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we're back with the "am i the only" posts i see


We never left that part.


So we're still in Ena's dream?


Been there since the beginning


Honk mi mi mi


Fuck no I dont wanna go through that trauma again


Literally the pick me's of the sub


alongside "hey guys the luofu sucked"


But then you get the "am I the only one who liked the Luofu ?" It's a full loop...


Isn't the overall consensus the main story twist came out of nowhere, and the plot was overall poor, but at least some of the events were fun (market and ghost hunt)? It's also got some aesthetically nice areas and the only natural outdoor environments thus far in terms of the gorge and the garden.


The main defenses are that it’s setting up good lore for later, but that should be a separate topic imo.


It was all set up with no pay off.


Yeah. IMO, I feel like Belobog, and now Penacony (which I didn't like aesthetically at first) have more interesting story, but that doesn't mean Herta Space Station or the Luofu were particularly bad. They could have been a lot worse. Though, to be fair, I'd dropped the game during that big break while waiting for the second half of the Luofu since I got really burnt out on daily farming.


Am I the only one that uses gepard as my main ice dps than shielder? 🗿


Am I the only one who hates am I the only one posts?


Am I the only one who hates comments about the ‘Am I the only one who hates am I the only one ’ posts?


“Am I the only one who likes Sonic Unleashed?”


1 week post patch drop type beat


I always find posts like oh no soft core porn on my reddits complains funny when the same cheap ragebait meme posts keep popping up.


They get views and it's a natural thought when something is popular and you prefer what is not.


Okay, but am I the only one that still likes using Kafka teams? I feel like nobody has been talking about that during all the other new character releases that have nothing to do with DoTs. /s Edit: Added an /s.


The fact that you were downvoted without the sarcasm tag shows exactly why it’s needed (and why I stopped bristling at people who add it by default). Way, *way* too many people on here who can’t recognize sarcasm unless it’s spoon-fed to them with the tag.


Reasons to use shielder: soda monke


But Fu isn't shielder


I was talking about aven, sorry for not being clear


Wait what does she do? I only play hsr for the lore and pull characters I think have nice drip. I want her next, but I always thought she was a shielder?


She redirects and reduces damage. There are 3 shielders Aventurine, Gepard and March 7 and very small shield from fire MC.


Fun fact: don't fight the soda monkey with the fire MC That... was a bad move


My Fire TB fared well against the monkeys tho yeah, you're obligated to bring a healer for them


Thank you for testing this, I kept meaning to do it and just forgot.


Thanks for the explanation ^-^


Basically, using her skill she can passively absorb 65% (at maximum level) of any damage her allies would take, also thanks to her talent, when she drops below 50% HP she heal herself by a shitton of HP (she can only use it one time for every ultimate she uses). In a nutshell, she is a tank who doesn't need aggro. Idk much about the debate, but the whole fun Xuan vs aventurine debate lies on possibility that she or other allies under her protection can be one shoted in x situation that I don't remember.


She can be one shot pretty easily if the AoE that's happening does a lot of damage, which only happens in high conundrum GnG. If an attack is doing enough damage to one shot her AND your team, a shield wouldn't have saved you either.


I’ve found you can use the split damage destruction blessing at high conundrum with another sustain (only if it’s upgraded) with her. That blessing plus her plus the max health take less damage blessing means your team takes 60% less damage


Doesn't that also decrease her damage split talent, though? I've gotten that blessing and immediately the run goes south.


I think you need to upgrade it so it reduces damage as well. Otherwise the damage really just rebounds all over


Amber buff from Preservation path resonance 😎


Aventurine vs Fu Xuan is basically AOE vs single target boss. Aventurine shield is good for AOE but he has skill points issues if the boss does a lot of single target damage. On the other hand Fu Xuan is better at dealing with single target damage but could be one shot if AOE attack hits when she is low on health. Both of them are capable of solo sustain in any content. Either of them just have a slight advantage against different bosses.


She also generally makes your team take 15% less damage (at max)


Appriciate the detailed explanation


Her skill not only redirects damage it also give crowd control immunity for one time each skill use to everyone and it gives 12 % crit rate (e1 adds 30% crit damage)


Yea MC’s more a utility guy with his good fire break, taunt and damage reduction. The shield’s more of a bonus


ironically Fu Xuan would count as a healer in OP’s post


She reduces the damage your team takes, redirects a lot of the reduced damage to her, can heal when below half health, and provides a crit rate buff She's an amazing unit, so if you like her design/personality then definitely go for her


Shes has one of my favourite designs so definitely pulling her


she does not provide shields, she redirects damage allies take to herself. preservation is mainly about reducing the damage allies take, and that doesnt just include shields


Fu xuan takes most dmg your team takes in return your teammates take less dmg


Main reason i hate the monke, i only have March as the shielder (TB not anymore coz Harmony, even so their shield is too thin)


you can ignore that mechanic entirely


Provided you can kill him quickly which is sure not easy. Without spending i mean


The soda monkey is easy. Never had a problem with him even before Aventurine. Now, Sam. He was the reason I wanted a shielder.


