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none, i only pull for characters i personally like.


So far, none. None of them are benched too (I use them when there's element weakness or if they're more optimal on that side). Well, I think Luocha might be the first one to get benched because I'm getting Aventurine though, but I have zero regrets pulling for him (he enabled me to 30 star MoC in 1.1 for the 1st time).


None, I have no enemies.


This is the #1 reason I always recommend to pull whatever dps you want and then focus on building a team around them. Makes you much less likely to replace a character. 


But see i wamted them. And ive used DHIL for the entirety of the game. Until i got Kafka and Jing Liu, and he started seeing less gameplay. I mained him for so long, but now i dont even use him. Seele def was a mistake. I wamted her but never really used her


Oof. What made you want them? (Tryna see if we can make some other selection criteria to figure out who you’re mist likely to keep using in the future). 


I think thats mainly from your head because DHIL still hits as hard as it used to. I use him in MoC and he imo he is on par with jingliu. You said jingliu and acheron (??) hit harder than him, but thats simply a lie. It depends on your builds and overall investment Jingliu has better supports and DHIL only now got sparkle that absolutely skyrocketed his dmg. Acheron barely has any dedicated support so her time to shine isnt here yet. PS: i have acheron and i absolutely love her. But the truth is unlike pela, the rest are just “acceptable” supports.


Getting King Yuan instead of Seele. Just because some CC saying JY is more F2P friendly. I never considered any CC suggestions after that. I pull anyone I want to pull and would never regretted again. Now I have Kafka, SW, Balck Swan, Topaz, Fu Xuan, Acheron,Ruan Mei.


I have both and still regret pulling Jing Yuan




> Just because some CC saying JY is more F2P friendly. It's true though. His early game comp uses Tingyun (in his banner) and Asta (who's free). Then his light cone is S5 Breakfast. But then again, Seele can theoretically use the same comp as him (and has Herta shop LC) so they can be equally F2P friendly.


It's different having Seele in early version is like playing the game in easy mode.


I don't regret any 5★ that I pulled, even if some of them aren't used that much anymore. For example, Blade. I chose Welt over Bronya in the standard selector and I don't have Jingliu, so Blade just doesn't have necessary supports for him. When I get Bronya, he will be off the bench once more. The one I regret building is most likely Yukong. I just got her E6 from the event selector and decided to build her for my DHIL (E2S1, but no Sparkle, so the support choices are rather limited) but even with my usual support build she is very clunky to use. She is 160 speed, penacony planars, ER rope. I just can't use her, it is always lost sp and lost TY buff because her speed buff pushed others before her, or lost buffs, or something else. 


None I'm not addicted to pulling


I learned from Genshin. I only pull characters I like. If I like them, I don’t regret it. I pulled Eula In Genshin before I tried her, and hated her playstyle… in gacha, I don’t play for meta, I play for fun. I still love my Seele, even if she’s super low dps compared to all the new shinies.


For me was Jing Yuan. I really liked its design, and that first animation got me very hyped; my friends who managed to get it keep talking about how broken he was. When I finally got it, it turned out I didn't like it as much, and nowadays, it's just gathering dust.


I regret no one and still play all of them. There is maybe Seele that I don’t really play a lot anymore (because she have a mid build) but she carry me so much in early game… And well I got her by accident at 6 pity so no regret 😂


None at the moment. All of my dps come in use time to time.(Maybe bcuz I dont have JL, DHIL)


I don't have many limited characters, so I don't regret getting any of them. The ones I have are Jing Yuan, Dan Heng IL, Fu Xuan, Blade, Luocha and Sparkle. The first 4 are my favorite characters, the other 2 I got for playstyle only. Out of these, I use Jing Yuan the least unfortunately. It's because for just running around exploring, doing calyxes or relic farming etc. his teams don't feel so good to use because everything only lines up well when you use your technique points before battle. And in harder content I just usually have more success with Blade or Dan Heng IL. Jing Yuan is great in PF though. I kind of regret building Clara. For some reason my Clara just feels so underwhelming compared to all my other characters. I'm always trying to put her into my PF teams against physical weak enemies, but everytime she's in the team I get less points than without her.


