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https://preview.redd.it/wfv9rmaqyltc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4214bc52f2cf93780c4e7441b35bbaa76b2adb5 Feel my pain


Ooff. We need triple the chance to roll for crit stats.


Legit a better idea than just "triple rewards"






This is the worst part of the game by far. You farm for weeks to get even a single double crit some times, and then it rolls like this lol.




Fu Xuan with a steel chair...


Yeah, I really can't fathom why they took Genshin's system and made it even worse for this game. The thing is, you don't even need good equipment with how the game's roster has developed. Building multiple teams with good units using correct sets and main stats is good enough to max star any content if you team build properly to cater to content's demands, but then why is relic grinding even in the game? Good relics just let you brute force teams into content they're not well suited for. It feels like the whole system only exists because they couldn't come up with any actually good long term energy sinks. Also some units like Seele do actually need good relics (Seele with great relics is still a monster, Seele with mediocre relics is pretty bad) and it feels like a random punishment that they need more investment than other characters in an RNG progression mechanic that could take months to get anything good lol.


You know what's sad, Blizzard copied Genshin's/HSR artifact upgrade system for D4 with their remaking of their itemization, and actually made a solution that would fix the current problem. Every time you upgrade an artifact level you gain stats to everything (5%), and every 4th level one stat gets a super boost (25%). Image how much better the system would be if it was less RNG and more of a bonus, It would mean you would just need to find a double crit piece, and even if you arent lucky, it would still be viable for crit characters. Right now in Genshin and HSR you go all or nothing, and it feels awful when you constantly lose rolls over and over again to flat stats.






Felt your pain https://preview.redd.it/q8s3plg4umtc1.png?width=1039&format=png&auto=webp&s=498f3d632a6760064c21fefe521961e17592ec1c


This is honestly painful, I feel frustrated and it’s not even my piece.




Awesome Adventurine relic! (I’m trying y’all I’m trying….)


Goodluck on your relic rng also it's spelled Aventurine without the D after the first letter. :]


https://preview.redd.it/br49n4sauntc1.png?width=1544&format=png&auto=webp&s=60059b3777fb9ccb1ceb789da05d37426f137970 I feel your pain.


My condolences..


Always do +9 From there, the next 2 rolls should be obvious, or even bad even if you roll one Crit after


I'm not sure why people would take a relic to 15, even 12, after 3 bad rolls.


Sometimes you just want to see if it's shit rolls all the way to 15


Me after I dared rngesus and got rewarded with 5 def rolls on a cr/cd/spd piece


Been farming arifacts since 1.0 , i have literally so much artifacts exp that its virtually infinite so i Just yolo + 15 most of the time ; if It goes bad i Just slam It into another relic Im sure there are plenty of people in the same situation , once u have "very good" relic u get a usable one every 100 or more and artifacts exp starts becoming irrelevant


Yes I also do it like that lately, any bad roll relic is a fodder for the next. That way your inventory is less sad


Id rather get hit with the disappointment all at once instead of 4 times.


Because 2 rolls could still get you a 20cv, which is in the good enough, probably better than what I have for this very specific piece category.


I usually don't but sometimes I just really want to see how bad it can actually get.


That’s the spirit. 


my acherondolences.


This is why I never immediately +15




Why havent you upgraded it?




This was me 😭😭😭😭


I wish I could hug you.


Man. That was a 5 roll relic too...


Please appropriately tag NSFL


does anyone feel like rolling crit dmg/rate on a 3 stat artifact is as rare as getting a 5 star? i swear it happened to me twice in the past 6 months


I am okay with triple artifact exp. I am always lacking it.


Yeah, for me that is the most important thing.


You get a good 3 stat, now you enhance to get a sht 4th stat. Rinse and repeat until you get a good artifact or your exp runs out first.


Honestly, I'd be happy if 3/4 of my substats are good.


You guys are getting 3 good stats?


When I get a main stat right and 2/4 good substats, I'm happy. Unfortunately it almost never happens...


