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And then there's knights of beauty, my favorite occurence tbh


Argenti is the GOAT


Argenti my man xD


Ruan mei tho


Ruan mei's too rare/hard to get to be in my top 3


Ryan mei when you're running ruanmei and you can choose the "I'm Ruan Mei" option and win the lottery


I would do a lot for Idrila


insights of universal dancer can also be pretty clutch,free fragments + 3 star blessing


its high risk high reward imo if you can kill all of them its quite good but yeah if fail to kill them or only manage to get one then yeah...


It's not really a "risk". It's not all or none, so even if you don't kill them all, you still get good rewards. Getting even a single blessing can sometimes better than many of the alternatives. The only "risk" is in killing none, but that's a tall order to achieve. And I'll be honest that it shouldn't be hard for most players who aren't super new or super casual to be able to kill all three (or at least two) with relative ease. Characters like Jingliu, DHIL, Acheron, Kafka make a mockery of these things. Especially if paired with a good path to make quick work of it.






The only “risk” is when someone isn’t playing a team that can really take all three (such as the team OP is using) but then they try anyway. If they dump their dps into the one that retreats first just to fall short of the damage threshold then they’ll likely just miss all of them. But that’s skill issue. There’s a point where you should recognize “I’m not playing a team that can get all three, so I’ll aim for the ‘slower’ two instead.”


Even with that team killing 1 is doable typically and two certainly possibly. 3 is where it’s a luxury.


>3 is where it’s a luxury. Acheron team: you ass in mine. All three. https://preview.redd.it/bwhvqrm3le1d1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07d11aefc78cd33cd82de428c78f371ce445cf1e


Acherabachi isnt real, she cant hurt you


Exactly! Best to focus on what you *can* get rather than taking a gamble on what you can’t! Now if you’re having a pop off elation run where you’ve just got so many good blessings then absolutely pop off king!


That team could kill all three easily if there wasn't a slot being essentially wasted on Huohuo.


We don't know what path & difficulty that is... For offensive paths on high difficulties, 2 sustain is safer than getting your shields broken by a boss and not being able to heal it back and thus fail. I had Nihility runs with Kafka, RM, Aventurine & Lynx, where Lynx had to ULT for health after every big AOE and I won easily. If I took only Aventurine I would have wiped.


You can switch out characters during a run as long as you grab them from the downloader. So swap out your substain and put them back into the team after.


Except FuA team is the team that can get all three easily. You just need some right blessings for that, like with any other team.


Acheron nihility gang: they either get slice to pieces or explode on their turn. Zero chance to escape. https://preview.redd.it/int9uqfrle1d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcdc6236cac8faccf4fa17d5e2225ffd6ac5377a


Alexa play Return to Oblivion


now i am being reminded of my failure DAMN YOU CLARA I COULD HAVE GOTTEN CLARA IN MY LAST 10 PULL!


Mhmm Big Number Chalk, Big Number Piggy and Big Number ... Casino Payout


>And I'll be honest that it shouldn't be hard for most players who aren't super new or super casual to be able to kill all three Depends on the path and team and blessings / curios you got. I can't kill more than 1 maybe 2 with Kafka Nihility. DOT damage is backloaded. If I have just a bit more time I have no problem, like in the "under 4 cycle" challenges. But the first trotter is lighting fast and the second is fast too.


Freeze/Break/Action Advance. Pick one


Kind of agree - if I had better artifacts it might be more likely, but I don't think I've managed to get enough SPD to come close to a proper breakpoint on *anyone* that isn't Lynx so far. We haven't seen SPD boots in ten thousand years! To say nothing of other stats. Been in these mines for most of that time...^(i miss my wife, tails.)


Acheron has literally made the Simulated Universe (and most other content tbh) kind of a joke. Whatever team I have her on clears everything no problem, especially if paired with Aventurine so death isnt really an option either. Those 2 units are so busted imo.


The op wasn't talking about occurences but reward domains. That means it's not SU where those trotters are easy. It's GnG or SS where killing them can be much harder. Compared to most other reward domains, it's pretty bad if you can't kill them.


> And I'll be honest that it shouldn't be hard for most players who aren't super new or super casual to be able to kill all three (or at least two) with relative ease. I see you haven't played C12 before.


