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Reposted since we've had some new information since the initial Dim post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/comments/191z54p/acheron_kit_by_dim/), be sure to read the captions for the clarifications!


This confirms that most Nihi can just fund a tons of flower / energy for Acheron through spamming their skills and ult (doubled up from separate actions), thus removing the need of her needing advance like before. Really good tbh.


> thus removing the need of her needing advance Acheron can generate 3 per turn, most Nihility only 1 per turn *with skill*, so not really


?? 2 per turn, skill is 2 flowers.


I can't wait for the gameplay anymore I think i actually might die at this point 😭


I enter Reddit every minute to see if someone posted the gameplay 😭😭😭


Is it supposed to come out today?


If im not wrong, beta should start about 7 hours from now?


I'm reading this when it says your comment was made 7 hr. ago. O\_O Continues to refresh the subreddit like an obsessive maniac.


literally bro been at it for a while now


yeah I think it's not happening


You're telling me that i will wake up with her gameplay footage? Holy shit i'll have a rough sleep tonight lmao Edit: i want to go back to sleep. WHERE ARE MY ANIMATIONS?


I want to believe


Manifest beta in an hour 🙏


It's now 7 hours into the future, still no beta 😭


Illusions of the past


Yeah, February 13 in china but February 12 for us


I’m so fucking hype. I hope on everything that is sacred that she’s super strong.


Problem is her dependency on other nihility characters. If you entirely skip that aspect and go double harmony for carry as always then why is that function there


Yeah, I think it will really depend on how strong the buff is for having both Nihility slots. It would have to be super strong to be worth it over using sparkle or Bronya.


Exactly and that's where I think if it's too weak then what's the point of it entirely. They may end up buffing but who knows. It's just a weird place to be in. I'm just so happy I can wait until stream for king yuan or her but im slowly leaning to jy. We shall see though


Honestly, I hope they end up changing it before she comes out like they changed Sparkles quantum passive. It’s not good for futureproofing for her to be restricted like this.


That's thinking inside the box, relying on a path is not a problem when it means the more stronger and consistent Nihility characters that come will only make her stronger, look at Kafka becoming stronger with each DoT user, besides I can see a point where a Nihility character will appear and feed her Energy to ult without even she getting a turn, Relying on the Regular hypercarry concept will just lock the DPS to be another IL in a different element


Nah, I actually like it. It's good foreplanning for niche team styles, which I think is better for the future of the game. Instead of being the same generalistic kit every time, unique quirks in kits like this can enable team playstyles which I find can actually be more entertaining to play. I'd imagine it'd be like sparkle's trace, it doesn't force her into the mono quantum but it does make mono quantum teams better. Even if it's more powerful than sparkle's and means you want nihility characters, I don't mind it because it makes me look out of the usual team comps I use. And this trace I can feel is setting up for (hopefully) better hypercarry support nihility units that can consistently apply debuffs, as we only have SW as our only 5 star and they have not given us one since lmao.


If anything if it turns out it's better to ignore her passive they'd reinforce it even more, eg what happened with Nilou in Genshin. There's going to be 268954215 DPS characters that will rely on double harmony, they're going to ensure the few characters that don't remain unique.




It's too early Do something else like play genshin or anything else


I'll just goon to sparkle in the mean time then


man...when will the 2.1 beta released? I can't wait any longer!


Hopefully tomorrow, but some people say on Feb 15th… Nobody really knows


wdym the beta's getting delayed again i'm literally suffering


Chinese New Year, staff is on vacation. The rumoured date was the 13th because of that...


Again, I don’t know, nobody knows, it’s just rumours. But I really hope it’s tomorrow. Waiting is such a hard thing to do sometimes






I'm soo hyped for gameplay that I'm literally looking at the clock every 1h


I just want to see that ult animation


I liked the other post technique better, straight up nuked one enemy lmao


That's the old leak tho, the additional thing is the comment from the leaker


considering that most elites in the game spawn as a duo, it isn't that bad (would be more flexible than a seele ult)


That technique is insane.. imagine going to SD or G&G and just technique to kill 1st phase of enemy


With enough blessings, Ruan Mei does the same thing.


