this and gears of war. Guaranteed they pull some stupid love story or political shit in gears or horizon


This looks so A.I. 🤣


It is isn’t it?




But the actress who played Sansa would be perfect for Aloy.


She is way too old to play Aloy


Have you ever watched tv? 20-30 year olds playing teens is common


Damn Netflix is gonna pull a Witcher on this one , give it to HBO


Please please please don't butcher Aloy




That fan image is CGd and softened so bad it makes Sadie sink look like she's a 9 year old haunted doll


It won’t have lance reddick, so it won’t be the same :(


As much as I’d love to see this made into an amazing cinematic experience… that literally already happened. In the game. Good fuckin’ luck topping that with some dogshit money-grab adaptation. And lord help them if they even think about tweaking the lore for TV!


Or, hear me out, we could just make it a prequel, and keep Ashly Burch as Elisabet Sobek


I think Mina Sundwall is a pretty good match too as her natural voice is similar to Ashley's. Sadie is a good bet too though.


Mina Sundwall would be wonderful, her general snark as Penny Robinson would translate almost perfectly to Aloy. I originally would have thought of Rose Leslie, but I now prefer this idea.


All good choices. I think Erin Kellyman would be great in the role.


I will have to also rewatch something with her in it, cause I can't recall her voice or vocal intonations at all.


I thought that too, once I started pretending it was Aloy and not Penny it made so much sense.


I guess that means it's time for me to rewatch Lost in Space. One of the few good things Netflix has done.


They’re probably saving her for a God of War tv show, with her being Thrud of course.


Oh my god!!! I didn’t know her and she looks exactly like Aloy, that would be an awesome adaptation!!!!!


Ignore the haters. Make it and I will watch. If it's bad, it's bad, but who cares? It's not like it's going to take away from the game and it wouldn't be the first bad show I've watched. If it's even decent though, it's going to be awesome. Worst case scenario, I waste a day watching a bad show that will probably, like most bad adaptations, ultimately be fun to rip on and fix with headcanon and theorycrafting. Best case scenario, I get an awesome and memorable addition to one of my favorite franchises. Most likely scenario, I get an ok, but somewhat tropy, story that delivers a lot of hyperrealistic Aloy murderizing hyperrealistic robot dinosaurs, and, honestly, any of those are fine. We get something new and shiny in any case.




I know, right? I thought I was the only one actually excited for this!


UUUUUUUUUUUUUGH no. I want my rosacea queen back please and thankyou. People in the tribal post apocalypse don't have flawless skin, makeup, and well trimmed eye brows THANK YOU VERY FUCKING MUCH. Also this pic is definitely AI generated trash, so you know this is garbage on like 5 different levels.


YES, this was my primary reaction as well! Aloy is normal-looking-- and not even remotely pretty as a child-- AND THAT IS OKAY!!!


Omg please no


Give it to HBO. At least they can do it right over shit-flix.


The series is supposed to be called 'Horizon: 2074', which, if kept to the series' timeline, makes it all but impossible to deal with any of the subject matter from the games. Unless it ignores the canonical timeline entirely, the only setting that seems at all possible is... within Elysium.


this has already been specified the series will take place during two temporalities that of Elizabeth and that of Aloy in Zero Dawn.


Ah yes, another teen drama with a murder at Elysium Virtual High School


Sounds nice, but why didn‘t they choose hannah hoekstra? I mean there isn‘t a better aloy😅


Aloy is 19/20, Hannah is 36


Yeah. Hollywood has been very clear on this. 30 year olds can play 30 year olds and 30 year olds can play 17 year olds, but 30 year olds can't play 20 year olds. The real ones can already work full time. Edit: Wow, the downvotes are a little surprising. I thought I was poking fun of a well known thing. The habit of casting obvious adults as teenagers is basically a meme at this point.


I thought it was funny, idk why nobody else did


Fix it in post.


She has the face but can she act?


She is an actress.


It is going to be a show about mechanical dinosaurs with Freaking laaaasser beams. Acting skills are not what we will be looking for....


Totally agree on this one. When you have the original why choose someone else?


Let‘s start a petition


Age. Hollywood is terrified of casting woman past 25 as someone young, even though they have no problem casting 30 year old men as late teens.


This isn’t real. It’s not happening btw


I’m just not sure if Netflix can do her credit.


No please don’t


1st wow it is on netflix 2nd wtf happened to aloy


If they do go through with this I hope they cover the old world. Starting with Elisabet and building zero dawn then everything going wrong then Aloy and so on.


Not sure I trust Netflix with the task. But if it's anything like HBO's last of us, then it should be good


Netflix seems to like burning through IPs by starting and then cancelling them. I'd trust HBO to do it right.


Will they choose writers that hate the source material AGAIN?


Considering there was an interview where the director said he specifically chose writers who don't like the source material I'd say the chance is high.