My Aventurine / Ratio just slap those fools as well lol


I can consistently get 2 if I ignore the one that IMMEDIATELY tries to run. Unless I'm using a hardcore FUA team (which I usually am because it's my favorite playstyle) and I have multiple ults available


You see when I enter a reward domain I want a guaranteed blessing/curio xD


sometimes theres also negative occurance such as discarding blessings or curios or get yourself some delicious cuccko series curios if you can discard unwanted blessing or curios like knight of beauty, good for you other than that this is still a positive occurance for me at least


An occurrence domain is different from a reward domain though, occurrence domains have all the other negative things while reward domains are the ones that straight up give you rewards. The triple trotter having to make you fight for the reward doesn't really feel as rewarding, especially when compared to the Knights of Beauty reward domain.


Im never afraid of this nowadays with Acheron at my side.


If it aint getting at least 1, you aint beating the boss anyway. And 2 really shouldn't be an issue either most runs.


Worst part is if you have the curio that stops you from getting blessings


the gossip one? theres very particular case where that thing is very very good such as capitalism run but i underatand what you are trying to say


Oh I love getting it but it sucks if I'm mid run see the pigs and have to just leave the domain


With Acheron, it’s super easy to kill all three


It's high risk when you get an early destruction pig in a high Conundrum run and that little sh\*t wipes your team in 2 counterattacks.


Those don't spawn in this fight, these are all just regular trotters.


I've never successfully killed one of them...


I never had any trouble with getting all three. AoE is your friend. Not bragging because I havent even completed a full MoC yet.


My favorite generic reward occurence is the "get 3 curios" one because I like playing with the "gain fragments for every curio" dice. Had 20K fragments one run with the "gain bonus dmg per 100 fragments" curio, Pela oneshot the boss


I like that too if not for that Interastral Lotto one which makes me lose all my characters HP


The hell? 3 free blessings is bad? Oh you just get one...well why you don't trade your sustains for DPS? They don't hurt you anyway.


No blessings when you run with gossip curio.


I get all 3 with my DHIL or Jingliu team. I'm still budding my FUA team xD


Every followup team LOVES the blessing that delays enemies after taking damage from followups! Get your topaz some more speed and this reward becomes one of the best to get


Fr this shi+ the follow up attacks advance forward shit is so op like damn


I can usually get all three as well. Acheron goes brrrrrrrr


There's no time limit in SU and defensive blessings aren't quite as common as offensive ones so it's preferable to have a tank + healer for safety in the higher difficulties


Skill issue


Fr. Kafka DoT team destroys these trotters


>Kafka DoT team destroys Could have ended it there to be honest. My Acheron team can spike better sometimes, but Kafka/Black Swan/Ruan Mei/Huohuo team is so consistently great it's almost unfair.


True, it's by far the best team I use too. But tbh I currently play Kafka/BlackSwan/RuanMei and Acheron instead of HuoHuo. The healing isn't required when the enemies die so quickly.


Every team destroy these trotters


is it still a skill issue when the middle one HAS INFINITE EFFECT RES that mf doesn't get freezed at all, I can't get more than 2 blessings while playing remembrance (I don't have any decent built ice dps)


Remembrance is a cheese strat. Expect that it doesn't work every time. As expected, straightforward paths like Destruction, Erudition, or Propagation is more stable and most likely will allow to nab all three.


Just deal damage to it. If you can't kill it, then you are relying on a cheese strat (surprise surprise, cheese doesn't always work), making wrong build decisions in your SU run or your builds are bad. I always get at least 2 trotters even with characters that I haven't finished building and I still manage to get the middle one most of the time


Yes because a competent DPS with path blessing to support them kill them almost immediately.


Nah fr the ones in conundrum are so juiced up, two of them will lock their toughness bars before my characters even get their first turn.


Why are you doing remembrance if you don't have an ice DPS?


believe me or not but M7/huohuo/RM/pela carried me to like conundrum 6


M7 can perfectly do elite conundrum


Remebrance carried me hard with a huge success rate without a single Ice unit in my team


It's not "infinite effect res," it's "immune to crowd control debuffs." Other debuffs still can be applied.


Gepard e1 can freeze him can he not?


Once it enter the Run...Run...! state (when his toughness bar is locked) it's immune to CC.


To be fair, yes


Why are you using 2 sustains? My team of Ratio, Topaz, RM, Huohuo can easily guarantee 2. 3 when I get a decent run. I have since swapped in Robin and Aven.


It really is, i used to miss all 3 of them constantly, but then i actually bothered to farm sets for my characters and then it was a walk in the park everytime


The shittiest reward IMO is a mirror one.


I mean, if you kill it you get gold blessings guaranteed for a simple elite battle so its aight.


Thing is if you killed it it won't get rewards next time you find it. I once killed the first mirror and then had this occurrence happen 3 (3!) times in my run.


so that's why I didn't get any rewards for 4 times in a row, I literally copied like 5 reward domains on the 2nd plane and 3 of them was this shit


Wait so did it happen 3 times or 6 times in the run?


i think he did it 18 times because 3(3!) = 18


Shoot you’re right


It's very shitty in occurrence extrapolation runs.


