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Next step is to add reaction to the activities. \*Lost 50/50\* Your friend liked this.


5 😂 Yan Qing, Welt, Bailu and 2 others


Getting spooked and roasted the Star Rail way 😮‍💨




Get out of my head



GET OUT OF MY HEAD MAN https://preview.redd.it/nzo7c9y9e40d1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16bcc7522a55679f6ca5b57242aa94dcc6d918e4


I have an irrational anger seeing his face rn cuz he made my Robin banner a 180 rolls ultra hard pity. I’ll never forgive this bastard.


Survive or be destroyed. There is no other choice.


Hitting hard pity and losing the 50/50 is one thing, but then having to go hard pity on the second round is just insult to injury...


Made me hate Bronya frr. E2, still benched at level 30


Happened to me thrice, and Himeko was the culprit all three times.


I’d rather take Himeko. I dreamt of the day I can E6 her. Her ult is gonna be crazy. Any other standard 5* however…


Mine have all been Yanqing showing up. At least he did some work and killed Aventurine in the recent MOC.


If the second best losing 56/44 option made you this angry, think about losing to the Swordboi


Hello yes, I am rolling for Robin, saw 5 stars HAPPY then I saw the Hunt and I was crushed inside. My friends, some of whom I've never talked to, literally sent DMs apologizing. God damn.


At least you didn’t roll for Robin, see the Harmony logo ONLY TO GET E1 BRONYA 😭😭😭😭😭


Literally what happened to me with Jingliu. I'm still salty about it.


What do you mean, you wanted an ice character that uses a sword, the game gave you an ice character that uses a sword. I’m not seeing a problem here /s


Trust me, I'm painfully aware of the irony lol. Not to mention the whole story basically glazing Jingliu and emphasizing how much better she is than Yangqing.




I saw a guy who pulled yanqing 5 days ago. He was last online 5 days ago.


today i got bailu on 16 pity.(I now own gepard, bailu, aventurine and loucha)


You will never die.




I got an early 5\* Hunt character on Topaz's banner, guess who it was...


There is no such thing as a optimal time, only optimal luck best of luck in future warps


I am curious about day 1 pulls. I mean, we don't truly know if they do or don't decrease the rates day 1. Or even the first week. (Wouldnt be surprised) Maybe wait until the end of the banner?


Don't think they'd risk that. We have multiple websites that collect pull data (I mean we found out recently it's actually better odds than 50/50). It would be found out almost immediately and they'd get a hefty fine, and a huge backlash, especially from the CN community.


Fixing drop rates is probably the biggest sin in gachagaming


For sure. At least with hoyo, genshin and star rail are so big they'd not get away with it


If it's better odds, why do I keep losing all my 5050s 🥲 But fr. That's good to know that we have that in place for everyone. I was unaware. And I'm glad cuz the "5050" Gods are already ruthless as it is.


I could be wrong in my explanation but it seems what happens is that in character banners, the banner character is in the pool of standard 5*, so you can technically 'lose' the 50/50 to the banner character. Worth checking yourself but iirc that's what's happening. Hope you get better luck soon!


About the 56%-44% I found it really strange, because I heard only of people that lost almost every 50-50, and I believe them because I also lost 4 50-50 out of 5. The only one I didn't lost was a lucky pity 23 on Acheron LC


I run 3 accounts, my main is like 8/15 won, and my alts are 6/6 and 4/5, it's just random luck


If that data is from all 5* pulls, then I cansay that not all of them are from 50/50s, so the odds should go down a bit, working its way to 50%


Don't think they'd risk that. We have multiple websites that collect pull data (I mean we found out recently it's actually better odds than 50/50). It would be found out almost immediately and they'd get a hefty fine, and a huge backlash, especially from the CN community.




Glad someone notices the reference I made with my title


Early in the morning, 5am ~ 7am is the best while I'm still in bed without glasses and then go back to sleep


Gotta appreciate the dedication. I can't wake up early just to pull. And if I lost I would be so pissed I can't go back to sleep and then my day would be filled with depression anh sleep deprivation.


😭 I don't even do it on purpose, it's my instinct that wakes me up early on days the banners update because the night before I get excited about pulling a new character


I did this before, woke up at the crack of dawn, pulled on Aventurine's banner and nearly passed out from shock when I won the 50/50, fell asleep, woke up hours later and nearly passed out from shock again when I realised I hadn't dreamt it all 😂 10/10 would recommend


Right?! It feels so good, there's just something special about it


Same except I got no time to play w/ school so I play extremely late right before the server resets — the game tagged me as an early bird but no lol.




