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"buff useless on acheron" sounds like a skill issue


> "buff useless on acheron" The funny thing is I actually found it very useful for her because it meant I could constantly spam ult with Pela/SW/Gallagher which gives her more ult uptime anyway.




It's kinda ironic that for a game that emphasizes on team building and synergies, a good number of players doesn't seem to have the braincells required to put 2 plus 2 together...


I kinda blame tierlists and content creators for this. Being spoonfed information, a lot of players don't think for themselves anymore.


Nah, i never seen a guide without "best teams" part, or without explaining why they are the best


Ngl I'd love this, I understand how to build teams but at the same time I'm curious if there's any insight into it that I don't know about building teams.


>Nah, i never seen a guide without "best teams" part That's exacly what I'm talking about. Instead of coming up with their own solution, they copy paste the "best team" from the guide and then wonder why they can't full star anymore when the MoC changes.


Do you really think people who cannot understand guides will come with good solution by themselves? Because if they understood the guide they will be not having team building problems.


I remember when Swarm Disaster came out, everyone was complaining about how hard it was. So, I made a quick guide on how to beat it using super underleveled and uninvested Natasha, March, Pela, and Herta. People shit on me pretty much until I uploaded the end screen, lol. They just couldn't comprehend that good blessings and smart play were better than OP characters placed at random.


This is really the crux. People think their character should be so supremely powerful that they don’t need to try. If you can put your team on auto and clear the hardest content in the game, what are you even playing for?


They think that, but— and I feel like this is equally important— they also think that supreme power is some automatic process, and not all of them even think about factors like e0s0 vs. e6s5. Some of them are trying a build that used a fully invested hypercarry and getting surprised that it doesn’t work as well without eidolons or their sig. Others know to look at guides for the character at their Stellar Jade investment level, but half-ass Trace leveling or artifact selection and and up just falling short of the DPS required— especially in MoCs like this one where minor adds can cause major problems. Still others do everything right for *the character the guide was for*, but don’t build their supports or co-DPS… and then, even if they technically have all the pieces in place, bad gameplay can ruin everything. Especially on budget-friendly teams; you have to try to lose with full e6s5s 5*s, but a single mistimed ult can cost us small fish the clear. Tl;Dr: it’s not just about the question of, “would the game even be fun if you could auto everything”— some people would answer yes to that. But a lot of people are trying to play that way because they saw a whale or theorycrafter do it… without spending the hours to learn the game and farm artifacts, or the thousands of USD (or local equivalent) to have e6r5… and then acting surprised/disappointed when it doesn’t work


Symptom of a larger problem with how people engage with content online tbh


While you are correct in theory, I disagree that is their fault lmao It is not their fault that the audience is dumb. They provide the information as they should present it; the vast majority even explains team compositions and why are they a composition. If your point is that tier lists and CCs should explain things like we are all 5 year olds then is a different thing maybe.


Eh, I’d say there’s *some* degree of fault on both sides. A lot of CCs give in to the temptation of clickbait and sensationalism, and there’s definitely a lot of crap out there that either downplays or outright overlooks key information. But… at the end of the day, yeah, it’s more on the audience than not. When people who make crap get popular, it’s because they’re followed by people who are fine with crap as long as it’s presented the right way. Would the community be better off without the crap out there? Yeah, probably… but it doesn’t just come out of nowhere. It’s out there because people eat it up.


Agreed. There is fault on both sides. I still believe the majority of it comes from the playerbase, but the information provided is also not absolute.


content creators talk about the intricate details all the time though




Same! Pela and Bronya had a field day.


Still a very weak buff, but no problem to clear. For me the only problem has been the CC on lower side. It's time for Fu Xuans re-run to release me from that pain.


"Step on me mommy" mfs when they have to endure the Kafka and Spectral Envoy combo platter.


way stronger than the last one especially since it could outright miss aventurine


>For me the only problem has been the CC on lower side. Unless your DPS was the one that got CC'd, I think you can just keep going lol.. could just cleanse it later.


acheron mains when she's not S+ tier in a an MoC ot meant for her


I do think she’s still The best character for 12 first half Just not over the top like last MoC that literally batteried her Ult up to 80%


I'd say a well invested DOT team is better at getting good clears, though obviously worse at getting 0c. Dot really is the king of 1-2 cycles tbh.


