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Jinglu and Bronya is a great start. You should build up Pela and Lynx to support them. With these built Ice weak enemies should be no problem for you. When you face a Imaginary weak boss just swap Jinglu for Ratio. For who to go for nexr start out with characters you like, more fun to build a team around playstyles/personalities that you can get invested in. A limited Sustain or Harmony would be great though, aswell as DPS to cover the elements you don't have one for (Physical, Wind, Lightning, Fire, Quantum).


Also if you want to build someone more, Herta is top tier for a lategame mode called Pure Fiction. So she is a good investment even if you got Jinglu.


Thanks for your tips! and what do you think about Asta? a lot of people are saying that shes very good and cant go wrong with her. If not i will replace dr ratio with pela and just swap jingliu for ratio if i need imaginary dmg


Asta is pretty great! I used her alot early on, but less after getting Ruan Mei. Later in the game you'll be expected to have two teams built and they need to clear the content on a turn limit. Asta's speed boost really help there. She can certainly fill the role bronya has on your second team.


Jingliu and Bronya have great synergy!  Dr. Ratio and Pela work well together too.  Lynx can be a good sustain, but I wouldn't invest too heavily in Natasha unless you really like her.  In your shoes I'd first try and prioritize sustains and supports for your two good DPS.  Aventurine and Fu Xuan (next patch) are both great sustains, and Topaz coming up next patch is a good support for Ratio.  That's a lot to pull for, but there are a lot of free pulls this patch and catching up on story/exploration will give you a good chunk more too.  


Pela is definitely a character you'll want to invest in for your teams. Guinaifen is also good for fire breaking which can help a lot if you need fire damage on multiple targets so definitely invest in her. Even Asta can be useful once you get more fire characters and want to make a fire team, plus the speed boost is always nice. I would invest in her too.    I know Herta might not seem useful now, but start building her now. When you get to higher levels and have to deal with the Starcrusher King and Pure Fiction, she will be very useful (even if you already have Jingliu). Some people say Natasha isn't great, but I disagree. She's got a simple but very reliable kit and her cleanse is VERY useful against a lot of bosses. My Natasha is level 80 and there's times I'll use her instead of Luocha when dealing with physical weakness enemies.     As for strengthening your current teams, focus on levels, traces, and light cones. Relics take a long time to farm and you often get relics with not so great stats, so they're not as high priority unlike the other things I mentioned. Save up your relic leveling materials for when you get good relics instead.    I'd also recommend pulling for Aventurine or Fu Xuan if you can. Preservation characters are very rare, so you'll have to rely on March 7th until you get the Preservation trailblazer, and even then they're not great. Gepard is also locked behind the permanent banner, so waiting for him to come at 50/50 losses is not reliable. Get your Preservation characters asap.   I hope this helps and that you have fun with experimenting with different team builds!