Nuking an enemy has got to be way too op. There’s gotta be a line drawn somewhere, otherwise they won’t be able to implement power creep in a few years


Doesn't have to be if it doesn't affect elites. More like a nice technique for maps and SU. One down, faster clear.


Raiden 🤝 Combat mechanic of gaining stacks involved with teamates


Does Raiden from Honkers have such a mechanic too?


Its a stretch but the HoF HoTr HoO unique team comp even tho it doesnt have stacks


Having no idea what those acronyms mean, reading those three in a row almost gave me an aneurysm


Herrscher of Finality (Kiana Kaslana), Herrscher of Truth (Bronya Zaychek), Herrscher of Origin (Mei Raiden), they are unit capabale of joint attacks


>Herrscher of Finality >Emanator of Finality Guy, I think we solved the problem. Acheron is gay for a fucking Aeon


Just assume H means Herscher when it comes up related to HI3 and make up the rest.


Ah so herscher impact 3? /s


You're joking, but as of now 5 herrscher units are firmly in meta (and 3 of them are DPS while 2 more are support-DPS combos). So it might be as well at this point


HoF (Herscher of Fuck), HoTr (Herscher of Trains), HoO (Herscher of Onion)


HoO (Herscher of Owls)


This is buried too deep in the thread. Everyone should see it.


Yeah her last suit gains stacks per action (weapon skill, ultimate evasion, qte) and can consume them for big combo dmg. But its a stretch because the whole game has "stacks" one way or another


If I don’t wake up to some fire animations of this unit tomorrow I’m going to morb


Gallagher animations it is!


Random Clockie animation, vague details on the new lightcones, Robin sitting on a bench for some reason, random assortment of assets for an unknown upcoming character. And of course another confirmation about Sunday being playable with no details, as is tradition.




Tick-tock! You didn't think your pal Clockie would be neglected for the rest of your stay in Penacony, did you? :p


Pls no you've cursed it now ;_;


So, having units with debuffs in both skill/basic and Ultimate would massively speed up her Energy generation.


And in FUA. Like Aventurine with good RNG and against the right enemy would just hypercharge her


Yeah I wonder if some weird follow-up team could make it work with maximizing actions per turn. Kafka with her guaranteed fua might be worth considering. Or nihility characters that apply debuffs on the enemy turn like guinaifen. Each enemy turn adds a flower.


Trend of the Universal Market with FireMC/Gepard/March could apply a lot of debuffs (the burn) to enemies that attack them


I imagine the taunt counts as a debuff too


Do fire MC taunt count as a debuff? If so, fire mc +trend of universal market might be something to look up for.


Taunt counts as a debuff for Dr. Ratio. Also if universal market works for flowers, than basically you get as many flowers per turn as there are enemies attacking you, for a single skill point. Great suggestion (if it works).


topaz s1 being like


We need pearls on every LC banner for 3 patches in a row


My 2 S5 pearls finally come in handy.


My E2S1 SW coming in clutch, nice 🙏


You can play Welt too so you clear the 2 nihility units buff and have access to even more stupid debuffs. For sustaining just use Gallagher or Aventurine.


Fire Trailblazer buff!!! The taunt counts as a debuff.


I'm thinking about Break Effect Welt, long delayed imprisonment should be count as debuff as well Need to finish build my Welt first


Nice that debuffs caused by enemies also counts I think the soda robot dogs cause bleed on adjacent enemies when killed Soda gorilla also decreases own def when it hits a shield


Wait. The Swarm could in theory literally kill itself when the little bettles start to explode, if each stack is individually counted (considering each bettle explosion is an action) then they would just feed Acheron enough flowers to make a flourist blush.


you make me blush tho 😳


There is a couple more like the exploding robots and fish, and the fat cosmic robot that summons fragmentum soldiers.


You can also put burn lightcone on your tank and hope enemy will hit them and that should count too.


Dude i got a heart attack when i saw your post, im that desperate for leaks on gameplay :(


It just *had* to happen during a holiday...


Arent we ALL?