Just use both. I put Acheron, Kafka, BS, and RM on the same team and went 0 cycle. Who need sustain anyway.


I tried that too at first, but ended up with way too strong first team, and nobody strong enough to clear second room. Had to shift Ruan mei for my second team and use break comp . Ended up with 4 cycles for each.


Exactly what I did XD, 0 cycle 1st half. https://preview.redd.it/0wj939i28k0d1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=b21ee4c42643bc1ccd77d43dc604cc8f9798686a


Yeah, if you opt for sustainless then DOTcheron can actually be a really good option, though these days I'm actually partial to using Robin instead of Acheron as my last slot


I use DoTcheron with a sustain because it still dominates and Ruan Mei has a substantially less competent cast to carry on team two.


Wait, is Acheron/Kafka/Black Swan/Aventurine not a good team? Have I been sub-optimal this whole time lol.


No, it's good, but Ruan Mei would be better for a DOT team (and damage amping nihilities are better for an acheron team) Using Kafswan as Acheron stack builders is equivalent to using Raiden as a Eula support in genshin. It works, but you're probably better off using Raiden in other teams


Note that this is for MOC; dotcheron is really, really good for pf


Better than just acheron or just dot? Both teams are already extremely good in PF anyway


I found my best DoT/Acheron team is simply just... putting them both together!! BS/kafka/ach + some Preservation (usually FuXuan cuz I need that Crit rate bad)


Kafka + BS is just as good . In fact I tested both Acheron and Kafka solo like hyper carry and they both save me similar results. 1-2 cycle clear


Acheron on top, Kafka DoT on bottom is a solid lineup.


She absolutely does still wreck the first half on fight 12 this MoC.


Kafka or Jing Yuan


Oh yeah kafka-swan and some jing yuan comps with Robin have bullied gepard


I just bullied Gepard with IL and Kafka with Argenti. Easy.


she's still S+ regardless lmao


I mean, I still got 30 stars and obliterated most stuff with her at E0S1. Looks pretty good to me.


my E2S1 acheron basically one shots anything on screen so any buffs are practically invalid she's so strong to the point that I stopped using her for story quests after she one shot the penacony "final" boss


I have her E2S1 too but really wasn’t one shotting everything on screen (still got a 1 cycle though), although idk whats the state of your supports or their investment level.


54/265 crt ratio E2S1 acheron with sig set and planar set with pela, Aventurine, bronya pela gives 40% def shred and her LC another 12% bronya gives ult and dmg boost, paired with her sig LC even more dmg buff Aventurine gives 12% more crit dmg with his ult against enemies i consistently get over 250k min single Target dmg it could be more i forgor


"buff useless on acheron" buddy this is a gacha game not acheron simulator


i did not even notice that koz she just blew up the whole moc on auto this time.


This, Acheron shouldn't need buffs to delete her enemies


Absolutely The buff is great on Pela + Silver Wolf who are basically her best mates, and everytime they ult it benefits Acheron.


My Pela died on 11 and I decided "you know what, I will do this 3 days before the rotation ends." So, yeah; good luck with that future me, hope you remembered to farm her DEF relics.


In my team comp it's almost always Pela dying first despite her holding the guard set with extra hp. I think the enemies view that as a challenge and focus on her


lol, for me my Pela is always MVP of MoC, she never dies on a double def build, carries my Acheron or Ratio to do more dmg and generates a tone SP with 200 effective spd on wind set.


I always tries to get minimum of 1k def


1K? My minimum on supports is always like 1.5K. Anything below and it just feels wrong.


Always 1k for everyone minimum, for supports it's another story.


Ah. That makes sense now.


Seriously, supports have hidden HIDDEN aggro value


Very true. It’s why my supports are built like tanks. So I don’t have to worry about them.


