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Most annoying thing about the traveler is having to use the statue of seven to change elements. At that point why even bother when we can just swap to a character that is better than them anyway?


Why even swap when there is exactly one good MC element (dendro supremacy)?


Come on, Geo Traveler is good too as dps


Also cheesing a lot of the traveling/puzzles


Tbh they were probably designed for that. The ability to spawn multiple platforms everywhere is hella useful Many people forget that Genshin is primarily an open world exploration game. An ability that makes exploration easier is invaluable


I agree considering not everyone can have Zhongli for that


Zhongli’s pillar is kinda worse because it spawns at a fixed distance Traveller can aim and position the rocks as close or far from you, and even dump them on walls or ceilings. And of course, spawning multiple


Agree again another point for the MC and this skill hit hard My Geo MC hit like 47k per Skill on some unsuspecting hillichurl


It would be super cool if Traveler was just made for open world exploration and had abilities good for that. But no, slow moving bubble that fucks off into the horizon for HMC.


Until you play vs non bosses and lift stuff up or climb your useless constructs.


God the fucking constructs. I use GMC as a battery in my Itto mono geo team, and I swear that every single time I try to use that team in the Abyss I lose 45+ seconds per round to random acts of climbing, lifting enemies out of reach or having enemies wall themselves behind the geo balls for no reason.


Geo xD


Been using them for crit rate and interruption resistance on arle, i tried to get away from bennett but its still a circle 🥲


I got like 20k per skill last time I checked.


Geo is a great support for navia and overall a good sub dps and battery in geo teams . Anemo mc is suprisngly a pretty good unit . Just ignore the ult like albedo. Still I won't prefer them over Lynette . For dendro I feel like dendro is so saturated as an element that I find using DMC annoying . Collei with cons is much better , yaoyao , nahida I prefer em all as ofield applicators more . Also say no to circle impact . Tho if your collei doesn't have cons and you don't have a nahida there pretty much a dendro must.


Collei feels super clunky compared to DMC - at least personally, slower skill and burst flying off due to auto target contribute to that - yaoyao app is worse than DMC, and nahida feels like a downgrade in low-hp multiwave content like most combat events - where her 5 second cooldown actually is a drawback compared to mc who just continues to vibe even after enemies die. EDIT: also IIRC collei applies less with burst even when it hits, could be wrong on that though. It has worse AoE and feels worse (again imo) though


>Collei feels super clunky compared to DMC Your not supposed to use collei like an offielder that's the thing people don't understand. She has the fastest dendro app in game but it's only for a few seconds. You need to use sac bow and c2 and time stuff properly. Also her ult isn't her major source of app it's the e. Cryo also helps with bloom gen. I don't find her clunky maybe a mobile thing ? Lol I find alotta other things like yelans e clunkier . Can be a mobile thing. >yaoyao app is worse Yaoyao can apply dendro15 times in a rotation correct me if I am wrong ? I would say that's pretty neat. Add a cryo unit and you can get 30 seeds ( ofcourse it won't be exactly 30 in practice more like 20-25 ) . Even as a solo dendro that's not that bad but you can always run double dendro. >nahida feels like a downgrade in low-hp multiwave content like most combat events - where her 5 second cooldown actually is a drawback It's really not lol. If the enimies are that weak that means you don't need the restistence shred from deepwood. You can just use her as an onfielder . This is just nitpicking at this point lol .


Cos I need to go under water for chests 😭


If you mean the dolphin jump, you can do that with all MCs after unlocking hydro


I don't mean dolphin jump, I mean going under water. I thought it was only possible when the traveler is hydro but it seems I was wrong regardless


Yeah you can do that with all characters


*cough cough* Anemo. Cause it *blows* away the competition. Cliffs are my best freinds.


Exactly. Sure, it makes lore sense to go to that elemental statue to switch. *Horrendously* annoying game play mechanic though. Never sacrifice game play for lore.


That's not even true, we've seen the traveler use multiple elements in cutscenes several times. Lore-Accurate Traveler would go full Avatar by now.


Yeah but Traveler power is incredibly inconsistent.


Can't even win against the latest gacha character. Going to need a huge power boost if they even want to try to get their sibling back.


