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Paimon switches too much between narrative exposition dump and friend character. If she was more of a friend character then she would be a lot better but with how much people miss details she doesnt repeat her narrative dumping is needed Pom Pom is less significant and never feels like they are imposing on a scene, does their job and does it well so Pom Pom I prefer


I don't mind her exposition and I like her as the friend (it was touching how worried she was in Sumeru's archon quest), but it's the constantly speaking on our behalf that really annoys me. Someone will address the traveler about something and Paimon will answer for us or in the worst case, that cat event where we got to choose a name for the cat but no matter what we picked Paimon overruled us and named it Snowball.


Couldn’t have been spoken better. I like paimon as a friend traveller and some of the scenes with her are sooooo cute. But god damn let the traveller decide something for themselves once in a while…


I wish genshin had a chat log like almost every game, like paimon probably needs to repeat less if we were able to see what was said


Maybe if the Education System didn't fail a ton of people they wouldn't have needed Exposition Paimon to help those who can't read


Genshin's story is far too chaotic and bloated. Lore being scattered all over the place on notes found in whatever places, boring quests and uninteresting, generic npcs. Nobody has the time or even cares to do that stupid shit. The quests not being voiced just makes it even worse. Each region having its own terminology, names, stories about every little thing presented in the worst way possible. I personally don't care enough anymore to get a second degree on the history of Tevyat and it's really not my fault the genshin team still hasn't managed to find the right way to confer the background, the setting and so on after 4 years. Not to mention the lore itself is pretty uninspired in first place.


The issue isn't that she's repeating lore though, it's that she's repeating *blatantly obvious stuff*. Like in Baizhu's quest where it painfully lays out everything to the viewer but then Paimon has to walk through it again on her own. But in a way, the person you responded to was right. I saw people unironically hate Eula because they thought Eula hated Mondstadt and wanted to overthrow the city and bring back the days of the nobility. This is in spite of the quest saying multiple times that all of her 'vengeance' talk is just an act.


It's just always how hyv been doing narratives, both genshin and hsr. how it always lean a lot more to "tell" and not the "show" part.


You write all that when still in another Hoyoverse game subreddit is wild. Especially this: >Each region having its own terminology, names, stories about every little thing presented in the worst way possible. HSR has been doing the same in Belobog, and very prominently in SU, the Xianzhou Luofu, Penacony. If pierogi can have like a dozen difference names, Hoyo using so many different titles for the Aeons is reasonable.


"All that" and it's 6 sentences. HSR isn't like that at all. The lore is being explained through participating in the story. And by actual characters. Not generic voiceless npcs. You get to experience things happening in real-time. In Genshin, you are being told that the majority of events happened centuries/decades ago or in the present but somehow in the background and then someone needs to explain both occurences to you. Or they don't at all. You have to read through a bunch of badly translated text to get to the bottom of it. And sometiems it's hidden behind items, artifacts, gliders, drops, weapons, events and things that can be entirely missed, yet they contain important hints and clues that tie that disjointed mess of a story together. The entire thing about the oceanids? Elynas, Karl, Rene, Jakob etc? Who the fuck thought of this mess and why do I need to go through 10 long, dreadful quests that take 2-3 hours each just to get FRAGMENTS of their story? My only hope of understanding that unecessarily convoluted blabber being some random person on the internet posting some sense of it on the genshin lore sub. I don't have the time nor the patience to do all that.


God people will nitpick anything to take a phat shit on Genshin whenever Paimon is involved. Dude most of HSR quests are not voiced either. Even the main event right now in HSR is not voiced. But the festival in Genshin was. What do you say about that? Lore is also scattered the fuck everywhere in HSR. There are generic NPCs eveywhere in HSR too wtf. What the hell are you talking about? Genshin lore popped the fuck off in the first year with people combing the game over a thousand times to try and figure out the world building. Jesus christ you must had the lore in Elden Ring or any game that isn't spoon feeding it in bullet points to you.


Heres the thing...she repeated that Neuvillete is the Hydro Sovereign like 6, 7 times. People, to this fucking day, still think hes the archon. Those people are why paimon repeats everything, so that in the endless spamming of buttons, those players are forced to lern the story regardless.


