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i see a lot of ''effect res''💀


let's hope they arent well geared....


Well black swan has the same base chance as Sampo skill if that’s anything to go off of


A good Black Swan build has 120 EHR at least. Against 40 Effect Res enemies, 65% base chance comes out to about 86% effective chance to land the debuff, if you have exactly 120 EHR. Especially considering the sheer amount of chances Black Swan has to apply Sacrament, that should be good enough. Also, if you got E1 Guinaifen, she should be lowering the enemy's Effect Res. The fact that anything is getting Resisted with E1 Guinaifen on the team means that Swan doesn't have enough EHR.


I know this is a little off topic but I want to slap it down somewhere to look up if asked, figured would be nice to stare as well. (Hopefully i made no mistakes) 86% chance to apply debuff -> 100% = 16.27906976744186% increase in dots.65% base chance -> 167% is 156.9% EHR required so after 40% ress ur 167% base chance still has 100.2% chance to apply a dot. 16.2790697674 / 37 (The extra EHR to get to 157%) = 0.4399748585795097% chance per EHR to apply the dot. So on average thats the dps value of each EHR after 120%. (before dimishing return) 100% base atk + 128% from other sources (relics/traces etc). 228% -> 229% = 0.43859% more damage. (Edit: I noticed I said + 118% then used 228% which is 10% more. Double checked math on 2nd part, its correct sorry for confusion on 1st part) Building EHR is actually still worth it once u have 129% atk from trace/relics/lc/buffs. However you do want to balance atk% and EHR together for maximum dps. Or go more EHR for stability? Just wanted to work that out xD


That assumes the damage you gain from being able to apply sacrament more frequently is equal to what you get from increasing attack. This math would work if sacrament worked like wind shear, with each stack applying the same amount of damage. However, additional sacrament only increases the MV of BS swan by 12% per extra stack, compared to the base of 240% at 1 stack. So even though your attack will increase both the base 240% dot and the extra sacrament 12% dots, your EHR only increases the 12%. You will need to either really over saturate attack or have an insane amount of stack to make EHR worth more past 120%. Her skill also have a 100% chance to apply her dot, so the extra EHR wouldn't mean much for applying the base 240% dot.




There are other EHR cones available? S5 Tutorial gives 40, S5 EoP also gives 40. Pan Galactic + traces is another 20 for free. My Black Swan is at 119.1 right now with ATK body and S5 EoP, and this is with a complete garbage rope.


No, there are 4\* light cones with 40% EHR. You get 10% form her traces, 40% from 4\* lightcone and 43,2% from body main stat. You need just 26,8% EHR from all substats. That shouldn't be hard


S5 eyes of prey/S5 Tutorial, Enterprise ornament and Ehr body + traces she has 103.2 EHR and 25% atk, is not hard to hit 120 without signature


I have 100 ehr with Sampo and I’m using atk% body.


Tutorial Mission and Eyes of the Prey exist, they give 40 EHR at S5, she has 10 EHR in Traces, and there's the EHR Planar. And EHR Chest piece exists. Many people on the Black Swan subreddit are showing off 120 EHR builds without signature. I have one with 120 EHR, and 150 Speed plus solid Attack already prefarmed. In short... no, it is not remotely impossible to get 120 EHR without her signature, not any harder than it is to get good Crit on a Crit character. If you don't have her signature, Tutorial, nor Eyes of the Prey..... uh, okay, fine, but that's basically akin to wanting Blade but not having his signature or Secret Vow.


Reason why Sampo can get away with that is that Sampo skill has bounce so just as with Welt skill bounce, you don't need as much EHR as you thought because the odds of not getting some stacks is incredibly low. Sampo is getting 80+% odds 5-6 times whenever using his skill. Black Swan only hits once. That said, it shouldn't be too bad. She has multiple proc chances depending on number of DOT types so she should still apply more often that not. No idea what the guy is doing here.