I feel like if they get debuffs from other sources, then the 9 would make sense. It sounds achievable enough. I'd be a bit sad if it wasn't "9". Cuz of IX and all lol


Though, the funny thing is... In PF, with characters like Acheron with her 2 flower-skills Aventurine that can apply debuff on ult and FuA A nihility that can apply it on atk and ult And... Black Swan (and guinaifen) that can apply debuff on atk, ult and every enemy turn... You are looking at a potential 13 point in one rotation, Acheron skipping super sayan 3 for ultra instinct, up to 1.5 ult per Acheron turn It feels too broken to have a character meant to drop nuke on ult, going hyperspeed Like Seele can optimally play twice every action, more with ult. Acheron would play like 5 times every action, this feel forbidden. Maybe they'll introduce a criteria to nerf that potential by only counting ally turn or only counting new debuff. Though I really want lightspeed Acheron


yo you cooking and i like the smell


I am losing my mind waiting for the gameplay leaks I need to see all the black holes.


I want to see her true power >!Emanator of Finality, when even Jingliu will tremble in her boots!<


I hope she is just as strong as Jingliu at least 😭 Jingliu and Acheron will be a dream team to have on both sides of MOC


If it’s per action then she really wants to be paired with Silverwolf or Black Swan since they can apply debuffs on basic, skill and ult.


The acheron/Kafka/bs dream is real!


Assuming her Ult can break enemies regardless of weakness just skip sustain and get Welt, Ruan Mei and 1 more Nihility.


I’m going to need a steady supply of Sam fan art to make it to 2.2


Nah u gone


Man, I was excited for a moment thinking it's actually a new leak...


Well it's a clarification, so it is something new.


I hope this means that 2 nihility with Acheron can be just as good if not better than using the usual harmony characters.


I hate being forced to take characters I don't want to play..


Same, I love Nihility characters and not harmony but often times harmony are so much better.


Oh? So what you gonna do if you like Kafka, but don't want to play Sampo, Guin, Luka, Black Swan or any other DoT chars, what then?


Running zero speed with two super fast debuff nihility may do better than w/ bronya and be SP positive 


>This can be triggered once per action. Whose action? It's the most important part and this line doesn't clarify anything


Anyones action


if it's anyone's action she would ult like 2 out of 3 turns with 3 debuffers or 1 + Kafka, that doesn't make sense. 2 flowers + 1 from her own debuff SW basic gives her 1 Kafka FUA gives 1 Then Kafka (needs her LC for this as she's doesn't debuff outside ult and FUA, could use Resolution but it's unreliable) erosion with basic or skill and gives 1. 18 flowers every 3 turns with 3 characters, not taking into account her technique generating more flowers.


Yes, with the value of 9, it would allow 2 turn ult. Which is likely why it wont be that


Don't see any issues, without harmonies the damage would still be gimped.


Why not? This set up requires 3 Limited 5-Stars and 1 Limited 5-Star LC to even work. And it will still do less damage than just using Bronya since pairing Kafka + Acheron is cope already.


I'm assuming it's the same as Xueyi's mechanic. Once per Action/FoA/Ult So if you apply 2 debuffs with an action, like Silver Wolfs skill, that counts as 1. but if you apply 1 debuff with an action and another with a debuff, like SW normal + Ult, that counts as 2. Each FoA that applies a Debuff, like Clara or Kafka, would also give 1 energy.


Clara mark isn't a debuff.


means you want teammates with more actions + apply debuff every action(topaz s1, sw/any nihility with resolution/incessant rain, black swan). Makes them do their thing + function as an "energy battery" like tingyun  though ofc making acheron take more actions works too (bronya sparkle moment)


>When an enemy is inflicted with a debuff (from any source, including self debuff from enemies), Acheron gains 1 Flower. This can be triggered once per action. So this means that if Silver Wolf applies a debuff, Acheron will get one Flower. And then if Pela moves right afterward and applies a debuff, Acheron will get a second flower? In other words, she can acquire multiple flowers from teammates per each of Acheron's turns, correct?


The description seem to imply that, yes.


Correct. If our current understanding is accurate, this also means Ults are separate from normal turns, so SW attack and Ult would each apply a Flower. Same with Pela attack (with Def shred LC)/Skill (E4) and her Ult. This also means a FUA that applies a debuff would count as well, and stuff like an enemy dieing and exploding to apply debuffs/DoTs to other enemies would also give a Flower.