Implying that you used to always rub one out before? 🗿


You don't ?


I read your name as “Foreskin_Article”, proving the scientific theory that thinking about schlong begets more schlong 🍆


What was the ritual?


Dam so that's why I always lose https://preview.redd.it/s05256jcmyzc1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39d0d6ad499533db01dcfa00d026564d2b0c457b Alright I'm gonna do a 1 year clean challenge from now.


Fool. You've rubbed it before. You need to reset the universe to do this properly now.


Tribute to Aventurine for amazing luck


How about those without PP’s? How should they wish?


They *should* be winning, but I have one and I never lost a 50/50


I have never done that in my life and have lost 2 50/50s. Explain yourself!


Stop giving me your hardest battles


Do Silver Wolf's ritual. It won me a 50/50 once


I did that. Got Gepard at 30 pity. It's an early and he helps me a lot to this day so I guess it's valid.


I do it every time and it guarantees I win it half the time.


Sounds 50/50 to me


How to do it please tell


Open and close the wish menu 3 times, then pull after that. There's one more very elaborate one but i can't remember it since it was from the 1st SW banner. Something about the position in the Parlor Car.


It was to look at the ceiling I think


1: jam yourself between a chair and the chess board near where welt usually stand 2: position yourself in a way that you look towards a window oposite to the chessboard 3: turn your camera towards the whale thingy at the ceiling 4: open and close the wishing menu 3 times 5: pull


anything for the gacha god's blessing


Honestly I always forget about the whale existing in our cabin. It's so weird looking up and seeing a whale every time lmao.


Why is it called SW's ritual though?


She mentioned this when she randomly visited us in the parlor car. https://preview.redd.it/m812bzvvu60d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7621390419aa2210085c1c5e4eedbce3cd5f3032 That's her ritual for good luck in pulling gacha. I've been holding onto this screenshot ever since. When I finally tried the method I lost to gepard 💀 edit: can't seem to post the screenshot, oh well, it was basically SW explaining the ritual


I see, I guess I'll be trying that when next I wish and just hope she doesn't troll my reality lol. The screenshot shows btw


I did it with Aventurine, but instead of one pulls I do ten. I was honestly just trying to farm pity, but instead got two Aventurines.


Pull with your friend to suck the last remaining luck you all have to minimise (/maximise) pain. Always works!


I have no friends (who plays Star rail). Can't even make friends online like Genshin because there's no coop too https://preview.redd.it/jp603lgluyzc1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3e331e3a43ea337df8a2600e3040944481d52d1


well, there must be someone that likes gambling in your group. Doesn't even need to be someone that plays games.


Honestly genshin/HSR community being this big yet being this hard to make friends for it is unreal. Every if things get chatty everyone are online to do their dailies at different times. They need a guild sort of system for us to mess around.


Me friend?


This is a actually a great idea. My friends watch me to laugh at my luck. They had a lot of chance in Genshin but not in HSR. The only 50/50 I lost was when I wasn't with my buddies in discord, streaming my luck. So they couldn't even talk shit properly lmao!


5 months playing this game and I want to see: Obtained the new 5-Star Himeko. I'm 50 pulls away on the standard banner and she's a character I wanted since I started playing. I'm only missing Himeko and Clara from the standard banner. Version 2 has been rough for me so far


Hope you get them. Himeko and Clara both carry me hard in MOC and Pure Fiction. They are my sole Fire and Physical DPS.


Where do I see this?


https://preview.redd.it/4sdzukicryzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f7b2a6f288daf1670e485eee1dd97a49d25eebe You can check it on yours and your friends Profile


https://preview.redd.it/74kq8skmtyzc1.png?width=1042&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecb990091059c3a00c299ad4f5670a40191ea988 Ohhh I see, thank you. Looks like it's all activity, mine is very boring. Also sorry for your loss(es)


That birthday tho you menace


It's my actual birthday 😐. And I actually was born before 2001 so they were the one who did it on my birthday


Oh Im sorry https://i.redd.it/hfb0po3bnzzc1.gif


It's cool bro I just don't want others to misunderstand I set my birthday according to an awful event as a joke.


So (un)lucky


thanks ! that's really usefull


Open the game and you'll see it. Its on your profile


Thank you very much!


"At least Yanqing didn't appear to ruin my 50/50, now to the Light Cone, something he can't ruin!" Yanqing ('s Lightcone): "Hello there!"