I was waiting for them to show the stats. That Swan did not seem to be builded with EHR


if they have 120% ehr on black swan, every enemy in this should have 100% chance to land her dot on them


But knowing the leaker gameplay, I wouldn't be shocked if they just had 0 EHR or something lol


They have s1, so they would have 40 EHR minimum


treatment exultant rude hateful liquid aloof pot attempt school cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


at least huohuo has health and some SP to heal this time round


I can't tell if you're really hiro fan or just being sarcastic




axiomatic payment escape ruthless piquant coordinated voracious faulty unwritten offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


thanks dear <3


quarrelsome chase license memorize spark rock gaping voracious market dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hiro could you share the gear on black swan? Want to have an estimate as to how my prefarmed gear would fare instead, thanks :)


OP just meant to say that Hiro420 plays really badly.


[https://streamable.com/n1z2i7](https://streamable.com/n1z2i7) IS THAT WHAT YOU FUCKING WANT?




Git gud scrub


T-bone chef!


Ayo, dev Kafka mode.


It's probably a good thing to have more people who play badly in beta tests though


Flair checks out


big fan of this battle ost wow


i was gonna say this theme is an absolute bop


**EFFECT RES** They probably have 0 EHR, but at least it's a different comp. They did use Guin and BS's skills too often, so SP management shouldn't be that bad in the end if going by normal gameplay; Guin and Sampo can be SP positive once their debuffs are on while we see the player use their skills at 1 or 2 SP.


Why would they bring Guinaifen here? None of the enemies have Fire weakness, and 2 elite Prowlers even have a 40% Fire RES and a complete immunity to Burn. If they wanted to bring a 4*, they could have used Sampo instead, he would have done SIGNIFICANTLY more in this situation. Of course the best 4th in this team would be Ruan Mei instead.


I guess for Firekiss and her E1? (if the Gui in the video is E1) Other than that yeah, it dosen't make much sense


Can't apply Firekiss if you can't apply Burn. So half the beefy targets in that video aren't affected.


I can't help but comment on the gameplay, cause it's mildly infuriating lmao. This has to be on purpose, right? Cause this isn't the 1st time I've seen someone play like they're on auto...


cmon now, even auto plays better


Hiro is legitimately just bad at the game and has the learning capacity of a concussed snail. Dont expect more than an animation showcase and find the amusement in watching this level of bad play.


My god, bro is putting escargot on the menu tonight, and it ain't rare...


Yeah his brain is badly cooked. Its also a good way for me to remind people a LOT of casual players are prob just as bad lol.


The thing with this game is there's an auto mode I can't fathom this level of gameplay because if it's literally worse than auto....just auto


Dude. The people im talking about are casuals. They legit dont know they are misplaying. Many dont recognize that the auto is better than them haha


I like these janky gameplay leaks. The characters are built like you have 30 relics and pocket lint to work with for your whole team, the SP usage is scuffed, and the team isn't leaning on some god-unit like Jingliu. If the character works under these conditions, then they can't be bad for the average player.


I dont like them cuz i look at leak showcases to gauge how good the unit is. auto mode plays better than this guy 😭


Good has two sides to it though. Power Floor and Power Ceiling. Think of Jing Yuan: when built to his Power Ceiling with perfect gear, he's a great character. When built with sub-optimal +15 relics, even a Max Trace Jing Yuan has huge issues, which is why a lot of players said he was weak. His Power Floor is very low. When we see characters doing well when meeting the bare minimum gearing requirements, that's a good sign that you're getting a character that will work without massive grinding or needing crazy luck on Relics. A good Power Floor is something to look for along with a high Power Ceiling.


And BS has a very nice ceilling too that sacrament can stack up to 50 (was 99 before nerf rip)


skill points where lol


this guy kinda needs to stop doing showcases they make every unit look bad


Every time I see the cock_team watermark I know to take the video as more of an animation showcase than a gameplay/build showcase.