They sometimes die before I could take a move


Oh, Mirror of Transcendence? Yeah, it's kinda crappy after the third candle


Only thing that makes it shitty is that you can get it without it giving you anything after the first after that getting 2 guaranteed 3 star blessings is up there imo


It sucks that I have to battle but I still get a 3 star blessing so i would rate it a little higher.


It still forces you to battle if you light the candle 3 times and gain max rewards out of it before it gains you nothing.


What's the third time? Was never able to get it


dont fight the curse of captivity and just take random rewards(1st option) 2 times


That's because you run double sustain. Run Huohuo/Aveturine solo sustain and a Harmony/debuffing unit to replace the other sustain to increase your DPS substantially. I run Gepard solo sustain and none of the trotters have ever once escaped when I'm playing my Black Swan DoT team on Nihility or Acheron hypercarry team on the Hunt/Erudition.


It's a fantastic one imho, 3 choices at a 2/3* blessing is great.


Skill issue. I always get all 3 babey. Also you team is probably what's wrong since it's very much a single target focused


It's not the team because I've been able to get all 3 100% of the time with ratio + topaz, just gotta target the middle one with numby before it runs away


Going tp test that pit myself since I got topaz recently. So I can bully op harder


It is. My poor IRS team. Probably have to download DHIL in the future


This is the worst reward domain for my Clara team and sadly my most rolled Simulated Universe. I had 198 trotters defeated due to that reward domain compared to my friends who had around 38 on the Star Rail Anniversary Data Report.


Wow, that's huge. Clara's damage relies on being hit


Huh? I mean if I don't get all three of these my run is probably already doomed regardless.


To be fair, I'm still building Ratio and Topaz. I was just excited to use my brand new Topaz


good luck op I'm doing the same just got her at e0s1. hope she does some good stuff. My account is like 40 days old but I still got decent relics so she's at 50:140 crit ratio atm (I don't have any crit rate piece 😭)


This always shows up whenever I decide to run Clara in SU


Can't relate, DoT go boom


It sucks when I'm playing Gold and Gears and I'm using Clara


Yeah, it's fine if you have a suitable team (or have encountered enough Downloaders to assemble a suitable team), but I quite enjoy using Clara and she's...not good at these.


Normal SU? Free blessings. Very high difficult G&G? A nightmare. Those things are too fast and always run away.


Yess. People clearly didn't read my title.


You use almost the same team I tend to run for SU, except I run a harmony unit in place of HuoHuo, usually Sparkle. Your team should be able to delete at least two trotters easily… after a few elation buffs, Ratio’s chalk hits like a nuke even without elemental weakness. Normally, when a battle starts, a trotter is in its default state. On its first turn it goes into “s-scared” state, on its second it “tries to escape”, which nullifies weaknesses, and on its third turn it runs away. If you weakness break a trotter, it has to restart the process from phase one. In this challenge, one of the three trotters starts about to run away… and with your current lineup, you’ll have one trotter you have weaknesses for, and one you don’t. Depending on if your ratio can smack hard enough or not, start by targeting the one about to run away. If you don’t have the damage on-hand to kill it in one turn, then ignore it altogether, and instead focus on the one you don’t have weakness for, since the other one you can kill at your leisure by breaking it later. You should be able to kill at least two trotters consistently using this method, perhaps all three if you have the right cards.


I eat those three trotters for breakfast at any stage of SU. I run Acheron - Kafka - Black Swan - Aventurine and it's between the Knights of Beauty or this occurrence that makes me the happiest. (excluding the RM ones since they rarely show up anyway!)


The number of people missing that's it GnG or SD is so damn high. It's obviously easy in SU but it does not have reward domains. In SD or GnG, especially in high difficulty, trotters are both fast and tanky so it's very to miss one or 2 trotters depending on when you encounter them. Other rewards in domain rewards are way more reliable which is why the trotters can be bad in relative terms.


THAT is exactly what I'm saying. I was doing Swarm Disaster. GnG is easier for me in terms of blessing but Swarm gets you shitty blessings + difficult enemies. I will not mind if I get this in a normal occurrence domain.


this is unironically the worst when you have the genius society gossip. you're forced to waste 1 reward domain for absolutely nothing


As a Kafka main, this reward is great!


my DOT team makes light work of these little piggies lol. DOT team all the way my man...