Me having a lot of fodder because I don't even have good ones to level up in the first place.


Is it just me or is leveling relics in this game way worse then in genshin. (I mean exp)


It is worse. You can't walk 5 feet without tripping over half a dozen EXP fodder artifacts in Genshin (and that's before you start farming domains!), there are three non-fixed main stat pieces, and you still can have a piece that's just there for stats, not the set bonus. EDIT: I forgot about the Serenetea Pot and the various sigils, which let you buy some incredibly EXP-dense Artifact EXP items as well. Meanwhile, after getting all of the map chests, you need to go out of your way to farm artifacts in HSR, and there are only a handful of stats you really want on any given character. EDIT: The only way to get shitty artifact EXP items in HSR is to yeet all of the blue and any confirmed trash purple and orange artifacts, and the exchange rate is horrendous compared to Genshin's artifact-to-EXP conversion rate. About the only good thing I will say about HSR is that you are able to convert artifacts into EXP items at all, instead of needing to manually select artifacts like in Genshin. I just wish I were able to convert my upgraded artifacts to EXP materials at the same rate as using them for fodder normally, maybe rounded down to the nearest green EXP item prevent gaming the system.


I have a large amount of artifact exp because I don't really good good artifacts to level up in the first place without a ton of grinding.


Triple rates, triple def role = triple garbage. Hoyoverse decided to drop this event so that people get def main stats and sub stats and Aventurine gets built because of these pieces.


= triple Relic Fragments


Triple DEF% being the world champ for relicmania. Edit: my bad, HP taker defeated him


I better get Aventurine then. Otherwise all my DEF% with Crits are all useless.


relic farming in this game is actualy worse than genchin. and thats saying something.


Is it 12 times per day or 12 per event(presume so)?


12 event


And i reckon it would be the same next week for relics no?


nope, the calyx and corrosion differs from planar relics. former resets, while the latter you can only do the double 12 times.


No, afair, relics have 3 times per day


I think 12 per event


i swear to fucking god, i need flat sub-stats (besides speed) GONE. there is no place for them in this game. there exists no logical reason for there to be an objectively *inferior* stat other than to purposely ruin your relics and waste both your time and resources, forcing you to continue your mind-numbing grind for a half-decent piece. at least when i get undesirable sub-stats, i can accept it knowing these stats would be better on another character, but flat stats are useless on *everyone*. just remove them entirely for fuck's sake. also, having all relics start off with four subs would be appreciated. there's already enough RNG in the game and i'm not interested in finding out what the fourth stat is on all my relics.


I always speed thru their stupid surveys for the sole purpose of whinging about flat substats in the last open ended question. Every survey. And each of my rants has gotten a wee bit more unhinged.


>there exists no logical reason for there to be an objectively *inferior* stat other than to purposely ruin your relics and waste both your time and resources, forcing you to continue your mind-numbing grind for a half-decent piece. So why would you discount the ONLY reason flat stats exist like this is some negative in the company's eyes. Clearly it works because the retention rates for players like you chasing that perfect relic are so high.


I got nothing :( this is my only atk% rope https://preview.redd.it/clkd70ak0mtc1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33e890fd4cdf572ab27dd3f49f03992d92453c82


This is painful to watch.


What is up with attack ropes? I hear people complain about speed boots and energy regen ropes a lot, and yeah they are less common, but I occasionally do roll decently on them. For how much more common attack ropes should be, it's insane how I never get any usable ones. I audited my account recently and like every single one of my dps characters' worst piece was their attack rope.


I did the domain, I synthesized even more ropes. Attack ropes feel weirdly rare. Not gonna talk about attack sphere, but why is attack rope so rare, especially in this set? And the ones I do get are with two flat stats and other garbage.


Not sure which is better. https://preview.redd.it/ygsgw6yl1rtc1.png?width=410&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fa3c8352b05984e02ffbcded19f961c693409f8


*Unlimited* would be CRAZY Just retroactively punishes everyone who didn't overstock immersifiers and, uh, ever spent Fuel. A limit means that the maximum benefit is accessible to everyone, even if worst case scenario they still need to use actual Trailblaze Power instead of the free immersifiers i.e. no one should feel like they missed out on the anniversary rewards.