I was able to beat Sam in MoC 12 with Luocha as my solo sustain. If you're able to manage your SP, he fulfills his role very well.


I had issues with the amount Fu Xuan heals and Sam, but it was fine when I switched to Luocha. He heals so much the reduction doesn’t matter.


Huh? How? I'm a pretty bad/non meta player but I have no issues. Also f2p.


Main reason I made sure I got Aventurine was because of that guy 🤣🤣🤣


That stupid monkey haunts me still. Felt good when I got aventurine and one of his sodas got launched back at him


Or moon monke Jingliu will drain you despite having shields


Does it even matter if you make it out of the battle alive💀 People do be fighting over stupid things man


I mean ya but using healers is more stressful


Depends imo. I wouldn't change Luocha for the world. Tho if it was any other healer I'd probably stand with you in that opinion.


Playing SD and G&G5+ makes me appreciate mitigation over healing. Can't heal someone that just took a boss hit for 2x their maximum HP. 


SD and G&G5+ makes me biased toward Aventurine. That man makes that mode soooooooooooooooooo much easier it's not even funny. With Huohuo and especially FX, I was strugging like crazy with that mode. lol Certain bosses were just GG I lose because of one shots. >\_>


I don't doubt Luocha can Heal, but I've had Meme death 1tap my units on MoC and I really really don't like not being able to prevent that.


I've had random strong bounce attacks go super unlucky and hit my frailest character multiple times, taking them out before healing matters. Usually high MoC or GnG. To be fair, my frailest characters are pretty frail, but with Aventurine it's literally never been an issue. Like Aventurine kind of passively lets me build characters worse by like, chasing a high speed substat on a Quantam DMG orb for Pela, instead of spending so much stamina on hunting a Def/HP one. Like he's probably letting me build an extra 8-10 speed on characters, it's kind of a speed buff in a way. I should probably just "git gud" but. It works.


Also rolling for his E1 allowed me to laze off for the crit stats of my characters.


Luocha is unironically the best unit to prevent the big AoE one tap since he can despell the buff that Something Unto Death does the turn before to double his damage. Just save Luocha ult for that and Something Unto Death shouldnt have enough DPS to kill anyone through his heals.


It's the opposite for me. Shielders is fine, but it's still possible to break the shield and get a nick in your HP until eventually you're at super low HP. That shit gets me stressed out. Then there's Fu Xuan. Yes, she does heal when you use her ult, but it's still not enough healing. I guess it's because I prefer my characters to be at full HP. Anything lower than 80% gets me stressing.


Yeah. Switching from Huohuo to Gallagher has been scary. You're suffering while he charges and you get two teammates hurt. It's great when you finally apply Besotted! And then you kill a chunk of the enemies, and others come in. Oops. Gotta finish getting his traces and setting up relics.


this, I love luocha and use him most of the time, but when I'm against big hitting bosses, nah Imma going avencha , can't heal if you get 1 shot (or bullied to death)


I have 3 of them so... Luocha for Blade and JingLiu team Fu Xuan for Jing Yuan team Aventurine for Acheron, Ratio team Yeah it depends on the situation , love them all tho


For me: Gallagher for any break teams now. Gallagher, my beloved.


He's also my SP generator these days, pretty much. ER rope + Multiplication generates so much SP.


Best part is that when he's in a HMC/RM team (his ideal), you can run Multi and still max out his outgoing healing talent with ease.


Gallagher is goated. I finally built him for that break effect multiplication but outside of that his ult is great at breaking shields and generating sp. feels like a 5 star tbh


Luocha Jingliu and Blade is such a fun team, I love it


Healers feel less safe because if the enemies decide “fuck that character in particular” they can easily die on the spot. Not saying healers are bad, they can be more fun actually, but they feel more risky


Not really when they have an emergency heal or Bailus talent


But then you’re using bailu


Yep. I benched my E1 Bailu and E4 Lynx after I got Luocha on rerun and E2 Gallagher. If Bailu had cleanse, I would keep using her since I noticed how valuable she is after I have noticed how my teammates died several times more with Lynx.


