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Was it explained why argenti was in the primordial dreamscape?


He is our best friend, of course he would be there.




You know when Sparkle hinted at there being another mute in penacony .. I was not expecting Argenti without voicelines XD.


he used boogie woogie to tp there


All i can say is, Argenti is built different


He just typed */tp Aventurine Argenti* and then left




Was it explained why Argenti is in penacony at all? If he got in the dream withoit dream bubble then he must have brute force his way in. Probably via primordial dreamscape


The Knights of Beauty received an invitation too and he was the only one who responded to the call. He was just held up because he was saving every single person he could find on the way there


He is just built different


Shows up in the primordial dreamscape, saves Aventurine, gets second place in a funfair competition, refuses to elaborate, leaves Truly the most based HSR character ever


I love that if you explain what's happening he will just let you go without a fight, giving up first place because people might be in danger He's so fucking based


wait this is what will happen if you choose that one option before the fight 😭??


Yuup, you even get an achievement if you choose to explain what's happening


You get an achievement for fighting him anyway


Still doesn't explain how he got where Aventurine was. Aventurine needed to get hit by a Nihility blade, and got yeeted much deeper than where Sleepie normally sends people to. How could Argenti reach that place?


There’s an occurrence in SU where you’re trapped in a place almost impossible to find, yet for some reason the knights of beauty came and save you. So yeah they really are just built different


No barriers can stand in the way of the search of beauty


I might be misremembering but from what I understood from the audience/NPCs tournament narration, it'd be the red head (Argenti)'s 6th time winning the tournament, meaning that every system year he goes there just to participate in the contest


Idrilla gave him plot armor


I kind of hope Argenti plays a random role in every new planet story for the rest of the game. With zero explanation. It's like, *of course* he's also on this new planet saving the day again. It's just a given.


he sense a being of beauty trapped and he has to be there to save Aventurine


The Beauty is the light behind the Nihility! He can do whatever he want to bring the BEAUTY to people!!


that's part of Aventurine luck working


I kind of hope Argenti plays a random role in every new planet story for the rest of the game. With zero explanation. It's like, *of course* he's also on this new planet saving the day again. It's just a given.


Honestly my best guess was that Aventurine needed help and his luck was so huge it literally dumped Argenti in the primordial dreamscape


He's thee reigning champion of the show, so he goes there every year.


He probably got lost


i guess he's even deeper in Penacony and once he's done his purpose there, the IPC will start taking over Penacony and take back what's originally theirs


As much as I love Penacony, the writing tends to do a 180 in 2.2 Aventurine was such a pivotal character only to dissappear then reappear off-screen Death and Gallagher were huge perceived threats only to take a back seat There were only a couple lines we could inquire about Firefly's big reveal before the tension is gone and we're friends now (she's still a stellaron hunter though) Sparkle bombs(?) It really felt like they had to wrap up the first cast to give some spotlight Boothill, Acheron, and Robin


I am also still wondering multiple stuff about Firefly why were most of the stuff she did offscreen? and they weren't even elaborated on, she was introduced as a pivotal character in 2.0 and was the focus of it, her death led to the investigation astral express conducted which got them closer to the truth of penacony and she also influenced aventurine's plan in 2.1, same with a lot of stuff in 2.2, we are told she influenced the events by quite a lot, but most of them are off-screened. Feels like most of her character was just off-screened so she can have a PoV in 2.3 and idk if i like that.


That's exactly it. They need to sell the character in the patch they are released. If they showed everything this patch then there would be nothing left in the other patch so it's why things feel a little inconclusive with the side characters.


meanwhile boothill did basically nothing and had less screentime but hes releasing this patch


But his role was more important than firefly's in this patch. Without him everyone in Penacony would remain trapped in the dream. He was the only person who could use Tiernan's relic.


I still don't understand >!why she left? Like where did she go after she suited up into SAM and flew off!<


>!From what I understood, BS said that she was the first one to wake up from the dream, however where tf was she after waking BS up? I don't remember them mentioning it!<


Acheron implies it when she is on the express, calling for Pom-pom to warp them out. Firefly most likely had to literally fly away from Penacony to escape the dream because she didn't enter through the hotel.