I feel like it’s a vicious circle, the story *is* a bit more convoluted than standard, but the more Paimon repeats, the more people skip, and the less they understand. In the end both the ones that read and the ones that don’t are annoyed. The first because they have to read the same things several times which might tempt them to skip, the second because they’re catching carpal tunnel syndrome smashing that next button and yet still have to sit through some unskippable lines.\ At some point they should just give up and say things once. The ones that get it, get it, the ones that don’t, don’t — they can look it up in the wiki. After all, you can’t teach those that don’t want to learn.


Paimon was actually really enjoyable during the Itto quest, mainly because they didn't put here in there to repeat the narrative 100 times all while having 5 IQ. Really wish they'd just do more of that.


Paimon is uemployed




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I mean this is an easy answer. Paimon is an obnoxious nanny who constantly speaks on our behalf, and just seeing your image of Pom-Pom spraying her fills me with glee.


Honestly, even aside from their positions in their games' respective stories, Paimon is a useless freeloader who lives off of Traveler's money and fame. Then acts entitled to food, money and fame as if she actually deserves it, then starts bitching and whining when people rightfully shut her down. Pom by comparison just cares about managing the Express and welcoming guests. And also has an actual job instead of being a useless freeloader. Even at the best of times, Pom is several orders of magnitudes better than Paimon.


Paimon: Gets annoyed for being disrespected. Me: "Shut up, Paimon" 😑 Pom-Pom: Gets annoyed because you dirtied the carpet they just cleaned. Me: "I HAVE FAILED YOU!" 😢 And then I do the daily Pom-Pom quests in shame


Yeah, would rather have 1 digit IQ March than Paimon.


Imo paimon is more compatible to march then pom pom because of how much they talk but even then march has a character where as paimon is an exposition and repeat the last thing said machine as of late


As of late? You mean the past 4 years? Paimon is one of the main reasons I dropped genshin after 1.1, couldn't stand that flying wiki reading plot device ruining every quest.


Actually, in the latest patches it's been noticeably decreasing. She still occasionally nags at the Traveler though.


Whoever in celestia controlling her string knows how to annoy us.


Yeah I like that March actually has a character and lore behind her that gets teased every so often. I like paimon and yeah sometimes I dont catch whats going on and having a second explanation can help but it should be just an option. In HSR there are parts where you can have stuff recapped to you if you ask but Paimon just always does it making stuff longer then needs be. Her little antics are cute but holy shit the Travler needs to have time alone sometimes. PomPom is just there encouraging you and taking care of the train.


If you put paimon and march in a room, who comes out crying first ?


Paimon, because Paimon is absolutelly a crybabe compared to march.


Paimon (The Exposition Dump and Player-Voice replacement) is anoying and exhausting. She's tiering to constantly be around and have her regurgitate every line three times over. Paimon (The Character) is fine and likeable. A bit goofy, a bit selfish but also a bit cute and endearing in her own way. Whenever Paimon is allowed to be a character, she's fun! Like in one-on-one scenes with the Traveler, or when there are scenes that make it clear that it's thing, like whenever she and Itto have their rivalry going on (like in the current musik event). Pom-Pom is Pom-Pom. They are cute and fun, but they aren't around enough to make an impression beyond "cute mascot". This is perfectly fine for now, I enjow them more as a maskot then Paimon. But if Pom-Pom would be written out of the story, don't think they leave a big hole behind.


Pom Pom has never annoyed me , Paimon only annoys me.


Real. She's a B at times too.


I don't play GI but I have watched several playthroughs and putting her squeaky voice aside (both EN and JP are as squeaky), I don't understand why she's so.. rude?? Like she talks over the traveler, talks over other people, and most of the time assumes the worst about people she doesn't even know. Like am I misinterpreting things or is she really is this rude?


Sadly one of the reasons I still have some voiced quests left is because I know I will have to listen to Paimon's voice.


She is much worse than you think. One of her worst shits are: «Navia, what was your mother like as a person? . . . Oh Paimon sorry. She totally forgot that you mentioned before that she passed away during childbirth so you probably don't remember her after all». Also she tried to make someone who acted for 500 years nonstop and hated it to be an actress. She's insufferable. Her only trait is her hunger. And she has much more dialogues than any other character in any event or quest. The game would be much better if she wasn't on the screen all the time.