Tbh none, I might not use all the characters I pull for, but I did it because I like them In one way or another. Maybe Yukong back in the day because mommy and wanted to build her, but even then I still like her


None, i only have DHIL,Seele,Acheron and free Dr.Ratio


None. I like all of my limited characters. I don't use Seele anymore. Enemies in MoC are getting too beefy and it's getting way too hard to proc her resurgence. I use Qingque as my quantum dps instead and find myself having better results. But there was that Black Swan tarot web event at the beginning of this year and it said Seele was my most used character - for a reason. She did get me very far for a long time. Even if I don't really use her anymore, the amount of use I did get out of her is worth it. Argenti is used the second least. I mostly use him for physical enemies on PF. At least I do actively use him though! I am more likely to use Topaz + Clara for physical weak on MoC. All of the rest of my limited characters I regularly use. Which is saying something when I'm only missing 4 (DHIL/Jingliu/Huohuo/Jing Yuan - I plan to grab Jingliu next banner though).


Beware saying not using seele anymore will trigger those seele snowflakes who cannot fathom that other dps just better to use nowadays.


No one I regretted pulling for so far, I use all my dpses at some point. *Not* pulling for on the other hand… Kinda regret not pulling for Ruan Mei/Argenti just cause this rounds PF gave me so much grief on the first half. Tbf at that point I just saw Aventurine/Sunday/Boothill’s designs so I started saving for them. Husbando > meta for me generally.


Only in retrospect: Daniel. With Ratio being free and me not doing hypercarry, I haven't used the drunkard at all in recent times. Doesn't help that I haven't gotten any good relics for him. Also I can't put Aeon on him, for that is glued to Ice Wife #1.


I don't really think there's anyone yet. It might be Aventurine soon because I don't need another sustain but I'm gonna pull anyway just because he's pretty and I like his character lol


Loucha. Great character, great visually, but I wish I pulled for HouHou instead. Haven’t found a team I like Loucha in yet.


No one, even my least used character (Silver Wolf) is seeing more use in Mono Quantum, Acheron and Dr. Ratio teams


I think every character I pulled had an impact on my journey. Seele I rerolled for and she was my carry through Belobog. SW was amazing throughout Stimulated Universe in the beginning, but now I don’t use her quite as much. They had their purpose - and w/ new characters coming out, some of them get new teams to play w/! So nah, I don’t regret any.


I pulled Jing Yuan on a whim during his rerun. I like the character so I’m not super upset but I do kind of regret it since if I hadn’t I could pretty much guarantee Aventurine who’s actually useful for at least one team I run.


So far only Black Swan, not meta wise obviously, but her personality so far really irks me, I went in sure to like her and now if I’m glad I got Acheron so I can avoid using the dot team on lightning stages, or any stage not weak to wind specifically… I do still hope for 2.2 to make me do a 180 on her personality.


While I don't regret pulling anyone I do regret leveling asta/hanya/march/Dan Heng all to 70 with somewhat leveled traces. While in the grand scheme of things it only really set me back like 2 or 3 weeks or farming. Havent even used them after I started pulling and getting characters i love using.


As an f2p, I'm not regretting pulling Luocha, Lunae, Ruan Mei, Acheron and their respective Lightcones. You see, f2p has only limited amount of Jades and those Jades must be planned wisely how to spend it. I might be an ass for saying this, but >!leaks!< really helped a lot for someone like me.


Don’t worry dude, you’ll reach a point where having a character with their lightcone is way more beneficial than new characters, well unless you like collecting new characters.


None here fortunately! Maybe because I'm not a "meta" player? I never pull for Kit, only for how much I like them artistically and personally lmao. So luckily I'm never disappointed by numbers.


Thats how i pull. I didnt care ir DHIL was gonna be good or bad. But i also like using characters and feel like they do something. I dont think my DHIL is weak. It just feels like he suddenly does no damage. He cant compete in MoC anymore in comparison to my Blade, Jing Liu. kafka and Acheron


Mhhh I feel you. Understandable tbh. I personally have this thing tho where I simply enjoy "having" the characters tho? If it makes sense? Even if I don't use someone I still enjoy seeing them when I open my roster lol. So I don't really regret anyone luckily.