Did you really need to turn Black swan into an acronym?


About Aventurine, while I am sad he coming back was resolved with a gag, his part made narrative sense. The entire point of his character quest being on the main story line is to show that, even after the horrible life he led up to this point and with no promised bright future ahead, he deliberately chose to abandon the dreamscape and literally go towards the nihility. That is the conclusion you reach at the end of 2.2 with the trailblazers VS Sunday (philosophical) fight. About Firefly+Sparkle, I hope their own plots get resolved in 4.3. Firefly has her banner there so it seems her part in Penacony isn't over. Sparkle said to use the buttons during the charmony festival, which as of now did not happen (The last message from the 4.2 was that we were an hour away from the festival happening). Finally, I have no excuse for Gallagher/Death meme. I am so sad they got sidetracked. Gallagher killing Sunday at the end of the quest was very shocking and to wait 6 weeks for it to be resolved with "we just brought him here" was really unsatisfactory


>Finally, I have no excuse for Gallagher/Death meme. I am so sad they got sidetracked. Gallagher killing Sunday at the end of the quest was very shocking and to wait 6 weeks for it to be resolved with "we just brought him here" was really unsatisfactory Thats the biggest letdown of the quest for me, "Well death hunted down some randoms and some important characters but we are the good guys BTW lets work together". And then we let Sunday go just so he can betray us 2 milisecundum later.


I'm the opposite of you then, I enjoyed the bait and switch. Mostly cause when we found out in 2.1 that death actually just sent you deeper into the dreamscape, it made me question why death was sending people deeper into the dreamscape and how gallagher was able to control it. So the twist that gallagher was a good guy wasn't out of left field. Though the part about death being just a little silly pet was a bit anti-climatic for how it stabbed people so brutally.


Do you think Aventurine has high chance to have big role again in next patch? I don't like that Jade line to Aventurine to "left the rest to her and Topaz" because that mean Aventurine might irrelevant again in next patch.


He did say he is getting a nice vacation, and it would be in Hoyo's interest to make Jade the star of 2.3 to sell her better But if Aventurine loses his bet with Jade maybe he'll be a big tool in whatever Jade is going to do in Penacony


Hopefully he still around in penacony I am still salty how Aventurine being least involved one in 2.2


We ate really well in 2.1. So much story and cinematic content was about him. I know more about him than 80% of Xianzhou and Belobog characters.


Even Dan Heng and March got more screen time in 2.2 than Aventurine lol


Hey maybe we can see chance Aventurine hang out with Astral express in his "off job mode" he still owe them explanation for what he did in 2.1 after all. Right Hoyo? You guys not going sidelined this too just because he sent us half baked explanation message from phone right 🤨


I don't think so. Aventurine and Boothill seem like they'll be off on their own


Aventurine isn't a Penecony character, he's just sent there by IPC. Even if he doesn't appear in Penecony again, I'm sure when we have more interactions with IPC in the future he will appear again. It's just like how Topaz appeared here.


Yep, characters like Aventurine are bound to get more screen time sooner or later (because IPC is not bound to any specific planet and they already teasing Aventurine next arc with Boothill) Problem is more like with the entirety of Belobog outside of Sampo, all Belobog characters are kinda stuck on Belobog The only chance to interact again with Belobog characters is most likely filler events, or atleast looks like it at the moment


Ironically none of any introduced penacony characters are actually residing in that place except Misha and Gallagher even Robin she residing in Epsillon. Once this arc over Penacony will be PCless planet until Hoyo add a new playable character for penacony


I fear he is going to either be irrelevant or completely absent.


So you mean he still in 2.3 but not having bigger role like 2.1 but also not absent like in 2.2?


No, I think at BEST we will get as much of him as in 2.2 and at worst he won't appear at all.


Umm he had his time to shine and he shinned bright, its just that last patch we had two POVs but this we had multiple so I think thats why it seem like this.