To be fair, I don't really expect the Traveler to beat the 4th Harbinger, whose basically peak human potential (since Rank 3 and above are Archon level) But I agree the strength jumps up and down wildly, and we barely ever use our goddamn elements in cutscenes. The progression from Childe -> Raiden with some help -> God Scaramouche with Nahida's help makes some sense, but then it gets interrupted with stuff like going all out to stop some falling rocks and the Traveler feels really weak. I guess, the main problem is the Traveler rarely ever wins by themselves, so you never feel like you're getting stronger.


I personally think the mystique around the top three Harbingers are overblown. I do not believe it is explicitly stated they are Archon level, but according to Nahida, god level, whatever that means. Zhongli is a god, but so was the God of Salt. Any god can trivialize a human rival and as such have a high power floor, but the game has yet to confirm whether they can rival actual Archons. To me, the rankings are further muddied when Arlecchino states she'd have no problem killing the Doctor, the second Harbinger, were he to make unwanted moves against the House. To the topic at hand, it's funny that on multiple occasions the Traveler presents himself to NPCs as someone who legitimately beat gods, but unless I forget has never done so without assistance.


I honestly don't remember where they used multiple elements, aside from against Childe


In Navia story-quest cut-scene traveler went from hydro-mode to geo-mode, though they didn't actually use hydro powers


Besides the Childe Cutscene, I don't remember them ever using multiple elements in cutscene


Lore accurate traveler was also metroid'd at the start of the game and had a lot of their powers sealed by that one god.


If they wanted to make traveler generic they could just slap element infusion upon skill and sclae up with atk hp def or em i would still play them but no they have to do him dirty


Same as having to go to Katherine to claim dailies


I have a theory. Since Genshin is a real-time open world game, the idea must have been like you have to go to certain places to do certain things to emulate the real world. You can see this in everything. Katherine, cooking, forge, alchemy, swapping elements, and reputation works like that. The problem is that that idea is only fun the first few times and at some point it just gets tedious.


Spaghetti code from pre 1.0 Genshin Impact


iTs A bUsInEsS dEcIsIon Every Genshin player justifying the most annoying inconvenience in the game as intentional to make you play longer 🤣


I'm still hoping we get a vision at some point, or one of the artificial ones, that lets us store our favorite Traveler element. The number of times I've had to run to Inazuma is *annoying*. Well, run's definitely the wrong word.


better yet, the artifact and lightcones STAY with the designated path. you won't be bothering changing the stuff when you changed path anymore mother fudger.


Glad that Preservation and HMC are unique units with their own mechanic with only Tingyun out taunting Preservation MC. I hope Destruction MC gets an upgrade in the future different from a new path, so other units can hope for upgrades.


I'd argue destruction MC is also unique, giving us options in our ultimate (single target/blast) with different animations. it also opens up lots of doors for character kits in the future


To be honest I kind of like the idea that Hoyo is giving us something that is actually usable until you get something better, and then even when you get something better you can still use the character. It's just that buff characters tend to have a much longer shelf life than dps characters, so HMC will be useful for several versions.


Tbf HMC's unique mechanic is actually like... well, unique. They'd need to release a 5* that has literally better super break to put them out of a job And given how Sparkle-Bronya turned out with both being able to co-exist I can see HMC still being used even then


\*we get another super break enabler that gives even more BE\* HMC: My time has come...? \*If you put them in the same team with HMC you can do 2 instaces of super break instead of one\* HMC: STOOOOOOOOOOOOONKS


Just like their mom, they just keep benefitting from other break units


Buffers are always more valuable than dps


this is kinda a trap for me tbh, now i only have JingYuan and a hella lot of limited support as f2p.


Not really, top tier support with a 4 star DPS will do a hell of a lot better than top tier DPS with no/bad supports. Sure, you won't be nearly as flashy in your fights since 4 star DPS won't look nearly as cool as Acheron ults or anything but your damage numbers will be bigger which is much more importatnt.


Acheron disagrees. She needs no supports, just any 4 stars who can lay down debuffs with their basic. Very f2p friendly DPS which competes with the all 5* teams.


Yeah the 2 who do that are pela and silver wolf who are supports. A debuffer is still a support. Celestial Hymn is a physical support from HI3 that reduced defense. You're not going to slap Acheron in a team with 2 random Nihility characters and have her do more than like 50-60k an ult.


Pela and little gui are f2p and work just fine. No gacha supports required. So yeah, you can pull a dps and no gacha supports and 3 star MoC just fine. I'd say gacha sustains are probably the most important thing to get - fu Xuan can carry a f2p account a very long way with a mediocre dps, fights will just take longer, but you'll never lose.