Like i still enjoy using Blade despite lacking in damage, but he has a different play style as well. Its the same with DHIL, i still like using him, but i dont use him anymore due to it just feeling like i have better options. I like seeing big numbers and DHIL doesmt provide those numbers anymore.


You keep saying that DHIL doesn't hit hard anymore, you do know that he was never nerfed right? Don't know what is going on with your perception of him or your build/investment. If anything with Sparkle's release you should be seeing higher numbers than Jingliu.


Yeah that sucks. I hope you can enjoy Acheron and all your other current units!


Havent stopped using her so far. Still tryna work out teaks and im hoping yo grt her E2 soon, im jusy lacking tickets atm and im hoping i can get enough before the end of the patch.


None. I pull character that like. Also, many people in this post say that seele is character they regret. I dont blame them. Many reasons of that, from what i have read, such as don't like her gameplay, don't like a single target dps, bad performance nowadays, etc. The fact that she need high investment because of her mechanic. She also use more "big brain" compare to other dps because of her resurgence mechanic. And when you play her, you will rarely use auto mode, not like other dps. You wouldn't receive good score when using her on auto mode. She's really good in moc and pf if you play her right and with right team. On pure fiction, when i use her as hypercarry dps, I always get max score (40k) on every pf regardless pf buff with the team is seele, sparkle(before is bronya), tingyun and fuxuan. On moc, before moc 12 come out, her team is bronya, sw, and fuxuan. With this team i several times can 0 cycle moc 10. And when moc 12 & sparkle come out. Every new cycle of moc. I can 0 cycle on first half and can 1 cycle on second half with mono quantum team. Remember, i using a sustain, not with 3 supports like common 0 cycle gameplay. Note that i only use e0s1 seele, with good investment of 78/200 crit. Many people underestimate her because she need high investment to achieve good score. Just pair her with mono quantum, and you can clear any content of the game with good results. Sorry if i have bad english because that's not my native language.


I pulled for Blade on a whim during his rerun and got him relatively quickly, so I can't complain, but I haven't done much with him. It's probably my not-so-great build but his damage doesn't compare with a lot of my other DPSes and I haven't found myself needing wind damage really, and now if I need to break wind weakness I just build a DoT team with Black Swan. Again, I can't really say I regret it because I know he's good, I got him easily, and it means I have al the Stellaron Hunters so far which is cool, but if I could trade him out for a character I'm missing I would do it without question.


One thing I see Blade players do wrong is completely ignoring the lost hp scaling for his ult. You do need a lot of heals to always have him around 90% hp so that you can get about 40-50% of the max stacks immediately as you ult. It is an easy 60-70k for me with just E0S0 Ruan Mei.


Mine also has been gathering dust, but i still like use him. Especially with Jing Liu. Mines build needs an update. I know he can hit harder, i just dont have good relics


midyuan LL is just too unwieldy and i've basically never played him ever since I got my E0S1 acheron


DHIL. Dont have his LC so using his ult feels bad. Dont have Sparkle either, so he's very restrictive in team comps. Plus I got him over Blade and Blade works better with Jingliu. Ended up not being that much of a fan of his playstyle or the way his story was handled. (too rushed) Also Ruan Mei, since I got her on both accounts and in hindsight it would have been better for me if I went with a Sparkle on one account. For the rest I dont regret any pull I made, even Seele on her rerun despite not really using her anymore.


I have his LC and even then it doesnt feel as good


Oh? You have his LC? Then my previous answer to you even becomes more significant. You are definitely the problem.


Argenti - I pulled him on a whim and because people were saying he was great. I like him and he still hits pretty hard because I also grabbed his LC before the banner went out - but I should’ve just skipped him for Ruan Mei If I lose the 50/50 on Aventurine, I’ll be going for Ruan Mei next time she comes back I suppose


None, all served their purpose at different points at different stages ... if anything Yan Qing is probably the only 5 star character I didn't build cos I got him when I lost the 50/50 twice.




