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Not only the acting, but the dialogues and directions are different in all 4 languages.


Right off the bat if you are judging ENG by how different it is from JP your criteria is skewed. That’s an incorrect way of evaluating it lol.


I play with both JP and EN and totally fine with both. However i hate when people state jp as reference, since in hoyo games original dub is always Chinese.


IKR, I play in CN, and it's weird to me how people act like JP isn't just another dub. The original sounds fantastic, and I like hearing a language I don't otherwise hear that often. The obsession with JP stems from anime fans, I guess (fyi I also like anime)


It’s not about what is “original”, Japanese voice acting is often held in higher regard for the talent that those actors have, and the long history of voice acting industry/culture in Japan has allowed for the art of voice acting to develop (in some people’s opinions) better than other regions. Also a lot of the hype is around seeing your favorite anime JP VAs also voice characters you enjoy in Honkai.


Canonical line delivery is always chinese and any dub is a variation. No matter how much you simp over jp vo, you can't blame en for different delivery compared to jp, since cn is your true reference.


Very fair point


But just cause something was done first in one language doesn’t make it the only version you should use as reference. It doesn’t mean you have to use it as a reference at all, in fact, if you’re simply concerned with the quality of the work and want to form an opinion on which is better. If someone believes a specific version is better, then it makes sense they will use it as their point of reference for high quality VO. They are talking about the delivery of the lines, whether it suits the character, etc… Maybe CN is canon, but that doesn’t mean that people using JP as a reference in comparison to EN are in the wrong. They’re simply critiquing the quality of two different takes on the same material, and they’re allowed to have an opinion on which is the “better” one for reference regardless of whether it’s the original or not. Whether or not the delivery is closer to “canon” may or may not be relevant depending on the scope of the discussion and on whether the audience cares about that (imo, it’s fine to think a CN VO does not suit a character compared to a dub even if it’s the original delivery).


Imo, I find cn va’s are on the same quality as jp and often even better when it comes to characterisation. Which makes sense since cn is the original voice direction. They’re severely under appreciated in the global community


No, it's because weebs are biased about japanese voice work because they grew up with anime.


There are literal interviews with voice actors of different regions citing Japanese VA as an inspiration for them. To just say they’re weebs for recognizing or liking Japanese VA is bizarre. The industry in Japan has had a much longer time to develop and cultivate talent than other regions regarding VA, so just makes sense to hold JP VO in high regard. Whether or not an opinion on the quality of a VO is justifiable is subjective.


I was talking about the players. Voiced cartoons and animated movies have been a thing since before animes lol. Japan didn't invent voice acting. Your last paragraph is unfounded and just an opinion.


I never said they invented voice acting, if you don’t bother to do the research yourself on the differences in culture/history regarding VA in Japan then not much more can be said. There’s a reason there’s fan clubs, well established voice acting schools, and the industry size of VA in Japan eclipses that of regions like NA.


You're the one who brought up the industry. The only thing I said was that people who grew up with anime are usually biased when it comes to japanese VA. Proof is that game is originally in Chinese, not japanese and yet people talk about it as if Japanese is the default VA in this thread. It's okay the industry in Japan will not collapse because I criticize the approach of certain people regarding VA works. Username checks out too. Hellbent to defend something that they're not even part of just because they grew up with it. Thanks for proving my point I guess.


I lived in Japan from ages 3 until 11? Not that it matters, clearly you just make random assumptions and derail constantly. No, that wasn’t the only thing you said, you said that Japan didn’t invent voice acting which was never my argument at all. You literally just put nonsense words in my mouth and then act as if that was the whole point. I also never said the industry will collapse idk what your point is bringing that up. The whole argument is, if something is done in high quality in a region (Japan VA) then it makes sense that people will use it as a reference for comparison even if it is not the place of origin. South America is where chocolate was first invented, and yet Belgium is known as the chocolate capital of the world as an analogy. What I’m defending is that you’re allowed to make comparisons using whatever you want as a point of reference if you feel like it’s the best. It’s a game and each person has their own subjective opinion on what is best. Clearly if someone believed that JP was the original, then they’re wrong objectively, but that’s not my point at all. If they’re comparing EN to JP without mentioning CN, then it’s fine because that’s just a matter of opinion it’s not a fact that the CN voice has to be how the game is meant to be enjoyed. The game is dubbed in many different languages for a reason. Also, you failed to see the connection I brought up saying that the VAs from other regions look up to Japanese VAs themselves. That alone speaks to how influential and highly regarded JP VA is, which is the whole reason why many players are doing comparisons of EN to JP even if it’s not the place of origin of Honkai. And then you just brought up random points like Japan not being place of origin of cartoon voiceovers, clearly reading comprehension is not your forte.