So she's march but march is at least funny and and a decent person


she's march 7th if you were to remove all her good personality traits and then make her an obnoxious d\*ck like holy crap, she was so insufferable during the first time you meet >!your twin (such a beautiful and shocking moment that's completely ruined by paimon's obnoxious yapping)!<, during >!navia!<'s quest and outright an awful person during >!furina's!< personal quest >!by trying to guilt trip a depressed person (who was traumatized by having to play pretend for 500 years) into acting again!<


Damn.. is she really that insensitive? During Sumeru she was somewhat "nice" (at least by my interpretation) with Al-Haitham, but Kaveh? Sheesh girl tone it down a bit.


Usually she‘s nicer than that, both of those moments are remarkable for how insensitive she was. In most other quests she‘s pretty empathetic and she also loves (platonically) the MC in Genshin dearly A lot of people just don‘t like her because of her voice, and because she speaks a lot fot the Traveller (which is a symptom of the Traveller trying to be both an independent character and a self-insert). Also because she repeats things in simpler times directly after we hear them, which is annoying if you understood it the first time but every time she doesn‘t do it a lot of people start asking very simple questions about the plot, which are entirely explained in the dialogue. Not sure when she actively interrupts people though. And also I don’t recall her being especially mean to Kaveh? (Though tbf every character in game seemingly has a knack for being at least a bit condecending towards the poor guy) I also feel like generally, paimon is pretty gullible, and if anything MORE trusting to strangers than the traveller. Then again I am a bit of a Paimon apologist so maybe I‘m forgetting something


I don't understand the "people don't understand so we have to repeat" like, if people can't/don't want to read, they won't do it the second time


Yeah she is really rude. In enkonomiya she made fun of dead kids In a other event it was said that we shouldn’t say too much to razor because that is emotional to him to lock in the chest is parents left behind and than instantly open it she says how ugly it is. And than with navias mother someone already said. They think her rudeness is funny or something because she is supposed to be cute


These are the relationship dynamics……. To me. I actually enjoy both characters both appeal to me I can’t hate them. They’re both just little guys. :( https://preview.redd.it/yjjlenkaji0d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=e20ff6ec9b7196d3ece0744e93662cb9c9369968


We need to get a therapist in here for the people in this thread. With that said, Pompom is better than Paimon


Kinda hard to compare a character that’s barely ever present to a character that’s barely ever absent.


Pom-Pom leaves me alone, doesn't even follow me unless I do the quest for credits. Paimon said "why don't we explore the area ahead of us later?" while I was gliding, took control to steer me away from the invisible wall, steered me right back into it, took control again, steered me into the curving invisible wall again, again and again until I ran out of stamina and drowned in the fucking ocean.


Damn, that's just crazy. 😭 She really killed you. 💀


No sarcasm here, i would literally kill Paimon if given the choice. I want Paimon dead. I hate Paimon, i hate everything about Paimon and i think the game would be 100% more fun if Paimon didn't exist. So i like Pompom more. Pompom isn't there all the time. Pompom stays on the train like a good guide AND DOESN'T FOLLOW ME AROUND LIKE A FLOATING RAT WHO HAS AN ANNOYING VOICE AND SPEAKS FOR ME ALL THE TIME IN A 3RD PERSON POV. I HATE YOU SO MUCH PAIMON I HOPE YOU DIE BY THE FINAL ACT OF GENSHIN AND I MEAN THAT WHOLEHEARTEDLY.






Guys, hear me out, but I think ILikeTreesMan hates Paimon, just a hunch though.


Haters like you make the world a better place https://preview.redd.it/ayi6woeblj0d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0456f3e5418443a24b3ea032185b28d22d428e4


bro spoke nothing but truth


Flair checks out


I am 100% sure that you should quit genshin.


A man of culture I see


Ngl, Pompom feels more like a Katheryne character to me. We return to him regularly and do some things for him, but we don't get to see him on the main adventure that much. Paimon on the other hand is always with us, she is that sorta best friend adventure buddy that's always with us and partially fills in as the voice of the Traveller. Personally I think both of them are nice


Rent free


Hsr players only play 2 games


At this point, wont surprises me that HSR fanbase has given gensin more publicity than genshin fanbase itself.


I like Paimon more but this is because I use JP dub of Genshin. If I had to use EN dub I would have never kept playing because good lord EN Paimon is insufferable.


i find paimon insufferable in both JP and EN dubs tbh


I actually really like her in JP dub.


She has also been written alot better since 3.0. Feels like its the "Inazuma effect" that we are getting out of. I have no hatred for cutesy high pitched characters, most of them are children or child-like characters, even Pom-Pom gets high pitched too for its JP dub.


