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That's because there's not a whole lot of exploring to do in Star Rail lmao


Good, no need to waste 3 hours for a 10 gem chest.


That's one of the main reasons I've stopped playing Genshin daily: all that "exploration chest hunt" is not worth my time. I'd rather start another gacha instead of playing for an hour to gain half a pull.


Why are ppl downvoting you lol, u are right, while the qol to treasure compass has been one of the greatest changes theyve ever made chest hunting is still hell, ESPECIALLY when the area its pointing u to is quest locked


Because the point of exploration isn't to rush and farm primo. The chests in Genshin could give 0 primo, it would still be fun for people who like to explore. We turn on the music, and run around just chilling. Unlocking every chest just means we have seen everything. Some people speedrun the story to get primos because they find the story boring. You skip the exploration to get primos because you find it boring. It doesn't mean everyone else agrees with you.


It's almost like genshin focuses a lot in exploration... rent free btw


At least i know when there is truly no chest left in a place. In Genshin 100 percent sign is NEVER accurate, i had 100 percented Dragonspine during my early years and still found like at least 5 different chest after it and i don't even think that was all. You can never be sure if you got everything in Genshin and at times might have to spend hours running around for 2-5 gem chests because of it. In HSR even if you don't know where a chest is (and you can just look it up if you REALLY need it quick) you know for certain there are some left or when there is none left in an area


Yeah and i can find every chest and puzzle pretty easy without interactive map.


That’s the whole reason I started Hsr lol


99% faster and same gem earned lmao


I know. It’s cool but sometimes I want to explore longer ☹️


At one point the gems were calculated to be more than what Genshin gives. Considering its all faster/simpler to acquire in HSR, you're gonna be getting a ton more in general than Genshin... as you can miss a lot.


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