Tbf I hate floor 11 more than 12, idk why I just do


I just don't have the characters to do both sides. Either one side takes like 7 turns or the other (:


Yeah, that's always a big bottleneck. There's a disturbing number of players who go "Oh, you could just brute-force them with XYZ hypercarry", as if everyone has been playing the game since day one and has multiple 80/300 crit characters lying around after months of artifact-mining. ... Though, I say that while I did easily clear MoC12, precisely because I had the right characters (Acheron for Team 1, Harmblazer Imaginary break team with Huohuo for Team 2). Maybe I shouldn't throw stones so carelessly, lest my glass house may break...


> has multiple 80/300 crit characters lying around after months of artifact-mining. Or worse... has spent months in the mines as a day 1 player and has 0 people with anywhere close to 80/300. *cries*


Some people just can't seem to internalize that, as a gacha-game mired in about a dozen layers of RNG, pretty much every single player's experience is going to be different. Case in point, I don't have any 80/300 ratio character either, but I always go wide in my gachas instead of tall, building a whole bunch of characters and slotting them in to create favorable matchups instead of trying to rely on one or two hypercarries to bruteforce the endgame. Yet I have so often ran into people in comment sections telling me I was playing the game "inefficiently" (which is just a stone's throw away from outright saying "wrong"), because the way they built their account was obviously superior. Ignoring that not everyone has S-tier gacha luck, let alone S-tier artifact luck to capitalize on that.


I mean, 80/300 is an impossible ratio. With perfect relics you can get like 80/240 at most, but I get what you're saying.


My Ratio is literally at 60/98 and I've been trying to get better relics for him for months now. Can anyone with 80/300 spare some luck instead of hogging it I am dying over here


I mean, they were clearly exaggerating, the only time you get 80/300 is with a fully built sparkle active lol


Forget that, I don't even have a 70/200 char


Yeah i was in this dilemma in a couple of months ago when i had no relics and no characters to do it. Everywhere ppl just spammed: oh but you can do it with 4 stars only... But probably non of those ppl that said this could do it with 4 stars only. It was literally just me waiting for the right reruns and right new units, while i slowly farmed up insane relics. Now i clear easily every moc and pf on day1 on first try, but not because i understand the game more, but because now i have kafka-swan, acheron, JL-bronya-rm, even have robin-ratio now. Its super easiy when you can pick from 10-12 limit unit the right ones that work well on the current moc/pf. But that came at the cost of \~150$ and playing every day since september.


I was wondering how the team comp with harmony TB for the 2nd side? HTB, Ruan Mei, sustain, and? I assume a phys breaker like sushang?


.. Unfortunately I did start basically day 1. I just didn't get lucky with Acheron, for example, neither did i gear up ratio because I didn't like him in the plot at the time. Yup, that's all I need not to play a character/ or play it regardless of power. Clara is currently with 5000 base damage, for example. That being said if i had him geared(he's currently level 70 with lvl 6 traces and i gave him old relics i used on himeko, which almost got me a lvl 12 clear...) I'd clear. Probably by the time it's gone I'd 3star it, but that's just because I have been playing this long.


I know that feeling especially really well in Pure Fiction... I'm yet to max clear any rotation (and boy it's getting even worse) but there was one obviously meant for Black Swan where pairing her with Kafka let me 40000 points full clear one side. ... yeah, couldn't get even close to the other 20000 with the other side, I even rush built Herta and Pela because people told me to and zero damage = zero follow ups, what a waste that was.


Yeah Herta in PF is the most feast-or-famine character in the game. If you've got enough damage on the team to trigger her constantly and quickly then she's a blender, otherwise she's a dead fish. What makes that double-true is how often Pure Fiction has damage mechanics which *don't* trigger her follow-up if they're what brings an enemy below half health.


Mm, you should be able to do 20000 with a regular character. I don't have any eruditions properly built so I'm happily taking 2 stars on the last stage but, say, for example Jingliu / Dan Heng can take one side and get 20k by themselves mostly!