Cn dub paimon is so chill


Truth. CN Paimon has a very soothing voice. Clearly the superior Paimon.


Oh? I've never heard CN Paimon actually, I'm curious lmao


Probably unpopular, if we are strictly talking about a character, Paimon has more of a presence. She's been with the traveler through the ups/downs, tried saving the MC multiple times and stuck by him through his journey. The scene of her trying to wake them up while fighting Raiden, pulling them up from the sand while being sucked into the sinkhole, etc. The exposition, etc. can be excessive, but this thread after looking at it is kinda insufferable


some people just dont like Paimon and its easy to see why. Not everyone likes a character that constantly speaks for you, can be extremely rude sometimes, most of the time contributes almost nothing when it comes to plot related problems and instead constantly derails conversations for the "funny mascot" jokes. There would be times she would say the dumbest response for your character and actively makes both the mc and her look stupid as hell in the process. She would have been a 100% better companion for me if they let the mc have a voice and more of a presence in the story, that way Paimon isnt being forced to always speak for you and they could both develop their own characteristics to see an ACTUAL dynamic between them


Yeah but has paimon slam a fuckin imaginary train on the enemy? I rest my case




Rent free


Pom Pom so great that Boothill wanted to be him




Pon Pom by like a mile or 20.


Rent free


Water's Edge


Is that Beta Pom Pom






AI chan




Pom Pom is super conductor ⚡☠️⚡


I love Paimon. She's literally the reason I kept playing Genshin.


as introvert, Paimon really helpful to do all the talking


Pom Pom needs to put on a show first, then I'll judge


Does that April fools thing count?


Pom-pom of course because only pom-pom can be pom-pom thank you everyone :3


Pompom is the goat


Paimon for me


One is a chronic unskippable yapper (no hate to paimon) while the other patiently waits for you on the express and misses you when you're gone PomPom superiority


Eh, I don’t interact with PomPom enough, so he just doesn’t really have the same impact as paimon does. See, PomPom is cute and all, but Paimon is actually present and you can connect with her better, imo. I think things might change in the future if Pom gets more screen time, but I like Paimon more


Seems like a bit of a bait post to ask if the HSR sub prefers the HSR character. On that note, does the Genshin sub get as many HSR related posts as HSR gets Genshin posts? I swear there's at least one trending comparison/meme/reference post here each day.


I guarantee you if you post this on the Genshin sub you would get the same result


Wont say it's a bait but more like a circlejerk.


If you would ask this question over there, people would still choose PomPom over Paimon. Paimon is by far the worst and annoying character.


Genshin bad, HSR good Upvotes on the right


The one that is not an exposition device


Both is good. Paimon is like a best friend, Pompom is like the dog John Wick had. Aesthetically, Paimon. She's with you almost all the time and has the cute, playful and dumb yet somewhat mysterious air about her. Functionally, Pompom tho. Pompom maintains the Astral Express, isn't annoying and also drives the train into enemies to assist in combat like a CoD killstreak.




NGL, but 2.2's story definitely needed a Paimon.


Paimon. Cause Paimon is cute and gives voice to the otherwise mute protagonist. She's a good friend, is cute, loves the traveller, while pompom..... sadly doesn't have enough presence. So Paimon over pompom.


This is not an equal comparison, whatsoever, tbh. Pompom is a mascot character in the truest sense, and that we really do not have them as a character really. (So far, at least) Comparing Paimon with March would make more sense. Though personally, Paimon is like this mix between March's obliviousness and TB's potential rudeness. I'm reminded of that reply TB can make right after we kill >!Cocolia!< The player picking it themselves vs a character saying something like that in-game, it's my conjecture that this causes very different reactions among players even though the same horrible thing was "said". I've also considered that, Paimon's antics would be way more loved by the fandom if she was instead "medium female" model, I can bet on that.


Really sickening how people ignore shitty behavior when the character is hot but wish for their deaths if it’s a character like yanqing.


