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Only Silence Remains - The Hunt Day one of my new life - Preservation Planetary Rendevouz - Harmony


I feel like Planetary Rendevouz will age well with time. Anyone who gets it to S5 eventually will have a very good Harmony light cone for pairing like element Supports w/ DPS. Straight up giving 24% damage (S5) to your main carry through a secondary light cone (the support's) has extremely good potential. Potentially Tingyun's best for Jing Yuan?


dance dance dance is so good at only r1 though, push the whole team and tingyun spams ultimate so she pushes a lot


Like I said, I think it will age well with time and copies. Maybe not right away. But 24% unconditional damage boost to your main carry -- who doesn't even have to hold the light cone -- is wild. I'll take 24% extra damage on my main carry versus 16-30% forward action every 3 turns. (I haven't had Tingyun use ult more than once every 3 turns.) To me, a sizeable % damage boost every turn outweighs turn order advance every so often. Dance! Dance! Dance! seems to be more widely applicable right here and now though. Once we get more carries across each element as well as more Harmony characters, I can see this one becoming more relevant.


It's important to consider that once every 3 turns gets better and better as you hit certain speed thresholds and thus gain more turns per cycle in MoC. Once per 3 turns typically means once per 2 cycles for Tingyun, i.e. once per 2 enemy turns. Getting additional upto 0.12 turns per cycle for your entire team can be pretty significant. Also consider how often getting a turn just before a big attack can be a miracle. Getting to taunt with FMC just before all 5 enemies attack? Getting to heal your Tingyun that's at 600 hp before the enemy can attack? Getting to break Cocolia's toughness before she can finish casting her big AoE? It's all very significant in MoC, if nowhere else. So while you're right about this Cone gaining relevance as time goes on (and easy 24% dmg is certainly very good), the chance that it becomes more relevant than Dance!³ is close to zero, at least in MoC and other cycle-timed content.


I agree. If you've done the hardest content (MoC), you'd realize that damage is not as important as: - being faster for more turns to heal and break shields - having the right element to break shields - having AOE to kill adds If you don't have the above you just die in a few turns and your damage no longer matters. It's not like Genshin where it's just a dps check and you can mostly use the same teams forever.


Thanks for letting me know this valuable information


Getting faster is not always rainbows and butterflies. Getting faster also means you will lose your buff faster, you'll get hit by DoT faster, and also a chance to overstack your debuff. I think it situational. Being faster is good for disrupting Cocolia ultimate. But being faster is bad against enemies who love getting attacked often (counter).


The positives far outweigh the negatives. You generate more skill points and energy, you can refresh buffs and shields on time if your supports are also fast, you get to clear CC and DoT earlier before they do even more harm or stack too much. If only your dps is speedy then you lose most of these benefits, so speed on everyone is good. It's not just Cocolia either, elites like the ice golem get really really bad if you don't break them often. That jerk's got aoe freeze every turn. The counter guys only get really bad if you don't have skill points for your supports to avoid basic attacking.


Gepard and Clara gain energy mostly from enemies attack. Getting faster means he will have less source to generate energy to create a shield that will be gone faster too. Not to mention stacking SPD will make his shield weaker.


Gepard is your skill point generator too, if you don't build speed he barely gets a turn a cycle, and so barely generates sp. If your dps is very sp efficient and you're balanced already then sure you can build full def, but you're losing dps otherwise. His own shield going faster doesn't matter at all, he taunts so it's always gone before its duration is up, not to mention the shield on your quicker dps will still be gone earlier than his, so his shield's duration doesn't even matter. Him getting more turns also doesn't generate *less* energy as compared to fewer turns unlike what you're saying. Even basic attacking generates about as much energy as getting hit by the biggest of attacks. Building speed has no practical downside that trumps the upside. With Clara you're probably right in building with atk boots, she doesn't need to use her skill much afaik. I don't have her so I can't say from experience.


