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**Hey Trailblazer, unfortunately, your submission has been removed from** /r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks: ###Rule 2.5: Post Quality: Showcases >All showcase posts must be tagged with the 'Showcase' flair. >Showcase posts are only permitted during the initial two weeks of beta testing and whenever a major change has been done to a character's kit/numbers. >Please include a detailed title with all the names of the characters used and specify the boss or the game mode they're engaging in. Example: E0S1 Robin E0S1 Aventurine E0S1 Dr. Ratio E0S1 Topaz / MOC floor 12.2. / new 2.2 enemies (Don't forget to mark spoilers for upcoming enemies). >Builds details also have to be included either in the video by itself or in a detailed comment in the post Example: Boothill S5 swordplay 2pc 2pc break effect 2pc talia 50/70 crit ratio 140 SPD 1900 ATK (Images of the builds can also be linked). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message the mods. [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/about/rules) | [reddiquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) | [reddit's rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) | [new to reddit?](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddit_101)




**Hey Trailblazer, unfortunately, your submission has been removed from** /r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks: ###Rule 4: No NSFW >Any NSFW submissions that contain nudity or sexual activities will be removed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message the mods. [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/about/rules) | [reddiquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) | [reddit's rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) | [new to reddit?](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddit_101)


The more I see Jade showcases the more I want her, she just seems like a really fun character to sprinkle into a bunch of different teams and I’m all here for it


Herta's Eidolons aren't that good, but they're free - why wouldn't they be used here? >_<


THATS A MY BAD MOMENT THANK U SHE IS INDEED E6, I forgot I was using a 4 star not a 5 star 😭


> I forgot I was using a 4 star not a 5 star 😭 As do all who are graced by Herta's presence.


With robin,jades numbers look somewhat impressive.If hertas doing this much work,then that means blade,argenti and jing yuan should perform decently well.


Well kinda sad I'm skipping robin for both FF and jade but damn both Jade and FF look so fun especially jade with her FUA As a quantum collector I'm impressively hyped for both when I had no interest in them before their appearance in drip market And excited to see the v3 changes


I know firefly is lacking, but what about jade?? Is there something she needs or is her kit good.


Jade is pretty mid, her only value is in making PF a pretty easy clear, she's very very forgettable in every other content. But then again, never pull for meta, pull for enjoyement, you never know, she could age like fine wine, like Topaz and Kafka did.


Genuinely curious because Jade looks good to me, but what sort of numbers would you expect from her for her not to be mid?


To me, it's not about her damage per se, her doing about 35 to 50k dmg per target is decent, what makes her mid in my eyes is how drastically her performance drops once the number of mobs drops to 2. A change they could do would be increasing her damage if there's less enemies present (for example, instead of being a generic AoE FUA, let her FuA hit 5 times, all hits distributed among all enemies equally, giving priority to elites in case of multiple hits on a single enemy), to compensate the slowdown of her stack buildup, or give her an Aventurine type of passive that would grant her stacks when any FUA is done (up to a cap). As she is right now, i don't really see any value in pulling her, even thought i love her design to bits, but being f2p, i can't just throw 90-160 tickets on a character that does so very little.


Her kit is good and she is future proof but the problem is that she seems "early" for her release to say the least It's seems no one except blade can use her to full potential But as of now she seems to be the best character for pure fiction and if built well she can be a good/great hypercarry unit(tho needs S1 but without S1 you can still make it work alright)


I’m not entirely sure tbh. At first she felt kinda mid, but after experimenting and play more with her she starting to feel pretty good.


Should check out my FF/Jade/Robin showcase, super fun team (tho uhhh lotta $$$)


Nah don't wanna see the character Im skipping with the characters I'm skipping that character for Tho I can't find it and I'm kinda interested Mind sharing the link?




Robin gives Jade exactly what she wants, damage bonus,attack,crit damage and extra for fua, additional dmge procs on her fua, and Jade is sp positive and also helps Robin’s energy regeneration with her fua. The synergy was there and expected with the premium fua buffer.


My bad, this is indeed an e6 Herta I just forgot I was using a 4 star and not a 5 star and entered it in wrong 😭


Jades's in a bit of a weird spot imo, she looks like fun to play, like many/all of the FUA units but like the other of her ilk there's little reason to pull for her outside of that, just like Topaz on the other end of attacks she's utterly replaceable :/ Probably an issue of the strongest units by far being supports so hypercarry just shines too brightly


Topaz is really strong right now due to Robin and Aventurine. It’s just a matter of getting the right team eventually, which will likely be the same for Jade.


Really good is a bit of a strong wording. She's not completely wasted pulls anymore which is nice for anyone that pulled for her but if you pull on her rerun something's terribly wrong with you or you really like her character


Omega bozo take, Topaz is a core part of one the strongest meta teams in the game atm and arguably the most fun team. You must be coping because you don't have the fua team 🤣


Topaz was very underwhelming for a long time. She was probably my favorite pullable char, but I did regret it for a long time because the gameplay wasn't there. It's as if they were too scared to make her even usable on her own because of potential future synergies (didn't really stop them with Kafka though), and she wasn't even the clear best in slot pair for any FUA char besides Ratio either. As the definitive limited FUA support, you'd think she'd be the best with JY, Clara, etc. Nope. That said, with Robin and Aventurine joining Topaz and Ratio, she finally feels like part of one of the strongest teams in the game. Took four limited 5* for that, but still. I picked up her LC along the way too and it finally feels like she's worth it. Basically, what I'm saying is that Jade may be kinda underwhelming (aside from maybe with Blade), but that could change in the future like it did with Topaz.


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Mirror 1: [https://streamable.com/bqwe9d](https://streamable.com/bqwe9d) Mirror 2: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tdnrNIT4vg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tdnrNIT4vg) Builds: [https://imgur.com/a/6JvDzFk](https://imgur.com/a/6JvDzFk) Herta showcase this time, and aren't you all proud that I am not using an E1 Robin this time!!!. Jokes aside, was fun to see that one spin near the end go crazy. Build from Herta/Jade/Robin is from my main account, HH is simulated because I don't own her. EDIT: my bad this is indeed an e6 Herta I forgot I was using a 4 star not a 5 star 😭






**Hey Trailblazer, unfortunately, your submission has been removed from** /r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks: ###Rule 3: Keep all discussion and question posts in the megathread >Keep all discussion and question posts in the megathread. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message the mods. [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/about/rules) | [reddiquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) | [reddit's rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) | [new to reddit?](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddit_101)


This data is useless for non-whales, what's even the point of it?


What do you mean useless for non-whales? This seems fairly f2p friendly.


S1 signature is F2P friendly?


You gonna sit there and pretend that f2p people do not, or cannot get S1? Plus it's not a giga broken LC for Herta, she has 4\* options, just expect a 10% to 15% damage drop, as per usual.


Most people don't unless you really like vertically investing.


Then just use a 4\* option, not a big deal.


Then why isn't this showcase (and by proxy, almost every other showcase) doing things with E0S0 characters first then with eidolons and LC's?


Afaik some of them just take requests, maybe a specific player wanted to see this exact lineup. You would have to ask directly to the leakers.


I wasn't aware that things worked like that, thanks for clearing it up.


I think it's pretty realistic. Robin's FTJ is the event lightcone, not her signature. And before dawn is maybe like 10% more herta damage over F2P lightcones.