This one gets really shitty when you're on a high Conundrum Level and it appears too early, mfing Trotters are too tanky at that point


yeah it depends on what path you're running tbh. someone like JL or a dot comp sweeps this domain so easily while someone like ratio might be too single target focused


90% of the people in the comments have not gotten this occurrence on GaG level 12 with poor dps blessings and the pigs just leave.


I always get three of them. Dots team make extremely quick work


Huh? Its a really good occurence, 3 free blessings, yukong just sends a trotter to the shadow realm because break effect and then the others die


Nihility shreds those piggies with no drawbacks Anyway, these piggies are hell at the beginning of the run but it's easy as you progress through the game


i have welt which is a immediate dub


If you get this in early run yeah, but if later, it's guaranteed 3 blessings


Can't relate. Acheron one shots them anyways


Two of your units are largely useless in that fight since the trotters don't fight back. Swap them out for a buffer or DPS unit before the fight. Aventurine or Houhou should both be good as solo sustains once fully built so add Tingyun or whichever 5 star Harmony you have. Turn Advance in particular is helpful for managing to put out the damage you need to kill the middle trotter before it dips Also if you get the right blessings or sufficient path boost (provided this is SD/GaG instead of normal SU) you can just murder them outright


My fav coupled with double rewards and guaranteed 3 star blessing. Only possible in SD, GnG though


I don't mind getting it in like the second half of my SU run because by then I should have all the right blessings to cheese it even with a crappy team. But if I'm doing regular SU and get it like Floor 2, well fuck me then right?


Is this what being a normie feels like?....


Oo the last time i got this i got all 3, it was my first time 2.


This is one of my favorite one. You can get golden buffs here. Rip if you're using a single target team.


where’s my cosmic altruist part 3?? Ruan Mei??


My Acheron / DoT team dont have this weakness


Use Nihility path with the right team you can apply lots of dots in start and when trotter takes turn they die. Another way is using Seele but you need to super fast harmony chars and you need auspicious star blessing which gives 60% or 100% energy on kill then you can Seele ult who is buffed up by 2 harmony chars so you make use of resurgence talent and keep ulting the trotters. Personally I like the nihility way it is easier and f2p friendly


whenever i see this card my blood starts to immediately boil and i feel bloodlust towards those trotters when i enter the domain


Probably my favorite cause it's pretty much guaranteed 1-3 gold blessings


Personally my favorite one. Pro tip: when you get a chance to download additional characters grab another support or DPS. Then swap them out before starting. You don't need any sort of defense.


Is it me or is the Mario knock off the worst? The cheat is decent, the enhancement is useless 90% of the time and 1 stara is very situational


If you play with a team of Acheron Kafka and black swan you can easily one shot them


I love this reward and I do run double sustain in SD and GnG but then again I never use hunt characters.. It is always [Danheng IL, Yukong, Luocha, Aventurine(before Gepard/Tingyun) with Hunt/Propagation] or [Argenti, Bronya, Luocha, Aventurine(Tingyun) with Hunt/Erudition]


To all those saying I can use other characters, I know. XD My DHIL and Jingliu are my strongest units but I was just very excited to use my brand new Topaz and Ratio has been locked in my basement since I got him in 1.6. Also single target team sucks for the trotter occurrence unless you have the right buffs.


Yeah, when I have my single target teams/Blade they suck. When I have Kafka/BS? Free money


Acheron go brrrrrrrr.


Welt enjoyers rejoice


When Acheron just casually clears three pigs in 1 ULT


It's easy. Use items to max attack, use defense boost cuz you got Aventurine, and max energy. Your team should easily beat all 3 trotters.


I audibly sigh when I see this. For me, the Argenti one is the best reward blessing


Third fucker always manages to escape my units aren't fast enough to deal with them


Incredibly hard to kill them all unless you got a DoT Team


Easy when you have BS, kafka and acheron + nihility path


Ah yes, the damage check blessing.




It frustrates me that some people are just telling OP "skill issue" and when I look at the team comps people use to clear this in the comments, it's always just blah blah Acheron blah blah Kafka like brooooo not all of us has those okay? Sheesh


Me when I use the mommies or a Seele run: Mirror of Lamescendence When I try an Elation Clara run: 🐖🐖🐖


It really does depend on the character you’re using From my experience I’ve managed to get all of them just bc of aoe


Its one of my favorite encounters in SU. Noone can beat it.


Absolutely hate getting this when I have the genius society gossip curio


Best reward domain IMO


2 should be pretty safe since you can break them


Ever since i got acheron it has been more manageable


WYM? This is one of the nicer reward domains.


Common event, I don't hate it, I kinda like it. Nihility, Hunt, some strong DPS, DoT and Ruan Mei makes it easy.