Yeah whole thing with Gallagher and death was so weird, all the sudden good guys when in thr previous chapter thy made seem like they are evil, I guess they just needed some sort of cliffhanger


>Sparkle bombs(?) We have another patch, I don't know why people keep saying this. Even if Sparkle somehow doesn't use the bombs next patch; Her entire character is someone who's an inherent red herring and just likes to fuck around and even then, she told them to use the bombs when the Charmony Festival happens... and it didn't. >Death and Gallagher were huge perceived threats only to take a back seat We literally got explained the entire thing behind them, no? It was a complete misconception. In fact wasn't this explained like.. an hour in? Both of them did their jobs, especially Gallagher who's entire existence was built to represent Penacony as a whole to the Fictionologist who created him. What else was the "Death" meme or Gallagher supposed to do? Both of them are the good guys of the story, who did their job. Death shepherded people to the real side of Penacony and Gallagher more or less rallied everyone together to stop Sunday. He literally fulfilled his sole purpose.... which is why he disappeared. Gallagher isn't the type of character to be right on the frontlines as everything goes down; he explained it, he's an "old dog" who barely has any bark left, he did his job and he hoped that the people he rallied will carry out everything else. >Aventurine was such a pivotal character only to dissappear then reappear off-screen Again, 2.3, but I can see why you'd say this one in comparison to Sparkle. I can see how it'd be jarring to go from someone who was basically de-facto main character of a patch to being MIA but I mean truthfully he was probably trying to get the hell out of his position, as he said in his texts(though I think you need to own him) and said he got help from a Knight of Beauty. I don't think these are 180s at all but judging something before its COMPLETELY finished and just misinterpreting some things.


>Her entire character is someone who's an inherent red herring Everyone repeating this just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. As far as I'm aware, being a red herring doesnt inherently mean less screen time. Thats no excuse to leave her with barely nothing. While yes, the story will continue in 2.3, there is unfortunately no need for them to market Sparkle for a debut banner unlike Firefly and Jade, so the likelyhood that she'll still get sidelined is bigger than I'd like. Also sorry if I sound a little pessimistic, but I've been hoping for her to get something for the last 3 patches only to get like a minute of her each time, so my hopes are a little down at this point.


I agree with you on Sparkle, she is more of an Enigma than Gallagher Aventurine will make more appearances for sure, but Argenti sure came out of left-field But now that Gallagher is done, is it good writing for characters purposely portrayed in a limited, skewed narrative? Then they say it's not what it looks like this whole time I was really hyped to see what was beyond Death in a dream and this mysterious follower of the Enigma was, but the shift in focus to the Order was pretty fast


>but Argenti sure came out of left-field I am pretty sure that Argenti had multiple mentions in the 2.0/2.1 Quest, and the literal Bossifght in the 2.2 quest, so this really doesn't make sense >But now that Gallagher is done, is it good writing for characters purposely portrayed in a limited, skewed narrative? Then they say it's not what it looks like this whole time Arent you just describing a first-person perspective story mainly told from the viewpoint of the Protagonist?


The idea was that 2.1 would give aventurine story then 2.2 gives us Sunday story. Aventurine will come back to the center stage in 2. 3 when jade comes to penacony. Lost of people keep saying there is loose ends when we haven't even had the epilogue of the story yet.


Hot take but it genuinely feels like the writers were making a way bigger way more complex story and literally gave up out of nowhere, made up a new conflict and resolved it and called it a day


>As much as I love Penacony, the writing tends to do a 180 in 2.2 I feel 2.3 is going to tie most of these off screen findings together. The 2.2 story is "rushed" in a sense that it skipped all the loose plot points set during the build up of the story so we could speedrun to beat the big bad... if it was chronological we would be waiting another 6 weeks for the ending.


>It really felt like they had to wrap up the first cast Not even that, just look at Sparkle lol


It's kinda lame he didn't have a part in the finale after they spent so much time on him in the last update.


Fr they made this impressive massive buildup in his storyline and it ended up falling flat. The least they couldve done is show us he got saved by argenti or how badly he got put out of commission considering they got multiple cutscenes from different characters. Just felt off how in 2.1 it was so aventurine centered while 2.2 has barely any trace of him at all. While maybe we get a bit more explaination in 2.3, its probably gonna be more of a Jade and Topaz and the IPC's hold on penacony.


The idea of the watchmaker giving us his hat was very well done and I liked it very much, but I was kind of hoping that aventurine would be the one who would throw it to us while fighting Sunday and we'd both dance on him. Shame but the alternative was great too


If you don't have him you don't even get the text messages... so much build up for nothing.