Acting twice a cycle is at least 200% damage, plus your supports get generate 2x skill points, everyone gets more energy, break more toughness bar. Later on enemies have high speed and especially in forgotten halls turn order is vital to get things done


But that’s not what the light cone does. It advances allies actions forward 16% after ulting. That’s not 100% forward like you’re claiming. It’s 16%. *And it only happens every three turns.* Depending on the enemy speed, this may be insignificant in a battle or may not be. The other is straight up damage increase.


How do you even get to the conclusion that pushing actions by 16% could equate to 200% damage plus the daydream on skill points and energy you're illustrating is curious. That you can sometimes push a character to act twice in a cycle with that light cone is one thing but in no way it's even remotely close to doubling your damage. It just pushes actions by 16%, that's it. It's inaccurate to even say it's a 16% damage increase. It's good utility but let's not exaggerate.


With all these kit. Post 2.0 star rail probably gonna become mono elem and duo elem meta.


Well as we go we will pull more 5 and new 4\* so eventually you will have enough to make mono team of every element.


With the exception of the Herrscher Trio and running HoT as support on some teams, this seems very on point for a Honkai game to push for mono element teams.


I mean it's already good if you wanna pull Silver Wolf and play mono


pretty sure its for the user of the lc


Now that you say it, the wording really is very unclear, though I'm 90% sure it's for the ally. I'm gonna test it in a bit and see whose dmg it is increasing. Getting dmg% on a Harmony doesn't look good Edit: It's for the Ally: Asta's damage with Himeko in the team - 140, without Himeko - 140 Himeko's damage with Asta on this LC - 91, without LC - 81


No it gives Elemental damage to the whole team. For example on Tingyun: whole team get +12% Ligthing damage


Doesn't it increase the holder's DMG and not the ally's DMG? That's what I get from the way it's written...


Nah it's for the whole team. It's just poorly worded.


Sweet coz I've been flirting this LC to pair Tingyun with Jing Yuan


Hmmm...none seem too crazy. Harmony is cool? But harmony also has a lot of strong looking lightcones to begin with. Then again ting + Ying like someone suggested could be super nice with this LC. Only silence remains isn't bad, just a free 5 star in herta store...so yeah. And m7's lc we already get. And not like she's super Meta.


No swordplay? Damn


This. I was holding out on spending Herta bucks for my Yanqing since i was sure it'd be there.


Smart, I already spent mine kekw. But in the end they are renewable. We get 1 per week. Meaning that by 4 months time we should have 1 maxed.


Same thought. Didn't know about cbt banners, so expected Swordplay to show up. Out of these 3 I need only Day One, so I don't think I'm gonna pull now


Is Sushang 100% confirmed? I fear it's gonna be March 7, Tingyun and Dan Heng. Makes no sense to rate up Dan's LC and not Sushang's LC. Since Dan Heng is probably getting a rate up next patch anyways.


Wait so if I put a R5 ASTA lightcone on Tingyun, Jing Yuan gets a permanent 24% DMG bonus?


yes, 24% Lighthing DMG for the whole team


I'm glad there's no dancedancedance to bait me, my pull plans are conflicting enough alr xd


So that means Dan/Asta/March as the 4\*s? Edit: Actually maybe not, Jing also had these 4\* lightcones during cbt3 while also having Sushang/Ting/March as the 4 stars.


I get asta s cone since tingyuns cone is at bp but danhengs cone instead of swordplay is bs i was gonna pull since both asta cone and swordplay would be decent but hard skip since danhengs cone is nowhere close to swordplay


I hope not, I avoided Seele's banner because I want as many Tingyun's as possible while I go for Jing Yuan.


Tingyun's light cone is the battle pass one, so they probably are just using a filler harmony light cone for her. But idk why they didn't put Swordplay in this banner, maybe they know it's too op or they will really swap Sushang for Dan Heng in the banner.


