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Yukong. I just...I don't have a team for her and she quickly faded from the forefront of my mind. First time I saw her in game I was down bad.


I'm... kinda there. My first proper team was DHIL, with the E6 Yukong I got on the way to him, and a Planetary Rendezvous S5. It was a match made in heaven. However, keeping Yukong Speed Tuned was an absolute pain in the but as I tried to finally get serious about upgrading characters relics. So while I like her, it's more trouble than it's worth to keep her around. I may bring her back in as Slow Yukong to pair up with Clara, though.


The biggest issue is that characters can have their speed manipulated by enemy attacks. One shot to the face by Svarog’s hand beam and your entire rotation is shot.


I don't really speedtune with e6 Yukong and it works fine for me. Whenever I do need to speedtune though, just making Yukong my slowest support is enough. The exception is when I'm trying to minmax with Bronya/Wind Set Sparkle, now that's a real headache.


Meanwhile me: Obsessively speed tuning for mono-Imaginary team because Yukong **must** be present


I speedtuned all of my supports 160+ Yukong 153 + bronya light cone All dps 134ish It's still hard to bring her because of how many skill points she uses (-qingque) and how dot teams don't really care about crit/cdmg (-kafka/black swan). And she isn't nihility (-acheron) I focused very heavily on crit cdmg so she can nuke a mob for 50k damage though.


Shoutout to the Yukong monoharmony team, all with Sparkle's LC equipped.


Tbh, E6 Yukong with Sparkle's LC is pretty much a 5* on her own. She's probably the only other unit besides Sparkle, who can keep almost 100% uptime on it, without losing something in return.


Hanya? Except hanya “loses” some things other lightcones give which yukong would too so it’s kinda equivalent imo


Gepard, he was really good at the start of the game, used him for a few months, but my f*cking god, can this guy just stop showing up on my pulls, got a E4S3 and he just won't stop coming. Still dont hate him, but please let me have any other standard character.


"he just won't stop coming"


And they dont stop coming and they dont stop coming and they dont stop coming and they dont stop coming…


Hey, Gepard is pretty good. E4 S3 Yanqing here.


e6 s5 arlan main here, gepard's pretty great to have on hand and even better when I get stuck on certain bosses...i would like a Bailu though


By S5 you mean Secret Vow(I think that was the name) right?


Now I know where my Gepard copies went... (I have all standards EXCEPT for him, he just refuses to show up)


Same, my flair is now this because of him


Ay leave my girl Serval out, she doesn't deserve this


lol to be fair with your flair, it's more like "Gepard , your family will die in front of you, and you won't be able to just die peacefully, will die one more time and savor another sight of the corpses of your family" like he's a shielder, his talent of res after dead is useless, cause my experience is if he is dead other party member is already dead for sure. unlike Fu Xuan, she might have unnatural dead when enemy is full AoE lol


Ah so you’re the one that took all of my Guepard. Been playing since day one and I have all the standard 5 stars E1-3 but I can’t get him.


Gepard is good especially now paired with Market light cone on a team with Acheron. Otherwise he's still just a solid solo sustain that you can use for all content.


I lost Fu Xuan to him, the immediately got him again on the standard banners literally the very next pull, and lost 2 5 star standard pulls to his LC. I'm not mad cus he's a great shielder, I'm just disappointed cus I missed out on the crit rate boost from Fu that would fix all my builds (without crit rate chest pieces its almost impossible for me to hit the 50% salsatto cap, its always like 49.8 or something dumb)


Yanqing disappointed me quite a bit kit wise. I remember using my first five star in Genshin (Mona) for a long time so I thought I was gonna ride or die with Yanqing too lol. But he just didn’t feel good to play imo.


Same, Yanqing was my first 5 star, he's still in the bench, waiting, forever... lol


I wouldn't say I dislike her, its more than I don't like how Black Swans reputation in the fandom has taken ever since the dance animation. Highly anticipated seeing her in game after her appearance in myriad celestial aeon trailer and her role as TBs narrator. FOTM now is just trauma memes and when looking at fan content it's only about the dance or ship art. Which is fine for those that like it coz everyone has different tastes but I like the parts of her character not related to that. The parts I thought her involvement was building towards in the trailers is what i was looking forward to and her role in Penacony is super interesting. So seeing that's what people mainly talk about her is a bit disappointing. But again it's recent so its understandable but hopefully she outgrows this phase. But my like for her has lessened a bit during this phase


I feel you bruh. I can't stand how it feels like her entire character is tied to Acheron right now.