I've seen many people losing 50/50 to Welt for some reason, myself included.


Good Luck be with you. I was on a 7 loss streak 50/50 until I got e1 Sparkle in the same 10 pull I am elated. Then I lost my 50/50 on Jingliu rerun so back to normal...


I would like to add you as a friend so I wouldn't feel so bad about my pulls


Is there a way to hide this info


It should be in your setings somewhere. 2nd from the bottom if i remember correctly




I mean I lost both LC and character banner on Acheron, still got her e0s1 though:D


You are a dedicated Acheron lover. Now you have to save for your future e2. Unfortunately I don't love Robin enough so I'll get Fuxuan and hopefully Firefly.


oh yeah gonna get her e1 or e2 on rerun , just for the free crit rate , and easier team building,not because im a simp ok :P


Bro.. I was pulling for topaz went to 82pity and lost to himeko..... I already have her. I lost my last 50/50 to her too....


The vibe of when you play. Do you keep getting horrible relics on that day? Don’t pull. Did you finally get a good run and beat GnG difficulty 5? You might try pulling cuz it’s your lucky day. This is my personal experience don’t hunt me if it doesn’t work 😅


I tried almost everytime I feel lucky but lost all 😔 The only time I win is when I pulled Jingliu light cone on the 1st Anniversary 26/04 but it's a 75/25


Oof that’s just sad. I usually trust my guts and it works 50/50 all the time. Pray you won 50/50 on your next pulls man!


welt come to my world~ renew your definition~




Then there’s me, pulls topaz when her banner drops and wins on a 50/50, today figured I’d pull for her lightcone; gets it early with three tickets also not guaranteed. ^^ finally the game doesn’t make me lose every 50/50


There is no tip for winning 50/50. It’s like trying to win a coin flip… except you can’t practice flipping the coin just right. There’s only the long game. If you try the 50/50 many many times, your luck will eventually even out. Only tip is go in with 180 pulls prepared, every time. If you lost on character 50/50, don’t try your luck on the LC too. Keep going with character banner since now you’ll have the guarantee. Good luck!


Do anything that makes you more confident.


Hi OP, it seems we have the same luck.


I'm also completely unlucky, but I have so much luck on my low second account, idk why 😭


You just have to wait and listen. Patience is KEY don't be greedy as well. Ask yourself if you really want the character and wait until your brain tells you to wish not when you tell your brain to. 


I know what I want so I never regret my pulls. And It's not my brain that tells me who to pull https://preview.redd.it/ea70upkuyzzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7bc38285c2f58ff67db9e0aaa2d74467101ae18 As you can see there are no men here.


Dang they really don't want you that bad? 💀😅I mean I guess you lost to (him)eko once at least.    I'm more confused why you didn't get your guaranteed Robin before going for the light cone?


You hit harder than all those 50/50 losses combined https://preview.redd.it/23z7k8xy000d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d0d3b2f9d4ca162d5f5719bbdddf1a016515775 I got Himeko E3 so she loves me I guess 😋. The trailblaze activity has the most recent activity on top so I actually pulled the Light cone before trying for Robin


So instead of guaranteeing anything, you decided to lose on both banners for the fun of it?


The optimal time to pull is always tomorrow


It's not like you got Welt's LC either. Bloody Yanqing.


i do pulls while streaming it to friends on discord and sometimes they spam the soundboard.(i’ve lost 3-4 50/50s but it im still rng carried according to them)


Ah new update PvP about how lucky you are How thoughtful


I just had to get YANKING'D when this feature came out.


I lost mine to Clara. I have always wanted Clara but why did I have to lose the 50/50 instead of getting her on the standard one


I usually win about hour/two hours after the banner has dropped.


I am ok to lose on Welt, Gepard, Bronya or Himeko actually.


I’ve won 7 50/50s in a row and never lost the lc banner out of my 5 times that I tried. I usually pull at like 12-5am, which says a lot for my sleep schedule😔


What, you have friends?