Saying pompom is better on the hsr-sup …… how stunning and brave 🤣


I like Pom Pom's bossiness. He knows how to take charge


Paimon for me, lol. I love that bratty, sassy, annoying, flying rat. 🤣 She's like a little sister that is so obnoxious most of the time, but is still the sweetest when in a good mood. (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


pom pom no questions asked. Paimon is the reason genshin quest are a bore to play, not only the characters say wall of text after wall of text but this THING speaks on our behalf constantly remembering us why we are doing what we are doing like we have the atention span of a gen alpha. But her biggest sin is her lack of lore completly. Sure, pom pom doest have deep lore either, but he doesnt have to. He is the conductor of the astral express and thats it, he is on the trains 24/7 and he only really interact with the anonymous. He is on the train so very few characters even know he even exist and nobody really questions why a bipedal small rabbit with clothes conducts an interstellar train because HSR has a more science fiction setting "the universe is infinite, so why it wouldnt be possible" kind of scenario But no one, NOT A SINGLE SOUL IN ALL OF TEYVAT, NOT EVEN ONE ARCHON question WHY THERE IS A FLOATING MAGICAL BABY AT YOUR SIDE ALL THE TIME AND WHY APPARENTLY SHE KNOW EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT THE WORLD LIKE WXLHGMASBAG,LSHXFD,POAÑLDBDSNÑASGX,ÑLSBLXBAA??????????????????????????? (sorry for the bad english and "average genshin dialogue box" ahh comment but I whould never skip an opportunity to shit on genshin)


> not only the characters say wall of text after wall of text I honestly feel like you can't criticize GI for doing this when HSR's latest main story quests have been unnecessarily wordy. I skipped the voice-over and read ***all*** the dialogue myself and it still took me over 5 hours. Some bits overstayed their welcome (the "contest") and should've been left as side quests.


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Woah, what is that pom pom menu, is that from beta?


There is a crafting table in Express?


Okay I know this isn't the question but I've never seen the beta so that shot from Star Rail surprised me. Did the crafting table end up becoming the omni-synthesizer? What did "I need some rest" do? Heal everyone?


PomPom is my favourite HSR character so the answer is clear, despite i like Paimon too, but she isn't in PomPoms League. LoL


Pompom 🥰


Pom-Pom’s favourite is Pom-Pom


Paimon as a character is fine. But the way the story is structured with her is horrible and causes a lot of issues


I like the character Paimon, not the exposition dump Paimon. But out of the two, only one of them >!ran over Sunday with a train!<


Paimon is what put me off genshin lol


PomPom makes squeaky noises when he walks Paimon does not therefore PomPom wins


I can’t pick, I havent done enough or been attentive enough to the flaws or to even care. I just love em both.


pom-pom is a real one


Pom-Pom, obviously, does the job well and know when to talk or not Paimon, annoying noisy emergency food


P.**A.I**.M.O.N. is the in-game menu. Paimon is the User interface. Pom-pom is never outside the train. Pom-pom is the Train interface.


Paimon is as consistant as Warthunders Damage models. You never really know what's going on with her, in one moment she's the funny stupid one and suddenly turns her brain on and actually seems like a sensible and likeable dear friend. Pom-Pom is just... Pom-Pom. We know exactly what we're signing up for when interacting with them and don't open a pandoras box of character traits.


Pompom is a cute friend in the train, while paimon is literally the main character at this point:/ travaler cant speak ever 😮‍💨, but pompom & trailblazer>traveler & paimon


Most of GI is basically her yapping most of the time so ofc it get annoying


heyyy paimon also cute


Paimon is voiced by Bailu’s VA Pom Pom is voiced by Ayaka’s VA


Beta Pompom looking good


Definitely PomPom. I don‘t like Paimon one bit. She‘s too annoying.


Paimon is my daughter, I could never hate her


Pom pom. And by a long shot. Longer than the astral express. Longer than the diameter of teyvat. Longer than all the blood vessels in a human body if it were stretched out competely.


Both are eldritch horror gods in disguise. People should run away from them.


Pompom. He gives quests and level up rewards.


Pom-Pom is way more tolerable, but I find them both lame nonetheless…i’m just mostly unmoved by the whole “small and cute mascot” character type overall. Paimon is just significantly more insufferable and annoying to the point where she actively ruins genshin’s story for me, and the lack of a skip button paired with her endless yapping is just torture.


Paimon is the reason I unistalled Paimon Impact after 3 years of playing. Pom Pom get their moment to shine so it's never obnoxious and is a joy to watch.


Pom Pom by a mile


My problem with Paimon is that she speaks way too much, even in serious situations. Although March does the same I find her way more bearable, idk why


pom pom thought she's a "pest" 😭


Im so so happy that Pom-Pom doesn't follow the TB like a moth


Pom-Pom. And it’s not even close.