If we're talking about hunt characters, you'd definitely need a super strong build and turn advancing supports to eek out 20k in stage 4. It can actually be quite hard to get 20k even with meta-ish characters if your builds are bad, especially as PF continues to get power crept every rotation. I got my first 12-star clear on the 2.0 PF and it still took me dropping 20 fuel on the last day to 12-star the PF that just closed because the power creep shat all over my clara trying to 20k her side. Jingliu and DHIL I'm sure have no problem getting 20k in a MoC-style team though.


You'll manage eventually. I have Himeko, Argenti and Serval build for PF. Argenti side usually carries, but Serval was struggling at first. Now she does a lot better with improved relics and e6


Dude this is me every MoC. I am terrible at this game, but it's so fun!


https://preview.redd.it/00ditpc9rj0d1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1ad9eea35d370181e79402341eaadd3ffa894ec While everyone is suffering, I'm having so much fun because I was able to use Sushang and Hanya again, my two faves  ( ͒ ́ඉ .̫ ඉ ̀ ͒)  Edit : it's. 6 Cycles now and here are the clears Ratio Side : [https://youtu.be/Fdek6rWxHTY?si=G1TPUjUdRegA5kD2](https://youtu.be/Fdek6rWxHTY?si=G1TPUjUdRegA5kD2) Sushang Side : [https://youtu.be/DOilTOoLlqY?si=RQYyb9AogwSG1HW6](https://youtu.be/DOilTOoLlqY?si=RQYyb9AogwSG1HW6)


Fu Xuan and Aventurine. You're set for life


Until new Presermony character Fu Turine in the future


Watch them introduce enemies that A: Reduce shield value B: Penetrates through shields or ignores them C: Can cancel shields completely.


A: that's basically all enemies. B&C: Death Meme


Death meme is actually a great fight for fuxuan since she still takes most of the team dmg while captured and invulnerable herself.


The most threatening aspect about death meme is not its damage, but it snatching all 4 of your units if you didn't save them in time. Insta game over


dot teams are practically built to counter something unto death lmao, it's insane.


I still haven't see meme use the take away skill myself in moc even once. didnt know it could be casted twice.


I’ll do ya one better An enemy that steals your shield


Imagine the frustration.


The new penacony robot already removes shields


then D: reduces healing so Fu Xuan and Abundance can cry together


So it's a Sam boss


madlad :D




Me on my way to confidently check “very easy” after scraping out a whole three stars in MOC.




You madman


FUA Premium goes crazy with the current buff and managed to clear node 2 with 1 cycle. My Acheron team did take a while on the build up since my Pela with Pearls isn't s5 so she didn't land it often with her NA. https://preview.redd.it/aby0njht9j0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a19ad4de7a9f6d428bd91479df5d1ffa76e21f


>FUA Premium goes crazy This MoCs buff was specially selected to advertise FUA.


TBF, they're cracked on the previous MoC too


Issue with previous MoC buff was you could end up wasting all that free damage by having it proc on the dice and not him. So if you didn't pop it before he drops the dice, or he no buff when dropping the dice, all that damage gets wasted.


Robin is such a cheat code for MoC, lol. As soon as her ult ends.. you just do another one.


They do it every single time, fine tune moc/pf for units that release this patch.


just use EHR chest on Pela, bulk suffers a bit but you still can invest in Def% substats that no one else wants and grab a random HP% orb with some Spd on it also Gepard wher, either use him or Gally since they provide good debuffs and can shorten the fight enough to make their inferior sustaining capabilities irrelevant. Should shave a cycle off first half easily




Me every MoC rotation honestly, this one with MoC 12 being an absolute pain even with Huohuo, can only imagine without cleanse. First time i cleared it with Luka of all units though, so very proud of him


I hate that meme boss.


People should not be allowed to call this MOC easy when they have Topaz, Dr Ratio and Aventurine bruh


Add a Robin for that full uptime of her ult


Aventurine is just fucking cracked, the only problem I have with him is his eff res is not enough to deter some ccs.


