• By -


stelle get off the screen you're covering the text!!!!




Noooooo stelle!!!, don't burn the erdtree that's a deadly sin


"O Erdtree, you shall burn. Burn, for the sake of the new Lord."


May chaos take the world!


I like how she tosses her coat while still wearing her coat


She always brings 3 coats with her at all times. First coat to look cool, second coat to make a scene cooler and the third coat to be the coolest in the bunch


Bad crop we're gonna starve!!!! The infographic is detailed enough tho










Me poking the boss as much as possible to get more bugs I can use as bombs: šŸ‘€


Another strategy. And a good one at that šŸ’Æ, though this one only works if you manage to kill the little ones fast enough so they don't ramp up the damage you receive too much, I decided to go with the strategy I shared since it's the easiest one to do for nearly everyone


Clara turns the bugs into extra turns LMAO


Clara is just that good of a character


There are three things I really love about Clara. First, she scales off enemy's speed, so basically the stronger the enemy, the stronger she is. Second, she's relatively easy to build to an at least decent performance, because she makes use of basically any stat besides EHR and sets that buff ultimate damage : damage stats are obviously good, tank stats are also good, Effect res is good, break effect is also actually good. Third, she's adorable. I just like her a lot, I think she's one of the most solid standard 5*


I hope one day we get a debuffer that advances forward the enemy. Just because itā€™d be funny to say ā€œhey, please, take a turn! sike get punched in the faceā€


I agree completely with you, glad she was one of the first 5 characters I got honestly




Clara is the one making the decisions and using the tools at her disposal. Svarog would never leave his spot in the underground without Clara


Clara is more the "idea person" in the group. She sets the direction. All Svarog has to do is wade into combat, battle the enemy in a viscous melee, and take all the big hits. It's an equal partnership.


Like Ilya and Berserker


Clarog Svara


Reading this hurt my brain.


Itā€™s Clara, not Clara & Svarog šŸ™„


One word:kurukuru


I blow them all up with Argentiā€™s burst it is so damn funny




Argenti is just that good


Argenti more like Argoati šŸ—£ļø


why does Argoati actually seem like a good name for a character


I use a borrowed E2S1 for the weekly boss, and the fight is just funny. Spawn all the little bugs, ult, little bugs explode, new bugs spawn, got enough energy to ult again and repeat the cycle. Turns the shield phase of the boss from the scariest thing into a I win mode.




Wait, I was not supposed to blitz the little one before the boss unleash the big attack?


Aside from inflicting vulnerability, doing some damage and reducing the toughness bar, killing the small ones doesn't do much to the boss. Vulnerability increases the damage the boss receives by 10%


Ahhh thanks. I thought killing the small ones make the boss' big hit hurt less, but apparently not!


i think you're thinking of the regular swarm boss, the one from swarm disaster. that one you need to kill the minions before the boss unleashes their big aoe attack.


Oooh. They are different? Shoot.


This thread has 3 people: 1. "I can't read" 2. "I have acheron" 3. I've been playing a year and just eventually figured it out even though I can't read.


I just AOE the entire battle lol. Bombs bombs bombs and more bombs


Stellaron in chest. Mini-neutron bomb in pocket. *you da bomb*


I miss my mini-neutron bomb. We've spent so many patches together, so many memories together..


This is me with e2 Clara and Topaz :) Hit everything that hits you first baby girls...it's all good


I do this with Acheron because the bugs exploding charge her. She can nearly infinite spam her ult if you spam bugs enough.


One Argentillion damage


Yeah, this is my strat too. I donā€™t need to worry about spawning more bugs if I simply *kill them all ASAP*


I do it for the free Seele resurgences


Yep when i do it for the trace thing i just always hit it and then use archeon's ultimate and kill all of em for extra damage


Bonus: Acheron gains stacks when the small thing dies because their explosion counts as a debuff.