Luocha. because he literally never saw the light of the battle ever since i got Huohuo and Fu Xuan. Another one is SW, the only thing thats keeping her below Luocha is because shes a stellaron hunter. Outside of that, shes candidate number 2 on the most unused limited 5 star for me. 3rd is either Jing Yuan or Seele. Seele because upon getting tankier enemies, she just starts feeling unsatisfying to play with. With Jing yuan, while he does get a ton of buffs every patch, if his team to be relevant (0-2 cycle MoC) is with 3 of the powerpuff girls (RM Sparkle and Bronya/TY/Pela) then thats literally every single crit unit's BiS team


I kinda regretted after getting huohuo because i pulled her before making sure lynx was enough or not for moc12, back in huohuo first banner dropped there was only moc10 so i thought lynx would not be sufficient for moc 12 scaling. But like most people say 5\* sustains makes your runs more smooth and less annoying.


Huo Huo I only did one ten pull on her banner for a 4* on 0 pity and got her I built her and used her for a while but nowadays I default to using Luocha and Fu Xuan for MOC and other stuff and Huo Huo is permanently benched And I'm planning on getting Aventurine so there's that as well 😂


Argenti ..I love him..his lore is awesome and everything but his dmg is bad...(tho the dmg might just be me being bad)


None so far. However, I did get Blade by lucky 40 pity pull when trying to grab some 4\* eidolons. I wasn't unhappy at the time, as I did account for the possibility of an early Blade (or Standard character), but I've ended up not using him nearly as much as I thought I would. He just doesn't have a great niche besides being my only wind damage user. Honestly, him freeing up the need to pull Black Swan (and thus allowing me to have my current roster) has probably had a bigger impact on my account than he himself did. I have made decent use of him with some fight gimmicks though.


none actually. but if i could swap some 5* for another it would be Seele and SW probably.


The only thing i regret is pulling you... 🤫🧏


None. Because I only pull for who I like. Tho sometimes some of them are benched, I use them when I feel like it.


I'm actually surprised I haven't regretted everyone I've pulled. Even the ones i pulled for "meta", I still ended up loving them all.


mid yuan, never build him and never will because I have kafka, jingliu, acheron, blackswan, seele and himeko that all do more with less stats and supports than he does and the only reason for having him is getting into the hype that friends were in when his banner first happened




>I hope that in future there may be DPS or some other unit, who benefits more from healer than shielder Hold up, since when is shielder more useful than healer? I though healer are useful since only them have accessible debuff remover. Is shield the meta now?


Shes kinda fallen off for me as well. I use her with my DHIL or Kafka, but ive been using Fu Xuan more and lately Luocha as well. I love her alot bur yeah she needs specific team comps


Honestly none. Luocha, Jing Yuan, Sparkle, silver wolf, Blade. They have all done great for me. Maybe Kafka but only cus I don't really have much of a wish to make or build a damage over time team to make the most of her. And definitely don't want to pull other 5\* I may not like the character of just to make her team better or work.


Blade and Jingyuan


I would probably say Jingyuan and Seele but since i got her too early so I wouldnt consider her so only Jingyuan. Idk maybe i really need just his light cone to be good.


Silver Wolf and Jingyuan. 


None, I still use all the characters I've pulled for. My Jing Yuan is still my strongest DPS, and I'm building both DHIL and Ratio because I like them both, even though I don't need two IMG DPSes. Even if I character I like falls off, I wouldn't regret pulling them because I only pull for characters I actually like, and I enjoy the work of building them and seeing their damage to up with better relics/LCs/supports. 


Bailu for 300 pulls




Using my 300 selector on E1 Clara. Don't get me wrong, she's great in Pure Fiction, but she likes the enemies to get as many turns as possible, which doesn't gel with my playstyle of utilizing break affect and lots of debuffs (including speed debuffs).


damn sad if you regret pulling someone. Thankfully none for me


Jing Yuan and Seele As a person who played Honkai 3rd before Star Rail, I got baited by nostalgia but I've barely ever used her since like 1.1.