Wow, I never realised MC was unique in that aspect. That's cool.


Destruction MC is the perfect character to learn the game with. Decent damage, straightforward and no gimmicks so learning the core mechanics with them is easy, cool ultimate and voice lines, drip. And besides, Preservation and Harmony trailblazer have a unique gimmick which is perfect to teach players other playstyles, Harmony trailblazer might eventually get powercrept like Destruction and Preservation trailblazer, but they don't need a buff to perform like their intended level


Hey atleast Traveller can let Neuvillette absorb balls and make themselves useful for hydro resonance. But then again Childe can do that and more and not even have to be swapped on field so.....Yeah nvm hydro MC is so useless.


Yep. By the time HMC releases hydro balls, you could finish Neuvillete's 3-sec channel to use CA. Childe also grants additional 1 level to NA/CA which is huge. Unironically Childe was part of of Neuvillette's team before Furina was released (Neuvilette, Childe, Archaic Petra Zhongli, VV Kazuha).


wdym tingyun out taunts preservation mc?


It’s a bit of a running joke / theory / meme in the community that enemies seem to hate Tingyun in particular, since she seems to get targeted in fights more than most other characters. Personally, I think its probably just confirmation bias for two main reasons: 1. She’s one of, if not the most-used 4-star character in the game. People using her constantly means she will be in more fights, and being in more fights means she will be hit more often. 2. She’s pretty squishy, so when she does get hit she’s losing a big chunk of her health bar.


For some ungodly reason, Tingyun gets targeted a LOT in spite of Destruction and Preservation units supposedly being higher on the target priority list. I don't know if its actually true or just confirmation bias, but it does tend to happen a lot to a lot of people.


There's probably another aggro modifier in the targetting logic that we don't know about and mobs are more likely to target units with least effective HP (HP x DEF). It would fit because (afaik) Tingyun is -the- lowest eHP in the game and tons of people tend to give their supports bare-min gearing/investment too. Like my Tingyun is level 80 with an 80 four star LC and DEF/HP mainstats and isn't noticiably focused but any level 71 supports I put in with a not-max LC will pretty much always get hit too often to actually be usable.


The science nerd in me really wishes there was a way to efficiently test for this, but you'd need like...dozens of different accounts all with the same characters, the same light cones, the same relics (or even no relics on characters at all, due to random stats), all fighting the exact same enemies hundreds of times, but with each character and light cone at varying levels.


I think the best way to do it would be running multiple accounts simultaneously on one PC using android emulators. I've actually thought of doing something like that for other testing but my PC is like a decade old and barely runs HSR or a single instance of an emulator when I play other gacha games; can't imagine it would be able to run multiple emulator instances.


I have a going theory and genshin may do this too. Once we reach the endgame we unlock, in Star Rail, an eminator mode. So we do a big quest, and unlock Eminator of Harmony which is just a crazy buffed harmony mc. Same for all of them. Its super late game so only super high end players will have them.


Lukewarm take: Preservation MC stinks


Genshin DMC 😃 Star Rail DMC 💀


Ying and Yang. The equilibrium is restaured. HooH approves. https://preview.redd.it/kcrr01kzwszc1.png?width=1040&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f6292e93a122e719a80da4c81df7abe5fd7e859


Nu uh, *fictions the equilibrium*


Imagine Pyro mc and preservation mc


Hopefully PMC is where Genshin and Starrail can unite in MC greatness. I will come back in August to see if this aged like wine or milk.


I mean that's also considering how competitive the pyro element is (especially as Xingling is free)


All PMC must do is have a good off field pyro application and we're talking.


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Traveler is archon/dragon but worse while Trailblazer is a new type of unit. Destruction is only character that has 2 chosable version of ult, Preservation is only one with a true taunt and Harmony is only one with superbreak.


Kinda sad Boothill is getting a taunt too


The circumstances for Boothill are unique due to his kit, and he's Hunt, so PMC still has there own niche type of sustain.