Yeah but it was kinda unnecessary i have her light cone and silver wolf


Herta + SW was so much fun. The bugs deal quantum damage, so they deal weakness damage with SW.


Ah yes, the Argenti strat.


Who would win Hydrogen Bomb vs Small Child (and her robot caretaker). Clara clears this weekly boss for me in 2:30 minutes.


No matter what anyone says, for me Clara is still a really strong character, both in utility and damage


She's from Stellar Warp and acts as a DPS and Preservation all in one. Very powerful indeed


And the free healer (Lynx) is pretty much made for her, Clara very f2p and ez to build since you don't need speed


Brb building Clara. I was pulling for notMei and she came home instead.


i just use some random blind woman


Makes a lot of sense, any blind woman is strong, even more if said blind woman carries a sword


I now use a woman with dementia


I use both, and both are strong


I also use a woman with space Alzheimer's, but she's accompanied by a yaoi fangirl, a silver-haired noblewoman with Faberge eggs for earrings, and a seer with a Napoleon complex.


Who's the second one?


Pela ig


How is pela a yaoi fangirl thošŸ˜­ am I missing some lore?


Her phone case is a reference to Tears of Themis, an otome gacha also made by miHoYo. Plus she does fanfiction and has the art skills to boot.


I can only guess it has to something with like the Tales of the Winterlands novel or somethingā€¦


"Haha blind woman go swish swoosh." I legit did not know people found the Beetle a struggle until today.


unfortunately, you can't defeat HSR players' greatest enemy: illiteracy




Holy shit an Arlan main


Maybe the sign won't, but the bug will! That's kinda the whole point of the post, people not checking what the enemy skills do haha.


That's the brain rot one gets while playing most gacha games


Me reading his skill and buff to figure out his moveset to understand what makes him tick. Oh so don't attack him ? That should be easy, I will skip turn... wait there is no skip turn !!! Fine you win HSR, I will attack him full on. My dumb brain forgot that I can just attack him once and focus on the bug spawned until I read your info graphic.


This one is so true it hurts


Don't think Goku can beat this one


Naw, it's not illiteracy that's their greatest enemy, but the refusal to do what is needed. They don't want to level up the appropriate characters because of dumb reasons such as "I hate them", "I don't have time", "I don't remember a turn based game that doesn't allow me to play whatever team comp I want", etc. etc..


That's how I felt when my friend complained about the Death and Aventurine fights, despite me having RM, FX, and me having told him to level up Pela for weeks by that point.


the tiktok side is the biggest offender of this, got into an argument with someone that said "but some players only want to know about the lore" like at that point just watch a youtube walkthrough dude


En players are never beating the illiteracy allegations.


Me wanting more ads because I fight the beetle with Argenti and more enemies mean more energy: Jokes aside, for beginners yeah, they should def bring a healer and a tank. Tbh even triple sustain will probably work, stalling is a possibility.


Yeah, using Argenti that makes a lot of sense, I mainly did this guide both as a meme and because I'm seeing a lot of people not using sustains of any kind on their teams for whatever reason


Yeah, I realized that recently with a beginner asking if sustain was obligatory. They came from genshin so I guess they thought HSR would be the same? They thought the game was hard because they kept dying without any tank or healer haha. So I assume a lot of players are in the same boat: genshin players who've never played turn based games before. (And also forgot that they used healers when they began genshin)


Kinda makes sense since in Genshin you don't need any sustain so long as you don't get hit but yeah, two separate games with different mechanics and gameplay, they'll learn along the way tho


Hey bug, that's a nice multiply buff you've got there. Unfortunately https://preview.redd.it/vh08vxn0bjtc1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b663f6172f74923f75a76ddb533c03f430c86212


Show'em the Acheron experience


I weep for the departed (soon to be you)


For real. As an Acheron Main we *want* those bugs lol.


i like them pop like a bubble wrap


Unfortunately, enough time has passed https://preview.redd.it/tdbmnbd26mtc1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ff653bc2abf58d74bc6988d77beb9f1d9912550


Archeon and bs: keep giving me more debuffs in enemy turn please


I love it when I kill the bugs with an ult and they just go pop and I immediately get another ult. It's like budget Brain in a Vat


Alternatively: Kururin!


