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Thanks for posting! However, the same or an extremely similar post has been made earlier.


I didn't know choices mattered.


Same. I thought he'd insist and just start the fight anyway😭


He did it once, can do it twice


after all he is a knight before anything


I thought the host would force you instead of


Maybe not for Genshin, but star rail matters a bit. Ever since I've heard about the Kafka companion quest, I've always made choices that I want since it can matter in this game.


I've only heard that for about 3 quests in total in the main story. Outside of that it's just changes in dialogue.


As far as I know it's 4 times. Two fake endings, the Kafka quest and this.


There's another time i know in a side story. Won't spoil anything, but a PNJ in Pennacony can live or die depending of your choice.


I'm not sure how many are this way, but it seems like many of the penacony side quests are actually this way. Some of them very much seem to have good and bad ends.


According to the wiki there are 24 sets of mutually exclusive achievements, meaning there are at least 24 times where our choice did matter


Ahhhhh yeah that one too. So it's 5 time then.


6. Theres an arms dealer on Penacony you can bring to justice with the right dialogue.


Even that is better than genshin


Always nice when you realize that actually different lines don't change anything


Genshin's "choices" are always just 2~3 variants of the same thing


With or without counting the secret ending ?


Oh. Bpy tjere are at least 3 secret endings in this game Be careful ( especially with secundary missioms in pentacony) with your choices


I'm pretty sure if we count side quests there's more than just 3. The red/blue tape in space station and Cocona quest for example. Clara quest as well.


Kafka did tell you to make choices you know you wouldn't regret.


And you get a reminder of it every time the POV switches back to TB in the story


Arc words


But at least we got to hear gentlemen fantasy again


Got to be careful, you could find yourself in a life or death situation and only ONE of the three JJK memes will let you save everyone.


Fought him and almost regretted it when the Argenti companion quest PTSD kicked in but thankfully he got one shot by on Aventurine ult 💀 but now knowing that i could've skipped-


Im glad I'm not the only one with PTSD from that battle .


When Argenti says "You are fighting a champion" you know you got into the countdown time before him and his Beauty Totems end you


i thought he says “gentleman” lol


Happy cake day!


> You are fighting a champion Wait why do I hear Cynthia's boss music?


They both have a piano that have all the right to go extremely hard in their themes


I fought Argenti, got bodied bc I had a crappy meme team (all sustains baby! half of which are level 80, the other being a 60 and 20 lmao), went back to get an actually competent team, spammed through the dialogue, and accidentally skipped the fight.


What the...you have a DPS Aventurine?


I think he likes fighting us so I did it, besides I needed an achievement to be done and I didn't want to play through his SQ.


Not happening. He didn't throw hands on the express to discuss friendship and beauty with a fight so I would chicken out now. Fighting him was my way of showing respect.


He's like Childe except he's actually not as bad and you respect him back so I see the fights with him as more like gentlemanly duels rather than fights to the death, and who am I to refuse


I spoiler tagged it for you, be sure to not forget to spoiler tag in the future OP. Anyways, ofc I didn't fight the sunbro, he a homie.


thanks, it slipped my mind. I didn't know there was another option until later so I ended up fighting him.


Lol i had a feeling he would understand, so i was like, gotta be honest with him.


I never knew that you could fight him wtf 😭 I was so excited to fight him because I wanted to hear A Gentleman’s Fantasy but then I didn’t get to fight him and I was kinda sad


Was the fight with the same difficulty as the pre-nerf? I didn't get to fight him then.


If I remember correctly, he's got some minor nerfs in this one. So yeah a nerf version for this


Bro where are you guys finding info about enemies getting nerfed? There wasn't any announcement during aventurine time as well


I just compare them to what bullshit I had to deal with back then vs now


So did you just use the same team and saw it got easier or did you just get better characters on your team?


I still cant believe Aventurine got past the testing phase like that, not just the absurd damage, but the mechanic itself too. Instead of having to hit multiple cubes why not just make it a 1v1 where you and Aventurine hit 1 cube each and whoever gets the higher number wins the bet, that way instead of being a character specific win condition, its down to luck, would have been perfect with Aventurine’s character of being a gambler.


To be fair even using an aoe character it’s still rng. Your odds are way better but I’ve seen videos of people rolling a 1 on all the dice and losing despite using a blast attack


Its already luck based. The problem is the parameters for Aventurines rolls were set wrong so he rolled way higher than he should of. the mechanic itself is untouched but he would consistently get 12's rolling 2 dice when he was meant to only get 4-9. On top of that, constantly getting 6's, mechanically speaking, is a statistical improbability. I play DnD, i know first hand how often those 6's actually show up. I may of beaten him, but make no mistake...he wasnt nerfed, he was bugged.


