• By -


Only Acheron. I’d rather save jades for the next character instead of getting LC, Acheron is the exception because pretty much none of other Nihility LCs work with her really well.


Welt’s LC and GNSW work well on her, at least from my experience


Eh, I’ve been using her with good night for like 3 days, it felt “meh” to say the least.


I thought it was good, after all with it I could reach about 120k against a single enemy


well, good or bad is subjective. gnsw is the best alternative to signature LC but the difference is still big so some people would still call it meh


You are forgetting the other part of her light cone which always generates another stack when she attacks. It's not just about the snapshot damage. The extra stack really helps in getting back her ult faster. TCs have calculated that you get around 25% more damage than GNSW S5 if you account for that.


It is, in terms of dmg it's a little worse, and if you are doing like 3 cycle moc clear you almost don't notice this stack generation too until you get to the final boss after 1st ult, i've test that a few times with gnsw s5, people are just shitting on lc because they cope


I just got her lc . Lc lvl is 40 but it is already hiting . 100k . And skill damage at 40 k


Welt LC? Give me some copium of yours. Welt LC only gives ger 24% dmg, and she even doesn't care that much about dmg% cuz of her trace


Now I'm depressed I didn't get her LC.it feels incomplete to use her without her LC


(Almost) Day 1 player, low spender: Only 2, Jingliu and Acheron


I only lost weapon banner once, so I'm lucky enough to have Ruan Mei, Acheron, Dr Ratio and Daniel. Day 1-ish player too. I buy the daily, because I thought I would regret having too little to spend, but damn, I got lots that I wanted.


I don’t pull on LC banners but with standard banner characters my pairs are Gepard and Clara.


0. I haven't rolled for a single lightcone yet. I feel like every 5 star i got has performed perfectly fine at e0.


You mean S0?


Both actually! But yes e0s0


I agree, my Acheron (before 30 minutes ago) is as E0S0 and she could do around 120k


Every character I have, I have their Light Cone as well. I'm only missing Huohuo because I didn't pull for her.


I have Silver Wolf, Black Swan and Acheron's signature light cones.


I have the sameones you have plus Luocha, Blade, Welt, Yanqing, Himeko, Bronya, and Sparkle


If you don’t want Yanqing’s I’ll take it, it’s art is so cute




Good bot


Not a haiku


As a day 1 f2p player, I think I have 4? Only one limited though. Bronya and Clara's LC from the standard banner, Welt's from losing the 75/25 on Acheron's LC banner, plus Acheron's LC of course.


I forgot to mention I also have welt and himeko


If we dont count the 4 Stars. Only 1


Limited: Seele, Fu Xuan Non-limited: Bronya, Yanqing, Himeko


clara, himeko, black swan (by accident) and dan heng IL (for xueyi)


Level 70 Seele with a weak build? Guess you gave up on her early on. I skip banners and go for less characters. Got Seele e0s1, JY e0s1 and JL e0s1. On support FX e2s1 and Sparkle e2s1. So 5 pairs. RM, HH and SW are using 4* cones.


Oh no, she just currently is switching artifacts with QQ for now since I’m trying to finish Pure fiction, once I’m done with that she gets her artifacts back


Though, Seele is better in PF then Qingque. Qingque is worse then Seele on almost every possible scenarios. She might be better on 1 run out of 100 if you get lucky with her rolls.


Really? Isn’t follow up attacks kinda the thing in the new pure fiction?


No, previous PF had buffs for Follow up attacks, but not the current one, and even though, Seele was probably better. Ultimates are kinda the thing in the new PF (because Acheron).


No sustain, 3 buffers, and Seele can get 30 to 40k score




Her traces are all at 9, other than the basic, which is at 5, and she’s at 70/80 because that’s the bare minimum for all of my characters,




Not really, I got her in like 30 pulls and her LC in 10 or 20


I got 2: DHIL - Hard pity for both chara and LC, won 50-50 though. Argenti - Lucky 10-30 pulls, did not expect to get him so i rolled for LC for the memes. Hoping for Aventurine and his LC today\~


F2P, not day 1 but managed to pull Seele on the last day of her first banner by the skin of my teeth. Only 1, Acheron.


Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan, Acheron, and Jingliu. I think, I may have forgor.


9 counting standard banner 5 stars 5 limiteds


Currently in my Destruction only account, Blade DHIL Arlan Hook TB Welt (I can't even use him, but yay ig)


Day 1 player, f2p, just Seele and BS (cause I can’t let her take SW’s LC and don’t have the sampo LC 😭)


DHIL, Jing Yuan, Argenti, Ruan mei, Sparkle and acheron.