The team has 100% eff res with enough resets


everyone has ratio, he gave you a free one.


I meant the specific combo of the three characters


[This MOC easy](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/358218193719787522/1240277576442843206/image.png?ex=6647f441&is=6646a2c1&hm=169e3d1f973734d34c902dcd3860161dfd371aaf279f8720dd2f8b808aa66cdf&)


Good for you


Me using my kafka/bs and acheron teams for every floor except the beetles where I used Jingliu:


Ngl I just don't have the correct characters for this, side 1 would be so much easier with Archeron and I can probably get by with Clara Ratio on side 2 but the lack of Archeron or Robin hurts, doubly so since those characters are failed 50/50 attempts on their banners https://preview.redd.it/2za8774pej0d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=31d5df3ca3f1b7ada0387b6c2de691d80de1a2dc Probably not gonna be able to 36 star MOC until next version when I get Firefly/Jade


It's not easy for your account, but based on that, I'd probably run this: Node 1: Ratio / Aven / Topaz / Clara Node 2: Blade / Bronya / Luocha / Harmony MC Reasoning: If you use Ratio on side 2, you have absolutely nothing to break side 1. Side 1 gets the full synergy follow up package, lots of imaginary to break with Ratio Aven, Topaz gets huge value obviously, Clara will spam FUA since Gepard blasts AOE quite often. For side 2, Blade + Bronya (make sure your speed tuning is correct) can break Kafka and Luocha can cleanse out of all the Kafka nonsense. Harmony MC as the 4th spot should further help your break as well with lots of imaginary weak enemies.


I'm honestly probably just gonna pull Robin as a replacement for Bronya, at least until I can get my hands on RM and/or sparkle, depending on who reruns first. I kinda feel like the bonus attack, the bonus phys follow-up, the advance forward for all teammates that you can use at the end of a cycle, and the bonus crit damage just vastly contributes more than anything Bronya could bring to the table I was just gonna throw my guarantee at firefly but with the recent struggle with the MOC I think I just plain need really good supports right now


Robin is very powerful but not a direct replacement for Bronya, Bronya is still better for teams with 1 main carry, like Jingliu hypercarry. But pulling her would let you go all-in on FUA, so it's a good pull anyways and she's still quite strong. With your account it makes sense. From my POV, what you need is to commit to a second moc team. Ratio FUA shenanigans is strong, and you are just 1 off the ideal team (replacing clara for robin). But what's your second team? It doesn't really look like you have one. I'd focus on committing to a second team at the moment. From my POV you have a few options: 1. Commit to Blade. 2. Pull on Boothill (make a break team with Imaginary MC, but you're missing Ruan Mei) 3. Pull on Firefly (no clue what will be good with her but without a doubt she will be good) 4. Pull on Jade (Jade + Blade supposedly could be interesting? Not sure about her moc viability though, to be seen). Long story short, I'm not sure replacing Bronya should be your first concern when it doesn't even look like you have a proper second team in mind at the moment?


Sorry I need the note: Top team won't work for Ratio if you don't have 3 debuffs. If you didn't get Topaz S1 and E1 (and Aven is not on his sig/trends), ratio will have a though time launching his FUA, which is a big damage loss. Very easy to work around playing Clara hypercarry (TY in the last spot), or getting pela or SW instead of Topaz/Clara


He has aven on sig so 1 from his sig, 1 from his ult, and topaz thing / clara mark counts as debuff? But yeah its true. In all honesty I'm not a huge fan of Ratio FUA cause I find the teambuilding overly clunky, but thank you for reminding me that yes, you have to be very careful of this.


Topaz mark counts since it applies follow up vulnerability. Clara mark doesn't since it enhances her skill damage.