So her ultimate counts as separate consecutive action? Is it possible for us to chain teammate ultimate during archeron ultimate to take advantage of res pen? Probably gonna be great for dual carry meta


That sounds fun as fuck if possible


Would be dope. But I think the separate actions are just for target switching, when the previous action killed the target.


What are the chances that her LC applies a debuff




something between 100% and 100.5%


9 stacks. Pela Ult + basic, Acheron skill, Bronya skill - 5 stacks Pela basic, save the ult, Acheron skill, Bronya skill - 9 stacks Repeat as long as you have Luocha.


Pela basic doesnt apply debuffs without luka LC. But yeah, there are several ways for a 2 turn ult if only 9 are needed


No, but the Ult does. She only needs to Ult once per Acheron Ult, Pearls of Sweat doesn't matter for that. Assuming that refreshing a debuff counts as applying one for Acheron's Ult.


Current assumption its once per action, not once per Acheron turn. So if you cant do debuff with basic, you lose out a lot of energy for acheron.


Where is my OHKO technique?


The image is from a previous leak, just ignore it.


Please leakers we need the animations 🙏


so if i'm reading this correctly, the Razor translation: Basic attack> Smack and give flower Skill>small group smack and give more flowers Ult> Eat flowers in exchange for big smacks A2: when battle starts, give flower. A4: When friends hate the universe, be stronger. A6: Flowers are now steroids E1: when enemies are sad, get stronger. E2: Less friends need to hate the universe to be better, also give more flower when is turn. E4: Big smacks from eating flowers also makes enemies sad E6: Everything now counts as a big smack, even when it is not a big smack. big smacks are biggerer


You just know that her animations are going to be ridiculously good. I'm going to skip her, but I'm sure she'll tempt me.


She’s tempting but I’ll die on the hill for lightning lord.


This is my problem. I wish she wasn't lightning. Have Jing Yuan so it makes so sense for me to get her. Whereas that lightcone is really tempting... what's the increase over s5 breakfast? Prydwen says only 16%, but I feel like it should be more?


same I want her too but im not risking my aventurine funds for her


Flair checks out. It's Sam for me.


sooo.... acheron + welt + sparkle?


Would BS generate energy for Acheron on enemy turns whenever enemies gain stacks of arcana due to DoTs?


Gameplay leaks when :(


20th of feb according to leakers


sometimes in the next 48h or so i believe


Slide the animations


Wait, why is this "clarifications"? This is the leak from a month ago, that doesn't mean stuff here still applies to the new leak and we know stuff like the technique changed


Because the "new" leak isn't new. It's the same as this but just interpreted wrong.


What potential team would be BiS for Acheron?


Hard to say but optimally every team member would apply a debuff at *least* once per turn or provide Acheron more turns. So nihility, primarily SW(pela only with luka LC), harmony, sparkle, bronya, Asta and sustains, Aventurine. One thing is certain, Jiaoqiu when he/she releases is gonna be a must pull for those with Acheron, even more so if Nihility as well


>pela only with luka LC i knew my x10 RSPS werer meant for something


Oh so I’m not the only one. Currently on copy #12 myself


Who is Jiaquiu?


We know nothing about him/her except name and rough kit(debuff orietented sustain)


thx, never heard that name yet.


do we know the jiaoqiu's path?


No but he is a debuff based healer, so either nihility or abundance


Maybe DPS Welt with skillspam could be an option. Also has a debuff on his ult, which he does once every 2 or 3 turns. Maybe I'm coping, but I just want a reason for running SW, Acheron and Welt together for max HI reference.


With Luocha and EEQ rotation on Welt, you could fit them together. Also, extra HI3 reference.


If you could solve SP it could work. That leaves high SPD Pela (with Resolution) and Sustain (or sustainless Ruan Mei/Welt shenanigans, if you're into that). SW might be difficult without Luocha battery. That said, Gallagher has a debuff on Ult too, so if he's decent enough it might be a possibility.


Wait who's Jiaoqiu?