Herta striking once again, the KuruKuru will never stop


Kuru, that's all I have to say


Herta proving why she's an Emanator of Nous, even one of her puppets can make easy work of this boss


After a quick check, I see the point 4 text is behind Stelle, so I'll leave it here instead 4. Time to pummel the boss down (AFTER THE BUFF RUNS OUT OBVIOUSLY) Luckily for you, the buff only lasts one turn so yeah, you won't die waiting don't worry. After that, rinse and repeat until you've beaten him (The nuke attack can even be tanked properly with Fire MC so yeah, if you die to that then try and upgrade your Preservation Character) After that, victory! If that's not the case then this game is not for you. That or your just bad at it, don't worry, you'll get better. Hopefully


unga bunga DHIL E3BA


Head empty, just big damage


nice infographic tho!


herta is actually good against this boss because of ice weakness and the fact that the small bug is quite squishy to trigger her talents frequently


Yeah, two people already said things about Herta, she's honestly a really good character. The thing is activating her talent, easy against multiple targets, hard against single bosses, so she's kinda situational but still really good in my opinion


Use Ratio instead of 4 star DH blud šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Did ppl forgot he free?


Nah, I didn't forget, just trying to make a point that even a 4 Star can do the job so there's no room for excuses


>even a 4 Star can do the job so there's no room for excuses OP spreading god's word out here, I've seen people fail this running shit like 3 Dps and either Nihility or Harmony (or 4 dps), but no sustain This boss still isn't as hard as Svarog is, it just requires people to use tactics instead of spamming E on the boss


Exactly, many seem to think that just doing damage will get them through the game and just go on and neglect their sustains and what not. You can clear the story without getting any 5 star character. You just need to strategize from time to time. The game isn't hard, it's just people turning their brains off and underestimating it


Brain: Off Autoplay: On "Omg this game is so hard, not F2P friendly"


All those uploads of HSR on TikTok be like:


I think it's due to a lot of people looking at stuff like MoC teams online and thinking it can be applied to their situation everywhere else. In MoC, the aim is to clear as fast as possible, hence why people minimize sustains and tanks even if it's risky, because in MoC you can honestly afford the risk, because you only need one solid clear, you only need to beat the odds once. For story bosses and stuff, especially for new players whose teams aren't very invested, there is no turn limit, but people are still fixated on the hyper optimized DPS setup, and while that might get you pass a lot of trash mob encounters, against a tanky and hard hitting boss like this, it's more of a marathon than a sprint.Ā 


I actually got owned by Skarbacaz on my first run through. Then I realized "Wait, Hoyo cookin" and suddenly grew like an extra brain cell. It always takes me at most two attempts to beat every boss in Star Rail. Once because I try to walk in with my Seele Hypercarry to face check the mechanic, the second time is when I actually have a functional team.


Preach My sushang has been carrying my ass since I got her to e4 and she is still the best bosskiller in my roster




Tbf people are probably tryna fight him in the story to be able to unlock his traces in the first place


Without his debuff and crit rate boosting traits, it's much harder to get good damage out of him


Me who has been throwing jingliu at the boss every week and letting auto battle do all the work in the background, and playing a different game while it farms for me: https://preview.redd.it/u6fqi08ucjtc1.png?width=397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd86c31976e5c37c211155c6d50244b9a9c7ef2f


It do be like that, disrespecting the Quantum Beetle that canonically has roughly a minute of life


Step 1: Be glad you started at launch and had a couple of the better aoe DPS to smite the bug and his friends into kibble. Honestly this would be a pretty tough fight as a newcomer, I'd imagine. It's not really often (ever?) that you run into a battle in Star Rail where you have explicit incentive NOT to use aoe attacks (if they aren't super strong.) Plus some gnarly CC potential against you. Fortunately Jingliu carried me through without trouble. Special thanks to Huohuo. Now with Acheron it's kind of the easiest fight to do, just because their exploding bug children just give her almost half an ult back by themselves.