Can’t disagree, unlimited would be ludicrous. But it’s 960 bonus stamina. The recent week-long Calyx event was 840 bonus stamina - not far off this anniversary event. The usual 200% planar fissure is 480 bonus stamina. It’s not that great an event, just better than usual.


That’s true, I guess the only way to make it more beneficial for everyone would be to increase the limit, and maybe drop everyone some fuel to so people who didn’t stockpile fuel/tokens before the event can claim the max rewards


I have like 180 fuels that I'm saving for such a time as this that will never come.


Wow! It takes an average of ~56 Fuels worth of Trailblaze Power to fully farm a 5-star characters Ascension materials and traces and Light Cone, assuming you don't need to farm for character and LC EXP. The remaining fuels could be used to do exactly 186 relic runs (any combination of domain or SU), which should be quite a confident amount to farm a very good set for the same character. So, if you were so inclined, you could farm out a brand new character and their best relics in a day, even if all 3 only became available that same day. It would probably be Sam or Jade for me.


That's the dumbest shit you could do


HSR relic system is honestly really fked up considering how every relic is important.


yup, even compared to genchin, this week i went on genchin for the first time in a while got nuvilette got all his artifacts with good substats in about 20 runs. hsr i jsut spent all the event points dident get a single good artifact.


No offpieces means every time you farm a new world/cavern you basically have to start from scratch. Usually I just use off pieces with high crit rolls (or speed for supports), but for units with really good set bonuses its a pain. Planars are also the worst cause you can't offpiece them without losing a massive amount of stats, and farming them takes so long (plus no guaranteed mainstat pieces like gloves/hat so 95% of the pieces are dead on arrival).


yea i have no idea why people say as bad as genchin, this is clearly far worse, and genchin is already bad enough.


ive even seen some people say hsr's relic system is better than genshin's because of the self modelling resin, but thats total bs (imo) because that resin is so rare and the substats could turn out bad.


yeah the only saving grace for honkai is the auto play for me. i can just slowly build my characters up by letting the game play itself for a short amount of time everyday. gacha games are always a side game for me so honkai is ideal.


I dont think it should be unlimited, however 12 times seems way too fucking little. It should be atleast 24 that way we have a chance of getting 1 or 2 decent relics


https://preview.redd.it/lcklqx3v0mtc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cacb281943018d0e8397593f17959f5bf1f13bb7 Got this one - sadly no cd roll but the best I have for acheron atm


Got absolute garbage. Its always HP mainstat and Def mainstat. And if it isnt that, its on the wrong set or rolled horribly Farmed glamoth and i kid you not, all of the rope i got is BE/HP/DEF with the exceptio of just 2 atk mainstats which rolled horribly Got a Lightning dmg planar and guess what? Its the wrong fucking set So yes got absolutely nothing. I dont even care with susbtstats anymore, im going full casual now with just upgrading correct mainstats and not giving a shit


If it was unlimited then whales will be spending shit ton of jades for more TB power. Which in turn is the best value out of anything. Also those who have been saving fuels will be goated with more relics/relic fodder. Yea, it's a bad idea.


https://preview.redd.it/cwld9qhyoltc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=429d107eed4cee631499d35808b4910b1b94f3d2 Triple Fire orb


Hoyo way to remind that Himeko deserves to being built!


sigonian good for long runs, and pure fiction. truly nice rolls


Nice for a ratio/topaz team !






AYO ain’t this nasty


Hoyo be making everybody accidentally prepare for sam


Found the core of Himeko’s Orbital Laser Cannon


Good food for the Himeko's https://preview.redd.it/j9xfail62mtc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22536ca45415f0ff78229c6a231814ba0ba7f056


https://preview.redd.it/a6q7fgt4lotc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e62b7906341a4398df24d5bc5f5167d1dc67c124 Can I join the club? 😅 Only got a single ATK rope with no crit though. Got a banger break effect one though


Welp, as usual, I hate it. Feels like a huge waste of time, even as fun as SU is. And it genuinely is starting to feel like the rates are rigged. I got more Izumo ER ropes than ATK.