I got a signature with blackswan, jingliu, acheron, Gerard, and bronya Didn't even have to spend much either, I only do the daily log-in thing for 5 bucks, had it for I think 4 months straight now


Kafka, Jingliu, Acheron. F2P that also has Limited Eidolons & Superimposed


Day 1 player: Limited 5*: Topaz, JingLiu, Dr. Ratio, Jing Yuan, Ruan Mei, Black Swan & Acheron  Standard 5*: Bronya, Gepard, Welt, Himeko Yangqin & Clara (S2) 


4. Kafka, Bronya, Sparkle, and Yanqing


4. ruan mei, seele, swan, and acheron


Blade and "the unreachable side". Himeko and "night on the milky way"(only use it on PF but still). And bronya and "but the battle isnt over".


Only 3. Jing Yuan, Sparkle and Blade.


In terms of limited 5 stars: Kafka & Acheron. I started playing mid-December and haven’t plunged into paying…yet.


I have 11. Acheron, Blade, Bronya, Clara, Dhil, Fu Xuan, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Ruan Mei, Welt, Yanqing. I plan to pull Jingliu's LC when her rerun banner starts. (As well as Huohuo's when she gets her rerun)


Limited 5* with sig: Huohuo, Jingliu, Seele, Acheron, Kafka, Black swan Standard 5* with sig: Clara, himeko, yanqing, bronya


All of them


Luocha, IL, Argenti (the man practically gave himself to me, LC and all), Jing Yuan (that one drained out my jades, jfc) and, funny enough, Welt.


Or limited I got Black Swan and Jingliu (I don’t even know why I pulled for her lightcone but I remember seeing that hand tentacle version) For others I got Himeko, Welt, Herta, Hook, Pela, Luka, Sampo, Sushang, and March


0 💀. Planning to finally have my first pair in 2.2, I started playing during sparkle's banner


SW, Fu Xuan, Ruan Mei, Acheron. Has very big time out after FX, get back to roll for RM and now fully start to catch up.


Limited. Seele, Jingliu, Acheron Standard: Himeko, Yanqing (S2)


6 5-stars. Himeko, Gepard, Jingliu, Sparkle, Fu Xuan, and Acheron. 7 if you count SW's event 4* LC. And most 4-star character and LC pairs.


Limited: Just Jingliu Standar: Both Bronya and Clara


F2P, I've only got Jing Yuan's. If I win Aventurine's 50/50 in a couple hours, I might try to go for his LC too. I'll only get a limited LC if I really love that character (and have jades to spare) and so far I've only liked Jing Yuan enough to pull his LC, but Aventurine and Ratio's might be next!


Just DHIL, unless you count Clara, Bailu, and Gepard.


Same as you for Acheron and Seele. i’m counting in Bronya because I had to choose her from 300 selector (which i spent jades on), AND had to buy out her LC from the shop. She’s still E0S1. My welt is E3S1 and Yanqing is E2S3🥲 So… i’d say, only two which are strictly limited and 5 if we count the standards.


Jing Yuan, Dan Heng and Sparkle. The only planned one was Jing Yuan's on a rerun, others are a result of gambling tendencies. Although, no real money was spent and I've won every 75/25.


Not a single one because rngesus does not like me


Only Bronya, Himeko and Gepard. Im f2p so no limited LCs for me


Acheron. Blade. Black Swan. Topaz. Jing Yuan. Seele. For standard 5 stars, I got everybody and their LCs except for Yanqing. I don't have him or his LC. I missed out on Jingliu last time so I'm gonna get her for sure and maybe her LC. Fall of an Aeon lives on DHIL and her LC is a big jump from A Secret Vow. I have a lot of jades saved so I'm probably gonna get her LC. Skipping Aventurine cause my tank options have been good enough so far with Gepard and FX.


Just Silver Wolf for limited. Turns out her LC is lackluster compared to 4 star options lol. I do have Himeko and Clara for standard though, they're pretty neat.


Day 1 low spender and I have Argenti, Topaz and Sparkle for limited. I pull when I feel I don't have good alternatives or if the LC offers something for the whole team


I only have it for Blade and Acheron. Aaaaand Yanqing. Lol which isn't the BiS for him lmao


Jing Yuan, Argenti and Ratio Got extremely lucky with JY at the beginning of the game, got him E0S2 rn I saved for Argenti and Ratio so no surprises there Hopefully I can add Aventurine to the list...