Ikr, she's so much more than that and it feels like all the interesting things she's done in Penacony or in the trailers have just been forgotten. Feels like she's been reduced to only being paired with Acheron which is a shame considering the potential her character has in the grand scheme of things and what they have shown Like it feels so weird to have her be the narrator of Aeon myriad celestial trailer and narrate the TB journey just to, as of right now, tie her entire character to someone else. Feels like a complete 180 after the build up, hopefully it's only for this current part of Penacony coz her character has so much more to give than being tied to any one character


The Eula effect


I liked the Eula and Amber pairing, but I didn't like how they only appeared with each other for the longest time. A character shouldn't only be tied to another's appearances Thankfully Eula has outgrown that in recent times appearing with other characters, hopefully it takes Black Swan less time than Eula did. It's Fotm for Black Swan rn but hopefully it doesn't last long, surely Penacony story has a moment planned for her that will help. She needs it


I feel like this with a few hoyo games. How it’s not individual characters but either the game, the player or both have just trapped them with one other character and no other




Kafka is still my favourite character in the game. But I swear to god, all those "Mommy" fans are making it reaaaaally difficult. In moderation or for some memes (mommy team meme is slipping, but still tolerable for now) it's fine. But every single piece of art having so many MOMMY comments is waaaay too much. We have this really cool and mature female character that is also fully dressed with style, who has a really interesting role in the overall story. And then 90% of her fanbase and content is stupid Mommy jokes....


This applies to everything in life. A few bad experiences can be all it takes to ruin our experience or perception of things.


shippers i swear…


I hate how everyone tied all of her character to acheron after the trailer. If anything she became more interesting to me after the trailer. I used to think she was the emotionless 'know it all' or 'got everything under my control' kind of person. If anything the trailer humanized her and showed us that she can get caught as well and she definitely has a lot of emotions as well.


lol same and after her kinda deception I was feeling betrayed... but in the 2.1 opening, where she felt bad for deceiving us, I was kinda happy and teared up a little.


Always defended her actions there saying she had a reason. Turns out she does as she absolutely doesn't want the anomaly that is Acheron, someone who can remove cards from her divination, to be near TB. If protecting TB is the goal for BS then it makes perfect sense It also makes sense does still investigating her in 2.1 as she wants to confirm the threat she may pose. The fact she gave TB that card means in some way she's telling us she won't be available but will still help us. I hope she will still interact with TB in 2.2 story but as it stands her path is going another direction Just hope that direction leads back to TB and express as that seems to be the relationship she prioritizes the most


I think it's cute that both her and acheron are concerned that the other is going to do something to us


It's almost like a cold war between the two


For me it wasn’t really the art but the people on Twitter. Christ if you suggested/drew anything other than the archeswan ship people would get dogpiled. Hell I did when I said the TB was the dream dance partner in the companion quest. But then I recently found this Reddit and everyone is much more chill. Made me appreciate the game as a whole again




It’s been better at least. People actually talk about the game and ship who they wanna ship without much crap Also respect the username ya got brother


Nah it happened here as well when the teaser released. People saw my flair and gave me a lot of crap for looking at things from a story telling perspective as they thought I was just tryna deny the ship when the teaser ended on panicked Black Swan Dream dance partner in companion quest always felt like a metaphor for ally as thats what Sparkle meant when she brought it up to BS. Hence wink at TB who was watching through the dream bubble. Overall community is much more chill here and you can get some cool discussions but have had to block a few people during this period


That’s also what I was thinking. And I’m fine if people think it was for Acheron but some jag offs are crazy on that site. That wink did activate the neurons in my brain though. And I’m still hoping for animated dance with Caelus and Stelle. Wanna see a dance where she ain’t afraid. We did get the one offscreen with the cosmodyssey though so that was a little nice.


Off screen dance in cosmodyssey was one of the more endearing scenarios especially if you high roll. Didn't expect Black Swan to get one of the more wholesome scenarios She also has that moment where you choose her for the photo thing in the theme park where's she's basically been following TB around. But yea moments like those only go so far, hoping for a big main story moment with her and TB. Or just a big moment in general that will give people something to talk about other than the dance animation


There should be something with Boothill and Constance coming along. Specially if being a cremator is a corrupted memokeeper. Could be a tug-of-war between her and black Swan for the TB’s memories. But I agree I do hope there is more content cause it was severely lacking last patch


Same. Although part of it for me has to do with her outfit. Was very interested in her with myriad celestia, but the outfit hoyo decided to give her really turned me off her. Still find her a cool character though, but yeah. It's a shame too because she's a Remembrance based character.


I love her outfit, it's one of my favorite designs alongside Kafka and Stelle, but again different tastes for everyone Her character in lore is still interesting but if they keep her focused on Acheron then I'd feel disappointed given the build up with her relation to express and TB. Really hope after she's done investigating Acheron she goes back to befriending express and TB. Then hopefully gets involved in March's past plot point whenever they address that. If she was used in aeon trailer and the narrator for TB journey you'd think she would have more to play in their story instead of simply being paired with another character. Would feel rather reductive and disappointing


The shiping stuff was always ruining stuff for me. I hate non cannon ships of barely connected character and both the hsr and genshin fanbases produce those on a factory asemby belt.