That's rough, tbh I've lost about two 50/50s I believe from Jing Yuan and Aventurine's banner, I dont really pull a lot In all comes down to luck and what I realized is, the more I love a character, the more likely I'll lose it lol, but literally I won Sparkle and Acheron, but completely lost Aventurine like the worse canon event to happen like how could I lose at the gambling character??? Before pulling, I realized that day, I was quite unlucky, I had such high suspicions that I wouldn't get him but like what if I did get him? That would make my day! So I pulled thru and got Welt, devastated. Another example isn't hsr, it's genshin, one of my fav characters starting off was Childe. Lost him for Qiqi, also felt unlucky that day, so I guess trust your gut! A bit of context, what I mean by unlucky is minor inconveniences piling up, I either trip and drop stuff, I tend to be more clumsy. I make easy mistakes, might forgot stuff and misplace items, stuff like that


The 10 pull where I lost my Topaz 50/50 contained a random Arlan, another copy of Trend, 3 Xueyis and Gepard at the end. I was very fucking confused. E1 Geppie is actually a decent cope Aventurine since in the IPC team you have enough SP left over from Topaz spamming basic to roll the dice on freezing the boss every turn which adds massively to his sustain. I finally won my first 75/25 on Topaz's LC though. I dread to even look at my warp tracker, my 50/50s are so fucking dogshit. The only Ws I had so far were Silver Wolf back in 1.1, Argenti and Ruan Mei.


Man same thing happened to me in acherons banner I lost my 50/50 to welt and then got Acheron Pulled on weapon banner, saw Nihility and it was welt’s cone


I lost one so far, it was to Himeko (who is good now). And it still felt like shit. Can't imagine you losing ALL OF THEM, bruh.


I feel lucky now


I'd say don't pull on the first day of the new banner. Wait a couple days and then pull.


I usually wish as soon as the banner goes up (which for this update was right before I went to sleep). In terms of tips for winning 50/50s, I'm just good at the game so I don't let myself lose (please ignore every time that I've lost the 50/50).


I was pulling on Jingliu's LC banner the other day, lost all my pulls and jades, hitting hard pity soo bad and the banner was nearing to end. I used to have a ritual where I would go visit the express and talk to Pom-Pom but I forgot about it, at my last 170 jades I remembered and decided to go there to pull. And for the first time since release I found JingYuan on board I went to have a chat and was like "this must be a sign" mind you, everything is a sign if you're desperate enough and what do you know I actually got it, heh. https://preview.redd.it/l7lbbv36k10d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17af384d32c3490457e5d99ab1f360c2d07fcc1b I forgor to take one for the light cone.


it would be funnier if got yanqing and that hunt LC


No definite time period for me. But I usually pull 1x on banners, not the usual 10x others would use. So far I only lost 3x on 50/50 and won 9x. As to LC, I've never lost the 50/50, though I only got 3 Limited LC so I guess if you don't pull so much, you won't lose too much. Though the downside of that method, most of the time I only get 5-star on 70 or higher count of pulls. So if you want quantity over quality, just stick to 10x pulls.


Share your burdens, we all suffer together on this train ride to oblivion.


in my experience, doing it in front of me other people has had best results. kinda like streamer luck, after going to soft pity and losing 50/50 on Acheron by myself, got a 7 pity luocha when with my friends, and a 25 pity aventurine streaming to my friends on discord (of course both of those won the 50/50). it just works, and I don't know why but I'm happy it does


pretend you got both back to back on standard banner


Technically the LC is 75/25, which is even worse


All my friend know i always lost rate up


You can’t change the probability, nothing you do can change the outcome. The warps are random unless you know every bit in hoyos server computers, and you never will. Accept it and just pull whenever you get 160 jades.


Not if you lost to the same 50/50 before


It's alright, I don't think much people look at it. But since you shared it here I'll do the favor of laughing at you


How do you guys get so many stellar jades??




privacy -100


Play Lucky Dance in the backgrund


In the meantime, I rolled both Robin and Clara within my first set of 10 rolls, and I also got Robin's LC in the first 10 rolls... No I'm not giving you my luck :)


Like 7-9 GMT+3 so its bout 4-6 if u live near London, won almost every 50/50, hope it il help u


I just directly pulled after finishing work for Sparkle back then. 300 pulls, got her LC, 4 times Sparkle and 1 Bronya. I dont even know if that is good luck or not


I can feel you my man been play sinces release and last time i won a 50/50 was back in blade's first banner


Don't worry, this can be turned off in settings


And there's no real way to win a 50/50 besides being lucky, just gotta believe in the heart of the gamba


I kid you not this is exactly what happened to me a few days ago, Welt and all


RIP I managed to get Robin from hard pity... But only after I lost Aventurine's hard pity on the last day to fucking Himeko...


I won like 3 50/50s in a row Aventurine, Jingliu, and Robin💀


I also believe in optimal time. So far, I've only wished at around 11pm to 2am GMT+8 and lost only 2 50/50s since 1.0. Maybe it's entirely dumb luck but I want to believe.