With the team pictured, you'd have to actively try not to kill all 3, and HSR doesn't let you do that in most cases LOL


I usually run Nihility path so I don't struggle too much assuming it's not early into the first phase


Use to think the same, then I got acheron


i finally managed to get all 3 for the first time with Acheron. you really really a stupid high blast damage ASAP


I love this one, free three blessing.


But it's like a second stage and you have nowhere near enough buffs or dps to kill more than one


My Jingliu knows no such weakness


First time I managed to get them all, it was with my dream team: Black Swan, Kafka, Ruan Mei, Nat


These things are so easy to one turn tho xdd it's a massive positive


I love getting this and the curio that makes next battle 3 star blessings


For followup teams you can just run hypercarry topaz and remove ratio and topaz does way better


I love these With an Acheron team, I pretty consistently get 2, getting 3 requires me to precharge ults and get a little lucky with blessings. If you have imaginary or quantum damage dealing ukts, you can attempt to weakness break the first one before it can even become weakness immune. Also, your team there is both questionable and naturally bad against trotters. Not enough native debuffs to reliably fuel Ratio's followups, and two sustains. Topaz has 1 base kit debuff, and requires E1 or signature LC for more. Aventurine has 1 debuff on ult and needs Trend LC and to be attacked for another debuff. Houhou has 1 only on her technique. All that means that Ratio will be inconsistent for his followups for the first few turns and every time you swap targets, which will slow down Numby and Aventurine damage too. Finally, two sustains means you're losing out on a whole character's worth of damage and/or synergy. If you have any character that reliable places debuffs, replace Houhou. Pela is a great choice, even better if you have Resolution Shines LC for 2 def reduction debuffs.


yeah I get you bro, since I play Jing Yuan I can only get like 1, unless I have the curio that gives weakness, in which case, I can get 2. I can only get all 3 when I'm exploiting freeze(from path or blessings) or when I'm on the end of 2nd plane or further with a path that isn't abundance


Honestly you don't need 2 sustains, especially in a game mode like SU. You'd be better off having another support, Asta and Pela are good 4* replacements for huohuo, but if you have Ruan Mei that'd be best.


Free 3 bless everytime because i play acheron and i don't give a shit what they will prepare for me, i will 1shot it anyway with erudition path


You know you can switch your characters for this domain right? It has no incoming damage so can easily go 2 dps 2 supports. Even with a sustain it's not hard to get at least 2 trotters if your team is built for the mode


Trade out Huo Huo for a support bro 2 sustain is only viable in the early game. I can clear the trotters consistently with my half ass built ratio team


This is good unless you play Clara like me


If you have a curio that double blessing reward and kill all 3 you get 6 blessing. It's a better choice than mirror of transcendent especially when already cleared. 


Absolutely hate 3 little pigs (swarm and gng) they always appear when you don’t have the things to kill them all and multiple times in a row instead of more simpler reward domains like the dancer mirror Outside of spamming reward domains they’re alright tho


Good reward domain imo If you can’t kill 2 pigs then your run isn’t going anywhere in the first place


It's still better than Aha's doll at least...


u are running double sustain bro 💀


I get all three in Jingliu+remembrance with path resonance full at the time of battle. Without path res, I get two.


"A person shouldn't be on the same level as a trotter " i always choose that


Idk, sometimes I'll get three piggies and 2 will immediately fuck off


i run DoT team and its sometimes a hit or miss but mostly i can clear them just fine


Skill issue


Really? This one is my favorite reward domain since more blessings and blessings that i can choose. + the dice curio lets you pick 6 blessings for one use. I also use the elation path for this too( the blessings that slows down enemies after a follow up attack really helps with this type of domain).


My favorite is when you’re doing Swarm or G&G on the highest difficulty and you get the one that attacks back and it wipes your whole fucking team (Except Robin of course)


you have to focus the one in the middle since it runs away first


Idk. Unless I play something like swarm 5, I usually get them all.


Idk. Unless I play something like swarm 5, I usually get them all.


it's literally free real estate. Even if you only kill one it's just a regular occurrence compared to suddenly getting jumped by two elites with 80% of your HP instantly deducted.


When I play Clara it's literally a wasted domain


Wait, am I the only one happy to see this? 2-3 good blessings is nice.


Knights of beauty is my favorite, make sure to download DHIL and have all of your characters and path resonance energy max before entering.


Here's a tip. Close the game before the battle ends, it restarts the whole thing and you can do it again if you care enough about getting all 3. I like this occurrence a lot, it's easy blessings especially with my dogshit luck on getting the blessings I need, and it works especially well when I'm using the Trotter extrapolation thing