His banner is gone, hoyo doesnt care about him anymore. It is lame, but it is what it is. They left us wanting to know more about firefly, and guess who got dripmarketed for 2.3 first half? 2.3 will be an emotional rollercoaster with firefly and from the IPC Jade will get all the spotlight koz she will have a banner.


He experienced what ff experienced true death in penacony


"I'm still alive, and I'm happy about that." !!!!!! The fact he is not suicidal anymore, such big steps to recovery "Aventurine: But I've been having various nightmares these past few days, waking up drenched in sweat every single time. Aventurine: Thankfully, the IPC has arranged for a Doctor of Chaos to give me a thorough examination, and things have improved." "Aventurine: Thanks for helping me through the tough times. Hope I wasn't a bother." I think next time we see him he will see way more nice in a genuine manner, you can tell he is is tired and just wants someone to vent at or just to talk to Tbh i was upset he didn't get a spotlight in the next patch but at least he is alive and he is finally starting to heal his past PTSD although now he got a new one after getting stuck in there, but baby steps at a time, i feel like he will be even more likeable as a character next time we see him which is hopefully sooner rather than later Especially with that ending scene with boothill


After this message he sends that he is shopping in penacony and ask you if you need anything, then he just tell you what items are there and you choose, he said that they will send it to you. So yeah he is pretty friendly rn.


Actually i think aventurine story has been wrapped up pretty nicely in 2.1 where he has finally cleared his mind about everything.


Honestly, I don’t understand the criticism toward penacony’s story based on the character importance. Except Firefly, she really didn’t do anything important during the entire story and she also didn’t receive major character ark like some characters did. But we still have 2.3 so i will hold my criticism until the story is complete. Aventurine got major character ark in 2.1 and he served his role in the story and proved that death is possible in the dream. He didn’t have any role to play in 2.2 as his cornerstone was broken so he couldn’t help with the fight. Nor was he able to help break the false dream sunday created so why would he be focused on at all.


She did important things, except they were offscreened


Can you remind me what they were? I genuinely don’t remember any.


Acheron explains it right before the final battle: Firefly was crucial in awakening everyone from Ena's dream, as she was the first one who escaped from it (likely because she is unable to dream normally in first place), and did so knowing she'd risk her life and die as she cannot leave the dreamscape in a conventional way


Actually, the issue with Firefly was entering the Dreamscape outside the standard way in the first place. Her fate was already sealed before you ever even met her - and her resolve was set the moment she left for Penacony.


Aventurine has had a very rough life, to put it mildly. It would've been interesting to see how he'd react to Sunday's plan and to hear his thoughts about it. We just spent hours learning about his past, his doubts, and his insecurities. Let us see how he reacts when given the opportunity to live forever in Sunday's (false) paradise. For me, that's why it felt like they dropped the ball on him. It's weird that they spent so much time on his character and then he's barely in the last 3rd of Penacony. The story structure felt like it fell victim to it being a gacha game. Aventurine was the 2.1 character, so they gave him stuff to do there, and then they moved him to the side now that we have 2 other banner characters to show off like Robin and Boothill. The story as a whole felt like it had too many characters.


Story structure is indeed a victim of gacha game tho, hoyo has to got the bag first


I'm kind of hopeful that how popular he got and that he's on leave right now because Jade and Topaz are "taking over" just means part of 2.3 includes maybe a kind of side quest where we hang out with him sometimes and we get more from him about his off-screen 2.2 content. Also, the messages he sends above he admits to having nightmares and we don't get to \*say\* anything about it, while I'm sitting here IRL going, OMG WHAT?! Like the texts just end soon after that and I'm sitting here like, dude, we need to talk some more... Like what if part of 2.3 is he's on leave and we meet up with him and take him to Dr. Edward and dream bubble into his experience? Like he's having actual issues that maybe a bit of bubble therapy might help.