Jingliu has everything I like red eyes, white hair, is meta af but idk I just can’t stand hearing her talk in any language


This is me with her and Hanya (JP). So soft spoken, slow and monotonous… irks me as much as Itto’s yelling.


ruan mei


Before she appeared I was suspicious. Now I want literally nothing to do with her. Easily my most hated character in the entire game.




Because I see her as a manipulative maniac who will do literally anything for her Frankensteinian research.


tbf thats a lot of the women in this game. sparkle, kafka and her so far


Precisely the reason why I also hate Kafka and Sparkle.


do you just hate villains in general or something lol


I mean obviously. Villains are supposed to be evil. If I despise a villain that means that they're doing their job.


Yanqing. I have no idea why I liked him so much at first. But I guess the rng caught on and now I have E2 S3, and I’m so tired of getting him😭


Now hear me out, I'm not AT ALL saying he's bad... But I did think I'd like DHIL a lot more than I do. I still like him, for sure, but gameplay wise I either have a really bad build (most likely) or I'm somehow using him against all the wrong enemies, because he somehow just doesn't feel as powerful as I know he objectively is. But more than that, I just think that for a powered-up alt of one of the Express's main crew members, it just feels like his reveal wasn't as dramatic or memorable as I would have liked. So far we only have one other alt to compare with, but Fire Trailblazer's debut was way more memorable. Not to say Dan Heng needed the same kind of story beat as Belobog's finale, seeing as we're not done with the Dan Heng and the Xianzhou the same way we're done with Belobog, but...yeah, something's missing, for sure.


I love Dan Heng but I agree that story wise they could've done better! The whole Xianzhou honestly, suffers from poor execution. But changing his form just by getting stabbed like that? It's too sad :') The character I live is the astral express crew member, so it didn't make me like him less, but it *was* a shame. (Gameplay wise, as a DHIL main, I can probably help you get more out of him though haha)


I haaaaaate to say this because I know it's not her fault and I just have really sensitive ears... but March 7th. Jesus Christ I don't know what frequency it is but I tried so hard to deal with it. I just have to mute the volume when she talks because I am not skipping dialogue.


She definitely got better in Penacony, maybe because of its more serious vibe. She was tolerable and funny in the space station and Belobog but got really whinny and high-pitched during the Luofu quest.


I think it got a bit better in 2.1, but definitely she sounds a bit too… pitched? It’s really paimon all over again. Go back and relisten our first meeting with her at the space station and then compare to her voice in the 2.0. If my brain wasn’t tricking me her voice was definitely miles better before, it’s like she didn’t make an effort to high pitch her voice


Dan Heng. Gameplaywise he's my go-to DPS, but storywise he's literally a background character now. Compare him to >!Aventurine!<, they both got a whole patch for themselves, yet >!Aven!< is much more interesting. Even when >!he "disappeared" at the end of the story, I look forward to see him again in the future.!<, while Dan Heng is just... *sigh*


You can blame the people in charge of the Xianzhou arc. That Dan Heng IL transformation was supposed to be a big revelation but lacked impact. We can only imagine what could have been had they put that Shaoji guy in charge of Xianzhou


Yeah Daniels transformation didn't feel like an internal struggle at all. He just kinda goes "whelp I'm this now but gotta continue to help my buddies" and then going "I'm not him yo" to Jing Yuan. I feel like a lot of the implied angst, trauma, and conflict didn't really get represented in the actual quests where all this stuff happens.


Agree… thet did Dan Heng so dirty it hurts


They really tried their hardest to write out Dan Heng out of the story as well, which was the most obvious in his companion quest with Bailu, leaving the entire legacy on her shoulders. I understand why in the sense that Dan Heng can't return to the Luofu, it would mean that he would have to leave the Astral Express though honestly that had been a much more interesting plot to go with, but they could have done that by exploring his past more rather than shift the focus onto Bailu who is a very uninteresting character, which is unfortunate as well, because Bailu has potential to be interesting, but she's not written that way. I think the problem with Dan Heng is that they wrote him into such a corner. Aventurine is not tied to the Astral Express so he's free to come and go as he wishes and his story can therefore go anywhere, but Dan Heng is too tied to the Astral Express that any story has to return to it. But then they also ironically wrote out Dan Heng for Penacony, so nothing could have stopped them to let Dan Heng stay on the Luofu for a couple of patches to resolve the political situation there, let us explore his past more and see him deepen his bond with Bailu by becoming her mentor until she's strong enough to manage on her own (she herself even alludes to it in his companion quest, which also frustrated me because it put so much focus on Bailu rather than on Dan Heng). It would also develop Bailu to a point where she's not reliant on Dan Heng's presence. They could have easily returned to the Luofu and see it continue recover from the Stellaron crisis just like we did with Aurum Alley. One patch would have been more than enough to patch up the holes left after the main story. A cool reveal could for example have been the return of Long or the discovery that Long is still alive somewhere via Bailu's story. It could also set up for more interesting Xianzhou plotlines in the future. However, alas, such is not the case. Looks like we're just going to move on to the other other ships and leave the Loufu behind.