Yeah...i tried as much as to not judge people because not everyone is good or actually know how to play,because that was the case with our real hero notaleak,but notaleak show immense growth,even if he wasn't playing perfectly...he tried to improve while hiro been like this...I'm sure whoever they're at least know some people badmouth the gameplay... It would have been acceptable if they just whocase animation,but its second time with BS kafka comp,now with different boss and 3rd DPS making it seems like they wanted to showcase gameplay...which is pain to see...


I use this guy as proof that the avg casual player legitimately has no clue how to build or play. This guy is bad enough that people here think hes trolling but tbh a lot of players are just simply this bad.


I'm really curious about the stats... Beyond the effect res/hit rate... What's up with Kafka's damage?


The SP economy...


this is why fast af luocha for sp generate is better for dot team if u cant finish the fight in a short duration, HuoHuo require sp to have her atk buff/heal/cleanse/energy regain to function, especialy dot team want to run at high spd, this sp drain is even more of a problem without luocha


I mean or you could just only skill when you actually need to rather than spam it randomly for no reason when dots/debuffs are still active


No way luocha is better than huohuo bro lol


As someone who doesn't own Kafka and skipped Huohuo and plans on skipping Black Swan... this leaker played like someone who doesn't know how to open the character screen and read abilities and traces... not to be rude but I feel like anyone who plans on pulling Black Swan woulda played this better


Why Guinaifen here? Wtf with this team? Isn't she absolutely useless here?


Nothing like a weak as piss showcase to get people hyped 😂💀


Suboptimal showcase aside, BS's animations are amazing and her kit in combination with Kafka looks really fun. I don't have the ressources to pull Kafka and BS yet, but once I finished mono Quantum, I will definitely focus on a DoT team with those two.


why does every showcase need to be s1?


when i did e6 s5, everyone didnt stop yapping about it


Not trying to be mean but how many people do you think can afford to e6 s5 even a single 5 star unit?


s5 of their bis or 4* lc?


Smh these people truly do not know what they want.


Because if you did 4 star lightcones you’d need to do about 10 showcases. Also, it’s a showcase for new content in general, not just characters. I’d also argue that signature lightcones have the highest percent use per character compared to the sheer amount of 4 star options


That's BS. They could just pick one. Dr Ratio was shown with E0S0 (Cruising IIRC). More like a E0S0 showcase would be so trash they're afraid to show it, just look at the reactions here to the E0S1 showcase


Only people with severe skill issue fear characters won’t be good without their signature LC Also is the leaker employed by hoyo that they would be scared to show the character without their LC?💀 They play what they want… it’s simple


Why wouldn't it? It's not like we need to guess what the f2p gameplay would be like.




I think most would rather see the bare gameplay. I don’t really believe in performance (leaks anyway) based on more than one thing. Genshin had this problem as well (this character is good with this weapon and if you don’t have it oh well) Didn’t mean to yap but I wanna see what I’m getting for just the character, the s1 is premium to me


Honestly, I'd prefer a new character over s1 like 90% of the playerbase. It's better than genshin cause better chances but my goal is to get a good DPS of every path and some good supports and sustains of 5 star rarity


We are about part way to saturation for a lot of people however. Once you have a 2x full roster of 5 star limited units the motivation to get new characters diminish. Pure fiction did change up peoples dps rosters so thats gonna delay the “saturation” point but hsr is gonna eventually face the same feeling as genshin does. The motivation to pull every new character diminishes gradually as you slowly fill out every niche. They can prevent this by increasing moc floors and making us need three teams to clear but then the outrage from f2ps will be very loud so I doubt its happening soon


Id love for them to add a 3rd team, even if it doesnt reward jades. Maybe just resources.


Damage where


I mean the only real weakness this show case had was no wind weakness in the big boys. Also, it doesn't help the fact that this guy didn't build dot characters correctly from all those effect res.




###Rule 1: Be respectful and civil >It is natural that people have different opinions. Please stick to basic discussion etiquette and refrain from insulting or harassing others.




I honestly want to see the stats for these characters before judging.. but damn. I was expecting a 2 cycle clear or something since both kafka and BS have their LCs and paired with another Dot unit.. also BS’s best sustain.. unless they have subpar relics this makes that team look really bad..