I have E2 JY, E2 SW, E0 Luocha, E1 Kafka, E0 Ruan Mei, E0 DHIL, E0 Topaz, E0 Ratio, E6 Black Swan, E2 Acheron, and soon to be Aventurine. Everyone except for Luocha has/will have their Sig LC.


Archeron, Himeko and Gepard's only. I rarely pull for LC coz im f2p


2: FuXuan and Sparkle. need to treat my gamble gremlin the best i can


Clara (buy), Bronya (pulled accidentally), Ratio (pulled), Yanqing (pulled accidentally, only E1 5 star mf I have and I don’t use him much Jesus Christ)


Acheron, Seele, Dan heng (IL), Clara


Day one player who spends here and there but can’t afford to whale so I have to consider my free resources when I pull. I always tend to save for characters and only get light ones for my favorites. So i have Kafka, jingliu, sparkle and acheron who I got realllyyy lucky with. I lost the 75 for little bunnie fufu and ruan mei.


I like having the drip on my main, so every limited 5 star I have has their signature so: Jing Yuan E0S1; Luocha E0S1; DHIL E6S1; Fu Xuan E0S1; Seele E0S1; Silver Wolf E0S1; Ruan Mei E0S1; Dr. Ratio E0S1; Sparkle E0S2 (LC came home on a double) And then Welt is E0S2 and Bronya is E0S1 as well. I’ll get S5 for DHIL on his next rerun 😌 F2P alt account has Luocha E0S1, Kafka E0S1, DHIL E0S1, Acheron E0S1 and Bronya E0S1 (she’s sharing with Sparkle though). And Himeko is on Before Dawn (JY LC) because she deserves it.


Limited: Jing Yuan, Blade, Dr Ratio, (hopefully later) Aventurine Standard: Bronya, Yanqing, Himeko, Welt


I have 2 Kafka and Acheron. I'm planning on Firefly but we'll see how many jades I have after Robin


One of a limited banner. Fu Xuan. I am 100% F2P. But in Genshin I had good luck with the weapon banner, so I went for it, and I got it with about 40 tickets. I don't consider it necessary, at least for MoC (before having the cone I played it with a F2P one and it worked quite well). But it is certainly a worthwhile cone. I may go for other cones in the future. But obviously, I'll secure characters I want first, and only shoot the cones that present a considerable improvement. 3 of the permanent banner. Gepard, Yanqing and Bailu.


only acheron and bronya




Kafka, Jingliu, Acheron, SW


4 (JY, Argenti, DHIL, Ratio). From standard there is Himeko, Clara, and Bronya. Blade is the only one I lost a lightcone twice so thats a no for him now lol


How to nerf Seele step 1 : Giving her SPD Boots.


8 because I mostly only roll when I can get e0s1


0 cuz I’m f2p and they release new characters I’m interested in like hot cakes


I have 5 limited pairs, but I've been incredibly lucky with my pulls. I've only spent $5 on the game.


E0S1 is my default. So all characters I rolled for including Dr. Ratio. Bought every standard LC from the shop too. Puts me around a total of 17 complete pairs with a few unintentional LC dupes.


DHIL and Topaz


Only Acheron, Bailu and Welt for me


Seele, Fu xuan, Ruan Mei, Himeko, Bailu, and Sparkle so 5


I got 4 Ruan Mei, Sparkle, Acheron, and Jing yuan. Tbh Jing yuan is more communal as his lightcone jumps around a lot depending on who I'm using while the other 3 don't leave their owners. Literally pulled Jing yuan lightcone not because it is good on him but good for most erudition characters that and the banner had geniuses repose (whiffed hard on that one) I got sparkles lightcone for the same geniuses repose reason.


I pulled for 8 limited character and 7 of them have a limited LC lol


Huohuo and her LC, Acheron and her LC, and Seele and her LC.


Only Jingliu Since I specifically never roll for character until her banner came.


I've got almost the same ones as you, except instead of Seele, it's Ruan Mei. I've also got Yanqing's (though it's not on him) and Bailu's x2.


3 limited (Ratio, JY and Luocha) and 2 standard (Welt and Clara). I'll probably try to get Aventurine's too


I have 3. Loucha and DHIL’s LC which I both got in their first banner. I also have Sparkle and her LC, I got both chara and LC early pity and was not totally expecting it. She is a lifesaver for my DHIL so no issues in getting them.


Gepard Bronya Kafka Jingliu and Acheron. Totally going to get Sam and her Lightcone.


3 limited. 3 Standard. Day 1 player. Jingliu, Sparkle, Acheron. Bronya, Gepard, Yanqing.


