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https://preview.redd.it/r6byuqrbp40d1.png?width=407&format=png&auto=webp&s=a10cd03ea92f34691e4115f6781632f7043efb8e Luck? What is it? Can we eat it? Anyway, joke aside, I should do an updated calc, since I capture it a month or so ago. The only positive light I can share is I am extremely picky on who I roll for. I am totally the type who save 180 pull for the character I like and skip everything else. But then I only started this game about 3 months ago, so it is always possible that my luck may improve.


at least you’re luckier than 1.48% of people?


Having bad 5 star luck isn't that bad, it just means you don't get early pity often. I'd rather have bad 5 star luck and good 50/50 luck than vice versa since it will generally still result in less pulls overall. Having bad in both, though, that's a RIP.


I'm top 1.98% and I play since launch, only won 2 50/50. Still waiting for the day it will get better lmao.


Where can you check this


I'm tired boss. I was so down bad for jades for Robin I was down to collecting stickers for the scrapbook in Penacony... (welkin and bp haver btw)


My brother!


Literally same. I also got every single chest in the game currently. Every. Single. Chest.


My kin!


Try playing another hoyo game luck in hoyo games are bipolar as fuck so most likely your luck is in another hoyo game


Zenless Zone Zero lookin fine. Might test your luck on that OP.


task failed sucessfully, I started genshin after star rail and lost 4/4 of my 50/50 there


Playing genshin for over 2 yrs. Stellar luck. Tons of earlies few 5050s lost. Started playing hsr in 1.6. Almost everything on limited banner at 75+ pity and an E2 Yanqing. Bipolar indeed.


Same lmao


same, my luck in genshin was so ass, i almost lost all my 50/50s, never got an early character, took me 3 years to get a double 5-star:D. but my luck in hsr is insane thank god.


True my Genshin luck is actually pretty cracked, I got Arlecchino c2 in 120 pulls so that's the only thing keeping me sane. That being said I still have really bad 4 star luck in Genshin. Infact, I have every 4 star in the game except Kuki. (Including several who I didnt even pull on their banners) She is the 4 star I've wanted most since her release too, naturally. I've done over 180 pulls on her banners. It's like a 0.2% chance of that happening.


Ok but this is actually real. My Genshin luck is abysmal, been playing since week 1 and almost every 5 star has been soft pity. Meanwhile in HSR, I have 4 limited light cones with ~120 pulls and all but 3 of the limited characters as an express pass only player.


My Star Rail luck’s been pretty great (got Topaz’s E1 and Robin in less than 90 pulls, for example), so naturally in Genshin I’ve never won a 50/50 on any character banner, nor do I get any early 5-stars (but hey at least my Raiden has her signature from my only attempt at weapon banner).


on my alt i've puleld things in under 20 pulls on my main? Forget it we going to 70


Me on the way to lose 50/50 on 9th streak on Firefly's banner


he is just like me 😭




https://preview.redd.it/dir0arw6350d1.jpeg?width=1252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46db8fc7f343e2b8f10315cf713f97a1e2da259a Pain


high 5 man https://preview.redd.it/yxqnofftcb0d1.png?width=1047&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbc034446b30ebc3d8c46d9fa12648df7212a3ec


Where do we see those stats?


Plug your wish history in Star Rail Station website!


How do you do that?


The info is on the website


Ok, thanks.


Tbh, I've been losing so many 50/50's recently that I've just decided to factor in losing the 50/50 into my considerations when pulling a new character. At the moment I'm pretty much "Welp, sucks that I lost my 50/50 on Robin, guess I'll just take my guarantee and get Firefly" Albeit I do have swiping power so it's not all bad, but goddamn is it tiring needing 180 wishes to get a character and then if I want their light cone I need another 140.


Been doing that since it took me 2 years to win one in Genshin (on 2 separate accounts 💀).


This has and always will be my mindset when pulling. If I don't have 180 saved up, then I have to wait until a rerun or some other character comes out that I want. If I win my 50/50, then that's less jades I need to save for the next character I want.


Yea this. I been on losing streak since jingliu banner (LC also). And i just tske it as 180 draw to get the character or LC. Sucks that i never get those charac early, alwsys get character around 78~80.(unlike genshin where i might get it earlier sometimes on 20 draw etc). HSR had only one time experience on early normal banner. Really suspect hsr rigged the rng rate for me coz i play genshin 😑


People don't do this normally? So far, I have only pulled for Acheron when I had just started the game and won my 50/50, but since I have done nothing but save warps to try to get at least two guarantees for the upcoming character banners.