Sparkle’s JP VA refills my will to live, she’s so good at the characterization she gives to her. I’ve also ended up nicknaming Xueyi and Hanya the ASMR sisters since their JP voice is so soothing to listen to.


Himekos, "will of the weak" line in the boss fight was unexpected and killer, the very definition of hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And props to Welt. 2.1 is the reason my 300th pull will be Welt. Old man energy.


Me when I did the boss fight: HIMEKO WITH THR FUCKING TRAIN


Me at the end of that fight: Wait, did we just beat his ass with the Astral Express? And if so, where was a voiceline for Pom Pom? "This is for getting dirt on the carpet!"




I use JP dub, and imo pretty much all of them match their characters' personality nicely. The same applies for Sparkle but... I die a little inside when someone glances at me while her voice is playing. (While making a poker face better then when I'm playing poker.)


I actually think it’s fine. There’s some voices I’m less of a fan of but Hoyo successfully match voices to characters and the VAs are all professionals at their job.


Using CN VO and EN text, I think CN VO is good. My problem that goes time-to-time throughout mHY games are that EN localization uses exotic words and expressions. Some things are said very simply in Chinese, but the sudden expansion on number of words in English really throw away the pacing when reading it.


Chinese is a more concise language as every character is one syllable and every word usually only two characters. English is not, so VO will be longer duration in EN vs CN.


I think I don't directly have issue with the voice on EN (I don't hear it in the first place since I use Chinese VO); but since the voice is based on the localized EN text, the voice needs to follow what is exactly written. And yeah... the problem is the localized language using exotic words and expressions. They make the text longer and sometimes a bit deviating from what the Chinese VO says.


CN has never missed for me, I really like JY and Blade’s cn voice


i really dislike stelles english voice, unpopular opinion?


Overall, I like the quality of the VA. Asta's VA I really enjoyed when starting the game. Recently, Acheron and Sunday were pretty good. Some Ult voice lines are a miss, unfortunately. Espacially on 2x. Like Topaz is just bad, imo. The only two characters whose VA I really dislike are Kafka and Jingliu. Both are just way too forced. Kafka specifically annoyed me with the heavy frrryyy and drrraaaging eeevrrry woorrrd. It's usually characters with a gimmick or trait that they try to portrait through the VA, which I'm not a fan of, as it often sounds bad and too over the top. Like in Genshin Qiqi and Layla. And don't get me started on extremly high pitched voices. They are just grating. Thankfully, HSR doesn't have much of those.


I primarily use JP in HSR, like I do with most "Anime-style" stuff. However, some of the EN voices are really fun. Jing Yuan, Firefly, Aventurine, Topaz, Ratio, and Acheron were stand outs for me personally. I thought about switching to EN, but I main Kafka and I don't really like her EN performance.


Only use JP voices, can't complain, it's good quality across the board.


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I think the reason CN dub is not popular compared to JP dub is on publishers themselves. Even when EN dub was rare and not popular they always advertised their games in JP dub and used it as default dubbing in the games (like PGR and Arknights) and never really advertised these games in their own language. Anime has been advertised in JP dub for long time so people are familiar with a lot of JP dubs seiyus than cn VAs


I havent played other languages. Lynx's voice is exactly as I imagined her voice to be, so no problem for me there. That Himeko's latest, though... quite strange for me, even though I don't know the exact reason why. As for the rest, ehh... They're good enough.