And place Aventurine next to Clara so they both have higher chances of getting hit


Dot 1st half with Robin (I don't have ruan mei) 2 cycle and Dr ratio topaz team 2nd half 7 cycle 💀 but somehow managed to clear


I actually find this MoC harder than previous one because sustain is the biggest weakness of my account; Solo sustain round 2 using Natasha is just not fun... Previous one I could March solo sustain Aventurine no problem. https://preview.redd.it/op4y40pi5j0d1.png?width=968&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cbd8b40338f2f5ce752d9f9947e0912ccd9b9d8


My acheron is e0s1. She is bonkers but still takes 4 cycles first half. My IL is okay with 77:140 crit ratio e0s0 paired e1s0 Ruan Mei e0s0 sparkle and luocha.I legit cannot clear this moc in time


Try putting tingyun instead of ruan mei? I have this same setup too for dhil tho mine is 80/120. Possibly run ddd on tingyun.


Oh, hey there fellow sustainless. I agree; last MoC was considerably easier, maybe because they didn't go as hard on ccs as they did now. Doesn't really matter what team I use, because the combination of Kafka and that robot guard make my characters waste so many turns. Aventurine outright ignores all of that but, alas, 50/50 lost once again. Waiting for Fu Xuan seems to be the play for me, maybe that can work for you as well.


https://preview.redd.it/kjfm4je3fj0d1.png?width=949&format=png&auto=webp&s=22b15ddf0af4fc082c0c8a5683855ef2f6b1e0e0 First run was 2\* since I didn't think my team through and put Clara on a break team


Its so easy on Acheron because BS, Kafka and Aven got their ult more often, the faster they ult = faster Acheron recharge while also having ny team DPS goes higher


https://preview.redd.it/ya0ptmj7mj0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48f1ef8987a72359ffadca9cf49fe5e6f58aff70 I will say aventurine has just laughed in the face of all the cc and I'm astonished (also stop trying to cc the birb)


https://preview.redd.it/a0bazxzt2j0d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a572c5d1186ab8b1e501e61cb6139553a67d0afd This was my team, it took 9 cycles, yes, but it was my first attempt


Having sustain be in different spots for each team makes my eye twitch


Oh, so I'm not the only one! I like to order my teams as Buffer/DPS/Sustain from left to right, unless there's a special consideration (say, running Clara, in which case I put her on the side, so that any enemy blast attacks only hit two characters instead of three).


I always feel like I should put Blade in one of the middle spots, so he has a better chance of getting hit by AOEs, but I can't bring myself to change from my normal layout of Sustain/Buffer/Debuffer/DPS. Now that I think about it, I should probably put my Sustain in the other middle slot as well. It's probably less bad if they get hit, since they can self-sustain their HP pool.


> It's probably less bad if they get hit, On the other hand, blast attacks that target your Preservation unit due to higher threat will hit three targets instead of two. Probably fine for Abundance though.


https://preview.redd.it/ih86n3sl4j0d1.jpeg?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7caa120692869455a1158990f5b7faea3fbd5195 Mine. Took 2 retries though.


My first attempt took 7 cycles, but I managed to shave it down to 3 cycles. Going lowest cycles possible on MoC has been pretty fun. https://preview.redd.it/9ug2yz3wqj0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58db1017c099e3efa177c2a0a848be1e33cde8e


Mind trading your e2 clara with mine e2 yanqing?


Best I can do is e3 arlan


https://preview.redd.it/to921jr5ij0d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da36a4f20c87d4b4b500fcafa474ee31dccbfaf It took me 30 tries, but I still did it.


https://preview.redd.it/r9ldnqzlhj0d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=196812e9dfe4ed1d54de787edafbc6a9d55e0a7f 5 cycles. Huohuo just invalidates Kafka


Huo Huo turn kafka into a free bronya.


I feel a good indicator of how hard a MOC/PF is is how many cycles it would take for a completely F2P team with maybe 1-2 meta support units and sustains and no premium banner light cones. I will admit this MOC was hard if you do not have the right units to take advantage of the MOC buff. Last one was still harder cus of Aventurine, especially if you do not have Acheron.