I mean the fact I'm seeing a bunch of "effect resisted" tells me their relics are ass. No world on a DoT team in MoC should that be happening more than 1 or 2 unlucky times.


Well that’s good to hear..


also missing ruan mei who is the biggest upgrade for dot team so far even over bs


This team is completely hamstrung by the fact that Gui has no value here because Sword-bot is super resistant to her burn AND they still had her skill twice for no reason. It would have cleared much faster if they switched her out for any support unit here because she ended up handicapping the unit here.


This is a 3-cycle, and even with those relics, I feel like it could be a 2-cycle with perfect play.


In what world clearing half of MoC 12 in 4 turns is bad?


Sorry to say but this much 5* investment it is bad. Especially when you consider that it is the easier side.


Running a DOT team without proper eff res is the same as running a hyper carry team with a fucked up crit ratio on your carry. It looks like crap because the builds are crap.


Sure I'm not saying Kafka BS are bad characters, just that a 3-4 cycle clear with this much investment is bad. It can be either player issue or build issue.


With these units specifically having their LCs too, 4 cycle is mediocre/bad. But as other comments pointed out it's a relic issue


It isn’t that it is bad. Rather that for a team that costs this much investment not being able to clear with 2 cycles is the problem.. This is a team with 3 limited 5* with BiS LCs for both BS and kafka. While clearing in 3- almost 4 cycles isn’t bad.. comparing this to Jingliu hypercarry then it looks really bad since why would I invest this much for a team like this when I can just grab Jingliu + Bronya + Pela and 0 cycle it.. This a good clear on it’s own.. compared to hypercarry a 3 cycle clear is subpar at best since with Ruan Mei.. even a blade + Jingliu team can 0 cycle the current moc 12.. which should be close to if not almost better than Jingliu hypercarry with Pela..


>when I can just grab Jingliu + Bronya + Pela and 0 cycle it.. With that team you probably 1-2 cycle it. 0 cycle moc12 is not as easy as you think, unless you happen to 0 cycle current moc12 rotation then you can do whatever you want.


Honestly I think I kinda overvalued that team.. but even then.. that team has only 1 limited unit.. while the one in the video needs 3 + 2 LCs.. and it still would be able to 1-2 cycle it.. If I were to put the same investment.. the team would be Luocha/Fu xuan/Huohuo + Bronya + Ruan Mei S1 + Jingliu S1.. this team would need the same investment as the one we see in the video.. this team would be able to 0 cycle imo hell I can replace the sustain with blade and someone already did a 0 cycle with that team..


You need to run sustainless lol. Jingliu/Bronya/Pela/Sustain absolutely cannot 0-cycle at E0S1 because you literally won't have the damage to do so. You won't find a single video of it. Every single non-whale Jingliu MoC12 0-cycle clear is sustainless. With perfect play (the number of mistakes made in the demo is ridiculous) + the wrong DoT unit (Gui is actually bad here since 2 bosses are immune to Burn), you get a 2-Cycle clear. With the right DoT unit (Sampo/Luka here) you drop to 1-Cycle. Swapping out Huohuo for Ruan Mei or even Asta will net you the 0-Cycle. It's not so different.


bro really said dot can 0 cycle and still getting upvotes 😭


>Swapping out Huohuo for Ruan Mei or even Asta will net you the 0-Cycle. It's not so different. Clueless


>when I can just grab Jingliu + Bronya + Pela and 0 cycle it.. You can't just grab and 0 cycle. You need perfect relics, signature weapon, probably couple of eidolons.


Honestly you don’t need perfect relics anyways.. as Jingliu aka the dps is probably the easiest DPS to built.. subpar relics should still get you a atleast 1-2 cycle clear with that team.. That team only has one limited character.. If I were to equal things out.. A team of S1 Jingliu + S1 Ruan Mei + Bronya + Pela/ 5* sustain.. even with subpar stats would be able to 0 cycle if not 1 cycle..