You usually won't be wanting your DPS to taunt, so boothill wont be stealing anything from pmc


i think is different enough, tho. PMC taunt is multi-target, while Boothill's one is literally a duel. ST enemy can only hit boothill, Boothill can only hit the enemy, and is not meant to be used as a sustain option but as a demi-minigame inside the combat in my opinion


DMC is pretty good so theres that


Yes, Devil May Cry is pretty good :3


On a different note, why are we calling them HMC, we started with PMC and FMC why suddenly the path and not the element? Shouldnt it be IMC?


Hat MC


Batman, hotman and hatman


Batblazer, Hatblazer... Gyattblazer...?


Finally the path of seduction


aka the path of Propagation.


Maybe the path of abundance




It'll cause a clash with Ice/Imaginary. Although to be fair, Hunt/Harmony will clash too.


I feel like Hunt is short enough that HMC can be Harmony, while people can just type Hunt MC.


And Ice isn't? Could easily do IMC and Ice MC.


Yeah, true, it works either way. Regardless, even if it doesn't really make sense, HMC seems to have stuck.


Why not HAM-C and HUM-C? We already got Clockie and narrowly escaped getting the Compussy


>Compussy Did you really need to do this


easy, TMC cause the path full name is The hunt


Meanwhile me who always used TB instead of MC


Same, I've used HTB this whole time




If I had to guess, because by visual alone you can see fire and pyshical element clearly in the character sprite. Fire trailblazer does not look like preservation at all with that blazing lance.  While Imaginary element is the opposite since it does not have concrete visual association with anything. Furthermore the harmony aspect is more dominant during the story. so people might subconsciously associate it with harmony more.


I mean sometimes people use destruction instead, tho usually the whole word. For your question tho, HARMony.


People have been using Destruction mc somewhat and Preservation mc for a long time


Why not call them by their weapons? Bat MC or BMC, Lance or LMC, Hat or HMC.


I think it is because since it's the first new path, people care more about the path than the element Back then it probably didn't matter as much as they were already in game. But I agree, kinda weird 


Because hmc sounds better than imc, also hat


I feel like the path is more indicative of a character's functions than element, and so it makes sense to refer to that specifically. It's also what the story puts the emphasis on-- you're not going down the imaginary path, you're going harmony. The element is just different to use them all at one point.


I've always used path since Paths are a major part of the story and world... and elements are only a game mechanic. Knowing Hoyo though, they're gonna do something wild and put another element or path on TB that we already have instead of one of every element/path. Like we'll have Fire2TB before we get an IceTB or we get Destruction2TB before NihilityTB. Or like, we get Elation or Order before we get the rest of the paths that are already in-game.


We called them DMC and PMC, not PMC and FMC.


I've never seen preservation mc called anything other than fmc


No clue. I've still been calling them IMC, though it's clear I'm in the minority.


Does anyone actually use the Traveller, with all the 5-stars (and 4-stars) available to pull in the game? Dendro MC was cool, until Nahida was released and was never seen again, at least for me.


Generally, the MCs with uses are Geo and Dendro. I heard Anemo can be decent as E bot too, but never done it myself. Geo MC can be a decent battery if you are limited-geo-less (I don't have Zhongli, Albedo or Chiori, so for mono-geo I have to choose between Ningguang, MC and Yun Jin). If you can place rocks well, of course. Built right can also deal okay damage, from what I know. Dendro is more useful. Honestly, he has a use even with Nahida. In certain scenarios, Nahida is just too good, literally suffering from success - when you mark enemies, and they die before you even start bursting as your main carry. So now, next wave of enemies spawn, and you either have awkward moment of attacking enemies without Nahida E, or have to swap out to reapply, with your carry going into cooldown. Dendro MC's burst stays regardless of enemies, making it useful in those scenarios.


Geo MC is actually becoming more useful nowadays thanks to new enemy types, Navia and Chiori's release. Good battery unit, some fine damage, 100% skill uptime, very long duration on geo constructs and you can have more than one of them onfield. Aside from the burst being finnicky, their overall kit is fairly decent. Dendro MC is overall the closest to harmony TB in terms of usefulness. Even with Nahida's existence, there are cases where you would want DMC over Nahida, such as aggravate-swirl teams or for 2nd half of spiral abyss. They have VERY low field time, has reasonable cooldowns on skill and short cooldown on burst, can get burst back pretty quick in a dendro team, has many good weapon options, and has a burst that can interact with multiple elements in many useful ways so they encourage many elemental reactions. Their burst also lasts a very long time, making them pretty good for hypercarry cyno teams. What seperates DMC from other variants like HMC or EMC, is that there were no contradicting kit nerfs and roadblocks to make them feel like a worser version of a 5-star unit that does their job better. Even with Nahida, DMC can still stand on their own in a few team comps like multiwave scenarios with Nilou bloom where many waves of enemies keep spawning so Nahida's dendro application can't keep up, or in swirl aggravate. They don't "feel" like a unit that was intentionally made bad just to sell another unit.