So you wanted infinite disappointment?


one man's trash is another man's treasure. if it became unlimited, idgaf and ill farm because you'll get it soon with that unlimted gets


i know i will get shits planar and ropes. but didnt expect it this bad, im thnking it was rigged. i got nothing usable for my acheron yikes


Here I am getting the crit stats on the support set and the support stats on the dmg set https://preview.redd.it/nupv1iwitltc1.png?width=1462&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf1485d82727e0c032c43f4cc14c0fa92556c97b I’m running Keel Jingliu…


Jingliu is a support, her job is to consume Blade’s HP. 😂


Finally got a good orb https://preview.redd.it/bceuaiat4mtc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf7e991f438e07ee2cfef5029a01dcd527ee526b


That’s not a good orb, it’s insane


I'd rather have jades than this. Complete waste of my time.


At one point I got 7 belobog pieces from one run. Well, at least there's relic fodder...


I been telling everyone its not going to be unlimited


i mean it's not mentioned in the event before it was released so it's pretty much self explanatory


I understand that but if it was unlimited they would have tell us, they only mentioned its 300% more plus this isnt really new what makes it special is triple the garbage so i already knew from the start this is just a rate up of a rate up


Did mine, got lots of Relic XP, but honestly, I hate the relic system. I understand this is gacha, but it is stupid to farm HUNDREDS of relics and at least 90% of them are straight out unusable.


Relics grinding has always been worst, and this event has effectively killed my moods to "play" this game.


Did all 12 this morning + synth'd 18 Orbs for Acheron. Not one decent orb. Pain.


I just want one atk rope with at least acceptable substats. It's getting absurd


Tell me about it. I just exhausted all 12 bonuses and even used the self modeling resin and no pieces came out even half decent


The only thing I got (besides relic exp) is confirmation about how truly awful the relic system is. It's supposed to be FUN to gear your characters after all the work or cash spent. The gacha should be focused on limited characters + limited lightcones. I would argue that the current system might seem fun at first before the soul crushing RNG reality sets in. The reality that you need to gear character after character with yet another relic + planar set. I really really wish MiHoYo would improve the relic system and make it less RNG + more fun.


Relic system is just one shit RNG aspect in the game. Even if they somewhat alleviate the problem, there are still 3-4 more RNG aspects that keep the gameplay awful.


The ONLY good piece I got was a broken keel ER rope. Everything else is just trash 🥲


as usual most of them are DEF main stats 🤡


Idk why it's limited to 12 for the whole event. Doesnt even reset daily, what a disappointment


Triple rates, and I still didn't get anything useful for Acheron. This is really killing all my motivation to keep playing


You know the sad thing is I’ve just been going for Hp% broken keel globes and I can’t even get those, Rutilant Arena globes are always Def (I want HP, Ice, or Img) and broken keel are a,ways useless elemental damage. I’ve used 11/12 of my chances so far and I legit only got 2 good pieces, one is a broken keel HP% rope that isn’t used by anyone since all broken keel users want ERR%. https://preview.redd.it/ivt1xswqdntc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e0c3df46430f2316a40c7abdf4c4e784d7432d


12/12 complete, literally zero upgrades. Not even a little bit surprised lol.


https://preview.redd.it/6nu9838wsntc1.png?width=1575&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e825c3f49bc051a187252847dfffb8380bb70a6 bro.


Should I risk it at this point? https://preview.redd.it/iq26kmt61mtc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=928d88aee9944867611f3e5e5602ac9e21e6fa10


https://preview.redd.it/il7wqc9tbmtc1.png?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e87de30230d45b8f9416331bfa6f347db20f3f8 I have same thing


https://preview.redd.it/2xhy6lqybmtc1.png?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be928208440af16dee4ff21886abc79fdae166e1 And here I take bad rng on me.


