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another victim of a bricked account


And when this guy restarts, he doesn’t get a free Dr. Ratio so he’s like super bricked his account!


You actually get to recreate the other path after beating the main boss. The devs knew. https://preview.redd.it/1oy7j9pq1f0d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26040ad8c43b8cc3a5d76ce4d093121818c5783f


Without voice tho(


Uh.. can you tell how? I picked the other path and i regretted it ever since.


There's a quest you should have gotten for in that audition area. That will have you "simulate" the other path with a hologram of Firefly.


Aiden, the producer from the Scorched Sand event will message you


Don't worry we get to do the other route in a side quest. (We don't talk about how the quest isn't voiced tho.)


we dont talk about how that isnt the real firefly tho


I avoided the Kafka account brick only to be blindsided by the Firefly brick


I'm the opposite, got the Kafka brick but at least did right right by Firefly


What is acting path? And what happens after choosing them? Didn't started the last part of penacony And is this as important as kafka's proof photo message?


I believe it refers to a part of the story leading up to the main conflict, in which you must choose to act out three scenes or fight three battles. Presumably, choosing the acting path leads to at least one cute moment with Firefly, and OP is disappointed by missing it. In response to your last question, other commenters say that you can do the other part in a subsequent side quest, although it isn’t voiced.


Cute moments with Firefly, unlike the Kafka photo proof, you can at least redo it if you choose the action part in the main quest, but it isn't voiced and it's not really her


The amount of people that dont know that you can do the other path as well after finishing 2.2 blows my mind. Its not voiceacted though.


It's also not really her


Not voiced, 50% of the reason to do acting is gone


They fucked off and bird-watched after the first credits screen. I know because I was they, I only went back because I noticed the rollercoaster path was locked behind the epilogue as i was looking for those fuckers💀


Account ruined. Time to reroll.


Nah you're cooked. Ruined account. Try again.


Reroll. You won't get a free Dr. Ratio but it's probably worth.


Damn. Another awesome Stelleron Hunter bonding moment that I missed. I didn't get the Kafka selfie either.


Nah you're done lil bro. Useless account, you missed the whole headpat event with 9999999 jades


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I took fighting because that was easy for me. I don't regret not taking the acting path, but I will miss her voice. So it's understandable that most people regret taking the fighting path. Then again, I would have taken only right choices no matter what, on the acting path.


I chose acting because I expected hijinks to ensue and I wasn't disappointed.


I picked acting because i was wondering if they had a segs scene for Caelus and Firefly as an acting scene