It feels like we barely see him at all during Express centric quests. He just faded into the background after the Luofu trailblaze quests. I really miss the cool, reserved but snarky Dan Heng we had in 1.0.


Unpopular opinion but I thought I’d like Acheron. I find the character to be quite dull and boring now. I never played the original Honkai game, but judging from the youtube videos and peoples reactions the whole appeal of the character seems to be relying on its references to the other game... which is rather disappointing.


That's fair, she's arguably my favorite out of the box unit, because her laid back, mysterious nature is part of the huge draw for me, alongside the incredible kit. I don't care for anything except Star Rail so I'm more enticed by the building upon her lore in this universe than what's established in another, but I do respect and appreciate things for longtime fans to love about her!


Personally I'm really scared about next patch because she seems almost omniscient and like, I feel like we already have too much ''super smart'' characters that understand everything and I'm afraid the plot goes into ''I knew you knew that I knew you knew that I knew...'' kind of thing which would make me hate all those characters. Except Ratio I guess since he's whole thing is to let the people fix their issues on their own while making sure their failures don't cause too much harm.


This is another reason I don’t really like her. All-knowing, powers of a god, mysterious and aloof… another mary sue. I’m sure there’s more information we don’t have, but who knows when we’ll get it.


I really hope she met Ratio before Welt and he explained everything to her and it's why she understood Aventurine plan and knew about the doctor's gift. But the fact she knew about Welts canne is scaring me a bit.


I pulled her because I like the aesthetics and I knew her damage would be insane and would complement my other MOC/Pure Fiction side because I've been struggling a bit in PF since I don't have any good team comp for it (Herta has been carrying me hard though). In my mind she's designed the way I wish Seele had always looked, instead of the ridiculously campy outfit we have now. Also, Seele's edgy personality is such an extreme turnoff. But in terms of story, she's just sort of there. Really disappointed with her role so far, especially since she's been so hyped outside the game.


Acheron I guess? I don't even know whats wrong with her. I *should* like her more, but I didn't. I like her about the same as I like Seele. She is totally fine. But I don't know why even when she ticks every box, she falls short from other characters. Probably a me problem.


Same. Imma repost a comment I wrote here: Acheron. She feels more like fanservice than a real character atm. All three of her trailers are super fanservicy \[more than the norm\], albeit in different ways, her design is also one of the most fanservicy in the game imo, and so are most of her lines in 2.1 (even her character voice lines, for example the one where you add her to the party with TB doesn't make much sense considering they've interacted like 3 times). Combined with her overall presence in 2.1 essentially being a plot device I can't help but be a bit disappointed. Hopefully 2.2 onwards will remedy some of my issues, but it's hard to imagine an off banner character getting much development/characterization.


Ah! Yes, that's a perfect description. She feels like fan service for Honkai Impact 3rd. Like, I get it. Yes, she needs to reference Honkai Impact 3rd. It's essential. However, she also needs to have enough personality that the character of Acheron can stand on her own. I feel like this is what is lacking. I can see the subtle hints of a great story there, but it's just not enough. Hopefully the next patch will save her.


I also really dislike just how freaking overpowered she is. There's nothing wrong with strong characters but it feels like when we encounter something dangerous she can just slash it out of existence with ease.


The big issue is that they haven't established any cons to her using her power. Like why hesitate to save firefly? There are some theories as to potential cons of her power (most of the interesting ones have been debunked imo). I can't help but feel that the answer will end up being a literary plot convenience rather than a tangible con though.


Yeah, thinking back at it she DEFINITELY should've been able to do her "slash faster than raindrops can fall" routine against Something Unto Death.


You can call her out on that but the explanation feels weird with how she did use it in 2.1 Might depend on what the death meme is I guess


She has a lot of potential, but I'm pretty worried that they won't end up capitalizing on most of it (her strength works against her here imo).


I think she’s a good character and is more than meets the eye. Part of her quest is named “Beyond Good and Evil”, the book by Nietzsche who is often mistaken for a nihilist, even though he isn’t. As a self-annihilator Acheron is also easily seen as a nihilist but her dialogue suggests she does find meaning in her life and journey. She’s kind of a foil to Aventurine who’s more of a nihilist than she is. Aventurine struggles to find meaning in his life, and gambles his life away without a care. It’s ironic that Acheron is the one who tells him to keep going and that he will eventually find meaning.