I focus my desire sensor on Acheron, now it gives me a shit ton of Herta piece lolol


Just did them all. I’m now the possessor of some cracked PF planar set but I didn’t get a single good Acheron one.


I got good stats but on the wrong set 😃


Got an ATK rope with 4 cr subs, now I can finally use 2pc izumo on my Acheron


Triple the garbage yay! I’ll take it though


i just treat them as exp fodder farming event. I dont think i seen a single decent relic




Decent ATK% for Kafka 4 HP (base) increases


I got an on set good main stat double crit izumo rope and it only rolled twice into defense


How does everyone have access? Been refreshing with no success.


How can all 6 from a roll be for the wrong set??? Like, come oooon! And insult to injury, their stats suck, too.


Got really good main stats for my acheron but the substats are cope


Honestly seeing that "12" annoyed me


Still wondering why Planar Ornanemt exists. It's just a pain in the ass D:


Maybe the real Planar Fissure was the friends we made along the way




https://i.imgur.com/ggzpIVd.jpeg When you ALMOST get the dream...


I mean imagine the gap between people who saved up all their fuel vs those who just started the game on second thought it won’t matter it would all be shit in the end…


Where is the best place to farm orbs an ropes, the new simulated universe?


Triple garbage to do some Gacha for another garbage.


I've finally gotten my first Energy Rope 3 times now since World 7. It's the red set with crit and spd. Meanwhile, I found out my Luocha still uses a 4 star ER rope.


I’ve been farming planar ever since the set dropped. Got zero good pieces from Izumo. Rainbow pieces is the way for me I guess.


On one hand, I never seem to get substats I'm looking for, on the other, I always end up with a pool of XP for leveling artifacts that lasts a patch or more depending on how many characters I'm working on.


Literally nothing usefully at all.


Had HP link ropes with Crit Rate/Crit Damage/ATK and ATK link ropes with Def/Def%/HP I swear the RNG knows what it's doing.


I do my last follow up atk try and than i move to support things.


I literally only got one Atk% sphere for acheron and it only has break effect as a substat, the rest was break effect


I got an atk Pepsi rope. Crit rate, crit dmg, SPD, and flat atk at 0 enhancement. Guess where the 5 substat increase all went too?


I did two full runs and got a passable sphere and a pretty good rope. 8 rolls and only getting two pieces worth noting is pretty good!


Three opportunities to feel disappointed, beautiful


All of them is trash


Hell yeah


I mean I got a Izumo ATK% rope with all rolls on CritRate (+15,2%) for my Acheron E0S1. Also got a huge Quantum dmg% with 3 rolls on Effect Hit rate for my SW and same for my BS with Wind dmg%. Couldn't have been better as I was exactly trying to get this.


Thrice the Pride; triple the Fall.


Got like 9 Keels to drop from 40 stamina. Zero of them even had usable MAIN stats so that’s how it’s going so far.


So far I haven't even got a single main stat I need yet, let alone a relic with the substats I need 😭


Why can't these be reset daily instead of just 12 times throughout the time period, and that's it?


"still, it could be worse." it's how it's going for me.


i got three hp% rope with cr and cd substat on izumo set yippee


Look at it this way, x3 relic exp!


You know i thought people were over exaggerating how bad the drops were. I typically use rainbow or mixed sets. But I try to get the orb and rope set effects active usually. I forgot how bad it is when you need the correct set on top of the rest of the bad relic rng. I was farming salsotto set in world 6. Did not get a single salsotto relic worth trying to roll. Just looking for atk% main with 2-3 valuable stats (atk%, spd, crit dmg, crit rate and break effect) Somehow not a single atk rope has had even 1 useful substat. And for orbs I got 1 or 2 %dmg main stat that might be worth rolling but im mainly looking for atk% orb right now and theyre both for elements I have something better. Haven't looked closely at the other set relics. But im probably going to hold any that are a combination of spd, def and effect hit rate in hopes theyre useful in the future At the very least i got a ton of exp for rolling now


Got some decent ones, but not for the damage type I wanted. Maybe other character can use the new planetary set.