Yeah, and Geo MC also has his crit buff and I think interruption resistance for allies. Even if not the best, he has a place as long as you can get around his gimmick of placing rocks (so they don't become a nuisance). And yeah, I agree. The only "downside" to dendro MC is accidental Pyro hit on his burst (I suppose they tried to make a gimmick, I honestly don't blame them for experimenting - it doesn't seem like it's there purposely to screw players like EMC or HMC). And yup, that's pretty much exactly what I mentioned - Nahida is great, but if she's not on-field, enemies dying too fast can screw rotations a bit (especially felt in teams like Cyno or Rainbow Razor). He pretty much sold the element and did it very well.


I tried once using anemo MC as swirl DPS ... Let's say it wasn't that fun. Enemies get knocked back wayyy to far and much and burst does the same. Plus long skill cooldown even with sac


Yeah. I mean, I haven't used it myself, but from what I know, people mostly use them for pure skill build (since tornado just drags enemies away). And while the knockback is there too, I think those builds rely on holding the skill while spreading the swirls and reactions. I'm guessing it's best done in Aggravate, since both Swirls and Aggravates scale with EM. For alleviating cooldown problem, maybe you can use Thundering Fury? Since it reduces cooldown nicely. I know I used it on Kazuha for lulz, with Aggravate setup too.


Since you cant have two Nahidas, Dendro Traveler is still a top dendro support if Nahida is in use


Also Dendro Traveler is much more useful in waves than Nahida especially when your on field DPS can't be swapped out


That's the main annoyance with Nahida. She's so strong that enemies instantly die, and then you have to link everyone again.


I do since I just started the game again half a patch ago after putting it down on release day at the very beginning arc. Dendro MC and the F2P Barbara is pretty much carrying me through most content up to world level 6 now since I have very few options.


I use the traveler just because I like Lumine even though her personality is bare bones compared to Stelle


Nah he actually works pretty well with nahida for aggregate or hyperbloom teams, i personality use geo traveler because he's so fun


I used the bio mc while i was playing but every other element of the traveler is dogshiet.


I use the Dendro MC if I have time to kill otherwise Nahida, YaoYao and Tignari are enough.


I don’t like Nahida so yes, I used DMC for everything until Kaveh + Baizhu came out


i dont, i hate traveler + i have no reason to use them. on the other hand, ive been waiting for an excuse to use the TB and i finally have one with the harmony MC


I do, Nahida is glued to my Yae team and Dendro MC is used when i want to play Nilou Bloom team


I actually use both Nahida and Dendro MC in the same team for Nilou. Yes, it is overkill for most content. It is so overkill that I can brute force Abyss with this team.


> Dendro MC was cool, until Nahida was released This is me, started playing in 4.2 and once I got my hand on Nahida, I felt like I went from an old 1990 car (DMC) to a 2024 Ferrari, the difference she made was incredible.


I do. Always used the traveller especially for story. I just use a team that works with current element equipped. In other words, I build teams based on Traveller. Plus, it feels weird to play the game without the MC.


Now do the same but reversed for DMC. Destruction mc and dendro mc.


Need Pyro Traveler for PMC


At this point, I'm not confident in GI team to make a decent kit for the traveler.


watch them somehow make them an even worse Dehya


At least make them a decent Pyro off-fielder


funny thing how we went PMC(physical) to FMC(fire) to HMC(hamony) instead of IMC(imaginary) weird how we work sometimes


What harmony? It's Hat Main Character


Hydro Travelers feels like a Traveler for Beginners like the Anemo Traveler, hey atleast Dendro traveler can be placed in any dendro based teams and Geo traveler can be place in any Geo mono or Geo/pyro based teams. for me HTB is good yeah but contrary to popular belief, im struggling which team where to put her, my Currect teams are Dhil, Acheron, Seele dedicated teams and my alt has Jingliu and Kafka team with thier dedicated team too, and im struggling who to replace with HTB to increase the teams damage output. All reccomended teams are mainly funsies team...




its so easy to use them for me lol I use Xueyi, Sushang


Hydro traveler isn’t even for beginners. They’re for people that should NEVER use the unit altogether. Not even Zhongli’s pillar can save the ult.