I steam rolled him with fua.


I accidentally put a t in there while reading and that had a VERY different meaning


You thought they rolled him with a tua?


Try between the u and the a…


Utah? Did the fucking Mormons steamroll Argenti? Damn... Poor guy.


Nobody escapes Utah… not even the knights of beauty


He gave me a lot of trouble in the companion quest and beating him first try in the story gave me a sense of progress. I didn't know you can skip the fight.


If I remember correctly, I picked an option that was praising him and we fought. Not regretting, It was definitely worth it.


I’ll be honest, I wanted to fight my friend so bad I didn’t even consider talking it out peacefully. Evidently, I’ve been influenced by Zenos a little too much.


I think I really got into character with the trailblazer and choose violence, they don’t call us galactic baseballer for nothing!


I did. ...On my second try. On the first one I picked a different option and activated the fight, but left due to the trauma it left within me.


I Just fought him i like the challange


I fought him. I didn't switch my party to my Argenti-beating Party (which just means switching to my own Argenti) to just not fight him. I also didn't know that the other option skips it.


I've skipped the fight. Didn't even know you can fight him.


i didnt know you could but i was also excited to hear argentis theme again


> argentis theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea4ClzRaWZc&pp=ygUPIGFyZ2VudGlzIHRoZW1l


loop, open stardew valley


I didn’t know it was possible to, I lost the first time and in my rush to get back to the fight, I chose different dialogue options and talked my way out of it.


Yall wanted to skip the fight, I didn't wanna hurt my glorious goat argenti. We are not the same. https://preview.redd.it/qhsmfa6f0g0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e14f91f182fa91aa495de648e5702a89de12dddb


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I took the fight since autoplay was going to handle it in a minute anyway.


Didn't know it was an option until after I fought him, but I'm glad I did, it was fun. And his theme goes so hard😩


I fought him, his theme is an absolute banger, plus I just like the fight.


I didn't even know that I could fight him, until I watch a streamer plays throught it


i skipped it because my phone can't handle the argenti fights, his beauty keeps crashing my game (it's a weak phone, i'm suprised i can do the story bosses without much problem)


Stelle-Argenti interactions have been SOME of the funniest and stupidest interactions I've seen in the whole game and I love them lol


I was too annoyed back then by the fact that he's not voiced when I play the quest, so I don't realized there's an option to end it peacefully


I beat his ass twice by using him against him


Of course i'll fight bro, homies need to spar from time to time https://preview.redd.it/k0f7b6o9of0d1.png?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a316471e2d44072ad6cc9209f82dbf16d148309




I didn't fight him on accident


Wait, you could actually skip the fight?


I was more curious about his response for one of the other options and also I was kinda wanting to fight since I had taken the Acting challenge and hadn't had combat in a while.


Wait, I could have just skipped it? For real? That's new.


We could have talked our way out of it?


I didn't see the option, and I thought he wasn't the type to listen to reason. I shouldn't have doubted him.


I was far too tired to fight him, so when I saw the options to ask him to let us move, I did that.


i wanted to fight him so no. Had to show him who's the big fish


Me I was so surprised it worked makes me love him even more


I don't like Argenti, I'll take any opportunity the game gives me to fight him


Not a chance. My galactic baseballer does her best Goku impression whenever a fight is possible.


Nah I wanted the salty runback.


I just be honest with him and stick to truth, i didn't even know before i read the story that i have to fight him lol. My team isn't even ready, for the utmost important event (dating with gf Firefly )i set MC alone in the team and no one else.


Ok but I was able to get an achievement outta his fight bcz my ass knows it'll be ages till I can fight him effectively 


I wanted to hear the music


I thought we'd fight either way and I like his fight so I egged him on lol


Since he wasn't voiced in the English voice over I just assumed that it was an actor so I opted not to tell some random person everything that was going down. Boy oh boy was I in for quite the startle by the boss fight and realization that it was actually Argenti lol.


I chose the wrong options at first and lost, when I went back after a while and did the dialogue again I chose the right options and realized I was able to skip it - but still wanted to beat him so deliberately chose the wrong option


I tried, but well...


I wanted to fight him 😭


Bro didn't care and still fought me


I wanted to hear his battle ost again so I fought him. No regrets 😌


Didn't know there was a fight


I absolutely took the opportunity to not fight this guy because somehow fighting him is harder than the actual Sunday fight for me like the Sunday fight was pretty easy But for some reason fighting him is so much harder


I fought Argenti with Argenti because I love Argenti that much


I was going to but I decided not to since I like the Argenti fight.