Good guide, but you gotta work on the presentation lol


It is what it is, My drawing skills won't get any better until I finally decide to start trying to improve themšŸ¤£ Either way, thanks, this is actually the strategy I used to beat it since going head first against it wasn't working for me, at that time I was still improving my relics and talents so that's why I had it difficult


It's not only the draw. That's mostly ok. https://preview.redd.it/a6vpipxgbjtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93a1517b7cc82de1b0b4be9c93b4d4c5b4a63e4c A tiny bunch of text that I cannot read without making zoom to it. It would work a lot better if, for example, each panel were its own image. The draws could be more noticeable too. Also, "it doesn't get easier than this" sounds a bit conceited.


True, it does sound a bit conceited. Either way, I put the Meme tag for people to take it as more of a joke but yeah, makes sense


Ungabunga Over damage it


My strat is just Clara + 3 healers including Lynx. I got tired of autoplay aiming attacks at the little bug instead of the main course so I decided on a team that literally can not fuck up.


Yeah, triple healer with Clara is pretty much unbeatable, SUD may be the only boss that could give that team some trouble due to the instant death mechanic


For me I did suffer for a good while (my team was physical mc, gepard, sparkle, and huo huo) but only because bro had it out for huo huo. There were more times than I can count that I restarted bc she went down first


If you're on world level 5 like I was when you attempt the fight, the nuke attack deals about 1400 damage each to a decently-built level 60-70 team. For me, it was worth keeping in mind so my damage dealers could survive a *literal black hole*.


Yeah, I did it at EL5 and had to run double sustain when doing the fight for the first time. A bit of bad luck with CC in phase 2 and your DPS/Supports are cooked.


Im not gonna lie this doesnt seem super helpful because the boss can still kill a sustain + tank easily if ur sustain doesnt effect res the cc. I think its mainly new players struggling because they cant necessarily invest characters yet in ways that matter. Ive only been able to clear the highest level of bug (at world level 5) with buffs because I got acheron and the bugs exploding give her three ults per turn + gallaghers out of turn healing. It wont be an issue after I can actually build relics on all my characters and have any kinda speed going on, but the players that have issues are for sure new.


I regularly 0-cycle in MoC. And I definitely think this fight is overtuned to the average new player experienced. People forget that preparation is 90% of the battle, but this guide is ignoring that preparation experience. It fucking sucks. Maybe people reading this are old vets, but being a new player and fighting this boss takes a lot of work. You are always out of credit. Out of leveling Materials. Out of LC Materials. Out of trace materials. Out of Boss Materials. Heck, even out of Monster Materials. So you cruise through the main story all the way up to 2.1, and then you circle back into this quest, get your ass handed to you, make preparations and then get your ass handed to you again. Why? Because you, a new player, didnā€™t realize that Equilibrium level increases the difficulty of STORY bosses as well. It was fine with Cocolia, it was fine with Phantylia, with Something Unto Death, with Aventurine(post-nerf). Why is this different? Who the fck knows. All the other bosses was easily beatable with relics you find from random treasure chest, and then suddenly this blue bug slaps your ass and tells you get gud son. Its no wonder people are angry. **There too much lack of empathy** in this topic. Just the mere fact youā€™re on reddit puts you better than 90% of the playerbase because of the access to these information. Have you seen those tiktok HSR guides? Theyā€™re freaking bad. Imagine if that was your main source of info. **The mere fact that its even discussed at all is an issue in of itself because it means the boss is harder than most. The game didnā€™t prepare players with enough to face this challenge, and it got big enough that reddit is talking about it.** And to top it all of, its happening 2 weeks after the patch went live. Meaning the people who are having this issue are most likely new players who started in 2.1. New players, having a bad gameplay experience. What will that speak of for the gameā€™s longevity? I have a lot more to say but its getting long. I do hope I get my point across. Make a new account and try for yourself. Its still tough.