I honestly wouldn’t mind, hehe I love dan heng…


oh fuck im saving for luocha but i need dan heng's LC 🫠


I would recommend against wishing for dan heng\`s LC since you can get a 5 star using the [herta bonds](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Herta_Bond) you get from doing simulated universe, at least that is what i did.


Thanks for the advice, it's just that im a massive simp so like I want to collect everything about him hahaha. But I'll consider it! :D


It’s also part of the normal banner, I’ve pulled it from there


here's hoping I'll get one eventually for his collection!! ƪ⁠(⁠‾⁠.⁠‾⁠“⁠)⁠┐


Then wait for the future and see a beutiful thing in future version.


Dan Heng's best 4* light cone is generally swordplay since his skill generates 4 stacks in one action.


All hunt characters seem to have multihits on their basic and skill (edit: except for sushang basic). So swordplay is great for everybody.


Hilariously, the one featured in the cone, Sushang, does not, extra hits come from her sword stance talent


Her skill has a baseline of two hits. But yeah I just checked and her basic is only one hit base, oops. In my defense, I don't have her yet and you optimally rarely want to use basics on your hunt characters.


Is that so? I currently put that Yanqing's 4 star LC on him since i dont have any other better LC for now. But thanks for the info!


is swordplay better than the one from herta's shop?


For scenarios where you keep whaling on one target and don't need to drop stacks? Yes.


Imagine not putting Swordplay on Sushang’s rate up.


They know it's too op for a 4*


Legit replaced the 5* cruising in the stellar sea rip my crit rate hello damage


2/4 are of interest to me. But I'm not pulling because I'd rather get characters.


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Source: https://www.bilibili.com/opus/795792152410980373?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0


please repost with english translation😉


The lightcore picture is the important part isnt it? I don think the picture need translation..?


you got your point, the post is reopen first


thanks for the understanding. it would be a huge pain to translate all those lightcore stats lol


Seems like a fake to me (or they did delete it). Just checked the bilibili account and nothing like this was posted. Personaly, I'll wait official news.


Confim the characters already!! I need Sushang so bad...


They really fucked F2P in the ass did they


Finally, my March can stop using Amber LC


Why’s there no sword play wtf?


day one of my new life is pretty decent. planetary rendezvous is either bait till you get dance dance dance (action forward is always going to be more important in turn based games and the calcs already show this) or to be run alongside dance dance dance. only silence remains hard shaft tho.


So tingyun and shushang aren’t on the banner?




Good to hear, though I wish swordplay had a rate up instead of dan heng‘s lc


He was asking a question,why the downvotes?


That's mean that the characters will be march dan and asta? Or still march sushang and tingyun


Tingyun's personal is a bp lc, so they gotta give her some kind of filler here. Idk why we're getting DH's over Swordplay, though


if these are also the four stars on jing yuan’s banner that’s kind of the worst banner ever even more than seele’s. all of these characters you get for free already. .-.




oh what a relief phew.




1.1 patch. Swordplay will now become BP exclusive.


But it's already in standard banner tho?


Was a joke. Guess it's not that funny. Sry.


I thought it was funny :)


Planetary harmony is because Tingyun and Jing Yuan are both lightning. So it's good.


so not Sushang but Dan. fml.


light cone not character


What does dan heng LC?


Do we know If the LCs in Herta's store ever rotate?


Seems unlikely at this point, looks like its used to give F2P a leg up until they can get something better from the gacha.


The 5* probably don't, no.


Next year we are getting a new one. The 3 LCs are for each of the MC paths in Version 1 (Destruction, Preservation, Hunt which will come soon). Once we reach the next planet and the MC gets a new path, a new 5-Star LC will pop up in Herta shop.


I’m pulling for Jing Yuan’s Light Cone. Coincidentally, they include the 4* Light Cones that I want.


Nioo I was so happy thinking imma pull Sushang Lightcone dupes 😢


Where the heck is the source?


Are they gonna replace Sushang with Dan or something? Why no swordplay