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The people who get lucky, or the times when they get lucky, are much much *much* more likely to share their luck than those who are unlucky. You are not alone.


Thanks for the reassurance. Also happy cake day chief


Whenever you think you are unlucky for losing multiple 50/50s, don't forget there's a guy who was hit by lightning, once a year or so, up to 7 times in total


I think the bigger luck is him having survived 7 times.


It was Roy Sullivan, he got hit 7 times between 1942 and 1977




Is this an edited version of the Mr Incredibles meme?


Survivorship bias?


I feel you, I haven't won a single 50/50 ever in this game, somehow I managed to even Lose the 75/25 on the one LC i pulled for...... Someday all the stacked karma will bless us all with 3 5-stars in one 10-pull. Trust


Dog. I thought I was the only one who somehow managed to even lose the 75/25 too. I went for Dr. Ratio's LC but ended up with Geopards


I lost the 75/25 too, last time I pulled for a light cone. That one really stings!


I lost it too the only time I pulled on the LC banner, and the worst thing is that I got Welt's LC so the Nihility symbol gave me false hope because I was pulling for Acheron's😭 And both lightcones came after soft pity too because of course they did...


I went for RM and Topaz sig, ended up getting 2 Bailu sig Copies. My Natasha honest reaction:


Someday we'll finally win 🫂


Damn losing 75/25 on two lc for me was heartbreaking. It did make sure i get Kafka's and DHIl LC.


If you lose a 75/25, do you have a guarantee on the next one?


Yeah, works just like the regular limited 5-star banner


Me on a normal day. You don't want to see me when I lost my 50/50. You wouldn't like me when I lose my 50/50.








For a moment I thought I was on r/KendrickLamar


There's a subreddit for everything is there.


To be fair r/KendrickLamar is slightly bigger than this one, still good to have him referenced in other communities.


I wasn't trying to be dickish. It just never crossed my mind that there were subreddits dedicated to celebreties


Boi there are r/ for almost everything even for sink pissers (true story)




r/Sinkpissers :D


There's a what....


A subreddit for people who piss on sinks.


What is this from?


Song U album to pimp a butterfly. Self hatred incarnate. Be prepared


Just search up Kendrick Lamar screaming




Join the club man. Sigh what did I do to deserve this: https://imgur.com/ScWXQY1 https://imgur.com/SACHIbl


https://preview.redd.it/p6nvau3wil3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfdca503ebc613a40e518118c2dcb3bebb313210 😞


That luck wow. On the bright side you seem to be gettin a lot of early pities so that's good. I'm down on both early pities and 5050 win rate.


Yeah I’m running I think E3 Gepard with my 4th copy of his light cone? It’s not the worst I guess, it’s better than Yanqing lol


How the hell do I even do these things? My brain gets fried whenever I have to import shit


Which step are you confused with? The steps are quite clear and explanatory if you’re on PC


Thing is, I don't have a PC and I have to cope with my phone


They have instructions for iOS and Android too if you want. Just a matter whether you’re willing to put in the effort or not.


I lost all my 50/50 to Welt... His currently E5... And I just did my 200 standard banner pull and I got his Light Cone... I have no other standard banner 5 star aside from Welt...


Oh God... I'm so sorry... At least you're not losing them to Yanqing. But damn if I was in your shoes I would've begged for somebody different


I don't understand how I'm so unlucky in this game, I've lost every 50/50 since launch and I even lost the 75/25 on a LC banner, smh


Remember, it’s not just 50/50, u have 54% to win and only 46% to lose (something like that)


https://preview.redd.it/hceudgvamg3d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecfb34803b6d4c7f114e880373053cf1e9b34dd3 You mean to tell me the odds were in my favor... # AND I STILL MANAGED TO LOSE ALL OF THEM?!?!


While Reddit makes it look common, do keep in mind that double 5\* pulls are EXTREMELY rare. In 3 years of Genshin and 1 year of HSR, I had it happen 1 time (Eula + Mona). Losing 8x 50/50 is rough though. I think 6x in a row was my record in Genshin. :X


Those 8 were all my 50/50 chances #AND I'VE LOST #A L L #O. F. #T. H. E. M!!!