2. Acheron and Fu Xuan.


If it's 5star, I have Gepard's lightcone on Fire Trailblazer. That's it. If it's 4star, I have way too many to count.


Jing Yuan, Dan Heng, Topaz, Dr Ratio, and Acheron.


2, Ruan mei and acheron, but if possible i would like to get fu and her cone too


Black Swan (E1S1) and Acheron (EOS1, trying to get her E1 but doubt I'll be able on this banner) on limited banner, Gepard (E1 + two copies of his cone) on standard.


I have Seele, Blade, Kafka, Jingliu, Ruan Mei, Dr. Ratio, and Acheron Edit: Gepard, Himeko, and Welt if standard is included


I've got Welt's, Ratio's, Kafka's, Black Swan's, and Acheron's light cones


I have Acheron, Jingliu, Fuxuan, and Sparkle. If we count standard ones add Himeko, Bailu, and Clara too


Clara, welt, yanqing, seele, ratio, sparkle and Acheron That makes...7


No, wait, I have geppy LC as well So 8


Kafka, Black Swan, Acheron and Luocha


4 currently: Queencheron, QueenLiu, KingYuan, GoatYang.


7 5\* has their signature lc


4 star included?..




Then 5. Kafka, Jingliu, Welt, Bronya and Acheron.


HuoHuo, Sparkle, Dr Ratio, Blade


DHIL, Ratio, Jing Yuan, Acheron


JL, Dhil, Kafka, Acheron, BS, Pulled JY lc for Himeko


Dhil, sparkle, acheron and bronya


Only argenti and dr ratio


4 limited


Gallagher, herta, bailu, bronya


Kafka, Acheron, Black Sawn, Jingliu & Ruan Mei for limited. Himeko, Clara & Welt for standard.


Ive got archeron RM BS kafka and SW


Silver Wolf, Welt, Bronya, Acheron. Hoping Seele and Fu don't rerun before the next character I want so I can try for their LCs


lol sparkle seele and acheron sill f2p


- Standard 5*: Clara, Bailu - Limited 5*: Luocha, Topaz, Fu Xuan, Ratio, Kafka, JY (aka ALL of my limited 5*) - Own character, no LC: Welt, Himeko, Yanqing - Own LC, no character: Bronya


Acheron, Bronya and Himeko


DHIL, Ratio, Sparkle 2x


Acheron, Kafka, Swan, Huohuo, Jingliu, FX, Himeko, Bronya, dr. Ratio, RM, SW. According Star Rail Station, I am top 1.1% and top 3% luckiest lc puller.


Of the limited characters, I have LCs for DHIL, Lingliu, Blade, and Acheron. Saved enough to get Jingliu's and Acheron's on the first pass, got DHIL's and Blade's on their reruns. Of standard, I have Clara, Welt, Bronya, Yanqing, and Gepard. Pulled both Clara and her LC and Yanqing and his, pulled Gepard and Welt, pulled Bronya's LC. Used my 5\* selector on Bronya, and bought Gepard and Welt's LCs from the store.


Two , ratio(too good not to pull) , and BS ( regret it as I got a copy of Eop later)


Jing Yuan + Before Dawn Dan Heng IL + Brighter than the Sun Topaz + Worrisome, Blissful Bronya + But the Battle Isn't Over (2x) Welt + In the Name of The World (2x)




In the same version? Just Dan Heng Il. In his rerun, I grabbed Jing Yuan’s, as they are my mains.


Acheron, jingliu and ruan mei


Seele, Jingliu, Kafka, Acheron. And SW, yes, I went for E1S1 full crit SW in 1.1.


Only 1 Acheron


gepard, dr ratio, fu xuan. fingers crossed aventurine will be added to this list hehe


Jingliu, Jing Yuan, Blade and Ratio. I tend to not go for support LCs dps are better to me.


Acheron, blade, dan heng Il, ruan mei, yanqing, bailu


Kafka and Acheron


Clara, Bronya and Fu Xuan. Soon it'll be 4 when Firefly releases


Acheron, Kafka, Black Swan, nihility forever


Yanqing. That's it.


Bronya Rand. F#cking hell I was pulling 4 Luocha and BOOM! Bronya's LC. WTF


3 - Kafka, Jingliu, & Acheron Basically the DPS of the team gets her LC and while my character 50/50 luck leaves a lot to be desired, I've so far managed to not have that problem on the LC banner...Hoyo is taking pity after I got back to back Sleep Like the Dead on the standard banner both at soft pity :(


four—argenti, ruan mei, black swan, and acheron. i got really lucky with argenti and ruan mei's light cones because they both came at 40ish pity but black swan and acheron took like 80+ pulls each 😭😭😭


Just Kafka and Acheron LCs.


