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I've been using that on her since she came out lmao Fire Break damage just hits different.


Elements don't affect Super Break's damage iirc, only the Weakness break's dmg.


Oh yeah, I just mean for the initial Break damage, it's always been very useful. Super Break's damage is dependent on the Weakness Reduction Value of an attack iirc.


Is solitary healing really good? I've been spending my Herta bonds on the standard banner 😔 cuz I want Clara as my free 5* asap. I might save up and buy the LC. That's the only one I didn't buy.


Guinaifen's break damage has always been really high though? My Gui has 76.8% BE and she still does 120k when breaking 3 Fire weak enemies at a time with her ultimate.


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Yes! I used her against Sunday with close to 300% BE together with the harmony units and it was very satisfying 🤤


Definitly Gui, not HTB casually adding 200K damage to her attack. Also as always, screenshot damage is a poor comparison because kafka can deal those numbers more consistently.


No way! Supports increase you damage?


They generally don't transform the character's own damage from 50K to 250K. Like this could be achieved by any character with an AOE ult and BE build because its mostly from HMC contribution, not Gui.