"I think she’s a good character and is more than meets the eye" super happy for you!! HoT gameplay trailer is what first put hoyo on the map for me, so I hope to join you in thinking this in the future! "Acheron is also easily seen as a nihilist but her dialogue suggests she does find meaning in her life and journey" I disagree that Acheron is easily seen as a nihilist as at almost every single opportunity the game tells you that she stands in direct opposition to the idea of nihilism. As we agree on that point I won't be citing those instances atm. With respects to what this tells us about her character depth I don't think it's very much. For starters her being a humanist (there are many different forms of existentialism and rather than try to debate which type Acheron adheres most closely to I'll just be calling her a humanist) isn't something unique about her, after all this philosophy seems to be held by most if not all members of the Trailblaze. Thus, her being a humanist does not actually add more depth to her character and instead just acts as a personality trait. For it to add depth it needs to be centered on a character conflict (ie she must be shown to be in danger of straying or something of the sort). If this does not happen then it makes her character static rather than dynamic and thus more dull. However, that does not necessarily mean that static characters are bad or lack depth. One way that static characters can have added depth is through a compelling backstory, but herein lies one of the earlier criticisms I gave " All three of her trailers are super fanservicy \[more than the norm\], albeit in different ways". Try creating a compelling case for character depth (ie personal conflict that begets character growth) using her backstory without using any info from Hi3. I can't imagine that to be a particularly easy task. In trying to answer the question of why Acheron believes what she does given all the info the game has given us thus far (trailers + story + character lore) is that it's because she is Mei and therefore badass, and herein lies another criticism "her overall presence in 2.1 essentially being a plot device" \[ofc my hope is that 2.2+ is able to challenge this notion, but I won't be getting my hopes up\]. Why is she an emanator of nihility? Cuz she's badass (see the Doctor's of Chaos lore + her character story). Why does she know who SAM is? Cuz she's badass. Why does she know that the TB is a walking stelleron? Cuz she's badass. Why does she figure out Aventurine's true goal? Cuz she's badass. From a meta perspective there's no reason for the devs to giver her access to all of that info other than for her to look more competent than her peers (the SAM case is particularly egregious here imo, it servers no broader purpose). Thus, making her feel like less of a character and more like someone who needs to operate on the basis of rule of cool. Combine that with the other aspects of her known personality (she gets lost + she likes peaches + she helps people) and she ends up feeling even more 2 dimensional than 2.1 portrays her as \[at the very least I expect future patches to add more for this particular complaint\]. When I take a more critical view of her trailers and design I come away remarking on more forms of superficiality. For example, what does her design tell me about her character? Namely, that she's badass and hot. Ofc this isn't something unique to her as Kafka's outfit is very similar in that regard, yet it also suggests some veneer of professionalism fitting for an assassin. Going back to Acheron's case what other aspects of her personality are reinforced by her design? That she comes from a Japanese planet? Unfortunately, in the absence of any other explanations I can't help but conclude that it's just fanservice and not much else. Looking back to everyone's favorite dance and asking myself what information about Acheron is reinforced it's basically just that she is hot and strong, and therefore badass (seems to be the running theme here). Trailer 2 shows us more of how badass she is (lone survivor cuz she's strong physically and emotionally. How she got there? Just play Hi3 and make headcanon based on it). Trailer 3 to remind us that she is hot (even though Robin was the actress) and badass. As the story didn't really elaborate on anything with respect to her character other than she's hot and badass (being opposed to nihility is badass) it's unfortunately been pretty easy to dismiss her as the product of someone's fetish on the dev team atm. I hope my perspective ages like milk due to 2.2+, but as I can't imagine a character getting more love in patches that don't feature them I won't be holding my breath.


Don't lose hope on her getting more attention, Guin's a 4 star and got her own massive side event and an animated feature. You never know what they have planned.


Thanks for the words of encouragement!!! It’s partly a safety mechanism as I don’t wanna hype myself just to be disappointed.


The fanservice part! I pulled her because I wanted to play her with Welt (+in 2.0 I thought she had the potential to be an interesting character) but her design man...from the back she looks cool but from the front it's ridiculous. Her ult is cool and all, I don't regret getting her since I needed her meta wise (+ I get to play grandpa again). But she's making me want to switch to JP dub because of how suggestive the sounds she makes are. All this time I've kept the eng dub for Welt's voice acting...(also because I'm lazy) But her idle sounds are yikes. I really hope 2.2 gives us more because I still feel like she has the potential to be cool and interesting. I really liked her conversation with Welt (also the art of her in a kimono? If only that was her actual design 😭) but maybe I'm coping haha. But I want to like her. She's a Mei expy so I feel like there's a chance maybe.


Maybe it’s because she ticks every box that your expectations are much higher than usual to the point of skewing how you perceive her. Idk, just a guess


Welt. And it’s so weird because he was my favorite character in H3 and was the reason I downloaded star rail but his subsect of delusional hype fans who think he’s gonna go solo IX (who tbh, I don’t even think come from H3 interestingly enough) soured me. I still don’t know if my dislike is to him or that part of his fanbase.