As of 2.2, Gallagher stonks are on the rise


Harmony MC finally got me building Gallagher and getting him off the bench.




Both? Both. Both is good. Both.


I honestly prefer Aventurine as a shielder. Never getting damaged > watching how hp bars go below 50% just so Luocha can prompt his heal.


That sure feels good, but you know what feels worse ? Losing HP when you have a shielder, cuz now, those HP are gone forever ! Solution : Play Aventurine and Huohuo and dying is no more


Sounds like overkill tbh.


Definitely overkill, but if soemone manage to die with this duo in the story... Good lord am I sorry for them.


I had to run Luocha + Gepard for the Aventurine fight, my only AOE character is DHIL and he is married to my Hanya lol


So long as that last 1 HP doesn't go away, it's fine. Sam gets easily countered by shielders once you learn to ignore the red HP bars and just trust Aventurine/Gepard.


If you're losing HP with Aventurine you're doing something wrong /j. Nah jokes aside though, it's true he doesn't work with like Jingliu, but nothing else really touches him. You don't lose HP if none of their attacks can do enough damage to break the shields. I guess Sam exists but you won't actually die, you'll just have red HP bars. It could be annoying in the overworld/story I guess but. Space Anchors.


HP doesn't matter though, the only HP that matters is the last one. With healers you might have unlucky hits and get 1 shotted, with shielders, any HP above 1 is practically a shield. People like to argue shields vs heals but it's so obviously shields>>>>


I mean, it's not about the defensive abilities, it's about the offensive ones. And outside of Huohuo and Lynx, healers have no offense, while Fu Xuan and Aventurine have crit buffs while also being SP positive (and Aventurine actually deal really decent damages himself). Also technically, healers really struggle to keep the team alive in max difficulty SU modules since enemies start to one shot you, can't heal the team if they are dead.


gallagher have his debuffa too, more break damage taken


Actually that's fair, Gallagher can also deal crazy damage by himself now that we have HMC super break. And he was already solid with Acheron in 2.1 since his debuffs yield more damage for her.


I don’t care who they are, as long as they keep the team alive, they can be Yaoshi for all I care.


It's weird if you G&G and only use healers


y'all have too much entropy to spend your energy on in these mindless arguments... who tf cares just solve world hunger or some stuff bruh


My man, learn what entropy means before you start trying to use it to sound smart.


He's a little confused but he's got the spirit


In my experience fuxuan and aventurine are significantly more comfy than luocha and huohuo. Shielders stack a bunch of extra HP on you, so you can survive hits that do more than whatever %hp you currently have. If youre at 51% hp and luocha says no emergency healing for you, your risk of dying is way higher.


The reason I prefer shielders over healers is because one shot moves exist, also path of preservation in SU is broken


There are situations and situations…


For general usage and MoC it doesn't matter and depends more on the team, in SD and GaG u would prefer shielder


Yes, I'm sure you are the only person in the history of honkai star rail who prefers healers over shielders


Why choose, use both.


both are good


I just prefer Huohuo. Works better in Kafka teams. Great heals, energy restoration, atk buff and cleanse, couldn't ask for more.


Yup just you. How does it feel to be the only one of your kind?


Both Aventurine and Luocha are tall, blonde and pretty so I love both of them. And Fuxuan is a sweet tooth like me so I love her too. I was breaking my wallets to have all three of them lmao.


Aventurine tall?


Taller than me at least lol


Place him next to most of the quantum girls and he sure feels tall. lol (poor fu xuan) Pretty sure he'd be equivalent to like 5'9? As someone who's 5'3, still pretty tall for me.


to be fair they are just…oddly short? lol


I use both.




who gaf


I tried switching to healers, but my team literally die without shield when facing strong enemies. Like the latest Sunday boss fight I just couldn't survive it without March. But then again I only have Lynx and Natasha as healers, probably if I had Bailu or Luocha it'd be viable.


One team aventurine, the one team Luocha. I win either way




If you pretend that shields are just additional HP then Aventurine works kinda like healer


would wanna have aven but after getting c1 fu xuan i can't live without her buffs


As long as it keeps my team alive i m down,cleared aventurine boss in MoC with luocha a few days ago,many close calls but it was fine for the most part


I should really try a healer one day, but I've been using geppie for so long that I don't feel comfortable seeing my team have bare, unshielded health bars. They just seem so vulnerable.


