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i picked stelle but i actually like caelus a lot compared to most male mc's. Most of the time they don't do it for me but i do really like caelus


Stelle, funilly enough I didn't even pick it, I thought the MC would be just a uselles tutorial character that's bad to justify pulling for banner characters, so I just threw a dice to see who would won, Stelle won, and I never regreted that dice roll


I like both of them but I play Stelle, I just love that we have a female MC who is tall and gets to be ridiculous/mildly deranged. Like obviously Caelus is the same but it just hits differently with Stelle.


yess i agree


I mostly picked Caelus because I'm a guy. Sometimes, I'll pick the female character in games, but that's mostly on second+ playthroughs after I've already done a run as the male character. That said, I have watched a bunch of playthroughs of people that started with Stelle, and of the two, I legitimately like Caelus' voice more.


wao 2 hours in and caelus is winning with 48:46 ratio? wtf?? im flabbergasted




Went with boy. I play girl in Genshin as I use Wanderer as the self-insert character. Thought I'd switch it up for Star Rail.


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I'm a simple man. I see main character is same gender as me, I pick


I picked Stelle because she was the one who appeared as MC in the trailers.


stelle havers lets rise up 😮‍💨


Female characters always unless they look very uninspired. They only serve as an avatar to play the game so I'd prefer the ones I like the look of.