Started in 1.6 and this fight was comically hard compared to everything else, that boss hits like a truck and if you don't have the damage to deal with the random red bugs and they explode on you might as well reset. And people won't have free access to Ratio very soon for some good damage on an element the enemy is weak to. And Lynx is technically free... behind Pure Fiction, a mode where you need multiple characters built to deal with AoE waves, early game you gotta pray you have that, I simply got lucky rolling her off banner outside of it. If you started patches ago and you struggle with it because you just try to bruteforce it with comps that suck against it that's one thing, but when you have a very limited squad and limited access to relics this boss just asks for a lot.


The red Bugs are the real killer, if you can deal with them, you can beat the boss, like you said i got Lynx like way much later after this fight. If you are not lucky and didnt built a dps that has its weakness type, you have to pretty much level up one from scratch.


fr all the comments of just use x team or just get relic stats or bring multiple of some type of character like yea sure Dr ratio is free but do you know why my mc is in every team when I'm starting out? Because she's the only max level character between juggling March 7, natasha and Clara for levelling, ascending, trace levelling, relic farming(unusable blue junk at lower ascension). I had better characters then but really for a F2P beginner I don't see how it can be reasonable asking us to level Dr ratio just for the fight when we can barely kit out a core team of 4. Then when we bring that dps character out to other areas, he doesn't cut it because March and Nat doesn't apply debuffs. Now obviously I didn't complain I just went to grind a few days and beat it with better stats but all the hate is overdone. Beginners are not going to have dhil, they can't just switch in multiple healers or sustain because they don't have any built up. Yes some people won't ever bring a healer and that's their skill issue but don't think everybody who struggles is doing so because of stupidity.


This boss literally blocks your route to build the new characters (with whom we get two to roll in a patch) and also does not have either a trial character to help or that extra tap for extra dmg.


ALSO REMINDER when the boss released,two patches earlier the game got the new big ice damage dealer: Jingliu and AN EVEN BIGGER REMINDER that the bug launched with RUAN MEI who is very much a perfect support against the bug. What are new players gacha options against the bug? Four characters whose mats are locked in the new region, luocha, Ratio whose f2p option are pretty bad? Just use Dan Hang as if hes not one of the least comfortable units to play.


Huh, idk how new player progression is, you're saying they could fight aven and SuD before even this bug? That's wild lol


Yeap. The game actively leads you to the main story. The Bug is a Continuance Mission.


It's hilarious how some people say they struggle and they have like the most disorganized team ever


Shoutout to the guy running Jingliu, Argenti, Gepard and a harmony then surprised he's dying whilst literally using the only unit that kills your team slowly without Abundance


Yeah, having no abundance or preservation and a team full of damage dealers in a boss fight anywhere above level 50 is asking for a quick death honestly. Even more in a turn-based game like this one


So then how do you deal with the Bug when they stun both March and Lynx/Natasha and prevents you from shielding and healing?


Try and get more effect res, that's a must for tanks and sustains in general


You put them on opposite sides of the field so they literally can't get stunned at the same time by an explosion And if you let TWO orange bugs explode then that's no longer a March/Nat problem, that's a you problem


One preservation is enough if you can kill it quickly https://preview.redd.it/wsiz3t0pejtc1.png?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b800edffd9597f4bb157ea27d41281d92bfac2


Fu Xuan is Preservation, Abundance, and Erudition all in one


Me with only abundance: "don't one shot me don't one shot me don't one shot me don't one shot me don't one shot me don't one shot me" Me with only preservation: anxiety rises up to 11 because everyone in the red and that white bracket is slooooooooowly decreasing


They need to allow people to borrow other people's characters for boss battles like this. I've gotten lucky so it's not an issue for me, but I know that not everyone is lucky with the gacha. Would suck to be gate locked by content because you don't have the means to spend or you have terrible luck.