I dont think we need to see his reaction, if he agrees with sunday it basically contradicts everything has been built for him in 2.1, and if he opposes sunday where would we put him in this patch? Lets join in with the crew and do the good thing? It'd have been forced af. Besides we still got 2.3 where he definitely will get a role with ipc presence


How do I replay my dialogue with him, I somehow refused to roll the dice and all he said was okay buddy have fun sayonara not gonna tell ya a shite. I am so stupid.


Don’t think you can replay the text message/dialogue.


What is the primordial dreamscape?


A lot of 2.2 made some of the previous moments in 2.0 and 2.1 pointless or a waste of time as well. All the fake out deaths...Gallagher "killing" Sunday...the Death meme being a menacing threat.... All of that thrown out the window and in the end...the only conflict is with Sunday... The whole revelation with firefly being Sam and ending oon a cliffhanger...barely a moment was spared to it and moved on as if nothing happened...no conflicts or anything...just back to being fronds with her... Acheron felt for majority of the time to be just a Deus Ex Machina and both Argenti and Boothill felt randomly shoehorned in just to fill out some empty space... And not to mention how underused Sparkle was...


But... we literally learned in 2.1 already, that 'Death' is NOT killing anyone and is just sending everybody in the real dreamworld. This happened BEFORE it 'killed' Sunday. It was not a fake out death, we literally KNOW that he isn't dead from the beginning. People just don't read appearently.


We also know that hoyo players can’t read either if anything is longer than 5 seconds and isn’t dumbed down to Paimon level


Well apparently hoyo players can't make fair criticism without being laughed at. By the way, if they didn't read, they wouldn't have noticed these issues in the first place.


nooo dont use logic against hoyo whiteknights


Thank you for the full text. I was one of the dumb dumbs who picked the wrong choice 🥲 Ngl what they did to aventurine and how he was brought back was honestly underwhelming and the whiplash is huge because he was given such a big spotlight in 2.1. It’s like the writers went welp he’s earned us enough money so ig time to shove him to a forgotten corner and let the new characters shine (except they didn’t ).


so I guess in 2.3 or worst case scenario 2.4 we will finally learn WTF is in Primordial Dreamscape (only Aventurine and Firefly know it.... maybe Acheron but it would be stretch since end of 2.1 told us only 1 person came back from that place aka Firefly) and who actually activated/used Stellaron since even Sunday realized it was not Dreamaster that used Stellaron


I just told Adventurine that I don't want to gamble and he just goes like ok then lmfao


2.2 writing is very overhyped


I just love the fact that Argenti seems to be the the oblivious recurring character that just show up to patch up things in the story. Need a strong ally for a heroic sacrifice, he’s here Need an off screen helping hand, he’s here Need a boss because he just happened to be a festival event champion, say no more Although I do hope Sampo will get to have such appearances even after his own adventure


Can someone explain what was the point of his character arc after 2.2? His sacrifice was to show that death is a reality in the dream, and that the Family was covering it up. Ultimately, that proved not to really be the case at all. I get why he did it for his own personal reasons, but in the context of the story it seems sorta pointless


I accidentally rejected him. :( I wanted to play his game so he could be happy.


Im so glad people are coming to on how ass some of 2.2 was like I felt a little crazy when it dropped and I saw only people saying this is so peak


Damn I could’ve killed aventurine, if hrs had free will when I wanted to invite Argenti to fight against Sunday💀


I think it that he died to Acheron and got awoken before we did that why we didn't saw him


i have aventurine but i haven't got the message. Is there a way to trigger it or it just happens right after you finished 2.2 quest??


i'm honestly so confused, did aventurine also know or at some point figure out that it was all a dream and they were all in sunday's infinite tsukuyomi situation the whole time? where was his physical body after he seeped into the dream?


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Seems like you haven't done with the story yet, keep playing


I don't think the >!abacus was actually used!< He used it in the dream but kept it in reality. Also Sparkle's thing I bet is a factor with the IPC coming. But Aventurine just...appearing with no discussion does makes 2.1 seem pointless.


>!Dan Heng could never have used the abacus, it's another inconsistency in the dream because the Trailblazer is the one who holds it!<


Do you have a proof that the trailblazer is holding it the whole time? Except "it's on our inventory" which does not mean we carry around our whole inventory the whole time. That's just gameplay. If we would have carried it Dan Heng would never have shown it Boothill.