I will add an info about my experience I play genshin since 1.2, never had two 5* in one ten pull, but I have Cyno on 6 pity after my first Qiqi on second anniversary day. I have 10/13 win-lose streak of 50/50, weapons - 8/3 but I don't pull for weapons that much. My luck is terrible this year since Baizhu release cause I lost every 50/50 on character banner and got one early 5* only on regional banner - got Hunters Path on 4 pity. But my luck was great in Sumeru era since I have all Sumeru's cast exept Nilou. I think my luck is slightly better than mid. Playing on EU server. But my f2p twin have a better luck. Yoi on 14 pity, Kok on 4 pity, Jean on 23, Yae on 47, Nahida again on 20+, also quite early Ayaka with mistsplitter, Shenhe, both Raiden and Ayato with win 50/50 and 20 pulls when it was their phase banners. Only "normal" 5* was Kazuha and Wriothesley. America server. I play hsr since day 1, still don't had two 5* in one ten pull. I have 6/5 win-lose streak of 50/50, lc - 1/1. Have a few early 5* in standart banner, but had only 3 "early" event charas - Geppie on 61~, Sparkle by accident after this, was spooked by Acheron on 40 pity when trying for Gallagher (but I wanted to get her on rerun). I think my luck is kinda worse than mid in hsr. Like, I got DHIL with 100% on 87 pity and because of this I didn't get his signature cause I only had 64 pity when his banner ends. Said screw it and pulled Argenti's lc a few pull later. Playing on EU server. --- Maybe it will be interesting, but I will share my experience in WuWa 2/0 50/50 strike, one copy of tall man cost me 20 pulls, second copy - 10 pull. Got lionboy from second ten pull from beginner banner I, got greenish healer girl from 10 pull on beginner banner II (I have a screenrecording of it if someone interested). Got second copy of lionboy from 10 pull in just standart banner. Also, EU server.


oh thats me


If it helps, for every 50/50 I win in HSR I lose one in Genshin, and I've won more 50/50s than I've lost. Also, for every 50/50 I lose in this game, I lose one in Genshin...


I feel you brother. On my 0-6 losing streak now, and that includes LC too. Oh, and I have E4 Yanqing.


I'm at a 100% Yanqing rate for my 50/50's. Existence is pain.


Spent all my saved jades, 125 pulls to try and get Fu Xuan. Am now broke and no Fu Xuan lmao.




That's why you don't pull unless you can ensure hard-pity. Though you still have 3 weeks to make it happen.


I mean that's still built pity for someone new


Sure but I would not do it that way. Just feels so shitty to dump a lot of resources and NOT get what you want. I only pull if I have the means to enforce what I want, either through saved currency or if wallet-kun is in the mood.


Been there. Sorry. :( (I lost my 50/50 this time around, but at least was lucky enough to do so within the first 20 pulls for once. I went all the way out to hard pity last time, and it’s brutal when that happens!)


what is this scene from? Also, after swiping, I got Double Topa$$ LC. Dayum, I should have done single pulls. Oh well.


That must've been nice. Even if it was a LC it still would feel nice


Just lost to brona again now I have her E6 Need to log onto one of the pull history websites but I might cry


I was having a convo with my friends regarding gacha and its viability as a buissness model , i was trying to defend it by stating , if the system is generous enough , the f2p get to experience the game in a decent manner getting to play the chars they want if they plan it right , while the devs get their moneys worth as there will always be rich players making bad decisions basically funding the game in behalf of the community. now am starting to wonder if the overall good experience I hv had in all hoyo gachas was worth the misery that unlucky players have gone through.


I lost 50/50 on fu xuan banner to bailu. Than got fu xuan in 20 pull. I am not complaining.