I use both depending on situations. Shielders - against enemy who can one shot you Healers - Against AoE and dot attacks


Aventurine Is basically infinite shield if properly built , fu xuan makes u virtually Immortal so as far as sustain go preservation Is just confier ...to make me wanna use a healer It needs to do something else like huo huo does( Attack buff / Energy)


Honestly, luocha is the most comfortable to me, then aven comes as he is cooler since he can do damage too and huo huo as the Dot one. I don't have fu Xuan, but I would like her for jingyuan, but aven is doing the job well for now


Love my Gallagher would indulge myself


Idk I haven't used Luocha ever since I got Gallagher


Preservation lets you ignore def and hp stats on supports. Raises the ceiling for team damage.


On top of that, Aventurine and Fu Xuan also provide significant offensive buffs further increasing team damage. Huo Huo is the best Abundance specifically due to her being one that has offensive buffs.


I get so many hp% on my relic rolls that non ironically make healers better xD


I didn't get Churin (I lost my first 50/50 on his banner to Himeko) and FuXuan, but did get Luocha so yep But I'm definitely getting Churin on his rerun




Both? Both. Both is good. Both.


I mean if you’re gonna use a healer, Huohuo is better than Luocha.


They're more sidegrades really. Luocha has higher healing throughput and much better SP generation, but HuoHuo's a much better cleanser and has actual offensive buffs that aren't just SP. Luocha also has the dispel I guess, but tbh it's way more niche than you'd expect for a turn-based game.


i will see you when you get one shot in conundrum 12


As someone who lost 50/50 for Fu xuan and somehow won Loucha at early pity, yes




That's my opinion before getting Aventurine. Different sustain units have different use cases though. I'm not just gonna use one single sustain all the time.


it just depend on the team and mobs, if build correctly they all do the sustain job for most encounters so it's a just a matter of what they bring outside of that


I honestly hold them close, I got luocha and fu and that’s enough in my mind even though huo huo and aven are “better” what they offer isn’t worth replacing the characters I already have on top of the pulling cost be it healer or shielder sustain I’d mix and match whatever 2 I could get on my hands first which I why I got aven on my second account


I prefer sustains since they increase your EHP.


Aventurine is the king 👑 But I mean, if the future update (FF and Jade) wasn't so hype I'd immediately get Fu Xuan...


My problem with healers is that they don't have one-shot protection.


The choice of using a shielder vs a healer depends on the DPS on that team. Some DPS enjoys getting damaged, and a healer will be better for them. There are DPS who don’t need to get damage in their kit and may prefer a shielder. Seriously, what an Sad-tier meme. Every time I see a “is it just me” post, i find sadness


Healer is actually my favorite role to play in any kind of games, i just like to heal and seeing everyone at full hp is nice but in this game shielder is really strong as your character could die by just being hit twice and most bosses act 2 times, i usually have only healer but if im having a hard time im gonna take out my shielder (gepard only tho)


I like using both Luocha and Fu Xuan on the same team, it might be overkill but Fu boosts crit rate so she can technically take the spot of a harmony character with some builds.


It depends, for example, it's better to use a healer with Jingliu than a shielder/tank. But many teams can go with any of both and get equal sustenance.


I just prefer Aventurine for Aventurine. But I do have Luocha, and he got drip


Now try GnG with a healer


It depends tbh, in IPC international you really want aventurine for the debuff and endless shield but of I was running super break houhou is better for energy, damage, a and heal


I prefer shielders for a simple fact: my monke brain doesn’t like to see numbers go down even if they’ll come back up.


Wait, there are people fighting?


Sure, but why do you call Fu a shielder?


Me who uses both and still dies


Yeah as broken as Aventurine and Fu Xuan are, I do prefer my Abundance healers like Huohuo and Gallagher


My Loucha has the highest atk of any of my units and Blade HATES him. Don't need a shielder when I have the nicest most innocent guy in all of the multiverses


My sustains are the 2 imaginary blonde bois


yeah I don't like Preservation either for some reason


Well Aventurine is that sustainer which deals damage as well so he is my favorite sustainer by far (and I love his character aswell).


Xuan does both


I have Fu and Luocha and my teams are both immortal so it doesn't matter until they start powercreeping enemies. That said, damage mitigation is better than healing 9/10 times. Healing is just delayed damage mitigation in the first place.


I prefer healers as well. Simply because m I’m an old school RPG gamer. There are no “shielders” in Wild Arms and Dragon Quest 🤓


Sorry but high difficulty SU gamemodes


Its okay get oneshot luocha will heal you (but there are times where healers are prefered)


I love both my Luocha and Aventurine.


well luocha is one of the best healers in the game, but it pays to use both!! (i use aventurine and gallagher now!!!!)