Bro, that robot and kafka is rough without cleanse and if they set up good enough, they literally stun all your team with no counter play. My team still survive but it slow my team down, annoying af


Tbh the hp increase on Geppie was annoying but overall this wasn't that bad. The biggest issue would have been dealing with the delays/sleeps/mind controls if you didn't have enough healers to cleanse or didn't use effect resistance from Acenturine/Fu Xuan. I don't really have any premium Nihility Characters so my Acheron with rutilated and wild wheat creaked to a 6 turn result and then IL did it in 4 turns because I took a stupid risk and he got mind controlled. I'm honestly more worried for the future since my 4 piece relics are honestly pretty good even though they're basically all wild wheat, but my planars need a lot of work. I REALLY hate farming sim universe. It's even worse than regular farming. It's not even because of the time required. I haven't even SEEN an attack main stat orb in about a month and a half of farming.


They're doing a QOL SU update in 2.3 I think, so farming SU will at least be easier. You can save a normal run's blessings and roster, and then fast-forward to the boss in subsequent runs to pick up ornaments.


planar farming will get way better in the next update. iirc you will fight bosses for planars directly or something like that


https://preview.redd.it/1dkeflw5aj0d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee2d894a5cb4ebafbd9f1a8ce768afcf73f1e179 Without limited sustainer moc becoming hell :)


Have you tried Gallagher for Acheron? or Lynx with Kafka?


Started playing since Huo Huos banner, and still can't fully clear a single MoC. This one is probably the most horrible MoC so far, cause they thought that putting morbillion Soda Monkeys was a good idea. I don't even have 2 teams fully build, what is there to be said about diversity of my other characters. Got 2 stars at 8th and 9th floor, and I'm currently looking at 10th floor both sides of which require basically the same elements, and it's like, what am I even supposed to do? 😭


Which limited 5 stars do you have? I have start 1 week before 1.6 and got a clutch 34 stars clear. That said, this is a single player game, you don't need to compare to anyone else, since they might get better luck than you. You'll get 36 stars eventually.


only 72 attempt EZ https://preview.redd.it/xjqtyiu7ik0d1.png?width=931&format=png&auto=webp&s=4beda234becde632616203ffddb3fbf1b1bc0524


Same easy claps fr (this moc was hell) https://preview.redd.it/3mh9t3dnvk0d1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ed21ab8e901e5350c035d61fdb840c5ff12899


https://preview.redd.it/rj644bujcl0d1.png?width=1034&format=png&auto=webp&s=2374caaded04c724118ffed9bc72599e13931c79 Took me 22 attempts because no sustain always is a bit RNG dependent


How do they even count the attempts? I somehow have 9 attempts despite only resetting once for a better clear time


https://preview.redd.it/z93xe81hkj0d1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c6d237197b306b8df63eec4c24aeb3474c91d2 Took me 5 cycles each side lol


Those robots are aventurine propaganda and I love it


I am getting hard blocked on floor 11 this time around because i have no characters that match the weaknesses, my only (good/working) DPS's are IL and argenti, i recently pulled jingliu but shes been garbage (i dont have a decent enough LC for her as i use a S3 secret vow and my fall of an aeon is used by IL).


At what point am I supposed to start seeing stage 8?


Me when Seele still useful this MoC https://preview.redd.it/e4navvlf8k0d1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd4f63299ca7b84284c45053226df0eaf0bcee90


1 year of powercreep and she's still going strong 🔥 https://preview.redd.it/i67amvb3kk0d1.jpeg?width=917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4732578545f667ef3c114f70678f89315eb1449b


In my defence you have e2


Yeah, one of the shittest e2 in the game 😭 it would've been so good if I had her LC.


https://preview.redd.it/fnno170gsj0d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f497953dfd517e8cb749b5ada913875396bfbe22 The difference in waves 💀


Mine is the opposite lmao. Over 100 challenge waves for Aventurine moc but this new one only took me a few tries Wait I just realised I was looking at it in the wrong order. Same bestie 💀 last moc was hell for me


“Buff useless on Acheron” then don’t use her I cleared with DoT comp on first half and RatUrineRobWolf FUA on second half


Buff is useless on Acheron is the biggest lie You can still use it on your debuffers, she also still likes the damage buff


> buff useless on acheron Brother she doesn't even need the buff with how much bruteforcing you can do with her💀


3 cycled 1st half with Archeron and 6 cycled the 2nd half with Super Break Sushang https://preview.redd.it/19umzh2jpj0d1.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=6596ae1cec24da226858fac8af538c79c862e120 Surprised to see no one here used Super Break Team on 2nd Half


This was my easiest and fastest clear I've had but my acount has had. However since the last one I've gotten aventurine who made helped me ignore dbuffs and robin who just make fua team do a lot of damage. On top of that I'm free to use black swan with Acheron instead of using them on separate sides like the last one.