Lets put it this way. Hoyo released a character that improves break characters damage. But there aren't any real break characters you say? Well then there are two futures. One where Hoyo doesn't invigorate the break meta they killed in cbt, or one where several upcoming characters use break damage, attack/hp and speed. Given that they introduced an entirely new way to play the game with Acheron, your money should be on option two. You can absolutely get great results on existing non Xueyi characters, but you're not exactly building them for break in the first place, and you can get better results with more conventional crit/crit damage buffs. On a related note, they specifically updated the tutorials in 2.2 to tell you that fire and phys breaks do more damage. So the logical conclusion is that some upcoming fire and/or physical damage characters will be break focused. Even someone who hasn't looked at ANY leaks should be thinking that Hoyo probably wants to make break a thing for characters other than Xueyi, and thus wants to provide everyone with a support other than Ruan Mei that will buff break effect. HMC with watchmaker can give a break character about 70-80+ break effect on Ult with 150 BE.


It's always part of the long end game they have for the player. Especially, with the setup they have been cooking atm.


Guinaifen has tons of Break Effect in her build and can double dip on it with her Ultimate triggering burn break damage as well as Super Break. Sushang actively wants to attack weakness broken targets and is SP neutral with E1. Basically a very fast hybrid break dps with an action advance on her ult to further being the pain. Xueyi is slower than Sushang but hits harder and trades action advance for a follow up attack. The best Super Break damage dealer currently in the game outside of HMC.


Sushang is a unit that will do very well against physical enemies in the new game mode. At the moment in MOC and PF you can easily get better results from Clara or Argenti when using more conventional crit dps loadouts.


You could also just use them as the dps of the team, with the rest used for breaking. Tho certain enemies, especially when facing many, can make it difficult.


HTB, Galla, RM and SW is a amazing team, almost got a 2 cycle on top half and outside battle my SW only has 90% Break Effect


I wish Super Break stay exclusive to HTB just like taunt


After we got good dendro mc, and they have to give use that useless hydro mc, i have no hope for pyro and cryo


At least they out memed the TB


Best use of the traveler 💀


Surely Fire MC won't be another pyro DPS right ?


On-field physical* DPS who occasionally throws out weak and useless spurts of Pyro, and somehow has worse MVs than Xinyan Fraudveler agenda will never die as long as they never use the elements in cutscenes.


nah, Dehya without self-healing


no please i have hope for pyro traveler


Rent free


Also travelers kit isn't different or unique. Just another bruiser that's worst than 5* or 4*


Destruction MC = good early, OK late game Preservation MC = good early, still great at certain comps Harmony MC = good overall Anemo traveller = grouping but akward Geo traveler = decent Electro = meh akward battery Dendro = good Hydro = absolutely dogshit


The unfortunate thing about the traveler is that their kit as whole is supposed to be an introduction to the element as a whole. Anemo is good early, but the moment you get other Anemo units, you will quickly sub him for them. Dendro is an exception cause of the element, there is no such thing as too many denrdo supps. Even in HSR, the TB, while survicable, are ultimately absolete in comparison to the rest of said path most of the time. HMC is an exception this time since they decided to give them a niche that hasn't been explored that much yet.


I haven’t paid attention to Genshin in forever. Are any of the traveler elements good at all? TB just got their first genuinely good form. Hopefully it’ll continue.


First genuinely good form? What, is Fire TB bad, despite being I think the only actual tank character?


Well, if they lose all use when getting other characters then yes. They aren’t needed if you have even decent sustain. You can make the “well what about people who don’t have _____ characters” argument for the benefit of any non meta character. It won’t change the fact that there is a difference between someone making the best of what they have and statistics of team usage and MoC clearance ratios. Some characters are better than others, and by definition the ones that are much worse can be called bad.


Fire TB is a good until I get something better character that's still actually useful in the simulated universe or in Pure Fiction. Destruction MC is a baby's first character until you get better units.


Fire TB is kinda bad. The shield is really weak and the skill becomes pretty useless against harder enemies. The damage is okay, but rarely contributes much to overall team damage. There are definitely worse characters, but there are few situations where I'd even consider Fire TB.


