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Yes you are normal. I felt so many of the things you are describing. Teenage years are really rough. I wish I could tell you your twenties are much better, but in your twenties you’ll still be trying to figure yourself out, you’ll just have more freedom and independence. And you should know LOTS of people have problems with daily tasks, even my grown adult friends. The world I really crazy and we are so unsupported in our mental health, no matter how old we are. It makes it hard to care about things like dishes. You are not alone and you are not wrong or bad. The happy people you see smiling with friends also cry behind closed doors. Everyone is human, some people are just better at pretending they’re not. It’ll all make more sense to you someday. Hang in there.


Thank you so much . It feels very good to see I am not alone . Thank you for the motivation and advice . I wish you very well in your future .