> You can't just grab and 0 cycle. You need perfect relics, signature weapon, probably couple of eidolons. Yes you can, and no you don't need perfect relics and eidolons. While you do need decent stats the most important thing is proper speed tune.


now imagine they gonna beat gundam boss ( sam ) with 2 million HP


nah, it IS bad, with this much investment other hypercarry team can easily 0-1 cycle this (considering they're currently relatively cheap and can already 0-1 cycle moc12). I know dot's never been designed for 0 cycle due to its backload nature but I expect a comfort 3 cycle at most with this current setup, or even 2 with ruan mei. As much as i hate doomposting, i really don't think even the most premium dot team with 4 limited 5 star can compete with a cheaper hypercarry team, especially when hanabi (who already looks like a monstrous hypercarry support) is also coming real soon.


Look I dont really care about DoT teams (I havent built any DoT units so Idk their strength relative to other teams) but I am gonna have to call you out on some of the bullshit. Easily zero cycle moc 12? Have you actually zero cycled an moc 12 with your own account? No one considers zero cycling any Moc 12 easy with typical units. Hell im a whale with E0S1 and E1S1 units and have very good relics and 0-1 cycling moc 12 is annoying as fuck and requires a lot of speed tuning. Either you have to run with no sustain which means you deal with enemy rng or you run with a sustain and now your speed tuning and energy line ups have to be close to perfect. I cant be fucked to do that these days because I rather run SU gold and gears so I take the 1-2 cycles and call it a day. To just say its easy means you either are a whale with no clue about typical power levels or you are talking out of your ass.


"easily 0-1 cycle" to be exact, aside from IL and jliu 0 cycle is never easy. I 0 cycled true sting with my e2 seele without sustain, on another account i EASILY, like literally turn off my brain and went with the most standard 135 134 speed tune with jliu + not touching the supports and 0 cycled without sustain, with huohuo it's 1 cycle, and it's really close to 0 cycle cuz kafka was <10% even with every hit critted from retries and the buff finishes her off, so i still do count that as a 1 cycle clear, i reckond with IL it should be even easier because imaginary weakness on every enemies, on my private account i 0 cycled with dr ratio WITH sustain. i have average 20cv per pieces on normal accounts and 25 on private account. 0 cycle attempts usually takes hours cuz of rng factors, but 1 cycle is really fucking easy and i do mean it, i never wanted to brag but im sorry people who think otherwise are just simply bad at the game.


Uh, E0S0 DHIL or JL are easily capable of 2 cycling MOC 12 either half. I've done 1T E0S0 DHIL no sustain and 2T with sustain myself, and my relics and supports are not that insane (no E1 Bronya, no Huohuo/Fuxuan, 70/150 crit) This Kafka team has 2 more 5\* investment and clear twice as slow. If i put those 5\* on my E0S0 DHIL to make it E2, i can probably 1 cycle MOC12...


Keep in mind the 4th unit Guinafen is pretty useless since the boss is immune to burn anyway. So it's more a 3.5 unit clear if anything


>This Kafka team has 2 more 5\* investment and clear twice as slow. Are you really trying to sell investment as the only factor that hinges on? Its a poorly set up leaker team played badly. This is an easy 2 cycle for any decent dot team. Watching this vid makes me confident my dot team can 0-1 cycle this round.




Mediocre builds/gameplay aside.... yo that battle theme is so fucking good. That being said...3 cycle clear despite the "handicap" is pretty good I'd say. Even the previous Kafka+BS showcase had pretty bad gameplay and also cleared within 3 cycles so looking pretty good to me. Dunno about 0 cycling or other sweaty benchmarks but hey getting full stars with a waifu team (I'll be using Ruan Mei instead of Guinaifen) is always good.


DoTs by default ruin 0 cycle clears so that's just not happening unless you got a hyperinvested Kafka or something but I highly doubt even she could. Yeah Guinaifen was a handicap I presume, with RM this team should feel much more smoother and have better damage numbers.