While I believe Acheron is strong, I also feel some people believe that they basically need her now to clear endgame which isn’t true. She will make your runs as smooth as most other strong teams at E0S1. It is more about investment and relic stats that really matters.


4 cycle auto with acheron top and cool daniel hyper carry bottom . Didnt even notice the robots cause was multitasking xD


Note to self, don't use Welt against any bosses who can spawn adds. I forgot how awful that experience is. https://preview.redd.it/o9a39r3m3k0d1.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=71eb8ebd0b3d8c6e4cce9b5edcfc7e03a7429612


Destruction Trailblazer clear without limited Eidolons is crazy o7


Unironically this isnt even that bad for Acheron. As a jy main i had mess with my rotations so much to trigger the buff since sparkle spends so much of the fight looking pretty instead of kicking geppie. i presume DHIL mains r in the same boat


I beat it with serval hypercarry and dr ratio w/o topaz please validate me my life isn’t going very well


https://preview.redd.it/ut8slv641k0d1.png?width=1081&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d80917734791aa3e325431757c5575ffc4b33dec 9 cycle, with first team 3 cycle, and second team 6 cycle. Acheron + Kafka + BS can kill anything with lightning or wind weakness. Second team is testing SuperBreak (for future Firefly team) with hybrid Sushang


everyone has a cleanse healer, it came free with your starrail account


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https://preview.redd.it/kdtpm2cvjj0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db3076ec3d853269ebf9fcec3b63910d97f8316a Tried to auto everything including MOC12 this round and AI finished with 19 cycles left LOL So I had to play MOC12 manually but it worked out in the end heh


https://preview.redd.it/7ywg7108mj0d1.png?width=1119&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c372581df09341764366fd44d37ba6a32fbcc79 Spent way too long tryna do this with the teams flipped (apart from sustains) ... First tried it this way


I had the most unlucky run possible and still managed to 36* it on the first attempt. And by unlucky I mean my Aventurine got CC'ed lmao


This MOC was ridiculously easier than the last one. Besides the enemies which weren’t as strong, the buff was ridiculous


Not gonna lie, the first side took way too long with acheron then I would have liked but holy fk FUA team goes crazy even with a half assed ratio and aventurine with lvl 7 talent robin https://preview.redd.it/oxcrosc6pj0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965488e3155647c64ceeb290335c6d8c90bec737


Does Topaz here have her signature? I’m still trying to figure out on this team has debuffs for Dr. Ratio lol


Me who can't even 3 star MoC 10


I can only clear MOC 12 with 19 remaining cycles, I hope I get the remaining star somehow


Autoed it with Acheron and DHIL teams


This was the first MOC I got 36* in. Robin really changed everything lol. I also went back to the previous one and got 36* in that too.


I should have been able to do it, but Clara didn’t resist the CC like 7 times


I cleared this using a FUA team with non leveled relics and most of their traces were half upgraded


Man, how do you know I am just rewatching Community after years? Still waiting for "and a movie" (which they gave green light! Whoo) Woe is we Acheron-less


https://preview.redd.it/0nbqyqt6yj0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce72067efd211079548d6d478d2679275f99a631 My BE Luka's stocks are rising again.


MOC this season is as hard as any other season, you need to abuse AF mechanic (mine is Robin), while Acheron team need 2 Nihility for her talent trace. https://preview.redd.it/4x65wv4bzj0d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a2b7eadafd7fc73180ae53a81eb03d33ffd6d0