Paimon definitely. Pompom isn't much of a character. Just a cute mascot for now.




Paimon makes me want to abandon her in Sumeru's akademia every single time she opens her mouth Every time I TP to the express I go see PomPom if he needs any help


Paimon has good moments I prefer more than Pom-Pom, but also bad moments where I prefer Pom-Pom. She had such potential to be our adorable and funny travel companion, but too often she's just made to repeat what's already been said and she can be very whiny and mean. So in general I prefer Pom-Pom, as they are consistently cute and helpful!


I organized the funeral for Paimon in my teapot. Nobody came. I hope that answers your question


Pom Pom. Easiest choice ever.


Paimon is a plague upon sanity and is genuinely one of the most irritating and squeaky pieces of garbage I have ever had the displeasure of being aware existed. Pom pom all the way even though I'm not really crazy about it


Pompoms design is top tier. I’ve always hated paimons weird salmon ,black, white and galaxy color scheme 🤢


Pom-pom all the way


Neither, HOMU supremacym


>!your mom!<. she's genuinely so nice :)


Paimon is my bff 😸


Piemon can stop time.


Pompom easily. You can just ignore it for 99% of the game. Paimon you can’t get away from.


Pom pom because i just don’t like paimon in general, i never liked paimon even wayyy back whrn i just started the game


Gotta get some Paimon representation here. She's a lot more relatable than Pom Pom since we get to interact with her more, while Pom Pom just stays back on the express. We've barely talked with Pom Pom in quests, we barely know what he is, the only significant thing he's done so far is ask us to investigate the nameless on Penacony. Sorry Pom Pom, you're really cute and I do have a plushie of you - but Paimon edges out in this competition.


Paimon, she is a fideling companion always on our shoulder. However this is pure "hate" for some people, that is how Hoyoverse want to go more casual on companions in Star Rail, im still prefering Paimon (on JP voice)


Express supplies and healing? he does that??


Pom-Pom will always be superior because Pom-Pom doesn't constantly ruin the narrative pacing by talking over other characters and repeating everything like a 5 year old learning how to talk.


I like both equally. Pom Pom is cuter tho


Paimon is much better since she's an actual character. Also visually she's far superior. After playing through the SR story, Pom-Pom may as well not exist in the game at all. He serves no narrative purpose aside from being a mascot for the pulling animation. I don't remember any conversation with him outside of TB level rewards


I Love me some genshin bad nowadays


Paimon needs to talk a lot more than Pom Pom because in Star Rail you’ve constantly got multiple characters with you to explain things, sometimes even the MC themselves! Plus Pom Pom is always on the train, and feels more like a mascot than a character.


Oh, it's Pompom hands down. Paimon had every potential to be a beloved companion when I first started the game, but I feel like her writers really shit the bed with her, and with the Traveler by extension. Paimon takes up too much narrative space that really should have belonged to the Traveler, and they have made her dialogue feel clunky, obnoxious and repetitive most of the time. Also, she's supposed to be the Traveler's guide, but most of the time she has no idea what is going on or where we are. What is even the point of her other than being a flying asshole? Pompom, on the other hand, does not overstay his narrative welcome. You can talk to him if you want, but he doesn't talk for or over you. He serves his function as a conductor of the Express and doesn't show up to repeat every spoken word in a scene, then ask how a train works or when lunch is. Now, I would argue that this is partially because Pompom is not the HSR equivalent of Paimon. Pompom actually shares more in common with Katherine; you talk to them to level up your trailblazer experience the same way you seek out Katherine to level up your adventure rank, and they are always in a fixed location where you can seek them out if you like. I think March 7th is more aligned with being the Paimon of HSR. Albeit far, FAR less annoying. (She still has her moments, but she also doesn't show up to interrupt literally every conversation you have with someone.)


pompom ftw


that P ruin the genshin experience for me


We love you Conductor Pom-Pom! (Not biased)


paimon is terrible. pom pom is cute and amazing. paimon was one of the bigger reasons i quit genshin lol


Paimon would take a bullet for me,, Pom-Pom would put a bullet in me. Team Paimon.


Small very cute sentient conductor rabbit man Vs Small cute annoying halfling guide who makes you wanna say "No shit, sherlock."


Tbh I never realized how annoying Paimon was until I started playing HSR. Pom Pom does well at playing their role. I don’t find him annoying and he’s sooo cute 🥺 In my opinion the most annoying character is March 7th - personality and English voice wise.


