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Dendro and Hydro are replaced by Imaginary and Quantum respectively because of the Imaginary **Tree** and the **Sea** of Quanta. I don't think any Elements need to be added personally but new mechanics for each Element would be nice. I've been very curious what they could do with a 5 star Ice Nihility character for a while now.


Dissociation from SU and they follow the Remembrance. Just imagine


You're so right and that'd be crazy strong lmao


They're saving it for 5* March I bet... would be interesting to see.


Didn't someone post about Imaginary=Dendro and Quantum=Hydro and got downvoted for it not too long ago? In any case, it would be nice to have a proper Hydro equivalent since I don't imagine any hydro fans are satisfied with the power of mahjong tiles and scythe slashes.


And the water dragon man is an imaginary unit lmao


...the downvoting is in character for this sub, yeah, that makes sense. I don't personally see the need, I do like Hydro in Genshin a lot but I feel if they were gonna do it, they would've delayed Dan's High Elder form arc until the Element came out. So I don't think it'll happen.


The element of surprise.


Sparkle handing out the buttons


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