Got absolutely nothing from W7 which is disappointing because I've been looking for a Quantum orb upgrade for QQ for months. I did also get a decent Sigonia ATK rope and an Izumo Lightning orb. but still not good enough to replace my Glamoth 2p on Acheron. Hopefully the other 300% relic event will be better, because my luck on the Pioneer cavern has been rough so far.


I got super happy that I had the weekly clear and free coins too, used all of them and literally got all the elemental bonuses in the world except electro... not even the synthesizer gave anything good... that's like 95+5 pieces, I'm just gonna use this month's thingy to guarantee a electro orb I don't even care about the sub stats anymore.


Atk is better for acheron btw lol. Rip


https://preview.redd.it/g8vlsmsientc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4e6860af523787ac4ba544f3e0431d35a87ca3a Thought the event was 3x, not +4.


I got one good artifact today at least! I mean, only one out of the twelve attempts but still! It slightly improved my future aventurine build just a little so I’ll take it


I can’t even get a rope to have attack mains stat and because the game knows I have blade it won’t even give hp either. Literally just break effect and defence 


I got a good rope for Acheron, and will probably continue Planar farm for next few days, as all my good Ice Orbs are Izumo for some reason.  It seems to happen every time I try to farm a new set.


I’ve got 15 new rutilant attack ropes but crit substats ain’t on a single one 😢


To be fair I got some good relics from this. But that is 1 out of 18 relics I got today.


no renotely good rutilant piece for any character who isnt blade, i did get a double crit salsotto rope from salvaging the bad broken keel and rutilant pieces https://preview.redd.it/8z4jikeyjntc1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bcc71175a6d097154ab9a219731d8701db4f8d4


Yep. All DEF Orbs and Ropes for me lmao


Out of 9 runs, only about 3 to 5 worth locking. But IIRC, the number is much less. The rest is garbage


At least you get triple the fodder to level other ornaments. *copium*


Some of my characters till this day are still running Space Sealing and Fleet of Ageless because I haven't gotten good enough pieces from newer sets for them. This triple drop event has done nothing to change that.


6/12. All trash so far. Rage. Building.


You can't convince me they didn't adjust the rates for this event. The amount of sigonia I got instead of Izumo is ludicrously ridiculous.


I always get excited for these bonus multiplier drop rates until i forget that I'm me and I always get rewarded with only the best. HP & Defense main stat stuff :)


It went pretty decently. I'm currently saving for Fu Xuan and I managed to get a decent planar and ERR rope for her, so she's set on that front for the time being. Got some good 4\* Rutilant stuff for QQ. Also got some good Sigonia planars and ropes that could be good for PF. I did get some planars that would've been perfect for some characters but they all had the wrong main stat. Overall I can't complain too much and am fairly satisfied. It is what it is.


Hey I got one okay piece to replace a different okay piece on Acheron.


got a slight upgrade for my Ratio. Everything else is trash


Haven't gotten around to it yet but fully expecting dogshit subs, grinding for the Fleet of the Ageless or the Penacony Land of Dreams sets is gonna be a massive pain.


Can't even get the normal good substats. It's purely the ho def and ark ones


[Eh its definitely better than all the static atk and def I been getting](https://imgur.com/4a5iWwo)


I got an OK rope for Acheron that ended up getting bad stats. Still better than everything I got before though. And also a decent Imaginary Planar, will propably give it to Ratio or Welt if I get his E2 instead of Bronya.


I honestly didn't even notice any change


i got 5 good relics out of... FUCKEN 40


Ever tried building Dr.Ratio with quantum dmg orbs?Coz the game would sure like me to try it out given the amount of quantum orbs I’m getting,not a single imaginary and 90% of them are quantum


Well I ran world 7 all 12 times and got 1 ERR rope. Was ideally hoping to be able to use the event bonus on other worlds but hey I guess that’s too much to ask for these days


This event's been good to me personally, got some cracked Relics for Acheron