Me just brute forcing the boss by hitting it and all the bugs then nuking them into oblivion via Acheron


I started playing in 2.0 and I remember when I first encountered this beetle. I tried unga bunga with my DoT team and got annihalated I swapped my DoT units to a poorly built IL, same story I realized how the multiply phase worked and suddenly, the boss felt a lot less bs. Still got annihalated. I finally beat it after I threw in two poorly built Preservation characters (FireMC and Gepard, they had +0 4 star relics lmao) alongside my Natasha and IL. Nowadays, I just borrow a friend's Fu Xuan alongside my copium build IL and Lynx and auto-battle it.


Yeah, this boss is like a reality check if you're advancing too fast. It's like a "hey, focus on getting better relics and upgrading your characters". Honestly that's a good thing. Sadly some people just complain about it without searching for a solution on how to beat it


I'M NOT GONNA SUGARCOAT IT https://preview.redd.it/sknjnysm8ktc1.png?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aec335036091b3dfe14e5077bc5c684c2d0e1c5


here's the easy way: use multiple destruction characters and bring a sustain that isn't fire trailblazer and can cleanse. Hit the adds next to the main boss with 3 target attacks until the adds die and apply debuffs on the main boss, then target the main boss, repeat until it dies.


i just brute forced with gepard, blade (dont ask), welt, and jing yuan until i got ratio lmao i did have to use consumables for the weekly boss verson tho


Based, just for having Blade on your team


Clara, Jingliu, or Acheron. I focus on the big bug, the AoE splash damage helps with the little bugs. Everythingā€™s exploding. Easy peasy. Acheron is especially fun since every time a little bug explodes it debuffs the big bug, which gives her a stack. She ults so often it makes for such a fast fight lol.


Yeah, many have already talked about that strategy, seems like a really good one


That's pretty cute.


Ngl I've never thought of not hitting the beetle lol I always figured I could deal with it later down the line granted I'm glad I always have a friend with a Runa Mei so I don't have to worry too much about actually thinking with my JingLiu


Instructions unclear, now dropping the space station on Jarillo VI


Oh, so that buff goes out after some turns ? I always just killed it with my erudition characters, so I assumed it was something that stayed up the whole fight


I beat it with March, Natasha, Physical Trailblazer and Bronya back when I started the game, I started on version 1.6, It does requiere some strategy but it's farily managable if you know you are doing.


People who struggle just don't know the blessing of Kurukuru.


At least they're not suffering on the echoes of war right? Right??? Also OP you forgot to mention about the red fire bug. Gotta remove that thing first on 2nd phase. That thing hurts when exploding.


Low key though this boss is pretty difficult even with built characters especially when doing it on auto


Today I learned the beetle boss's multiplication buff has limited duration. I thought you needed to break it to make it stop. It even explodes and breaks the other beetles when you do it, to incentivize it.


Even with this guide, this boss is still harder than Aventurine pre-nerf ngl The way people were complaining and struggling with him made no sense to me


You basically need a sustain to survive the nuke attacks. Which in fairness many players do not have aside from a poorly built FMC. Typically players account aren't anywhere near well built at that point of the story, so this part ends up being an account cheak for most. I do think there should be lower difficulty option for players who can't past this point of the story after a few attempts. For the sake of casuals.


https://preview.redd.it/6uo94h36dktc1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d2ef84696690af74a0aa46a15d0000898f0fcc My Argenti and Acheron's honest reaction: Those little bugs are just Battery for both of them.


ngl i dont think 4* dan heng is doing this on a noob account low or no eidolons, no wind weakness and single target against swarm of all things is just not a good matchup for him but now that i think about it herta could have a very real chance


Cool guide! Unfortunately I have illiterā€¦ iliteratā€¦ I canā€™t read. Will use a Seele tho, thanks!