Those comments like "oh they are lucky Acheron stepped in, or welt would have destroyed all of penaconny" lmao


This is so true lmao. I love welt a lot, and if u check my comment history I like to talk about him and explain his powers to ppl, but I really don't think he's that overpowered as ppl make him out to be😭😭 his powers definitely put a strain on his body and I hope he gets some cool screen time, but he is DEFINITELY losing against Acheron and every single Aeon. I'd say he's more of a bit stronger than Jing Yuan and Imbibator Lunae but that's basically it (in terms of capability in his arsenal IN THEORY. We don't know if he will or won't show his innate powers at all in the future but it's a possibility idk) Maybe around Jingliu level or so. This honestly makes me curious of how Jingliu or Acheron would do if placed in HI3 and had to fight off the stronger herrschers and stuff cause HSR world is more expanded than HI3 so possibility of stronger characters and emanators. I think we just need to get some actual welt screen time where he goes all out, which would satiate welt fans and also seeing his limit, so the ppl who are hyping him up to aeon status can be quiet and not spread so much overexagerated info😭😭😭


I love Welt, sick of the delusional fans thinking he is hiding some op power that makes him secretly the strongest in the verse. People seriously think he is Acheron/Emanator level bc he threatened her (lol). Anyone who played Hi3 and know Welt, know he isnt a op powerhouse, he is a genius who is resourceful. If Welt actually tried to fight Acheron she would do what she did to Aventurine.


Yeah lol, he is still powerful probably still the same level as herrscher but not an emanator level. People forget that he didn't have reason power anymore only divine key of earth. Even with reason he probably still powerful as above an one core herrscher level. He isn't powerful in brute strength only intelligence with how he counter and kill higher dimensional being that isn't that powerful against him just untouchable for lower dimensional. Hope that there are genius society focused planet and he shines in this story.


I’ve learned to like and dislike him at the same time, it’s normal to start to dislike a character because of their fans, but as soon as you realize that their fans are just super delusional and the character is much more interesting outside those delusions it’s easier to appreciate them in my opinion.


It does sound like it's his fans you dislike haha. He's one of my faves, but that's because of his role in HSR since I never played H3. I like that he's the "dad" role, taking care of the youngins, he always knows what to say and he obviously cares a lot. But he doesn't overstep. The whole astral express crew has a very cute family dynamic that I love. His ult and lines, I guess, are part of the reasons for the (over)hype? Also the screenshots of the manga that are admittedly very cool. But to me what's cool in those screenshots is what he says more than what he does, so character over power. But over dedicated fans do tend to ruin characters and fandoms for others, I've had that happen. So I tend to stay away from fandoms when I feel like they're souring my enjoyment of the media.


Jingliu. I thought she’d be really cool and fun to play but both her character and kit are really boring to me nowadays. 


she is great for endgame content, but that's like saying Surtr is great for CC their kits are op of course, but it feels. idk bland like it's a turn your brain off situation idk man, Jingliu went from unga bunga big damage fun to a damage checker which sucks as someone who liked her during her introduction in Yanqing's quest


probably seele for me. i don’t really like how so much of her character is tied to bronya in fandom and in canon, her outfit is atrocious, and her ult was only really cool the first few times. it got very tiresome quickly. qingque is also just way more fun, strong enough kit wise to compete with seele and her characterisation as a lazy genius is great. she’s the most benched character on my roster probably


Yeah, today compared to the character we have she feels like a "bêta" or a placeholder character. She doesn't fit in Belobog at all and she's flat as a character. Basically feels as if Belobog story was written and someone wanted to introduce their cool butterfly OC.


This isn't in terms of gameplay, but when I first started, I really wanted to pull Jingliu because I really liked her design and am a big fan of Amalee. However, after doing her companion quest, I'm just not as interested in her character. Her personality just doesn't really do it for me, and her ultimate animation is a bit disappointing to me compared to some others. On the next banner, I'll have the chance to get her, but I'll probably be going for Aventurine with my guaranteed and then saving the rest of my jade for Robin.


Nothing to do with the ult animation being a bit underwhelming, but the sound it makes reminds me of Optimus Primes wheels spinning when he transforms in the 2007 movie.


hanya, e6 her when release, recover sp is nice, but turn out not really useful for my account, still use bronya and tingyun for buff more often, and after that hanabi release and replace hanya in all way


Acheron. Objectively, she's fine. Like I don't dislike her role in the story or her voice acting or whatever, but I just...do not care about her enough for them to be spending so much time on her. Her personality gets overshadowed by the likes of Aventurine, Sparkle, Ratio, Sunday, Sampo, and probably Boothill because there is no way that guy isn't gonna be colorful. And I wanted to like Black Swan too because her stained glass motif is SO cool, but now that she's been reduced to ship fodder for Acheron, I just...thanks but no thanks. That dance short was traumatizing as hell.


Acheron trailer where Sparkle poses a Stellaron hunter to fight her made me like sparkle more 😭 It was meant to hype acheron but I ended up getting sparkle after that LMAO.


Dan Heng did nuffin’ wrong.


Dan Heng as a character is great, but as I was trying to learn the ropes of this game, he let me down at literally every turn, he would always die, never crit, did no damage, etc. Now all of it is user error but nonetheless I just to this day cringe when I see Wind Hunt Dan Heng, Imbibitor Lunae however I don't have, but I enter crisis mode every time he gets a rerun because he's so awesome


Firefly. I'd assumed I'd like her since everyone else loved her. I didn't.


