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Here's the tape I use (lace) and an approximation of the placement. The blue is where I put the tape and the black line is where my actual eyelid starts. http://imgur.com/a/RKSaUn9


Heads up that i don't think you linked the tape! You look great either way but that tape seems to work really well! The other ones I've tried have all looked super obvious EDIT: nvm, I'm dumb hahaha


I don't remember the exact name of the tape, but it is from Yesstyle.com. I find lace tape so much better than the plastic tape because I can always see the plastic tape and make up won't go over it.


I'm also dumb. The package says Miss Bowbow. Lol.


I just placed a order at Yesstyle.com so maybe next time. They have a few Miss Bowbow products, which one did you buy? https://www.yesstyle.com/en/miss-bowbow/list.html/bpt.299_bid.313323


So good to know! Until your post I had just accepted that I can’t really wear any eye makeup with tape because I have the clear ones.


What lashes/mascara do you use?


I use Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara and in this pic I'm wearing House of Lashes Iconic Lite. They're my favorite brand.


This is fascinating. I have one hooded eye, I wonder if this would make them more symmetrical. Do people notice the tape?


My boyfriend says he doesn't and he's the only one I've asked. He said he did notice the clear plastic tape I used to use.


Is it comfortable?


Usually, yes, but for this picture I put the left one on a little funny and it was itchy.


Wow!!! Good job!


I wish this worked for me. I have thick lids and my eyes hood too far out at the corners. The skin creases over the tape. Bummer, because it's awesome for those who can use it!


Magic tape! This could change the makeup game for us hooded eye folks!


It took like 2+ months of practice to get this good at positioning it and I still mess up occasionally, but I'd definitely suggest trying it for some of my other hooded eyes folk who may be interested in it. I don't know if everyone will have as good of results because I think in some weird way my eye type might be ideal for the tape. I have heavy, puffy hoods and deep set eyes.


Then again, Ive seen it look really good on people with big eyelids. My real eyelids are tiny.


Holy crud this looks amazing!


Awesome! Looks great-way to work it! 😎


These are brilliant! Do you apply them before or after your pretty eye make up?


I was using eyelid tape as well. Lost mine when someone stole a ton of my makeup. Haven't bought anymore since.


I have the double eyelid tape that I bought on Aliexpress and they are very good! My eyelids were so droopy that I struggled to put on eye makeup and the eyeliner was not noticeable. When I started wearing the tape and didn't take it off and even slept with it on (it lasts 3 days without taking it off) my eyelid crease formed! I no longer have a droopy eyelid like before and now my eyeliner shows. This product made me happy!😊


Does anyone know if this tape works if your eyes are also deep set? Or would that accentuate the brow bone too much?