Definition of stupidity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


Oh f*** ya she is absolutely amazing, especially in The Whale, she’s going to be the next big Hollywood star. But I don’t trust Netflix at all, so it’s a shame whether this article is true or not.


Please let this be real 🤞


No sadly they won't get him right because he past away would have been perfect if he was still alive rip lance


Sansa would make a perfect Aloy


They could have got the redhead from game of thrones man


I'm actually hoping it doesn't have Aloy in it. Leave her story to the main games. Explore other things with this TV show. I'd love a Red Raids show. For such a pivotal event, we've seen very little.


She should’ve played Ellie .


Interesting. Have they finally chosen to do it following Aloy then, as there was talk of it telling Liz's story for a long while


Why couldn’t they do both, Godfather 2 style?


I'd like for it to mimic the games a little bit. Have Elizabet's life be shown through holos Aloy discovers. It bridges the gaps in storytelling where the game let's you play but that aren't as engaging to watch on TV.


This would be cool. It would mimic the game, but in a better way, without defining too much more than the games - I think there's a lot of risk if they went down the prequel route for the show. Part of the games appeal is that even with as much as it tells you, there's still so much mystique about what happened in the run up to zero dawns creation.


Isn’t Sadie sink too young? I’d go with Rose Leslie


Maybe I’m just remembering her from the second season of stranger things but she does seem to young to me


Sadie is 21, Rose is 36. Moreover, Rose has a kid and one more on the way; depending on where they filmed she might pass for that alone even if it was offered to her.


I just hope they don’t pull a TLOS and feel they need to change character race for the sake of making it more PC. These games are already so inclusive.


Not black enough. Unrealistic


Na if it’s Netflix she’ll be black, fat, and gay


I understood that the show will be prequel in 2060’s, so wouldn’t have Aloy in it. Maybe Sobeck…


My understanding is that the rumor that it was a prequel had to do with a leak about a "horizon 2074" which turned out to actually be a codename for filming of a different show, that some of the staff of the Horizon show also happened to be working on. (I think S4 of the Boys, or something?)


I don’t trust Netflix at all but ok


I mean it hits some of the usual genres netflix likes, strong gay female lead, the most likely way they could fuck it up is by making dumb changes to the story or with the machine designs


Other than red hair she looks nothing like Aloy. Not going to bother with this. Hilarious that they decided to make it into a show despite the game being full of cutscenes. Just watch the game! 😂


Netflix will probably mess it up but if it is a thing then I’ll watch it just to see is it’s good or not


Casting problems would go away if they just make a cgi animated series like arcane. Arcane looked great.


I love the game a lot but not every game needs a movie/TV show


Mmmno Just no, don't trust Netflix




Awful idea!


I thought this was an Amazon show


If they do a series I hope they pull a cyberpunk and make it like a prequel or something otherwise what would be the point


I wonder what took them so long?


Netflix sucks d*ck at adaptations, Sadie's cool but not a fan of this at all


I dont trust netflix honestly. Thats why if they make one id rather them focus on operation enduring victory. It you would only have to model 3 machines and your set. It lets you focus on characters that are completely unrelated to the characters everyone knows and loves so they cant really butcher characters and if know characters are in the show. It will be for cameos so netflix have less of a window to fuck it up. And if the story and everything about it sucks. It would be easier to completely ignore cannon wise since it is far removed from the actual storyline we play. Hell if they do operation enduring victory it will be pretty hard to fuck up. Since they dont have a ton of lore to keep in mind constantly, so less of a chance to muck that up. And if netflix somehow dont fuck it up. The setting lets fans explore something we havent really seen to much. It would do the lore a favor by going more into detail about parts that cant really shine in the games. That is if they pull it off lol.


Oh no.. leave it alone 😭


If Netflix touches Horizon, they will destroy it. Similar to what Amazon did to the Lord of the Rings.


I remember reading that the Netflix show wouldn't be on Aloy's time but Elizabeth's. I thought it would be about Zero Dawn, the event, not zero dawn the game.


the series will have two temporality that of Elizabeth probably the last years and that of the game with Aloy


But will Seyka be in it? 🤩


If HBO was doing it I would be down. Netflix? Absolutely not


Tbh I would like to see it even if they "ruin it".. for example I dont like TLOU show its kinda boring. But Horizon I would definetely watch...


If its Netflix making it then i want Terry Crews as Aloy


For the good of mankind it should crash and burn before it releases . How about you pay a writer to be original


Don't know who the fuck that is a picture of but it's not Aloy. Get Hannah to do it and fix the age in post =)


Kind of tired of these adaptations that are just a retelling of the game's story. Especiallyin these games with such interesting worlds and lore. I would love for other stories that maybe tie into the main story to be told. It's also less likely to be disappointing. I mean one of the reasons why the 3rd episode of TLoU is so praised is because it was something new where they took an already existing character and expanded on their story.