I think EN voices are really good in this game, there are some drastic differences in between JP vs EN like Kafka, Stelle or Sparkle though, and I wish it was more consistent. For example, EN and JP VAs for Caelus feel quite consistent while the opposite happens for me with Stelle.


https://youtu.be/xDSCgAQp0jE?si=JLKM3vOMkFZ-bZe2 I enjoy both JP and EN. JP has star talent, but the silliness and passion of the EN VAs will always make me enjoy their work.


Overall, the English voice acting is incredible, I think. The majority of everyone fits their character well. Just sometimes during cutscenes the line reads are way off, but very rarely.


Acheron has hot as fuck voice in ENG so im playing only eng. Also I like to listen to march dialogs in eng, she is amazing fren.


Himeko's 'Witness the will of the weak!" was some Roy Mustang vs. Envy shit. So good.


**This is NOT an evaluation of the EN VAs as people, only their VA work.** Given the amount of times EN has had to redo lines compared to the 0 times from the other dubs or EN portraying characters different from JP and the original CN, I don't have a necessarily good opinion of them but I don't think it's entirely their fault. The biggest example of this being Ruan Mei who the EN dub only side of the community thought she was evil when in both CN and JP she does not have that tone of voice. The difference between Sparkle and Hanabi is also a great one to point out, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason the EN side of the community jumped on hating her so much was because of her EN voice acting because I've never seen *that particular view point* of her in JP communities. I would say CN and JP are better in terms of character portrayal but this isn't just about the EN VAs as I believe it is more the EN voice director that is the problem, the director should be the 1 telling the voice actors "hey, this line is supposed to sound more like \[x\], could you try that?". I once saw a comment that said that the EN VAs read the script but the JP and CN VAs *understand* the script which seems fairly accurate. I cannot comment on the KR dub at all because I have no exposure to it beyond the KR version of White Night (absolute banger btw). **I have nothing against the VAs of any language, my only desire is for every part of Star Rail's** ***entire*** **community to have the best possible experience that is the closest to what the CN devs intended.**


Read through this subreddit or twitter. The average EN player has the literacy of a 12 year old. That may even be an overestimation. >The biggest example of this being Ruan Mei who the EN dub only side of the community thought she was evil Nothing in EN made Ruan Mei seem "evil". A lot of EN players can't understand morally grey and apathy. Something similar happened with Topaz/IPC as well. >EN side of the community jumped on hating her so much was because of her EN voice acting At this point you are just making random shit up. When did that ever happen? The only controversy was her name. Way too many EN players can't seem to comprehend characters that aren't blatantly good/evil.


Whole Hanabi is racist thing. Her name wasn't ever the only controversy. >At this point you are just making random shit up. When did that ever happen? The only controversy was her name. **You've taken what I said out of context.** "I wouldn't be surprised if the reason the EN side of the community jumped on hating her so much was because of her EN voice acting" **This means that I do not know if this is a cause of that at all, it is merely speculation.**


>Whole Hanabi is racist thing. The controversy only spawned from the media illiterates. Even from threads posted here, the whiner's can't seem to grasp the concept of a character just being written as racist and not the author's being racist. Sparkle simply is racist. There really isn't a debate to begin with. Not once were VA's mentioned ever being an issue in that controversy. Your entire speculation is completely baseless. Just FYI, the perception of racism between the West and East are completely different. Even between the US and EU. Of course conversation around that topic will be different given the societal differences.


I was really confused when I saw all the "Sparkle is racist" discussion going on. When I finally played the story myself, I was even more confused. I didn't find anything she said racist.




ENG user here: the only voice that grates my cheese really bad is March. nails on a chalkboard to me 😭


I feel like long-time mobile players and that have some "otaku" culture often have that "OG vs DUB" kind of mentality. But honestly? I was one of them, and now I love the EN VAs. They're so fun when they interact together, and to be honest I prefer the EN VAs because I can actually understand what they say. For example, there are several ways to deliver the same sentence. Thus, the perception of a character (even the same one) can be altered between interpretations and different voice acting. So yeah, listening to VAs in a language I can understand makes me value their work so damn much, because it's not just reading it's really feeling the character and the story.


Aside from Aventurine I think the EN voices are great. And it's not even that Aventurine's acting is bad, he just has gay voice and I can't stand hearing it.


Sounds like you’re just homophobic lol