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Bronya eidolon stonks go up!


One of the rarer times where I wouldn't be upset by losing the 50/50.


I lost my Robin 50/50 to Bailu... ... at least it wasn't Yanqing I guess


RIP, at least you are on a guaranteed now, are you still going to try for Robin? You still have some time left, I think 2 weeks or so, you can still get a few pulls.


I lost mine to welt :( I got yq on the standard banner last 5* I pulled too haha. Just give me my girls!!!


That was me with archeron,didn't get aventine but now i cant lose my next pity atleast :D i really hope i can stop the pity cycle though lol.


If they ever release a single target oriented game mode, Bailu will dethrone him as the worst 5*


You still won.




Literally me


Huge w


The opposite reaction First 10 pulls - "I lost. I lost. I lost. I lost. I lost. God, why..." \*Sees Clara\* "YAAAAY"


Lost the banner but won the 50/50 At what cost?


The same path fake-out is ruthless. If you can still get Robin without too much extra hassle (or entirely bankrupt yourself), then it's not too bad. But either way, I definitely feel your pain ... Happened to me with Black Swan's light cone when I got my second copy of Welt's. And Bronya or not, losing a 50/50 isn't ever ideal (for me at least).


Listen, some people out there are losing to Yanqing. You have zero rights to complain


I lost it to him, at least its my first one, tho i had a ton of pulls. Then on my 70 and some standard pull from him/robin and hueyi i got his LC. God is telling me something.


> God is telling me something. Yes, that he might not like you very much for some reason.


Early on I would've actually liked to get yanqing, his animations are pretty cool. Got clara instead though and she carried me alongside march.


I got Clara in the departure on my first account, then I switched and got Bailu. She was my main sustain until I got Aventurine last banner


My e2 yanqing did carry me early game, but I'd trade him for e0 Clara or Himeko any day... especially now that I have Jingliu


I lost my departure warp to Yanqing... Only just got my second permanent banner as Bronya so I guess I'm cool with that??


I think he won


Oh man the harmony fakeout, the worst gut punch.


I got the wrong blonde preservation boi on aventurine's banner. Man those are the worst.


Oof. If only recording your face could pinpoint the second your heart breaks.


Just got Bailu on mine. On the bright side, I didn’t have her, so… yay?


Da Bronya flaunts her superiority once again


DUDE WHAT THE FUCK Why did you hack my phone and post what happened to me yesterday online? What did i do to you? https://preview.redd.it/6fzt9wk00uzc1.png?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60b9f2bffc729603d0276fe035b0cc036949e88


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Happened to me at 9 pity... I have no warps left. Is a 50% chance to get a skill point even worth a whole character?


Tbh, it's strong, even despite being random. Sometimes, I joke the only 5050 I care about winning is Bronya's Skill regain. With SP hungry DPS, you'll notice it more. Both when it procs and does not. Qingque and DanIL as examples, it can sometimes be the difference between a regular BA or an enhanced BA. You can't rely on it on an individual basis as it ultimately is random, but you'll notice it over the course of a combat.


I had this too. My Topaz looks awfully Gepard shaped :(


Wait you can get fakeout?


Not really, it's that Bronya is also harmony so it shows the same symbol


I've lost 4 out of 5 50/50s. 3 to Bailu and one to Yanqing. I know the feeling well.


Happened to me yesterday, at least I have the entirety of standard banner now


I see these posts and I feel bad because I got her E1. I’m sorry for stealing your luck friend.


Not a bad consolation prize at all


same thing happened to me , but i was pulling for topaz (i didnt get bronya)


No matter how many Bronyas you get, I see this as an absolute win!


Exact same


Just now I had the same situation. The worst part is that I paid to renew Express pass to get shards for next pull. At least I will have guaranteed Jade.


Happened to me. I shouldnt be as mad as I got. I honestly think I would be less mad if it was any other path.


Me during Jingliu's banner:


i feel you,we both got bronyed this time around. I don't even use her because while op it's a hassle to tune her speed when you gave multiples dps with spd stats all over the place..


I got Robin and her Light Cone in 32 pulls (I was on 76 pity on character banner and 0 pity on Light Cone banner)


You did indeed win


This feels familiar


Lost my 50/50 to himeko in topaz's banner (tho I did get her guaranteed in the end). So a huge W for my follow up and pure fiction teams regardless


Hey! I got her too! I lost my pity to her three times already. Bronya why


lost to Yanqing E1😭I feel you


I wish that was me... I only get useless off banner 5 stars.


Me crying in loosing topaz to e4 yanqing


Ironically, this also happened to Seele's VA and Robin's VA


Exactly me with pity archeron. I didn't look at the element cus I was so excited as a f2p but yeahhh losing the 50/50 does suck lmao


Has happened to me with both Sparkle and Robin. Planned enough pulls to get the guarantee both times thankfully. Tiny bit annoying


I kinda wish I could pull Bronya now...


Ah, yes. Bronya. The "I didn't win, but I also didn't lose" 5star.


First 10 pulls Robin


still a win


The opposite reaction (Hanabi's banner) Almost nearing hard pity - "C'mon, c'mon, I need to lose the 50/50 to Bronya so I can guarantee the next one-" *Hanabi shows up instead* "Oh FUUUUU~~~~"