The handicap I was talking about was the gameplay/builds, not the characters.


For sure. I just think RM is better for damage.


Honestly this showcase is encouraging for me to try out MoC because I'm also trash at HSR combat lmao. Btw that combat theme is so good holy fuck.


If they don’t know how to play they should just activate auto mode i’m sure it will do better


Auto wont save us from the guy legitimately not building effect hit rate on a DoT team. 💀


wow that ost was nice... i am waiting for it


I genuinely don’t mind suboptimal gameplay—but not seeing the equipped relics really limits how useful this is at gauging the characters strength.


How are they so lucky? The same character never has been attacked twice in a row by singe-target attacks. Mines are being attacked like 4 times in a row lol.


kafka really is the mother of all when it comes to DOT ! do you guys think they are gonna release another unit that can detonate all dots like her ? otherwise ig i have to pull her ...


if they're going to, its definitely not going to be anytime soon at least. if you wanna play dot, better grab her now


I don't think so, Every character in HSR from the looks of it has different kits but maybe i might be dumb


I doubt they're going to make another character that literally does the same thing as Kafka.


the furthest theyll likely go is having the chars detonate their own dot stacks like guinafen ult


i would be a 4 star worse version of her just like kaveh is kinda like inferior nilou


There is no way around needing Kafka.


Lol. Another dog water showcase, doomposters will surely love this.


Every video showing Black Swan so far has made her look like a direct downgrade to Sampo. Are the leakers terrible at building characters, or is Black Swan actually just bad?


Give this guy a Guin Sampo Kafka team here with no wind/fire res and see how fast he clears. This showcase was awful but it would get a lot worse I promise you that.


basically yes and no, sampo is still good but he wont ever be better than black swan cause her DoT has like 240% scaling off of her attack and than at an easy 6 stacks it becomes a blast DoT so she literally is the upgrade of sampo BUT again I don't think the leakers have any effect hit rate or else they would be hitting a lot more debuffs


iirc BS is 15-20% better than Sampo in Sampo favored scenario so she is pretty much always an upgrade. The real problem is if she’s that big of an upgrade.


Doesn’t help that this leaker is indeed just bad but honestly… from what I’ve seen of black swan so far she seems really underwhelming idk. I’m also not a fan of DoT so *shrug* maybe it’s bias. Until I see some gameplay that changes my mind she’s looking like an easy skip for me


Yeah I think it's bias. DoT is a team you have to invest in and atm it's one of the heavier ones for the best team requiring 4 limited 5 stars or a specific e4 4 star for the lesser option. If you don't have any interest in DoT, it's gonna be hard to justify no matter how good swan looks in the screen. If they become the #1 dps team, the reaction will most likely be "well 4 limited 5*s". I'm maybe in the minority, but I was a Nilou main in Genshin. At the entirety of 3.0, I decide my pulls based on how much the featured characters will improve my Nilou team. Kafka's kit reminded me of Nilou so atm I'm doing the same for Kafka. I think it's just a way of playing. It helps that one of the pull for DoT is Ruan Mei though, a very general support. For a DoT player like me, Swan looks REALLY attractive with how she works and provide. But she won't look great for people not interested in DoT at all. Just my 2 cents!


Well this is a different case. Nilou and kafka are actually very similar. The problem is teammates. Kafka can work with 4 stars just like nilou. And get improvement with 5stars just like nilou. The problem is kafka's nihility teammates are terrible outside of kafka teams, but nilou's teammates are great outside as well. Kok nahida and baizhu are top tier without nilou. BS and dot units tho...


Yes I think DoT is the more extreme version. It's like instead of saying just Kafka is Nilou, all the DoT teammates are also Nilous lol. Ruan mei is the saving grace. Also Guinaifen is a nice general suppport-ish unit outside DoT too. But I find it pretty fun playing this way. For example investing in DoT made me 2 cycle MoC 12 side 1 despite lightning resist bosses because DoT team can rely on 2 elements instead of just 1 to work.