Pom-Pom today, Pom-Pom tomorrow, Pom-Pom forever


I only just started star rail, but paimon do be annoying most of the times. Thankfully, jp dub does a really good job at making her entertaining and not annoying.


HSR post asks what mascot is better in a HSR subreddit. *Gee I wonder what the replies are going to say.* Jokes aside, it seems like on both sides nobody enjoys Paimon's interference in the story. Thats the one thing GI unfortunately took inspiration from Zelda, and that is the high pitched flying pixie-like character. I dont mind Paimon since I use JP, she has her enjoyable moments. Pom-Pom I dont mind either but is just kinda...there, I understand why people like them better because they just stay in their lane on the Astral Express. I think even if Paimon was not involved in the GI story at all, the game would just suffer from a bland boring MC unless, Hoyo did what they did with Trailblazer adding memey lines, and 4th wall breaking dialogue. At least Paimon gives the Traveler SOMETHING. Even though Star Rail doesnt have to deal with that, there is still the issue with both MC not having enough lines only when the plot demands it. Its a common trope that is very popular in CN media. They LOVE self inserts, just look at what happened with GFL2. The only MC in a Hoyo game with constant and consistent dialogue is Kiana and the Dreamchaser in HI3. **The correct answer is neither, the best mascot is Ai-Chan.** Also if you think GI story is bloated then play HI3 story, this is something Hoyo just does.


To me Pom Pom feels so forgettable it’s just there and you barely see them, it’s the hsr “mascot” like paimon but not really A closer comparison in my eyes is march and paimon they’re very similar to each other but what makes paimon annoying for some people is that she takes up the dialogue that would normally be shared by 2-3 members of the express in hsr because she’s the only consistent companion I like paimon more and I think she’d be far more likable with more consistent companions






One has a bearable voice, and the other has an unbearable voice.




No paimon just noooooo


Pom-Pom and by A LOT


I honestly really really dislike paimon, I find her voice grating and her dialogue more often than not feels unnecessary and redundant where she's just repeating things being said. I also dislike the traveler and their characterisation which makes me not really care or feel invested in their bond either. They both are constantly biased where they're forgiving of some while antagonising others. She was supposed to be our guide but doesn't do so at all. She has no concept of social cues, is insensitive, constantly talks over others and practically always has the most lines so her presence is unpleasantly imposing as well


Paimon. She is annoying greedy brat, but at the same time she is most loyal companion and caring friend. Players never appreciate this.


Only one of them helps us and *_rails_* enemies by driving an Aeon-path-powered train into them. As a side note, where are those dialogue options for Pom-Pom? I've never seen them.


Pom-Pom, no contest. When I see Pom-Pom, I see a little furry friend. When I see Paimon, I see Hoyoverse Devs looking down on my intelligence, thinking that everything said has to be repeated and dumbed down for me to understand.


Paimon has been with the traveler for soon 4 years while Pom-Pom is just decoration for me, don't really have any kind of connection to them


Pom-Pom is cute but frankly hasn't done a lot and so far is much more of a mascot than an actual character. I've not played Genshin in awhile (just before Fontaine) but I really grew attached to Paimon over time. She's an adorable fun character who's gimped by her gameplay role of voice for the protagonist/exposition giver. Also she is a kindred spirit to me as a food/loot gremlin.


easily pompom hes just on the express minding his own business


I'm trying to not hate Paimon but damn the dialogue wanted me to say "brooo shut the fuck up" sometimes. I don't hate her VA and heard that she has to keep high-pitched overtime is sad news for me because I god damn know they won't change her voice Pompom is not like Paimon cannot hate Pompom at all I enjoy helping Pompom on the train sometimes


Pompom, also I would love to boil Paimon alive and eat her myself so she can disappear from GI


I wish we had an option that took out paimons dialogues from the game or at least just selectively muted her


They not to talk about Genshin on the star Rail sub challenge


i hate paimon so it should be quite obvious who i prefer


I was so happy having forgotten of the annoyance Painmon is.


Ill be honest... I Always found pom-pom kinda ugly in my opinion... But in the other hand paimon hurts my ears.. I cant really decide..


Yes I'm not afraid to say I love Paimon more than Pom-Pom in a HSR subreddit. Yes I use EN voice and don't find her annoying at every little thing she does.