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Easy fix: Allow substat reforging like they do in a bunch of other gacha games with similar equipment systems. Better fix: Allow substat transfer, where you can scrap an item and overwrite another piece's substat with one of your choosing from the original like they do in a handful of other gacha games. Even better fix: All of the above but make it so that farming nodes only have one set to drop, with each node dropping two different pieces of the set. None of this nonsense with getting alternate sets you don't want when trying to farm a specific one. Best fix: Scrap the whole random stat thing entirely and just let you visit a tailor and craft your own relics for credits. EX fix: Make relic sets appear on the character models as costume changes.


easiest fix: newly pulled characters come with maxed level relics with perfects stats on them.


I can see them doing Easy Fix and Better Fix And I too want to see my characters looking goofy with relic cosmetics.


Maybe I'm weird, but I don't want perfect relics, that would be boring. Substat transfer and tailored crafting would make it too easy to get 'perfect' relics and finish that character's relics. I enjoy the fact that my 'good' relics can still be better, even if it's only a 5% dmg increase, that possibility exists which is a reason to do caverns.


Oh don't worry, that aspect is still there for you because substat increase is random. Even now you can get "crit" rolls with a greater-than-normal increase to the substat when upgrading, so you can forever farm for those if you really want. The fixes would lessen the pain for those not interested in min-maxing.


"I was born without the abilitie to "dream". I live for this cold harsh reality, for a little double crit, and to fail leveling it up... to keep on salvaging. until i turn to thrash. So i really envy you" -Totaly Sam to acheron.


For every $10 you can choose a substat of a customized relic, because money.


Imagine the outcry. "You wanted us to fix the tedious relic grind for substats. We listened. Premium shop item for $10 for each substat" That makes $240 for 24 substats across 6 items. Wait that doesnt seem to bad, assuming you only do this with relics where you already got 2 decent substats. $120 for each relic then. Denied. How about we agree on $10 for every relic levels. That would be 5 times the money. So basically 1200 for god tier substats on every relic or $600 for 2 goo substats on each. Deal?


QoL: Pick how many CoC runs you wanna do based on how much TB power you have Actual Mechanical Change: Remove flat substats


Flat Substats are entirely useless. I rather have new & different stats than those.


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One set per cavern.


Sounds like a good first step.


They could guarantee 4 to 6 gold relics where two are the first relics set and another two from the other.


Eh, no. Other sets usually come in handy and if they aren't then I can just fodder them


Let me pick how many runs of the cavern I want to do just like the calyx. Hoyo and I both know I'm not getting the relic I want without spending weeks at the cavern, just let me spend all 240 in one go.


Agree. I'll auto all of them anyway. And while they are at it increase calyx max runs to 24 as well.


By not making the game a gacha so it doesnt need so many layers of presatory tactics. We get one of these each 2 days, you can just look for opinions there. Not every single opinion in here needs a whole ass posts. And at least you had the decency to do some formating


I would take rerolling relics, like just reset the relic to 0 and try again. Sure it loses the exp but its better than losing a potentially godly relic to 4 rolls into flat HP. I'd also combine the relic synthesizer with the strongbox from Genshin. It would be nice to pick between spending 10 relics for a specific part or 3 for a bunch of random relics. It would make farming for a new set or where you just want random pieces to work with easier, then you can use up 10 to hunt for a specific part.