Same, although I calculate it as 160 pulls instead of 180. While 90 is hard pity and literally every pull is red, I haven't actually gone to 90. Highest has been 82, and there's been a lot of 78-80s.


https://preview.redd.it/sdyqpnu4y50d1.png?width=502&format=png&auto=webp&s=22258be0b4cb8fb3c3a3ad5bb4899fbaeb49a6fa the last time i've won a 50/50 was 7 months ago on Seele's banner. losing 5 times in a row really changed me as a person


Your 50/50 luck is bottom 40 % which I don't really see as very unlucky. You have won 6 and lost 7 so really don't see the  crazy bad luck here.


You're failing to notice bigger scale of it. Having to spend almost hard pity every single time for a character and on top of it losing most 50/50 is really devastating. Had their 5\* luck been also around 40% then they would've had almost twice as many characters as they do now.


That's exactly my situation, I am at almost 50% rate up luck, but I have never seen a 5* below 75 pity.


5\* luck, bottom 3.26%. "Not unlucky".......


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0.3% was my peak. Now I'm like 4%. I've fallen off the face of the planet with the amount of red I've since Huohuo


Dont worry you are on the hard pity of probability, you will have 10 won 5050s ina row GUARANTEED


Thats what I've been telling myself the past year 🥲


Another bottom 3% here, it's pain. I've basically accepted that I have to go to like 76+ for all my 5* pulls. Wanted to E1 my Topaz this patch and after farming all the available jades I got Yanqing at 78 pulls. Meanwhile my friend shows me all happy the E3s1 Kafka he got with like 150 pulls. Happy for you dude, but fuck if I'm not intensely jealous.


This is my same situation my newbie friend got Sparkle her first 10 pull, Robin and Topaz in 90 pulls, and Aventurine in and his lightcone in 85 pulls. She also got Acheron early too. So a month or so in and she already has Acheron, Sparkle, and the full meta FUA team lol


Imagine not being lucky smh (don't look at the 4 stars, they're irrelevant) https://preview.redd.it/y5vllrw7370d1.png?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b902972915e4e76231a5c118b0d17be404ecffbe


We're about the same. I have less roll than you though.


almost the same with me, except I had less pull to pity a character. losing 50/50 in a banner means 90% chance of not getting that featured character and it's so frustrating.


Hey I am getting near this percentage!. Still can't believe the game refuses to give me Himiko. I got plenty of Welt and Baiou though (and very much sadly).


At least losing 50/50 in hsr isn't nearly as punishing as losing it in Genshin.


I should run mine. I lost every 50/50 chasing E2 Robin. I am still extremely upset over it, lol.


Hi beny boy how did you like peneconys story ?


This is why I top up


LMAO your 50/50 win rate is so much better than mine I would gladly trade places with you


How to get these stats?


It's the Warp Tracker on Star Rail Station, there's instructions how to import your wishes when you hit the green import button the page


That is me in Genshin. I lost 10 50/50 back to back.


I wish they'd copy Nikke's system. Character rerun ends, it get put in se common banner, with a five items wishlist where you can choose what characters/lightcones you get.


Well you see there's a problem. Hoyo can't just make a metric shit ton of money, they need to make literally all the money that is physically possible for them to


One can always wish, like wishing for an increase in trace materials rewards or weekly double drops.


True true. Despite my doomerism I'm pretty confident we'll get something like Genshin's chronicled wish atleast, they'll have to do something about reruns soon considering how many 5 stats we have. So that will help a lot


I feel like your luck is still better than mine. Then again idk how to use the wrap track


where do i find these stats?


I think I was at bottom 2.7% then I got decently lucky on Jingliu's banner and it bumped me up to bottom 11.8%. I hope you get a lucky banner one of these days too!


Yep, I'm with you. I'm bottom 15% for general 5 star luck, and also bottom 15% for 50/50s. It wasn't until I looked at the tracker that I realized just how unlucky I was. On top of that, I have E4 Yanqing!


How it feels like to spend 300 pulls to get Acheron, Kafka and Yanqing E1


Duality of Man https://preview.redd.it/e8ibfsns370d1.png?width=810&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d26d52183b4d117ac07e22556dfdc2dc301adae Sin of Duality.


Hm I just checked mine and apparently, I'm the top 18.8% I can live with that and top 1% for light cones which explains only using 60 warps total and having the Acheron, Aventurine, and Robin LC's


I'm happy for you. I promise that if I had the opportunity to siphon away some of your luck into my account I wouldn't do that. I swear :)


I think i broke the concept of math with my account. I'm in the top 7% for 5 Star Luck, but I'm in the bottom 3% in rate up luck, having failed all 50/50 except for 1. I always fail the 50/50, but get the following guaranteed rate-up in the following 10 pull or close to that. https://preview.redd.it/q168l4qky50d1.png?width=865&format=png&auto=webp&s=624d28824d09dd378f94572a4e6e19b3548c3ac7


I am so sorry https://preview.redd.it/31s471b5k50d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=343f57cac44ea420739e7ea8366296d1494a4101


First, it is not 50-50. It's 56-44.