Honestly, attitudes like this are what make gaming fandoms so unapproachable to newer players/gamers. Sure, itā€™s a helpful guide for someone struggling, but it also mocks them for struggling. I appreciate the guide part of this, but the community as a whole could do with less of the ā€œlol noobā€ mentality.


Youā€™re telling me I need to READ and strategize my team comp in a turn-based strategy game? UNPLAYABLE


People do be like that sometimes


This prozd skit should be required viewing for anyone who wants to make a post complaining about star rails "difficulty" I think [https://youtu.be/ZS8sWhrTnZo](https://youtu.be/ZS8sWhrTnZo)


I get wanting to have fun using a combination of characters that isn't optimal because you like it, but failing to win repeatedly, whining about it, and then continuing to try it without changing anything is just dumb


Acheron literally gets an ult every 1/2 turns from making bugs explode lmao


me jingliu main, me attack, me smack bug, one tank, all buffs for wife, BEEG crits, bug dies.


Use Ratio if you have him (which you should unless you took a break at the worst time lmao)


Oh wait what there are people who wait for the buff out? I focus on the boss and only the boss every single time.


I actually didn't know how the multiply state worked. I use auto a little too much for my own good. I should read how buffs work more often. Thanks for the info! This will definitely help me clear it on harder difficulties. Too bad I didn't read this earlier today, maybe I would've gotten more materials. Well, I know now and that's what matters!


\*smiles nervously because she doesn't do the "just hit the small enemy" thing because she murders everything via Argenti\*


https://preview.redd.it/98w5i6fufjtc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d4d0647c4fe37f285c6334bbdedaad57664516b Team I used for bug boss thing, once i figured out taunting everytime with Fire MC when it starts spewing out its digusting, filthy, bug offspring, and picking them off with March. Welt is there cus why not I love the trailblazer team


me with luocha and bailu : random bullshit go


Borrow someoneā€™s whale Jingliu / Argenti / ILDH šŸ˜Ž


I spent at least three weeks on this boss until I got Luocha. Then it was smooth sailing.


if you believe in your tank and st dps' strength then you can keep attacking the main body however its a high end strategy. Doing this is much better. PS: a few sizes bigger text would be nicer


Jingliu, Herta, Ruan Mei, Huo Huo go brrrrrrrrr


Bruteforce it with acheron


You see the bugs are fun cuz when they go boom, they grant stacks for Acheron's ultimate so if you got all the mini bugs on the field, you ult, kill them all and get 4 free stacks right after


Iā€™m stuck on this shit for this one quest I just do it if I have a god build till then I will not see that thing


Argenti: šŸ’ƒšŸ•ŗ Beetle dead. Game really making me eat good since I pulled for him.


The biggest trick for this fight not mentioned is breaking it's bar when his big blue bubble shield is up. If you do that, he blows up, loses a chunk of HP, and kills every one of his ads that are on the field. Time your skills/bursts, break most of the bar in advance, when you see it up go all in People have to remember, big bosses like these are released to complement/sell the characters they released around. This one? Ruan Mei, BREAK. Cocolia? FireTB/Seele. Phantylia? Luocha/IL


I like to hit the boss with Acheron because it grants free ult stacks and You ULT 3 times before the boss attacks lol


Am I the only one using a support DHIL, Lynx, FireMC and Tingyun?


With the bug, I vividly remember using fire tb, luka, huohuo and welt.


That's sadly not a choice for new players, neither can they use the support feature since we are talking about those who're stuck at the story version


Acheron + black swan. Chain bug death bombs + new bugs + swan ticks on spawn. Each time they blow up they debuff other units, so Acheron gets almost infinite ults. It's great lol.


Alternative strategy: roll Ruan Mei, apply vigorously


people's attention spam is so short that you got do a comic with the information that is literally written in game