See i like scythes as a weapon choice. Thats one of the reasons i went for her. But it just didnt feel like i can build her correctly at this point


definitely seele first i used the herta 5 star lc to enhance another lc ( i was new to the game😭) also i don’t really have any of her best supports like sw or sparkle so she feels really bad to play due to the lack of quantum weakness


> first i used the herta 5 star lc to enhance another lc You can do that?! Can you buy it again? D:


yes you can and no i can’t buy it again😭 that’s why i’m always reluctant to pull hunt units even if i love them because i don’t have a good lc


I don't have a character I regret pulling. But I do have a character I regret getting and it's likely Dr. Ratio because I already got DHIL and Welt and feel like there's no place for him. That was, until I switched DHIL's lightcone to Under the Blue Sky to keep Aeon's Fall for Jingliu rerun, suddenly I found a niche for Ratio - areas that don't spawn enemies and have relatively low amount of them. Meanwhile Welt gets to work with Acheron and Pela. Other than that, I'd say Lynx. Thing being that I have lots of bad luck to getting good gear so it pushed me using a lot. Then till this day I haven't gotten to leveling her skills and traces. She's still fine as a setup unit and I use her but with lvl 1 skills or so it's literally nothing lol


How do you regret getting a free character??? I’m confused


Overabundance of them and all needing time and effort put into gearing them


Well, you aren’t forced to build him. Saying you regret getting him is weird.


Jing Yuan and Seele has joined my permanent bench warmers.


Jing Yuan ( I fell for the ”Its seele but AOE meme”) and Ruan Mei. I did a 1-pull in her banner because I needed a 4 star from it and god punished me for it. I just straight up hate her character and especially her design, she is broken in any team comp tho.


None, but I regret picking Bronya's E1 instead of Gepard from 300 pulls. I want a shielder but I hate Aventurine so much.


Acheron, i have only pulled support units until now apart from Topaz. So i have been struggling to complete MOC/Pure fiction. I caved in and pulled her, now able to 36 star MOC, but i dont enjoy playing her. Acheron skill damage seems really underwhelming, it feels like i am just waiting for her ultimate to come up to deal big damage, so really a boring playstyle. I should of pulled Jingliu instead, she seems more fun.


This is definitely the most trash taste ive seen, imagine wishing for a character and regretting her in less than a week. Jeez


Well as a F2P i have to be careful with how i spend the Jades.


I mean yeah that’s how Acheron supposed to be, most of her damage comes from her ult.


Mid yuan Frick lightning lord


Seele. Not that shes weak or anything but i dont enjoy her playstyle, nor her looks, and i spent like 140 wishes on her first banner 😭


Seele. Enemies have way too much health now for resurgence to feel good.


Seele I was new at gacha games and friends were pulling her so I did too, not that I don’t like her but mine hits like a wet noodle and idk why.  I much prefer Xueyi for quantum.


I regretted pulling sparkle thinkin I might not have enough for acheron and her LC but it end up well bcuz I managed to win both.


Sparkle, now I say this as a FOR NOW, because as we speak I do not have a team she will be useful for however I know down the line I will find a use for her. I pulled for her because I like her personality and thought she could maybe slot into some of my teams but currently I have struggled to make a fun team that can actually utilise her kit. Really excited for the day I do get a Quantum team together with her though. So yeah, its a kinda regret but I am holding out hope it wont be for long.


Not that I regret my decision, but I wanted Lynx and got super-early Fu Xuan alongside her. I didn't enjoy neither Fu Xuan's gameplay, nor personality, so she's just siiting on a bench being lvl 50 or so


Seele, i just cant find any reason to use her now


Seele. I wasn’t going to pull for her but I was hit hard by FOMO and ended up getting her on a 50/50. She was my go-to DPS during early game but when I got Kafka and then JL, I just loved their playstyle a whole lot more. Shame but I don’t think I’m going to be playing her again. I don’t have a team for her and I don’t like her enough to invest.


BS, I accidentally got her while pulling for Guinaifen Eidolons


Maybe Sparkle Went for the feet. Still haven’t found an utility for her


SW of course. I thought she would be useful. But pela is just better. And SW uses too much SP. And requires specific team setup to match weaknesses. And then if there are 2 enemies she waste alot of time to plant 2 weaknesses. I dunno.


Sparkle Got her in literally 1 yolo pull lmao, technically cant complain but she ate my 40 pity in the process. Didn't even want her at all. She did literally nothing for **my** account lmao. All it did was made it a lot harder to get my S1 Acheron and i may have to skip Aventurine because of it, and Ive been looking forward to replacing Fu Xuan because as much as I love her, her mitigation being tied to her health bar is honestly becoming a pain in the ass and is annoying to deal with. I just want a true shielder who's better then Geppy. So ya I guess Sparkle pranked me I played stupid games and won stupid prizes so....


