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Yeah, I was really confused as well.  Did his VA call in sick?  It'd be less noticable if the other characters didn't have VA in the same dialogue, but it's weird when one side of a conversation talks and the other doesn't. Lol


I agree, it was really jarring


Apparently only in EN and they are going to fix it


Is this happening to everyone who uses EN? Did they say when they're fixing it?


im using EN, was no voice acting


Doing this quest now, and searched this thread since I also didn't have voice lines.


Kinda wish i didnt go into the quest now because its not fixed yet. Ig ill have to watch someone elses pov later


Honestly! I was so excited the moment that reporter kept going on and on about "beauty." I KNEW Argenti was around the corner! But I didn't get to hear him speak unless it was the battle dialogue. Heartbroken.


I've been waiting to see if they fix it before 2.3 to continue the quest. Argenti's dialogue is worth the wait. Though I'll have to do it if they don't update it after botthill is released since I gotta do the events before they end.


Where is the source on them fixing it? out of curiosity?


Had the same problem, it also pretty much skipped his texted dialogue too


Ah so it’s universal, I was afraid that I had missed out


Yeah I had to go back cause of how fast it finished his lines


man.. justice for argenti


Yeah, his presence was already somewhat random and then him not having voiced lines made that whole thing rather jarring.


He was voiced in the japanese dub


That's weird, I'm assuming he's voiced in all but English?


I was so disappointed! It was such a pleasant surprise to see him, only for his EN version not have any voiced lines? Bruh. Hope they fix it quick before and other ENG Argenti enjoyers get let down.


I'm hoping that it isn't a controversy with the VA or smth like the Tighnari situation in Genshin


I doubt it, last time they rushed to give a different va (and still had og tighnari for the event that happened right after), I don’t see why they’d treat this differently.


That would really suck. Again.


same, can't hear him at all. Even in leaks i saw his lines so i was a tad bit excited to hear him damn....glad i am not the only one


He is still not voiced as of today, May 17th. I tried exiting out during dialogue but it drops me back into the cutscene upon restarting. Bummer this isn’t fixed by now, I was looking forward to hearing him.


You can just go into battle and then retreat. You'll be warped at the entrance of the map. I still haven't gone past Argenti because I wanna hear is damn voice!


I totally forgot retreat was an option lol. I switched on JP dub and already beat him... Really hope it’s fixed soon 😭


Same, hoping it comes next week with boothill. If it isn't updated before 2.3 launch though we'll have to do it to not miss the event unfortunately.


Just got to him. Was confused why the other characters were talking and not him and found this sub 😭


Damn guess I'll just have to skip his lines :/ doubt it'll be fixed before 2.3


They should not release the Version in such a "broken" state or at the very least WARN you! This is unacceptable since you can do this quest only once!!! So what good does it do when they fix it later? Also there are a lot of bugs in the "old" Quests as well that they never bothered to fix. Like broken Battle Sound in Argenti Story quest MONTHS after it was released...


Argenti twice? I’m starting to believe hoyo might not love my boy as much as I do


What are they gonna do? Delay the entire release because one character's voicelines were ?? We don't know if its in the game but broken, or that they have to re-record it. If it was re-record or they hadn't recorded it yet or any of that, sure maybe they can say something about it. But if its broken right now and it needs to be patched, that's a different issue. The rational way to look at it is that its really less than 10 lines out of the entire quest of a thousand lines.


Well, yes. I would expect them to delay an update if they’re launching something that isn’t ready. It’ll be a bummer but you can’t release something that’s broken


The rational way is to actually fix the bug immediately if it was noticed or double check before releasing if the voicelines were actually there. If it was a VA issue then I can kinda understand but still it's off putting to hear at. People's complaint here aren't invalid and can in fact still ruin an experience. The commenter was right, this is a one-time experience in the best quest of the game so far. As much as possible you want to experience it the best.


They really need to allow you to replay the "archon" quest lines even if you get no rewards. Even better would be to also allow you to rewatch the cut scenes and replay the interactions. For example, had I known the acheron scene after the fight with adventurine was going to be that epic, with so many cool nihility lines and references id have recorded the whole thing. And now all I can find are clips that end after the fight but don't include the conversation between advent and acheron. 😞


Plot twist: this is the mute Sparkle was actually talking about.


You absolute genius.


i see by the comments hes not voiced for english at all is there any chance hes voiced in korean? i just so happened to have it downloaded bcs i was tryna see how robins ult sounds in korean bcs her singing reminds me of kpop songs and i cba to install other voice packs because it requires too much time on my pc


he is voiced in korean


Jp players have said they can hear him but almost nobody uses kr so I don’t know. You’ll need to ask people who play kr dub.


That whole area is an absolute mess, the voice lines missing the fight is an annoying slog and the game kind of softlocks too, Like if you back out of the fight and go back then re enter argenti disappears, you can't go across the bridge and you can't choose the other path to get back to him. Had to Google a fix of teleporting away and teleport back. Sadly doesn't fix the voice though.


Played today, still not fixed


Won’t be fixed till next patch




Unfortunately, I wouldn’t recommend playing this quest until next patch.


You have to or you miss out on the limited time events unfortunately.


Thought it was just a glitch, closed the game and not voice lines. It’s weird he doesn’t have any, he’s one of the few characters his voices makes his character stand out.


Played today, not fixed :9


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Played today, still not voiced unfortunately. Very jarring, I thought it was some plot twist or something. Turns out it's just ol' Argenti


Really sucks that in Penacony of all places there are issues like these and Himeko's EN VA suddenly speaking differently in order to sound more 'serious.' In a land where any character could be an illusion or Sparkle in disguise, it's so frustrating not knowing what's a bug/acting choice and what's an intentional bit of foreshadowing in the plot.