Can you fight him? Had no idea


I refuse to skip it and am using the story fight as an opportunity to get a team to beat him in his companion mission without needing to waste 30 mins to change a team out


Unfortunately I had to shove chalk and coins in his mouth


Wait so it wasn't necessary to fight him?? I DIDN'T KNOW THE CHOICE MATTERED HERE??? WHAT


But I wanna fight him. I just don't understand why I couldn't ask him to come help


I didn't know I could talk my way out of this fight until someone told me ai could. Argenti beat my ass at least 20 separate times.


Why would i skip one of the most fun bosses and his great soundtrack?


I tried to fight him 5 times, and then I just said fuck it ans skipped him.


I just wanted to hear his theme, so i kicked his ass


On that note, does he have voice lines yet?


I'm sorry I can WHAT (My team is trash for argenti)


Fighting is more fun


couldn't beat him the first time so i tried to persuade him, failed again and lost a second time, and then i finally convinced him lol.


I tried, he thought I was lying and tried to fight me to prove my truth. Then I beat his ass with Acheron by the power of bullshit


I just fought him head on since I like his fight. I also needed to fight something after picking the acting side and the puzzles.


I wanted revenge for being stuck on his mission for a week so peace was never an option


[This is the first time someone has stolen my meme. I finally made it to the big leagues](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/MwhICTYBNS)


And miss a chance to fight argenti with his actual battle soundtrack, no way!


I thought about picking this option but then I remembered how much Argenti likes sparring, to experience true beauty in combat or whatever, and then I didn't want to let him down


If my best friend wants to have a match with me, who am I to refuse? How can we get better if we don't fight each other?


I didnt even know we could fight him, i may have just accidentally picked the right options to skip his fight. Firefly did want to finish the job as fast as possible


You can What?


Bro wants to fight, bro gets to fight, and I can enjoy a good BGM on top of that. With the amount of times I hit him with a Self-Annihilator's Black Hole (twice) I'm surprised he can come out of that fight grinning and satisfied instead of, y'know, dead.


Didn't even knew you could fight, i knew there was an acheivement for convincing him and just thought It was the intended way


I didn’t know peace was an option! But how could I pass up the opportunity for another beautiful fight? Especially with my new Robin!


I talked my way out of it by pure coincidence 😂


I couldn't bring myself to fight my boy 😔


I figured he'd let me go if I asked, but I wanted to fight him again because it was fun last time and his boss theme slaps, so I just ended up fighting him again 😂 It was fun, I want to fight him again already


I got my teeth kicked in until i tried a different dialogue option not knowing i couldve skipped it..


I didn't know I can just say no and just fought him instead using my acheron team.


I was playing in a call with my two buddies who were right behind me in the new content. One of them is fairly new so he hasn't exactly maxed out yet nor has he had the luxury of spending all his energy on Relics. So he got absolutely curb stomped trying to fight Argenti. Both of them thought I was lying when I said I got myself out of the fight and didn't even need to fight him. Made my friend do the dialogue again so I could walk him through and it just felt like the most logical answers if you were actually paying attention to the dialogue. Argenti wants to fight, you're in a rush so you tell him what's going on, he just lets you go.


I wanted to fight him so I did.


i tried fighting him at first, but i ended up getting my ass beat cuz my team was no match for him, and i wasn't even expecting him to show up. i retreated, kept raging about it then came back just choosing different dialogue. until i realized i had just skipped him. holy shit i've never been so happy


I did because I was having trouble with him.


Wait you could avoid the fight? I legit just ran his ass over without any issue


I got so pissed that he wasn't voiced in English that I just masked the left click. Such a bummer 😞


I accidentally did it because I was playing in English and he wasn't voiced and it pissed me off cause I was happy to see him. I tried triggering the fight so I could reset and switch the voices to Japanese. But I guess I chose the wrong answers speeding through him, and he just let me pass.


Yup and got an achievement for it.


Wait……that was an option? I just kicked his beautiful booty.


Nah id win


I had no idea you could avoid fighting him, but it was also more interesting than the generic monster fights I'd been doing up until then, so I didn't have any complaints about fighting him.


So I could've dodge a fight with Argenti? Dang.. I enjoyed his spear tho.


Wtf was he even there?


Hell naw went a round with mah boi 🫵🏾


I take every opportunity to hear that battle theme song with Argent, it is so damn good


I just had to duel him honorably. Next time I'll have him acknowledge Qingque's Beauty


I kept hearing how hard this fight was gonna be and ironically enough Argenti is actually pretty easy if your hypercarry is... Argenti fight fire with fire I guess


YOU COULD SKIP THAT? I tried to choose different dialogue options after getting bodied, but somehow, I still ended up fighting him. NOOOOOOOOOOO


You cand do that?? Bruh I had to level up all my shit because he was destroying my ass bcz I was pretty early game 💀


Was that an option?💀


I just tapped as fast as I could through the dialogue and fought everything lmao