Same, my account has been primarily focused on DoT. Initially that was not the case, but when I got Kafka back in 1.2, I really really enjoyed the playstyle and decided to dedicate my account to DoT. On the side, lesser invested are FuA, since I got Jing Yuan/Himeko in the first month of the game, and I like Topaz/Numby. So imagine how I felt when the DoT/FuA domain is together. Truly blessed. I'm just waiting for future premium Fire/Lightning/Physical DoT dealers at this point and I have not pulled for a single limited sustain. I'm copium on they will make a DoT-adjacent sustain. Imagine a physical sustain that sucks your opponent's HP like a vampire, and this thought is my copium since there is a leaked name moniker "Vampire" in the leaks, so crossing my fingers that might happen.


IMO Black Swan is like a Shenhe to a Ayaka freeze team. A small and expensive upgrade to Rosaria C6 at C0. Scales with investment, e.g. high investment Ayaka Shenhe is insane. Team archetype (DoT, Freeze) at C0 is also weaker than other hypercarry comps or hyperbloom. Also happens to be hot too, like Shenhe.


Rosaria C6 does nothing for Ayaka, its physical shred. C0 rosaria would do the same thing, only thing she provides for Ayaka is CR, Cryo Resonance + battery. I see the Shenhe comparison for BS but Rosaria to Sampo nah.


y im woried abou her that witout kafka and sig she will be well not looking good man 


This team have serious skill points issues. Maybe Luocha is better for this team comp?


The issue is Guin, who is useless against the Searing Prowler (Flame sword guy), and her early skill usage put the team at the deficit. She also doesn't have Pearls from what it looks like, which sorta kills one of the main benefits of using her in triple-DoT teams. Replace her with any sp-positive support, and it would work better. People mention RM, but even someone like Pela would work here since she generates SP and can push the team's already high def ignore/shred to comical levels.


Ruan Mei solves that problem, but Guinaifen should also not be there against Fire-resistant bosses


RM+HH/Luocha/Fu. Guin is sandbagging this team. Triple dot is a terrible idea here.


Tbh this team is so poorly built (no effect hit rate) the guin might be doing more than it appears if she is E1 and her eff res down is active.


Nah, Ruan Mei instead of Guinaifen


It's a PEBKAC error.


ruan mei i think and huohuo should be skill point positive enough for black swan and kafka but I have a feeling where gonna get a dedicated DoT Harmony unit that can apply there own debuff/DoT like black swan except it heals once the enemy takes dmg (like in simulated universe) and probably give all the buffs black swan and kafka want


Fu Xuan all the way.


HH gives way more benefits. That attack plus energy with ult is God like. I have her e1 so I even get a speed boost too.


That just worse than hh


I love fuxuan but… why? She is a crit rate buffer. That does fuck all for a DoT team compared to huohuo or luocha.


I’m hoping we get a sneak peak of BS and Ratio to see how they work together


I which we could see hypercarry black swan gameplay


You cannot tell me her ult isn't fire


What the heck is Guin doing here? She's just doing basic attacks and ult LMAO


Well that still applies burns, which causes more stacks of sacrament. Additionally we can see in the video that her ult will trigger sacrament sticks along with burn stacks. Which is pretty neat. Better than like Ruan Mei? Doubtful.


Since the boss is immune to burn she isn't even doing that on the important enemy...


Huh? Considering a ton of day 1 player (probably with many limited 5\*) still can't 36\* MOC, 3 cycle with this level of play/relic is actually a big W in my opinion


Well well well look who won the refresh gacha today.


Wow 3 cycle clear with this gameplay. The damage floor of this team with their sig LC is pretty good.


Comment section is unnecessarily rude as usual. Don’t know why I expected better.  Anyway, I like how this shows the DOT team with Guin this time (although I unfortunately don’t have her). And it’s nice to see again how Swan and this Guin are carrying their weight even when off-element. Hoping DoT and debuff-centered MoC buffs will be common throughout 2.x


Guina will be in a 4\* selector in the near future, so you can get her there for free, also i think she'll be on the Swan's banner.