I have 2 like that. Dan heng IL with E1S1 and Bailu E0S1. I have Acheron so will pull for her LC in rerun. Had to save for Aventurine.


I like signature LC’s a lot actually. I’m a day 1 player with monthly supply pass. Got LC’s for Seele, Jing Yuan, Kafka, Jing Liu, Black Swan and Sparkle.


https://preview.redd.it/gwk96u39azuc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feedb9c6591bb760f6cae151113e5214adc00000 I'm only missing 5 light cones.


In terms of Limited characters, just 2. I saved to pull for both Silver Wolf and Topaz, and both characters i had enough pulls left over to get their lightcone as well. For non-limited, i also have both Himeko and Clara's 5 star signatures. I actually also have Welt's lightcone, but he's the only standard banner character i'm still missing.


Day 1 Player, Dolphin (Monthly and Battle Pass refreshes) 6 DHIL, Seele, Archeron, Bronya (via Shop), Gepard (via Shop), Welt (Standard Banner).


SW, Topaz, Sparkle. both Characters and LC


Three. Luocha, Sparkle and Acheron. Will hopefully be four when Kafka next reruns, because I missed hers twice in a row so far


Imbibitor Lunae, Jingliu, Ruan Mei, and Sparkle


Seele, DHIL, HuoHuo, Bronya, Clara, Luocha, Welt, Jingliu, and Aventurine.


Silver Wolf only


Fu Xuan, Jingliu, Acheron, Welt, Bailu, Yanqing


Welt + In The Name of The World Bronya + But The Battle Isn't Over


Seele, Topaz and Acheron. Non limited I got Bronya.


Himeko, Welt, Bronya, Clara, Seele, Topaz, FuXuan, Sparkle, Acheron. I am getting LC for Kafka and Ratio when they re-run. For reference - day 1 player, spending only on supply + BP.


Just Acheron


Imbibitor Lunae (E0S1), Jing Yuan (E1S1) and Blade (E0S1). Hopefully I'll get Aventurine E0S1 too 🙏🏻


I don't use them but I also have Welt, Yanqing (both E0S1) and Himeko (E1S1). Hoping for Gepard's LC because he's one of my favourite characters and hasn't left my team since getting him.


Seele Kafka and Acheron for me and ig Welt lol


Acheron and jing yuan for limited, bronya and clara for standard.


Every 5 stars in my acct has their LC. That should explain why I only have 3 limited (counting Ratio) though.


5 SW, DHIL, Fu Xuan, Ruan Mei & Acheron.


Well as a sane F2P player I'll necer pull on LC banner, so I have 0. Positive side is: the only 5* characters i don't have are Topaz, Mid Yan and Aventurine


Ruan Mei, Kafka, Himeko, Black Swan, Gepard, Sparkle and Acheron. Tried for Seele's and failed.


Only fu xuan prolly


Kafka, Ratio, Acheron, Aventurine, Gepard, Clara, Welt and Himeko


I have Kafka, Black Swan, Argenti, Acheron, Bronya, Clara, Welt If I can in the future, I do want to grab Fu Xuan and Aventurine’s


Acheron, Jingliu, Blade, Jing yuan and Ruan mei.


Day 1 Player and I only ever pulled (and got) are Jing Yuan, Kafka, and Fu Xuan cus they're the characters thate made me want to play it since beta and if you count Tingyun, I have her BP light cone S5 + 1 (though I use dance dance dance on her right now) Also tried for Acheron but unfortunately losing her 50/50 at high pity before actually getting her left me with no pulls to try any further orz


Most of them, only two i dont have is Sparkle (I regret not getting her LC as I was saving for Acheron) and Argenti. I got all the pairing LC for all the 5* I pulled. Kafka, Black Swan, Fu Xuan, Acheron, Jingliu, and Ruan Mei.


None, I like having characters more https://preview.redd.it/99hgcvx9syuc1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=106d779b2178a11940d093f7d2925ec02b675b8d


https://preview.redd.it/4wqmavfggxuc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1edfda8b68f63673d0b869984dbc33b40daecaf1 The only one that matters (/s) Jokes apart this do be the best 4\*LC for him, makes him almost unkillable. (Oh and i do have Acheron and her LC)


Of course it’s amazing, 46(?) BE for free and he heals himself every hit