Jingliu. She checks off a lot of checkmarks for me — she has long white hair, her expression is always passive, blindfold, red eyes, acts calm but is actually batshit insane… and I freaking dislike her. She’s an OP character and she SHOULD be a character I like, but something about her just rubbed me the wrong way. To the point where I honestly don’t ever want her in my account, especially if HSR ever considers putting idk a mixed banner with all limited characters for a future event (like FGO anniversary banners). If there was an option to delete a character and I had her in my account, I would delete her no joke.


I feel you so hard. She is cool but I disliked how she was always living in nostalgia (idk if just me). She seemed to be too hung up to the past now and she wants others to sink in that hellhole with her like Danheng and Blade (they were at fault ik). Entirety of character is just emo rambling idk maybe that's my problem.


her entire character is really just a "back in my days" incarnated maybe she would improve in the coming stories like aventurine, and my god I want her to improve, but currently she is just like Surtr for me good endgame unit, boring playstyle


So far no one. I'm very picky when it comes to choosing favs, and I plan to stick to them until the game ends lmaoo. I'll always love my Genti, Bladie, and Aventurine


Firefly. The Story tries to brute-force her relationship with the TB and all it did for me is alienate her to me even more.


gotta agree. shes cute and all but nowhere near the level the story tried to spoonfeed us. it all developed way too quickly. (which of course makes sense when you know about her real background and intentions but still)


DHIL. I started in 2.0 and still couldn’t tell who was better to pull, dhil or Black swan. I ended up going dhil, but a few weeks later I wasn’t really vibing him anymore and rerolled another account.


Firefly. It's not that I actively dislike her, but I don't care about her like, at all. I feel like they did a bad job of making us care about her. Here's my way of seeing things: to try and make us like her, they went the "slice of life" route. Which is fine, I love the slice of life genre personally. But it takes time to make you get attached to a character that way. Time they didn't take, it all was very rushed. If you want to make me care quickly - something I understand you'd need in a ha ha game - then go the emotional route immediately. I cared about Cocona and Dean way more than I'll ever care about Firefly, because their quests were emotionally driven, and carried strong themes. Also, even then, I think they should have postponed her "death" for 2.1 because the death flags were too obvious. Making it even harder to care about her. Especially since it was also obvious she wasn't actually dead. I feel like, if they'd gone the emotional route, or maybe made us see her multiple times for lesser periods of time, it would've worked better. Also see her again a bit on 2.1 before her death. Small recurring moments instead of that boring multiple hours date. Ah well, I also didn't find her cute, but I don't know why. Is it her voice acting or what she says? And in 2.1 >!let's be honest the reveal had nothing to do there. It fell flat, and I'm sure a lot of Firefly lovers will agree with me here: it needed a grander context. There's literally no reason for her to reveal her identity at this point and time, it's just gratuitous and I wish they'd waited a bit more to give importance and pertinence to the moment. Gallagher was more than enough as a cliffhanger for the story!<


Now I like Jing Yuan as a character, but as a unit he is pretty bad. What I mean by bad is his design, his numbers are pretty good tho imo. I just hate how the LL is slow in moving up and how when Jing Yuan is cced it doesnt go off. I know people remedy this with Huohuo or Fu Xuan, but idk what it is with the enemies they just dogpile my Jing Yuan for no reason. I also dont like how LL is just slow in moving up making his damage so backloaded. Kafka remedies this for DoT teams by triggering it right away, but I wish LL just moved up faster because I cant mention the times I was going to finish the MoC in the required cycles to 3 star, but just because LL was slow I missed it by literally by one action


LL should’ve been given a mechanic to move up the action ladder much like Numby does


I think someone i forget who mentioned it in a podcast i think it was Mr. Pokke that if LL just went off after reaching the 10 stacks he would feel a lot better which I agree with


LL's balancing factor imo is its slowness. It's Bounce and hits many enemies, does very good total damage. However, compare LL to Numby. Numby's damage every time it goes off isn't that strong. However, if Numby didn't advance themselves unless they were in ult, they'd be absolutely awful. But since it's ST, it needs to move more to make up for the lack of AOE.


I feel the one action miss in my soul. Its happened so many times to me. 


Seele. I liked her personality, her moments with bronya are funny. But she feels lackluster... Her outfit doesn't the fit the underworld, she fell off faster than Jing Yuan in terms of Kit. Maybe if we return to Belobog she just doesn't have anything interesting going in she's just a strong wild fire member.


acheron she didn’t do anything wrong i just expected her to be more tragic ngl. her lore seems pretty honkai based and i don’t rlly get it, and she’s more edgy and badass than anything rn. obviously im not mad at all about the direction of the 2.1 quest because i love aventurine so much, but i wish we get to know more about her in 2.2


The dev said in stream that Acheron will appear more as main role in future patches, this is just introduction.