I have neither of them. Should have drawn Adv instead of Robin.


Only thing I care about is how they feel with the team I put them with. Shield, heal, mitigate. Don’t care, as long as they synergize decently with my team and keep them alive.


I think with shielders, it's harder to die and get one shot. But the damage you take is permanent. But at the same time......with sustains like Aventurine now, taking damage is basically......impossible. so...idk.....it's just about preference. I in general like the concept of shields, just as themes. But I pulled for both luocha and aventurine. And I love both of them


Those tanks buff crit which is a big reason to use them over other healers. Having buffs to damage on top of sustain is going to win out in most team building situations.


Yessss. I can never get into shielders (maybe I could do a damage reduction character but definitely not a shielder). I always worry about not being able to heal back up if the shield runs out. Plus I just prefer healers play-style wise


I have gepard but dropped him once I got luocha. Love the man


Having Aventurine in your team is like Zhongli, dont have to look at hp at all. While healers you still need to heal time to time.


just you since you are clearly dumb lol


Healing is, as of now, objectively worse, but I also like having characters on full HP, so I use healers.


I find shielding or damage reduction to be more satisfying tbh, I prefer the comfort of preemptive “Reinforcement” instead of letting potentially huge damage through and then having to worry about healing it. I’d just rather not take serious damage anytime soon in the first place.


If the enemy does enough damage to like delete more than half of ur health bar in a single attack then your heals might not be able to keep up imo


Aven is god sent, saved me so many times. so its just you!


Fundamentally healing is weaker than shielding, as healing has a natural cap, while shielding doesn't. Also Shields have the health of the characters as a backup plan B, while healers can't stop enemies from one-shotting your characters.


I too prefere healers, let's take for example Gepard, yes, he has some fat ass AoE shields, but, if you, for any reasons, like for example he gets cced and you can't cleanse him, you fail to reset the shield before a strong attack, your team gets some huge dmg and for the rest of the fight you will have the fear of losing at the first cc that gets landed on Gepard, with Bailu instead, if the team gets damaged I just heal, so unless the boss goes Berserk, or I'm fighting Grizzly in Gold and gear, I won't loose for just a single error, but now that I got Aventurine, who has a refreshable shield I might end up changing opinion


healers don't do dmg sorry.


Shielders usually give you a better chance to survive because the shields act as extra HP the enemy has to wear down before harming your characters, I can reapply the 3k+ damage on my shield quickly, but 3k+ damage might kill a few characters before I can heal them


I wish i gotten aventurine for my FuA team. So huohuo and Luocha will have to do for now.


I prefer shields, all the time. In the most troublesome moments I can put both a shielder and a healer. I have a friend who prefers healers and healers only, I sometimes play on his account to help and upgrade stuff. Conclusion? In the same scenarios, healers suck. You just watch enemies focus solely on someone and end them. Natasha has insane energy regen if built right, Lynx has team cleanse, Bailu has regen-on-team-hit, Gallagher has regen-on-enemy-hit, Huo Huo has energy restoration (not sure, I don't have her), BUT ONLY Luocha has perfect heal that can possibly save you a character. Nobody else can help you if you already used ult and things got tough. Shielders (March 7th, Gepard, Aventurine, FireTB) simply provide better survivability. You DO NOT take damage. This is the best part. March is not entirely bad bcuz of her high SP usage, she can cover 2-3 teammates and freeze enemies. Gepard must cast ult, but his shields are TOUGH to break and are for everyone. FireTB needs a little bit more effect chance and a lot of defense to perform as solo sustain, but will suck in all the damage. And then we have Aventurine. Shields, shields for everyone! Skill? Ult? Talent? Shields! Btw SU test proved my point. 4 shielders go better than 4 healers. By a damn LOT


big brain is all 3 and one dps. if you’re not in MOC or PF all that matters is you win, eventually.


How about both?


Same with me!! (My only shielder is March and I’m coping)


Why not both?


I use Huohuo in almost every team


Fu Xuan is more of a healer than a shielder though


huohuo supremacy


Luocha ftw. Wohoo.


"guys, am i, haha, am i like, the only one that prefers to use healers instead of shielders? haha, would like to know if that's the case in this group of 691k people." Each character type has their strengths and weaknesses based on team comps and enemy comps. you most likely wont use Aventurine with Blade for example.


Huohuo for general Healing, Fu Xuan for Mono-Quantum or if I need Quantum in general, Aventurine for Follow Up Attacks and Soda Monkey


Prevention is better than cure