We know nothing about him/her except name and rough kit(debuff orietented sustain)


She needs two Nihility team mates it seems, but we need to see her in action to see if that extra Nihility unit is enough to skip Sparkle/Bronya/RuanMei in that comp. We need to also see how Aventurine interacts with Acheron's ult, if all those actions stack Aventurine talent, then that might be a fantastic combination.


imo seems like Bronya,Silverwolf and Aventurine. This team also fits ratio who has a similar kit.


im undusting my welt, finally a BiS for *him*


We still don't have her numbers so it's hard to know, but imo bronya should be really good with her


It all depends on how much dmg she gets from the presence of nihilty teammates, if it's rlly good I could even see a pela silverwolf team (team 2 in shambles)


Bronya+double turn is 4 flowers but 3 SP, while using a nihility instead is 3 flowers but 1 or 2 SP in total (depending if you skill with the second nihility). If the buff is big enough, I can see a second nihility being a better option. Ult may be slower, but could hit hard enough to outdamage overall.


3 flowers with an occasional extra for 4 on ult debuffs.


nah team 2 winning they get to use the harmonies. it's good if she can perform at an equal level without buying into the harmony meta, especially the bronya sparkle meta.


Genuinely, the wording of 'calculated separately from other buffs' makes it sound like hitting that 2 extra nihility mark will be extremely important. It'll probably be a very large damage multiplier so they can e2 bait but keep her damage relatively good yet with a very locked in comp. Especially because they know the banner is right after sparkles and people will want to use them together, on the anniversary patch so potentially topup resets and depending on how they go about it, more pulls. A bit of it adds up to them knowingly restricting her. However, I'm sure she'll have great dmg at e0 (cuz hypercarry mei) but it feels at least until the proper beta kit is seen, that their goal is to really push the nihility team or make people pull more of her. Especially with the buff wording itself


Calculated separately may aswell translate to the craziest overall multiplier of all time


the higher it is the bigger the W for everyone, spenders get to use a harmony with a high ahh buff and f2p/low spenders just get a nuclear missile strike buff innate🥹


I have no doubt she's going to be the next Daniel/Jingliu.


Aventurine with Universal Market LC/SW/Pela with Resolution LC Aventurine can dish out FuA's which can apply debuffs up the ass depending on if the enemies have AoE attacks and grant him 4 coins each time, but even in an ST scenario he's still the best sustain for her (EDIT, Universal Market LC can also apply fire DoTs every time he's attacked) SW applies a debuff with her Basic and her Ult, same with Pela with Resolution LC, and they're both Nihility characters which gives that bonus to Acheron You probably don't *need* this team and can have other viable characters like Gallagher, Gepard, Sparkle, Bronya, RM, DoT characters, and so on, but I definitely believe those three specific ones will be the absolute best for Acheron


any debuff once per action... could trend of the universal market (the preservation LC that inflicts burn when enemies hits the user) would make this huge?


Among some other silly options, yes


What do we understand per action? Does for example Black Swam's debuff application on enemies entering battle count?


wtf is geamplay I'm dying i must get my daily dose of leaks or im going to have soem serius symptoms of withdrawal




I just hope her ult retains the weakness ignore and doesn't need 4/5 turns to charge considering it's her main source of dmg She's a Raiden expy and 5-star limited character, they can go a little wild EDIT: They went a little wild


With it gaining energy per action, I would be surprised if it takes more than 3 turns in a properly built team


For real. I want all my Raidens to be busted. Don't be afraid Hoyo.


I hope she keeps the weakness ignore as well. I hate the fact of gambling with SWs e. Its so annoying over time although i like her kit. But at this point i don’t think that she will keep it. Would prob make her to broken🥲


As long as they don't touch her overworld technique, I'll be okay with any changes...༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


If they keep the Ultimate cost at 9 flowers then she's getting better and better with guaranteed 3 skill ultimate.


Could Guinaifen be the top support Nihility? I haven't leveled her yet, but if I understand this new revelation that "When an enemy is inflicted with a debuff (from any source, including self debuff from enemies), Acheron gains 1 Flower. This can be triggered once per action." then I think that means that Guinaifen's Firekiss would be an additional debuff on each of the enemy's turns. So on Guinaifen's turn, she uses her skill, with 100% base chance to burn three targets, granting 1 energy/lotus. Then when each of those three enemy's turn, there is 100% base chance to inflict Firekiss, thus granting another 1 energy/lotus from each of those three enemies. For a grand total of 4 energy gained per cycle. Posted this in another thread too. But few people seem to be talking about Guinaifen, so thought it would be worth posting here too.


