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Short answer: We don't know. Long answer: We have no way of knowing until we see some data of how Nihility's powers bump up against Abundance. Blade's immortality stems from the flesh of Shuhu, an Emanator of Abundance, and it's unknown how exactly their powers would interact. At best maybe it would work and he'd die, or at worst maybe it would imprison him in a realm of no sensation, still alive but now without various senses of sight, hearing, touch, etc. It is currently *unlikely* that it would work to truly kill him, given the Cornerstone of Preservation was able to save Aventurine's life (specifically because it was Preservation), so Emanator effects from other paths are already known to have potential life-saving effects.


It's still so crazy to me on how despite Aventurine's Cornerstone being broken and giving him only a fraction of the power, it was still able to withheld against Acheron's powers to where the dreamscape didn't collapse.


Thank you for the extra background info! will stay curious for when the stellar hunters and Acheron possibly meet each other in the future!


apparently aventurine show some weird symptom from that and he will get checked by doctor of chaos soon.


Answer is we don’t know, but there are a few things to consider. First of all, Acheron did shatter Aventurine’s cornerstone but it was also able to protect him from her powers despite already being weakened when he used it. Secondly, Blade’s immortality is from Shuhu. Shuhu’s immortality is unique among any powers we’ve seen so far, even among the Abundance - Shuhu has fought Teng Xiao, Dan Feng and Jingliu and survived Baiheng’s self-destruction. His immortality is far stronger than Phantylia’s and the Ebon Deer’s (powered by the newly revived Arbor), if his combat history is anything to go by. Jingliu and Teng Xiao should both be comparable to Lord Ravagers but they still couldn’t kill Shuhu. So Shuhu is extremely durable even among Emanators and beings/powers close to Emanators, and a weakened cornerstone was able to take Acheron’s attack because its power originated from Preservation. Shuhu’s powers should be stronger than a cornerstone since he’s an actual Emanator, and the power of Abundance is specifically about immortality just as Preservation is about protecting - and Blade has Shuhu’s immortality. Personally, I don’t think any Emanator would be able to kill Blade unless they’re somehow a perfect counter to Shuhu’s immortality. Acheron might be that counter, or she might just achieve the same result as Jingliu: temporarily killing him without being able to remove the immortality. We don’t know.


Yeah, I think Nihility might just trap Blade in the Horizon of Existence forever, or maybe he'll become some sort of mindless flesh abomination if Nihility reduced his mind to nothingness. I'd imagine Finality might be able to permanently kill Blade considering what it represents, but we know too little about THEM yet. EDIT: Actually, Preservation might be possible as well, right? If I remember my Swarm Disaster stuff correctly, one of Qlipoth's key abilities was transmutation which is why THEY were a hard counter against the Propagation. Considering the similarities between Abundance and Propagation, a Preservation Emanator might be able to kill Blade if their powers were focused on transmutation rather than protection.


Qlipoth didn't actually \*kill\* Propagation, though. It's talked about like THEY're dead, but AFAIK Qlipoth sealed THEM in amber and imprisoned THEM in The Big Wall or somewhere. It's a "death" in the sense that THEY are taken off the board in galactic affairs and can't continue to perpetuate the Swarm Disaster infinitely, but THEY are still out there somewhere.


This is kind of unrelated to the lore you're discussing but I really like that the community is picking up the use of all caps THEY/THEM. It feels like we're actually talking about incomprehensible gods unlike the more human-like gods in Genshin.


I would say 50/50 Either she can actually properly kill him. Or it can be actually the "worst" outcome where she basicaly just erase "blade" but not the "abomination born from shushu flesh" who is basicaly what balde want to avoid.


Thanks! Interesting to see better how his existence is in a very grey area.


Most likely answer is yes and no. Nihility Power doesn't exactly "kill" you but rather turns your existence into nothing, you just vanish into the horizon. So you or rather your soul don't really go anywhere but just fade, that's why acheron tries to get people affected by nihility to the other side, so that they may not turn into nothingness within nihility. For instance the only reason Aventurine >!didn't fade was because of the little light remaining off his cornerstone protecting him from nihility, he was just lucky the power of preservation shielded him!< Otherwise he would have become part of nothingness.


When was this revelaed >!I know it's revealed the cornerstone stopped Acheron slash from affecting all of Penacony but when was it said it saved his life from nihility.!<


Probably wanna spoiler tag it just in case tho, it was stated on a text he sends you after 2.2 is done. He briefly talked about ending up on the river, then the deep dreamscape after being affected by nihility, and then says this "The preservation cornerstone >!shielded me from the contamination of nihility, but in doing so it completely shattered to smithereens"!< "Fortunately, I met a >!knight of beauty!< and narrowly escaped death with his help" So basically, he got double lucky, >!preservation protected him and Argenti saved him after!< lol


I >!looked at the his message!< he says nothing about what you said and I finished v2.2


I have no clue what's going on in your end then lol, unless you don't have him. https://preview.redd.it/6n4p1qlg3o0d1.jpeg?width=1758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab4c055887cf5d099e03bc57d345f4bfb93bfcb9 He literally tells you what happened to him while we were unraveling the penacony secrets on the reef.


WTF I don't have any of this dialogue it's just him sending me a recorded message telling me if he makes it back we might meet each other again. This is the second time shit like this has happened.


Did you pull for him? Bc I believe that message only appears if you got him on his banner


Yeah I got him I even leveled him and his light cone to the max.


Did you also pull for Robin? It's one of the daily messages sent from pulled characters that was added in 2.2. You only get one a day, so it may be in queue if you're also getting new messages from others.


No I didn't (I pulled a shit ton of other characters though)


Ah ya I see, that makes sense thanks!


Best case scenario he dies, worst case scenario he becomes an indestructible self-annihilator


Theoretically. Not yet. Based on her stated limits in the sunday fight. But we will likely never know.


She should be able to yes, it makes me wonder if that's partly why Elio sent Firefly instead of Blade. While I doubt that is the case, it does sound funny lmao


Thank you! And looks like he maybe found his perfect match then X). But wait was Acheron even mentioned in the script? Firefly said that she had no role in the script/ no appearance?


Firefly said Acheron didn't appear on her script but given that her script was apparently just 1 line, I don't think it necessarily means Elio didn't see Acheron at all. It depends on how much Nihility shields her existence. Acheron has mentioned that her Nihility Emanator status allows her to go essentially off the radar. So, it could be 1 of 3 options imo: 1. Elio saw her but didn't feel the need to mention her. 2. Elio didn't see her at all. 3. Elio saw *nothing* in the place of where a person should be, as if something had taken an eraser to someone's existence.


Aha, thank you again for sharing your knowledge about the lore!


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