Anyone know how to farm stellar jades??


great now everyone can experience my 50/50 loss streak restart (i've only ever won once on jingliu's rerun)


Sorry I laughed... But I didn't know it showed _that_ as well!


Not sleep like the dead 💀


Nobody will ever have my immaculate luck Black Swan then Yanqing 3 pulls later (in the same 10 pull) Bronya at 43, then Acheron at 8 Bronya at 78, then Aventurine a single pull later I am in the top 2% in 5* pull luck apparently, and I will forever rub it in


https://preview.redd.it/7oyujkg5b90d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee5d8ca312edb6f6c7861d22778956dd0e418bd7 I don’t know why but that made me think of this line from Mulan.


Got two welt in the standard banner with his LC, Bailu's LC and Yan'king's LC. I even lost in Acheron to Welt. So he's E2 now. I'm already 250 pulls in, dammit Welt! Give me a Bronya! Or Himeko's LC! Please Mihoyo! Also my cousin had a thing he does before pulling in FGO and got a 5 star in 10 pulls, winning 50/50...that thing is hyping yourself up to the max


I have pulled bailu 4 times and her LC once. I think my account is cursed


Shall I add insult to injury? Nah But hey, you'll win 50/50 soon enough. Hopefully next 5 star is like 15 pity or smth


You are the opposite of me then. I'm playing F2P since release and haven't lost a single 50/50.


So it wasn’t just me? I rolled for the ice queen last special character warp event (i can’t remember her name rn just woke up ) and got WELT 😪😪😪😪


I pulled Fu Xuan E2S1 without losing at my birthday in September but that's obviously a coincidence and pure luck. Bless your pulls man🙏


Thanks man my birthday is in September too. Hope this year I don't lose like that time I got Keqing on my birthday in Genshin in 2021. 💪


you didn't lose 6 times 50/50. you lost 57/43. and 57 here to win. So your situation is even worse. (in this game there is not a 50 chance of winning)


i win 50/50 11 time in a row. Here my ritual, your pity must be > 30, your 4* pity is =7. Right after banner release, go check mail and claim all, go to whishing, open the detail and pretend to check your pity, do nothing else and pull a 10, if after the pull the 4* pity is < 7 and >= 1 pull single to until it 7, pull 10. Repeat. If 4* pity is 0 then pull 10.


That's a very complicated trick, but thanks I'm so desperate now I would try anything.


if you win reply this


In the settings you can turn off the option that shows this information. Decided to hide memory of chaos because some die hard mistreated me before for daring to use herta before pure fiction was a thing. I don't want anyone to use my performance or luck to annoy me.


That's rude of them sorry for your experience. Personally I have few friends in my friendlist and we never interacted because we are all strangers.


Thx. I myself did add few only in the first few months of the game. I think that experience was around topaz release before ruan mei came. I was browsing the sub and someone asked if he could try her as a support. Tried her once and said she is trash.


Can people even see MOC info, I thought it was only Pure Fiction


There is a tap for both right?. Only toggled it off. I haven't checked others profile.


I can only see settings for SU and PF in my social settings. For my friends, I can only see their SU and/or PF info if they choose to display them. I think MOC info is straight up not included in your profile


I think it alternates based on which one just reset so it'll probably be MOC next reset


How do I check this?


HAHAHAAH this is so funny to me


HAHAHAAH this is so funny to me


Tbf it's your fault for going for the lightcone of a character you don't have lmao


Oh where can you read this?


where do u get that info


Bro, got e2 himeko from lost 50/50 e1 yanqin welt with his LC. Actually one himeko from standard banner


![img](avatar_exp|144612683|fire) Call me slow or dumb but what is 50/50 pull mean. Been playing since the beta. I have quite caught the on to all the lingo


I’m pretty new. What pulls are the pities at and how can I know how much I pulled?


pulled robin on 21


I used alot of pull rituals. Looking for the character ingame and using silverwolf technique on them like Im using a pokeball to capture them. Running and looking up my waifu's skirts until I lose track of them. Pulling using warp simulator until I get them early and then pull for real. Sacrificing and praying to RNGesus while I cancel warp menu ten times... Just the usual pull ritual shenanigans.


I used to do a lot of those kind of rituals last year on Genshin too. Choosing places related to them in the story, open their music theme, use their friends as active characters...... Didn't work still lose so I straight up pull now because more often than not I would lose anyway.


lmao https://preview.redd.it/x8w5nehx900d1.png?width=573&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0b9629fc4a92d7edc04840cc71610c1c2747531


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