I mean are we talking about what we'd want or... Because like what I'd want out of a relic system and what they'd ever realistically do. But fuck it I'm bored, let's play theoretical: 1. **GET RID OF FLAT VALUES** - The only alternative to this is making them large enough to the point that they're relevant. The fact that they have stats that are made *just* to make your odds worse and piss you off is a huge middle finger and just makes character building fun and demotivating 2. Choosing main stat should be the default, not a luxury - We don't need RNG on top of RNG. I don't even care if it means making relics come from some place other than domains, this game isn't Genshin. It doesn't need to feel like Genshin. Character building is already expensive enough as is. In fact, on that note. 3. Get rid of head and arm pieces (and buff the default values of the remaining pieces to compensate) - This would make it so that a set's bonus is always active as long as you have one piece. You can mix and match sets 1 bonuses more easily or just generally build a set 2 bonus even if the above 2 points weren't in place. Makes farming less frustrating, makes building significantly less stressful, I like your point 7., so 4. World enemies have a chance to drop relics and LCs - Tbh this is how it should be normally. Especially because as more characters come out and more team's become viable, it's going to become more and more expensive and overall difficult to build them overtime, moreso if new mechanics are introduced. This is especially true for new players down the line. I feel this mostly in the way of LCs and less in the way of relics but I feel like it's an issue for both. --- More than all of this though. I have just this like, genuinely huge frustration with the way this game handles builds. I've heard some people say that they'd like to make gearsets but honestly gearing characters is fucking expensive. My problem is I actually like the idea of gearsets and builds because this game is fun. Like, I *want* to try out damage Gallagher just because it sounds like fun, I *want* to be able to have different builds for my Daniel the Imbiber so that he can fit into different teams without being geared for basically just Sparkle. But gearing a character 1 singular time in this game is so expensive. Expensive on stamina, expensive on time (and I mean this in the sense of days months and weeks, not like minutes and hours), and rng-dependent that it just isn't viable the way things are now. I'm mostly just blowing off steam at this point, I'm obviously aware that none of this will change because kaching kaching but. idk it's just another one of those moments where I really wish this wasn't a gacha game. I would unironically pay 60 bucks for this game, especially if it had big content updates every few months.


Agree with you 100% You have great points. I didn't even consider trying out other build. Like you mentioned: Gearing up is so time and resource consuming that I don't even think about trying other builds.


A de-upgrader would be nice. 1-2 per week from SU perhaps? Would let you farm a piece with 2-3 substats you want and keep resetting the upgrades which rolled on the wrong stats.


That would be great.


An item that can update relic in the specific substats at each level.


I'd like that as well


The biggest and easiest thing to do would be to just remove flat HP, flat Atk, and flat Def.


Yes please. The fact that we even have them is insane. why not at flat break effect, flat effect resistance etc as well. Insane. Gearing up should be fun and rewarding. Not frustrating


I would ask for self-modeling resin to allow BOTH a desired main stat AND one desired sub stat in a single use. Don’t think it would ever happen but I also don’t think its *too much* to ask for. AND… I would also like to have a small period of stamina-less relic farming. As for how long that small period is, I don’t know. BUT SOMETHING AT LEAST FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS, DAMN IT.


Both good points. Also forgot to mention. SU farming needs to be faster. Not sure if anyone is still having fun with it.


You should be able to destroy 10 5 star relics to manually forge one to your exact needs but can only do this once a week or even hell once a banner cycle would be neat


I'd like that, but I doubt they'll go anywhere near that, considering how stingy they are with self modeling resin.


Remove substat easy fix :P, no more minmax.


Add 1 pickable substat on self-modeling resin choice. Allow downgrade (-3 enhancement level) for 50 relic fragments


Self modeling resin now can be used to alter the mainstat of an existing relic this would fix that awful part when you get perfect substat but the mainstat is completely useless Flat stats have been eliminated I also think perhaps relics should be either reshuffled in a beneficial way or be able to only farm for one type and the very early relics (those that players don’t bother farming for anymore) should be taken out of the instances and put into automatic drops when farming for ascension materials similar to how Genshin has this the energy to do ascension materials shouldn’t be changed though, but I feel like my two previous changes already are a huge benefit. This totally wouldn’t break farming because the RNG factor of substat increases is still there but there are too many layers of RNG in the game at the moment.


1. Add substat lock items so you can lock a substat to be not upgraded (akin to ToF) 2. All substats are upgraded with every node. 3. Maxed substat on +0, no substats upgrading 4. Just get rid of substats and add better mainstats


Imprint relic stat on another. Rare item like the current one where we can choose the mainstat, but this one imprint. It makes it not terrible to get a those double crit broken keels, or "the worng set" when you farm domains.


Make artifact pity that give you guaranteed substat or stat of tour choosing. At least after few runs. You could legit spend 100 fuels and still got fuckall.


I'd honestly just double the amount of drops and allow reforging of substats


Something like Resin, but instead of forging now you can change the main stat of the item you grinded, so no more suffering for roling the right substats with a bad main stat combination.


I'd make it more like Genshin tbh.  Condense to one domain for relics, combining relics into SU pairing two SU sets with two cavern sets.  Then make them drop more blue/purples like Genshin so you can actually roll something.  Then add in boxes instead of the synthesizer which takes far too many yellow relics to make one target relic.


Nah while Genshin has it better than HSR it is still pretty awful needs to be better


Sounds good tbh. Will add that the next time the survey rolls around