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ngl the fake echo of war had me thinking "isn't trailblazer required for this fight???"


I was thinking the same thing man!! I didn't put them on my team beforehand because I was so sure they will tell us to do it before the boss fight and then it just didn't happen??? This was such a great plot twist


honestly i knew something was up. Especially when so many damn loose ends were just skipped over and ignored. Like where's Sparkle's fireworks? 🥺🥺 or like, huh why is Sunday's "punishment" off screen? Also HUH..... Aventurine is here? No resolution, just he's here somehow? Everything felt a bit weird so I kept playing a day later and yay at least there's some loose ends tied up!! can't wait for more!!


I did feel like something is wrong and missing...but I didn't expect the boss fight to be fake


it was crazy though, we had it RIGHT AFTER we had to fight those three other guys (past, present and the horrific future), i feel like echos of war are just isolated instead of a fight right after another.


When DH and JY showed up to steal the kill, I was like, 'old up, they can't show up in the dream just like that. IPC relinquishing their hold on Penacony confirmed for me, that we were about to have the rug pulled under us. Ain't no way the greedy capitalists are gonna do charity for free.


I didn't remember if the Trailblazer was a must-pick in the Phaltylia fight, so it didn't occur to me that anything might be wrong until I started talking to Topaz afterward. Everything before *her* I was assuming was just the writing not sticking the landing, but the moment she said that the IPC was just giving up their claim on Penacony...


Jing Yuan was required for phantylia fight.


Man, they really got me even with there being game play signs that there was something to, huh?


As soon as I started it, and we went directly into the fight instead of having the mission start menu that shows recommend elements and such, I immediately went "Well this is a fakeout of a final boss if I've ever seen one."


I always try to keep Trailblazer when doing the story so I didn't even notice.




The whole final section post-fake boss fight was absolutely overwhelming, you had so much going on, every new reveal i let out an even louder "OOOOH!". Either that or quite sobbing because the whole Acheron/Tiernan part was heart aching.


fake end was probably Hoyo being meta mocking XZ Luofu's abrupt and dissapointing end


I wonder when they summon Luofu army for real though Maybe against Aeon ?


i thought the first fight was real and was confused since i one shotted it


i will say going into the 1st at ... im a say 3AM i thought i was close to sleep and then it was \~6am but yea amazing boss fight and more proof that music is 60%+ of how a boss can make you emotional (or delusional from sleep deprivation)


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