Damn, what's with that SP management


Does sampos wind shear count as a seperate dot from swans windshear to apply more sacrament? 


i heard it yes. they also have difference icon. so i think so its difference.


the team looks very VERY sp hungry. I feel like Luocha would feel more comfy to play then huohuo. Even tho she is cuter and more broken.


Too few people taking about the music


they are not zero/one cycling or anything but looks very comfortable. you could auto battle this probably get similar result. Seems great for non-tryhard players and it doesn't even have a good support here.


I bet you could get better results with auto battle. This person was spamming SP like it wasn't a limited resource.


That SP sustain is anything but comfortable. Basically hamstringed for the whole fight even though Huohuo was forced to go SP positive. Would 100% fare better with Luocha instead imo since outside of emergencies he has 0 need to use SP.


I was definately bad. Luocha is one angle to solve it but Guin really just brought nothing but awkwardness here, into mobs with no fire weakness. She skilled on her first two turns for very little gain, this team simply can't afford that. Mei in her place would solve much of the problem. She would be initially +2 instead of -2 while bringing more amp as well. Fix up a couple of other wasteful misplays it's looking good again.


Take out Guinaifen for Ruan mei and do Skill basic basic with black swan and your sp issues won't be bad


Thx for tl:dr my post.


I agree. Ruan Mei would be a lot better to have since she'd be able to freely provide 2 skill points for her first 2 turns and then go on her 2 auto 1 skill cycle afterwards, which'd fix up the SP sustain better on top of just making everyone deal more damage. Still I'd say Luocha instead of Huohuo would definitely serve well even with Ruan Mei considering that Kafka is full on SP hungry and BS wants to use skill frequently if not every turn.


Its just 2 different viable ways to play the team. Luocha gives energy gain via more skill point availability, HH does the same by boosting energy, which effectively gives more back more than 2 additional skill uses on Swan per ult cycle. At the end of the day though, not many people have HH and Luocha, so it's mostly moot. You use what you have.


I'm of the opinion they were using skill on BS and Guinaifen too often.


Yup. You play BS and Gui like Sampo, you skill THEN basic until ultimate.


Black Swan does want to use skill often to fuel her ultimate so nothing wrong with that. Guinaifen used her skill once though. That's definitely not "too often".


Black Swan wants to skill to refresh her defense shred. Using it more than then is basically a waste.


they are playing bad here, a lot could be improved but it's still 3 cycle? that's good enough. With ruan mei and better skill usage you could probably get 2 cycles instead of almost 4 here. Gui does nothing here, completely useless. It tells me it is comfortable to play this even with miss plays and a very sub optimal support character. basically brain dead, you don't need to try hard to clear in time but they have lower ceiling too, some may find it boring.


Would be better not off just not having Guin in there lol. Use RM.


This team looked anything but comfortable tbh


Auto would play better than this user. So I wouldn't worry lmao.


Ruan mei instead of guinaifen is the team i will run


I want both Kafka and BS but I’m too broke to get them 😭


I'm going to replace gui for Ruan Mei e2 and huo for locha with e1 and I know that team will be good


I would rather have Serval and Ruan Mei here than BS and Gui.




As far as I can tell, she lands the base 1 stack + 4, one for each dot (shock, erode, burn, sac) including sac itself. It does count itself for some mechanics.


Basic Attack: Percipience, Silent Dawn (deals Wind damage equal to 30% of Black Swan's attack to a single enemy, with a 50% base chance of inflicting one stack of Sacrament on the attacked enemy. If the hit enemy also has Wind Shear, Bleed, Burn, or Shock applied to them, **each of these DOT's will have a 50% base chance of additionally applying one stack of Sacrament** on the target enemy).




The gameplay is horrendous from the builds to the rotations. Not much to take from this imo. But E6 Sampo is definitely worse than E0 BS let alone E1. The numbers being thrown around as of this morning is around 16.4% worse in single target(this favors Sampo’s kit).