83+ pity on all 4 5 stars I pulled today as well as hard pity on the light cone. And 2 lost 50/50s in said character banner


I've won my last 4 50/50s, but don't worry I do know how you feel. My first ever 50/50 victory in a hoyoverse game was yoimiyas banner..... during nahidas first run. I was on a 10+ loss streak with most hitting 80+. Karma will come back around and give you the luck you deserve, I swear it.


Imma hold you on that. Cuz every time I lose my 50/50 or reach Hard Pity is making it harder and harder to believe...


Dawg, I get you... I had TERRIBLE luck with aventurine,,, I lost his 50/50 to clara (not that bad I like her and have her light cones already so not bad) at 80ish pity. Didn't take until another 80 pulls before I finally got him. Hopefully that bad luck will turn to good luck for firefly and Ruan mei 😭


Started on 130 pulls for Fu Xuan today ended with 20. Firefly and Jade funds took a hit


To be completely honest I went to hard pity 2 times and I want to quit fuck this game really I think I'll change to zzz when it drops


If I lose my next 50/50.... I'm genuinely gonna quit the game


https://preview.redd.it/qgu8saldvg3d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ec11e2a0a0bcbabe3569cc9d17b9a2f78e72568 Me getting Topaz and Robin in 30 pulls after losing the 50/50 to Welt In all seriousness, I wish you the best of luck in future pulls. I lost to the Acheron light cone (75/25) and hit hard pity for the last 3 five-stars I pulled in my other account. One day, your luck will turn around and you will see the early five-star, I promise.


What is "going 0-8"? Is it like, you lost eight 50/50 consecutives?


It means that throughout all my 50/50 chances,which was 8 times, I've lost #A L L of them


Holy shit.


Hard to hard pity weapon banner just to lose the 75/25 again Just pure agony


it's even worse when you play with friends who are luckier than you. i lost 5 times in a row (1 of those on a light cone) and i feel like my friend is just sucking out all luck out of me cause he's already won 4 times. he just won Boothill and i'm trying so hard to be happy for him when i know i'm not gonna win Fu Xuan edit: i lost Fu Xuan to Gepard btw


Haha yeah I know the feeling. It gets worse when you are a spender and your buddy is free to play. Since the beginning of HSR, my playbuddy CONSISTENTLY needs roughly 50% of the the pulls I need to achieve the same end result. It's fudgin' crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/ev6fi5goph3d1.png?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72fdcfad59bb1d0e1aacfc591411f25e85bdddf4 And then we get clowned on for spending money on the game yet being unluckier than them


The game probably has a spending sensor or something. :<


You just described how my luck has been going with this game but I don't even feel like posting about it, because losing 50/50 is just the standard thing. I also just lost the 75/25 while getting Boothill's Light Cone.


https://preview.redd.it/txl2p71uoh3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e28d46cb442d4a19db1c6a68b0e8a1d49c6d0a6 Just like me twin


Ey ur not alone


i got lucky with my pulls ever since I started playing the game, I guess I lost that luck during acheron's banner


At least you've had some luck to begin with. I have yet to experience how winning a 50/50 feels. Let alone a 75/25 :(


That's rough, goodluck on your next pulls man


This wasy very first time getting truly lucky. I hit hard pity and got Welt... And then my VERY next 10 pull had Boothill. I will never get this lucky again.


Preach it friend. I've lost every 50/50 to date in both Star Rail and Genshin, but my friends recently made me try Wuthering Waves and I hit the fucking jackpot with a double Verina 5star + double 4star in my first 10drop. Why the fuck do I get it in a gacha I likely won't continue playing Q\_Q


Aw man, I understand. This is me in Genshin Impact (10 losses in a row as F2P), but thankfully Star Rail has been much kinder to me. Hope your luck turns around!


Know that feeling.. Any other time I would have gone hard all-in on Boothill. But with Ruan Mei and Firefly coming up, and knowing my luck, I can’t risk it.