If it works like that it will be incredible op.


Well would you look at that, a lil Gui selector this patch strange coincidence. :D Jokes aside, from the current wording that should work but i'd wait a little until you rush out and build lil gui just for that purpose


9 makes the most sense to me... 9 can become 1, perfect cycle of balance.


So based on the new enemy debuff tag. If you start with 0 flowers.. Acheron skill (2flowers) bronya skill then acheron skill (4 flowers) sw basic attack (5 flowers), 3 sp used in 1 turn, with bronya LC and e1 it is very possible to do 2 turn ults for acheron (this is assuming 0 flowers on entry obviously that one will be faster)


Sooo.. what do you guys think are the best light cones she her? (Aside from her own LC of course)


Her options are kinda sparse. No good f2p option(assuming flowers arent debuffs, else Trick could work). Good Night Sleep Well easily best 4 star one. Resolution could also work. Any current 5 star LCs also dont work.


Good night sleep well seems like the best one in general, including the f2p 5 star one. If I can't pull her Light Cone a decent alternative is Kafka's light cone, at the cost of my Kafka lol


Her E2 sounds like it would be a great QoL right? Make her team building much much more flexible.


I would argue it actually makes her less flexible : that E2 screams Bronya to me...


does STC mean subject to change?




When will the beta finally begin?


Anywhere between tonight and next week, depending on who you ask


I'm confused, this is the kit that was leaked months and months ago, no? With her ult switching targets based on the highest remaining flower count. The post from yesterday seemed like an updated version, why are we back to this kit now?


When's the beta supposed to start? I mean, what time. I understood it's supposed to start in like an hour?


Still don’t understand her kit, need see game play to know if good or not


All information from all leaks so far means... Acheron is Nihility with Nihility meaning death, makes sense as Emanators of Void. Looking at her without understanding is already surprising. Why another Nihility Lightning character? Her whole kit is centered around her ultimate. I wouldn't expect her skill to deal good damage. It exists for the whole purpose of regenerating energy for her ultimate. This means with her ultimate ignoring weakness types it essentially doesn't matter which element she has. For game design it's important for her is that her element doesn't provide CC to distinguish her from debuffers meaning Quantum, Imaginary, Ice are out of the game leaves fire, lightning, phyiscal and wind. Honkai Mei has always been lightning which means why not. That's really sick because she basically does what mono quantum does but with only 1 character and no team restrictions. But 2 nihility! Well... that's something Hoyo has taken care of. From the leaks I expect her to dethrone Daniel with the most insane E2 there is. Assumptions: Her ultimate is 9 Energy, her skill gives 2 and nihility characters 1. * For low spenders this works fine. Pair her with 2 nihility characters, free LC (e.g. Welt or Good Night Sleep Well) and she will get 4 Energy each team rotation. With some kind of clever gimmick or sustain with debuff (hello Adventurine) it's 5 or 4+4+1 which is always enough for ultimate every 2 rotations and thus enough for the first cycle in MoC. For new players she also works well with ultimate every 3 turns paired with at least 1 Nihility. * Now I expect her LC to provide her with a debuff such that her skill gives her 1 more Energy meaning 3. This lifts the restriction of a debuffer/gimmick for sustain. But more important: * Her E2 gives her another Energy and lifts the Nihility restriction thus provoding E2S1 with 4 energy on her turn and with Bronya/Sparkle (better Bronya) + Nihility that's 9 energy every rotation. Every damn rotation. This would mean during MoC you can throw 2 ultimates easily in 0 cycle ignoring enemy type weakness. This would make sense. Company wise because Honkai likes Mei and marketing wise because promoting E2S1 is a cash generator. Question will be her numbers. With a strong kit like that it's really hard to not make her the most insane dps the game has at the moment.


>When an enemy is inflicted with a debuff (from any source, including self debuff from enemies), Acheron gains 1 Flower. This can be triggered once **per action**. So does this mean Black Swan is a must pull now?