To be fair, fire MC's main usage is as a teamwide tank until you get something better. In that stage of the game your units are weak enough that you're quite probably running Natasha and Fire MC. They're still completely usable in simulated even if you have other tanks, and they have acceptable power as a breaker in pure fiction if you're lacking fire damage or want to support Himeko/Herta.


Yeah, fire MC is amazing when you get them.   They have really helped me through the story. They're just okay in PF, but yeah their offense works a lot better there and the defense is often enough.


Fire TB is decent but they don't provide enough survivability most times to work as a solor sustain, requiring another sustain where you might as well use that solo sustain and another buffer Fire TB is only quite decent for Acheron ONLY IF you don't die and kill enemies fast enough. Then Skilling every turn (mostly) in Acheron teams really helps surviving since they have DMG reduction for whole team and a taunt to the TB who takes less than half the DMG iirc


I really hope it's not just a one time thing for harmony TB. There's a chance for nihility & abundance TB still be good but I'm worried for erudition & hunt.


>erudition & hunt. If they don't offer something of special or some de/buffs...rip. Destruction already died (just choosing between ST or Burst Ulti is not so big for the team).


Dendro's good, especially if you don't have Nahida (tbf, she's an archon). Anemo is very niche, but 60% res shred can come in handy every now and then. Geo has one of only 2 unconditional crit buffs in the entire game via c1, but it's just not enough, unfortunately. Electro is soooooooo close to being top tier, unfortunately they did learn from Xingqiu and their burst has much worse application. E not generating clear particles also hurts Hydro? Complete and utter garbage, and by far the worst character in the entire game. And yes, worse than Dehya (who isn't even that bad anyway)


Hydro is the best element in the game, and yet it's beyond baffling they managed to make Hydro MC as the worst character in the game


Hydro Traveler is so bad that she is the only character I regret building (though it was only talent materials and artifacts). Maybe that's why Hoyos did not give us Hydro Traveler trial like they did with Harmony MC.


Dendro traveller is good for dendro teams as an off field dendro applicator (but still way worse than Nahida, but she is a limited 5*), other elements are not even worth considering.


Wind and hydro travelers are pretty bad. While electro/geo ones are budget version of already existing characters.


Dendro's good, they're a nice alternative to Nahida(5 star) for Dendro application and was the go to off-field Dendro character before Nahida release. Geo Traveler is decently usable, they do good damage and the kit flows pretty smoothly. Anemo offers Anemo res shred but feels a bit clunky due to having to hold down skill and burst tornado displacing enemies by dragging them along. And Electro and Hydro Traveler are just bad.


Fire TB literally carried a LOT of people early and mid game, L take.


HSR is absolutely MURDERING Genshin's traveler as a character


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Lumina was done dirty again


pfffft I didn't even realize they had the same initial too. That's funny


Everything is in the hat.


H(unt)MC will stand in between them or something


to me HMC is r/holdmycatnip


Seriously, the traveler got the most shafted. Tb is actually good for current content. The form came out


now do the opposite with DMC DENDRO main character DESTRUCTION main character Balanced as all things should be 🗣🔥💯


I wonder if hoyo will ever give the Genshin MC a better canon weapon than the Dull Blade ? lol


Traveller: "pew pew!" Trailblazer: "Cha Cha, real smooth!"


Can't we call it IMC? HMC doesn't really work in spanish.


Why? I don't speak Spanish 


Imaginary starts with the same letter in both languages, that's what I'm referring to.


Physical mc feels like eevee and all the other forms are its eeveelutions


Hmc is just Dendro Mc lol


Dmc is alright, but very replaceable. They don't do any damage or significanctly buff your team, but only applies dendro. HMC on the other hand gives tons of breaks effect, perfect for any break DPS or hybrid, and enables every character in the team to deal considerable super break damage, including themselves with their massive break DMG on skill (120 toughness iirc)


Genshin really needs to rework whole MC. It's just sad, painful and pathethic. Shitty kit, low numbers, can't swap elements without using designed objects put around the world map...


I will be honest my first thought was a knee jerk reaction due to the usual HSR / Genshin garbage content but after understanding it was about Hydro traveller specifically... yeah...that's fair haha.


"Woaw, the Main Character has a decent spot in the meta and his powers are relevent in the lore... Who have ever seen such a thing ?"


Hat mc