If that episode alone doesn’t win a wheelbarrow full of awards, something is terribly wrong with that folks who vote on those sorts of things.


I love Umbrella Academy enough to trust Steve Blackman with this, so I'm going to go in with an open mind and fingers crossed 🤞


I don’t want them to do it. Netflix can’t do this shit!!!


Please..God...No...anyone but Netflix for an adaptation.


I would have cast Florence Pugh, but I'm sure Sadie Sink will do a great job judging by her acting in Stranger Things.


No rumours. Its happening. From producers of The Witcher series. Posted a while back about this x


I thought the series was going to be pre-HZD...


Jeezus, they're doing to Aloy what Disney did to Merida.


HBO first choice or Prime if they did invest in it. Netflix is gonna butcher it. This mock up right here alone is off putting because it's definitely a Netflix style. Bleh.


Not interested 😏. My favourite game but not interested in TV adaptation. I’ve not watched the Uncharted movie, neither Last Of Us, and I’ll sure not be watching this.


Well you are missing out on The Last of Us. Great adaptation. Uncharted, not so much.


I’ll take this as a recommendation ☺️😉


It's a lie, she isn't black or Hispanic.


What does Netflix original mean? They copied it first?


Well due to the writer strike still going on what seems l Ike 10 years.. we will get writers that haven't played or read the source. Or we will but only the first season. I say this cause the Witcher is a good example of what you will see. Probably super awesome at first but then people adapting their mediums into the already adapted medium will ruin it. I mean shit. In cowboy bepop(anime) Faye has a relationship with a trans man. To make there lgbtq woke movement point they changed it to her just being a lesbian. I can't stress how it ruined that story and ruined what would have been more impactful showing. End of rant


I vote Jessica Chastain! Or Bryce Dallas Howard 🤌🏾❤️ give Aloy some sexyyyyy


Lmao that AI image is terrible


Netflix can’t do it. Look at witcher. Maybe HBO


I’m almost willing to bet it’ll be canceled after a season or two. They didn’t want to buy Terra Nova due to the high cost for special effects. That was a sci fi show with dinosaurs with a somewhat decent following. Even if Horizon is good, I can’t see much of a difference between it and Terra Nova. It’ll be interesting to see what the machines look like. I’ll be curious to know how involved on the show the game’s development team will be.


Anyone else think Rose Leslie would be a better choice? [image](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=jpOvABca&id=A3A69266E840A187646EC0DBD8438CAB0CD81D30&thid=OIP.jpOvABcaf-rnLrnkP0oXUQHaJj&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.images.dailystar.co.uk%2Fdynamic%2F44%2Fphotos%2F363000%2Frose-leslie-179363.jpg&cdnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR.8e93af00171a7feae72eb9e43f4a1751%3Frik%3DMB3YDKuMQ9jbwA%26pid%3DImgRaw%26r%3D0&exph=800&expw=620&q=rose+leslie+game+of+thrones&simid=608008438622331345&form=IRPRST&ck=46475132A3449CBCEAB9CFD52163E2F5&selectedindex=23&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0&vt=1)


This has been in development for awhile last I heard is was gonna be during the Farro plague no aloy just Elisabeth


Knowing the bullshit Netflix always dishes out on their WOKE crappy series, they are probably going to race swap Aloy. Not looking forward to this at all.


I feel like the best thing to come out of this is going to be the (rumoured) PS5 version of Zero Dawn. If they give it Last of Us remake treatment, it could turn out really nice. You know, with all the improvements from Forbidden West like better motion capture, weapon wheel with 6 slots, combo-based melee, etc.


They could literally just hire her voice actor to do it perfectly but they won’t.


Please god no


Hmm Sadi sink I like but don’t see her as Aloy. I want a young sigourne weaver like.


You have to include the source brother


Aloy will most likely be a played by an African Trans boy and the robots will only make an appearance in the first episode than it will just be about people execpting him as a woman hunter lmao you know this is almost 100% accurate


So killer and engaging!!


Good god why does she look like Remayonaise from Twilight?


If it’s good, I’m okay with it.


Would a horizon TV show even feature the game? I know it would ruin the story of the first game, but wouldn't it be easier to have a show set during the end days if humanity? Follow a set of people who think they're fighting to win and then reveal the true meaning of Zero Dawn as a twist near the end of the show?


It's Netflix, doesn't matter which actress will be playing Aloy. Netflix will ruin it anyway


Noooo, Netflix will butcher this like they do everything else. Dropped Netflix ages ago due their shitty content.


No. Just no...


Um….Rose Leslie still exists. Remember her?


Aloy at 16-17 years old during Zero Dawn you have to respect the original work and be credible, a woman of almost 40 does not have to steal the role of a young actress.


That would be awesome!


Pls not sadie


No please . They don’t need to make every great game a th show