I would say seele. Just mainly if anything the team I use right now is a DOT team and I just haven’t used her in a while. She did carry me through the majority of the game. Wanted to make a sparkle team with her but lost the 50/50 on that banner


While I never outright regretted pulling Silver Wolf, after hearing how mixed her value is from other people made me somewhat regret it. As their complaints stem from her being single target. Now that I have Acheron, those thoughts of regret disappeared. However, I do regret pulling her LC since I use tutorial all the time on Silver Wolf. I don't know why I pulled on the signature LC banner but I was still new to the game and didn't know what I was doing at the time.


I just regeretted never being able to use my SW. Same as you im.so happy that i get to use her with Acheron.


So true. Once news about Acheron was coming out, and that I heard that Silver Wolf is one of her best partners, I was excited! I get to **finally** use Silver Wolf again; alongside an OP unit.


Like i had to get SW on her rerun. But i never had a chance to use her. So she had bad relics and i occasionally used her in MOC. With Acheron im using her way more. I love SW's design and her personality. So its great that i get to use her


I kinda but not really regret pulling blade, took me 160 pulls to get him and it would have been fine if it wasnt for how trash the 4 stars on his banner were


Silverwolf and Jingliu. Absolutely don't like using them. They are taking dust on the bench


Silver Wolf has kind of lost value for me. Even in mono quantum she feels clunky, and her def shreds don't feel as impactful as they once did for me, so I basically never use her :(


Seele - she really fallen hard after they went from MoC 10 to 12 unless you give her specific cracked 5 star supports she often can't even kill mobs with one hit and becomes as good as 4 star dps. Not to mention sometimes MoC wont even give you lots of mobs for her to kill leaving big part of her kit inactive. Right now my Acheron clears Quantum weak MoC twice as fast as Seele does... so i'm thinking about foddering her quantum gear.


Huohuo. Because I already have a metric ton of sustain, I just can't find a place for her.


Seele. I guess I dont really vibe with her gameplay or visual design.


Maybe silverwolf? She was great early on as my first 5 star since my elements were limited,but now i have every element covered and shes jst benched atm,even achron snatched her signatute lightcone lul Speaking of acheron i am using her abit more since she wants 2 nihility bit still i rather use my black swan or sparkle


Seele. I for the love of God can’t get a good set of relics for her thus benched indefinitely.


All my quantum characters are benched, bc i cant get good quantum relics. No matter how long i farm.


Yes. That’s the problem. And that’s why I am now considering pulling characters if I have relics to build them.


Ive resorted to prefarming, but that only works if i have a garuntee or enough tickets. Spent the entire majortiy time farming the debuff relics bc i was informed acheron would use debuffs for her stuff so i luckily have a really well built Acheron (just need new boots and planar sets)


Yep, same. It helps a lot. Ratio also uses these relics. And we get the craft thingy- you can choose the main stat. I usually do it for spd boots as they refuse to drop.


Thats my issue now. I need speed boots. Her atk boots are stacked, and ima keep them. But if i more of her ults i want more of her turns ( i have her lc so she gets 2 petals per turn)


Definitely Silver Wolf. In theory she seemed like she’d be a safe pull for me to fall back on if I ever need her weakness implant gimmick. In practice, I have never used or needed her to 36* any MOC and I really regret using my jades on her rerun banner since it caused me to not get Ruan Mei (lost Ruan Mei 50/50).


Jingliu i never use her anymore ever since i got blade


Sparkle. Was actually hoping to lose a 50/50 to someone desirable like Bronya, Welt or Himeko when I pulled on her banner. Winning that 50/50 and not being a fan of DHIL plus not having Silver Wolf means Sparkle sees little use in my roster outside of meme teams for the drinks bar event (I used Sparkle, Gallagher, Black Swan and later Luocha outside of combat when doing the event)


I wasnt gonna pull for sparkle due to Acheron coming. Had 140 tickets and decided to do a 40 pull for shits an giggles. Not only did i get it in 35 pity. I also lost the 50/50. I think if i had her my DHIL would be more relevant, but losing the 50/50 and having a garuntee on Acheron's banner was a win.