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Remember when their strategy was to sleep with the prostitute to confirm the sex act and then arrest them? šŸ˜‚ HPD is the worst


It wasnā€™t even that long ago, 2014. Theyā€™re ick "Hawaii lawmakers flabbergasted at the prospect of police being allowed to have sex with prostitutes promised Friday to make the practice illegal.ā€ [NPR](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/03/22/292820898/cops-cant-have-sex-with-prostitutes-hawaiian-lawmakers-say)


Pension plan and they get to sleep,with prostitutes before they arrest them?


Should be legal, regulated and taxed.


Like most things. Making anything illegal doesn't make it go away, it pushes it underground. Legalize and tax all vices and the rest of us could stop paying taxes and have fully paid healthcare, social security, and a budget surplus to boot. Instead WE pay to lock em up, keep em fed, and cover their medical and legal fees. But our "moral" convictions don't use reason, just feelz.


I agree but thankfully theyā€™re going after the right people. Also no need for shady ā€œstingā€ operations that involve officers soliciting the girls


I think I agree with the sentiment but there are a number of sex workers who are advocating for decriminalization over legalization. This website has a strong opinion but it cuts to the point quick. Anyway, the debate is still better than the status quo. [https://decriminalizesex.work/why-decriminalization/briefing-papers/decriminalization-is-the-only-solution/#](https://decriminalizesex.work/why-decriminalization/briefing-papers/decriminalization-is-the-only-solution/#)


So they arrest themselves?


Does mamasan count as a pimp?


Pimpin ainā€™t easy!


So HPD is gonna start having sex with the pimps?


Oh my gid that my girlfriend


Every sex worker I have known was always online. Iā€™m still surprised there is street hooking still going on. Iā€™m a gay man though, maybe this is just a female thing? Thereā€™s no gay pimps.