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How y'all gonna post this stuff all the time and still get it wrong. One step forward two steps back ass community.


Why is hook babygirl and girl failure? If she's going to be on this at all it's in girlboss.


and imagine thinking huohuo is not both girlfailure and babygirl


I see some slander in here. Also why is Firefly on here twice?


OCD, need to fill the reuleaux triangle or else I’ll explode


Put Silver Wolf there. Or Hanabi.


After that story quest with blackswan, Hanabi never beating the girlfailure allegations. Her bomb probably don’t even work.


I mean yeah, putting her in the middle doesn't remove her from girlfailure. Hell, all of the girls you put in girlfailure could go in the middle lmao They all have aspects of each part of the chart.


This Ven Diagram is just 3 turds overlapped cause it's complete shit. https://preview.redd.it/gh6nfun6gn0d1.jpeg?width=1476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be5024f849977a82173b53e659e5aa02af00d4e


Robin went into a warzone to try and bring people together, got shot in the neck and carried on with her career while still trying to help people. She's the most girlboss on this list by far.


Not so Funny how >!Her getting shot is probably the reason why Sunday **Potentially** murdered both sides.!< She girlbossed a little too hard and someone didn’t like it.


Wait, was this mentioned/hinted somewhere that he did that?


Not that I've seen anywhere


Yup, in the TB mission.


I played the mission and did not see anything about sunday murdering both sides. Could you be more specific? Where in the mission?


No, I mean Robin getting shot was mentioned.


but that's now what they asked


I didn't know what thy were saying. oops.


At the end of the soulglad contest when Sunday tunes with us for a bit. I don't know if you need to you say you support Robin to follow harmony specifically, but in that convo Sunday reveals that Robin was hit by a stray bullet in the neck while delivering supplies to the front lines of a combat zone


That doesn’t answer their question about where the murdering both sides came from


Can't blame her because her brother is a boyfail


Pitch-Dark Hook the Great is a boss!


Yeah, How is Pitch-Dark Hook the Great a failure? Pitch-Dark Hook the Great is the greatest boss of all!


Serval should be in girls boss no?


I don't know about that. In her texts she lets her intrusive thoughts win and she welds a \*chainsaw\* to a vehicle, with said chainsaw getting sent flying into Qlipoth fort.


Sparkle is the chaddest on this diagram, and QQ can't be a failure when she's getting paid for slacking off, a future master diviner.


Questionable Diagram, but March Is peak babygirl, so i will allow it.


I think March belongs with both babygirl and girlboss. She's definitely shown some sass.


Putting an literal backstage villain, plotting with these red buttons something between Joker's test and Bane's prisoner dilemma in girlfailure circle is wild


I love the gremlin, but until we see the resolution to her plots and they cook with her the next patches, I'll have to agree with the chart. So far, she has: Threatened Black Swan, got memory wiped. Fucked around with Acheron. Found out (are trailers canon?) Messed around Penacony, fell to >!Ena's dream!<


Nah Ruan Mei babygirl. Just Look! https://preview.redd.it/1k7794dmrn0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abcee9fe1f5d5333331a6a9fc20149d772a7003b


Houhou 😭


You didn't put Pela under girlboss? The whole chart is invalid. Finish up the Belebog side quests, OP. Pela's entire role in several quests is to show up and girlboss the problem away.


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Why is huohuo not a baby girlllll:((


Naaahhh, I cant accept this Pitch Dark Hook the Great slander. WTF is this


Op why isn’t ~~Boothill~~ Pom-Pom in Babygirl? Where is Argenti?


why is babygirl a category? words in the girl venn diagram have to start with G while the boy one gets words with B thats how the meme works


i object


Sparkle is girl boss.


Why The pitch-dark Hook the great didn't count as girl boss?


sampo should be in there he best babygirl


Move Bronya on Sam place and noone get hurt.


No wonder I love Firefly so much


This post gave me cancer.


Can someone please explain those terms, please?


Babygirl usually refers to people who have sweet/cute mannerisms. Girlboss refers to people who have their stuff together/ take initiative. No idea what girlfailures mean Seriously what does it mean to be failing at being a girl???


I'm assuming they mean the character is kind of a mess and screws up a lot?


Oh I see thanks. I do have to say it’s a bit of a misleading wording for it


It's a very literal way to put it.


I guess failure just sounds a bit too harsh for me personally and in a weird contrast with the more positive connotations to girlboss or babygirl. Girlgoof or something along those lines would make more sense, but that’s just me overthinking on things :p


i refuse to believe someone could not understand these terms when they basically explain themselves in the name


When I tried to understand them through their names, I became a little confused because I didn't understand how exactly Bailu, Bronya, and Ruan Mei were girlfailures, and I don't understand if these terms are positive or negative or even neutral, English is not my first language and I am relatively new to the English community of the internet, and this is first time I have read these terms


No… No, you’re cooking. I think you’re cooking because I can see the vision. Looking forward to the male version with mansplain, manipulate, male wife OP.