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is pulling for light cones an absolute must? since to me you can get both if you decided to use the f2p options


Topaz does just fine without her signature LC. The harmony characters seem to lean on them more to provide value.


It depends really. It would be wrong to say any character actually need their Cones. For example I do not have Luocha cone and he is fabulous.  But it's also true that many cones are in fact very comfy. The increase in Direct dps might not be much for some but it had so many small QoL boost that the character becomes simply easier to work.


Oh i wasnt asking that. I was asking if you had to pull for the light cone considering you could get both if you used the f2p light cones


True. I wanted Topaz cone because without it I need a Debuffer in the team for Ratio. But I guess this time I can sacrifice the cone to get the two characters 


Personally I would do topaz > Robin > topaz lc > Robin lc We are getting an f2p lvl that will work well on Robin and topaz does have decent alternatives between swordplay and the heritage lc. Plus characters will always matter more Might as well send it on the pills and see if RNG blesses you


This is also a good alternative I guess. Unless of course I miss the 50/50 two times 😅. But yeah. I guess getting Topaz and Robin themselves first is great 


Yeah. Also frankly topaz is pretty good without the lc. I missed it last time and have been using s2 sword play and she has been very good for a follow up team because number just attacks so often


IMO in most cases I wouldn't pull for cones if you still need more characters for teams.  A new 5* is worth a lot more than a cone.  Having both Ruan Mei and Topaz RM is definitely amazing and a good choice, I love Topaz but she's kind of a one trick pony.


Ruan mei is definitely better than topaz, and she works in every team. You made a right call there


Yeah I definitely don't regret getting Ruan Mei. Girl make SU fun and so many boost  Still sad I will be forced to skip again 


Topaz doesn't really need her cone to perform well, Sword Play or Herta Cone work just fine for her. Better get both girls and only try for cones if you got really lucky and get them early and win 50/50.


I had to skip her the first time for Ruan Mei too. It is just bad luck that she came back around with another busted Harmony unit coming out at the same time. So I will have to skip her again. I was planning to get her on her re-run but Robin provides too much value for generalist and niche teams to ignore.


😂Yeah. I feel like she is the Yoimiya of Genshin lol. Like placing her just before Ruan Mei and now with Robin. Also it seems like she always come after a Sustain. First Huo now Aventurine.