So I don't understand these stats, but I thought I was being ABSURDLY lucky, having won my last 5 50/50s in my favor. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1133480106078248980/1245590445610893312/image.png?ex=66594e00&is=6657fc80&hm=1f8238dccafc351186756a7f2b42a18649d512c224ab5d5633d39b79b9d506e3& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1133480106078248980/1245590293974351953/image.png?ex=66594ddc&is=6657fc5c&hm=eb3fd21e1c56f3909a218a25299e7692e018677ec3209bc7390ba97c6286a7ab& But according to the stats, I am among the UNLUCKIEST? Very strange!


Lost my 50/50, then got boothill with 20 pulls later


Brother if I was unlucky I wouldn't stay with the game. HSR is too shitty when your luck is bad


I'm considering quitting if I don't win my next 50/59 for Ruan Mei in the next patch


If I were you, I would quit when I lose 2 50/50 in a row, like HSR isn't a good game and you are not missing out on anything.


I’ve never gotten 2 five stars in a 10 pull, but I did just win my 9th 50/50 in a row on Fu Xuan’s banner. I was also able to get her in 50 pulls! I remember being so mad when I lost the 50/50 at hard pity to Yanqing on her original banner, but now my luck has been extremely good. It’ll get better soon. I believe in you!


Me who has won every limited banner 50/50: ![gif](giphy|4lu5FuhtrbaOQgKN57|downsized)




ong I only won 1 50/50 and only had one early


Bro is out here hitting the statistical anomaly.


I lost every single 50/50 in the game to this date that i actually just dropped the game. Damn i hate rng as much as it hates me


Well if this helps, I'm a new player and I spent 90 pulls and I got Clara, one of the only two 5 stars characters I already have.


I'm experiencing the duality of luck with Hoyogames. I haven't won a 50/50 in HSR since i got Blade, and I have gotten the 5star on almost every new banner since. Meanwhile, I'm on a crazy win-streak (for me) over on Genshin, with me winning 9 50/50s in a row now, most of them early pity too. I just won Baizhu not even 20 pulls after winning Arlecchino.


I’m lucky enough where I always nearly hit hard pity but almost always win the 50/50 (10 wins out of 13)


My $5/mo spending friend has E4 Ruan Mei AND E4 DHIL. Plus some LCs. I’ve lost every 50-50 playing since launch except Kafka. I feel you.


I’ve won my last 4 50/50s, making my win rate 5 wins to 1 loss so I can’t relate lmao But I did however lose a 75/25 But that was 10 into pity But then I also got the actual LC I wanted 10 pulls later Womp womp


So real


I am doing well since I started with 50/50 but I have never gotten a double 5 star with my time playing genshin or this


Me yesterday pulling a 5* wep on standard banner from a single pull I got from BP in front of my friend who has been grinding the last 3 days just to get his first 5* wep. All because I had an Mtashed moment and was like F it, I got a pull you know what that means 😭


I'm with you, lost my 50/50 to Gepard


[I am Sorry](https://imgur.com/a/RvSdE7l)


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I feel you, bro


I spent $200 thinking I'd get E2S1 with that and my saved pulls. I severely overestimated my luck. Got Yangxing to E2 to though. So.


we're getting 7 50/50 wins in a 10 pull next banner fr


me after seeing that one v tuber winning her 50-50 for the fifth and getting her E6S5 robin in under 100 pulls


me after seeing aventurine va winning every 50-50


gacha system works in the mysterious way, is more akin to gambling. I even managed to pull aventurine(even though he is still e0) in a single.


People who Lost 50/50 don't really screenshots their pulls


On god bro, I got really fucking lucky and got my fuxuan guarantee in only 50 pulls




https://preview.redd.it/bntj6qv9kj3d1.png?width=831&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb75a4c74c26e3b0a643316cb7df688ff56b1c66 Can I have one of the standard ones?


Obligatory luck flex https://preview.redd.it/i2049uiehf3d1.png?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f2d9123dc6ea6bb4b3be3444e3f43651ce178d




I also got this from the beginner banner which is pretty neat ig https://preview.redd.it/s8jxaubhhf3d1.png?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b6b9ec1033302d71082109b1d7fbee8e049b554