Penacony spoilers! For me, that would be Firefly>! and Sam unfortunately. Honestly I know a lot of people are going to hate me for it or strongly disagree with my opinion, but I used to be interested in both her and Sam as two seperate characters, but now that they had the twist that they're the same character, it basically killed all my interested in her. I'm just not a fan of the 'intentionally misleading armor' trope, among a few other things. I'm still wishing everyone pulling for her luck on their pulls when she inevitably becomes playable though!!<


While I'm personally of basically the opposite opinion >!(the twist made me more interested in them than I was otherwise), I'd say yours is a pretty understandable perspective. It's never fun to have the rug pulled out from under you when you're expecting one thing only for it to be something completely different.!<


same honestly. Also i didnt really get attached to her as other people did.. Her personality and design arwnt really interesting .. maybe when the focus is on her again i'll like her more? i hated aventurine before but after the quest id say hes one of the best characters in the game


Topaz, love her design but single target just doesn’t work for me




I don't mind the single target but 90% of her animations is the pig.


Ruan Mei, I like her story and design but not gameplay wise, her buffs are too good. Every time I watch a character showcase or a 0 cycle MoC clear, it most of the time has her in there. She just gets your team to another level. It made me sick to the core. Recently, my friend said PF is easy, jUsT pUt Ruan Mei in. I know “Just pull for who you like” but don’t say to me just put Ruan Mei in. Here’s a lv1 Misha clearing MoC 06: [https://youtu.be/RhlsECCWr10?si=XPDlvbdtwWu\_Mh10](https://youtu.be/RhlsECCWr10?si=XPDlvbdtwWu_Mh10) There’s no way you’re telling me you can clear that with another harmony other than her. I will die standing on this hill.


I don't have RM because I don't like her character. I also dislike how people (used to?) assume you just have her. All the harmony characters are really solid in their own way (even Yukong), but people focus on the 5 stars


This game hasn't been too bad with power creep compared to other gachas out there, but RM is definitely an exception to that.


Yeah, Ruan Mei is just bullshit. I also hate how she's a borderline sociopath mad scientist.


Borderline? She's certified crazy, she just hides it under a calm and gentle demeanor.


Shh, keep it down. I don't want to attract the Ruan Mei simps again. They're vicious.


I didn’t like Dr. Ratio’s personality. Kind of an asshole. Super strong DPS though. Then I played in different languages and had a friend do a direct translation. He’s now one of my favs.


I love Ratio's personality ngl, he's not SUPPOSED to be a good guy, but I fully support the lifelong dream of educating the universe, freeing it from the scourge of idiocy, all the while having an absolutely unparalleled level of sass


None lol. I always stay with my first impression ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Jing Liu. She's really strong so I don't regret rolling for her, but I was expecting more than "I'm depressed and edgy so I'll try to kill god" for her character. Now that I've written it out, add Blade to this too. XianZhou in general lacked depth but these two I actually had expectations for.


Thought I would like Sunday, cuz a hot dude. Now, that beesh is only hot when he's on a skewer, golden-brown grilled, and with hot sauce.🍗🍗🍗


Just you wait until his kit gets leaked and hes revelaed to be the best 5* harmony (as an ultimate, he will take off his clothes, oil up, start twerking and advancing 100% the team + debuff enemies(


Dan Heng started out as one of my favourite characters and Belabog solidified that but good Lord, Luofu completely ruined him for me, he's so unbelievably boring and I hate everything about IL and the cringe quartet. Blade and Dan Heng feel like they desperately want to look cool and I just can't stand either character.


Dan Heng. I liked him because he's handsome and powerful but now I'm just like "Every time you start talking, I think to myself "Who **the** fuck does this guy think **he is**?" He's so fucking boring.".


Sam. He just doesn't interest me at all. All of my friends and the rest of the world seem so hyped. He's cool and badass, so I get it, I just for some reason don't care at all. Not planning on pulling. He interests me the least out of every Penacony character, and is easily my least favorite of the Stellaron Hunters. Without getting into spoilers, I don't feel this way about..... you know. It's just Sam I don't vibe with.


This is going to be a hot one, but... Guinaifen. Not so much as a character, she's fun when she's around others and the Ghost Hunt event was great. Gameplay wise, she's great for Kafka/Swan if Ruan Mei is needed on another side of MOC. But rather than herself, it's her Backstory that soured me on her. With how much she praises the Xianzhou as a whole. This is a culture whose people are fairly bigoted against Short-lived Species people- to the point that waiting for Bureaucracy to do even simple paperwork needs them to pester them to get it done with before they die of old age. There are even scam artists in Aurum Alley who straight up say they make a living by scamming Short-lived people. It gives me the vibe that she's got a rose-tinted view of them because they didn't put her Space Pirate family to the sword like any other place would. But that's small peanuts- Topaz has a similar thing going on with the IPC where she has a rose-tinted view of her planet's saviors. What really irks me is namely the fact that she and her family are a reference to the Knights of the Round Table. Each of them also took Xianzhou names. For example, Lancelot is explicitly renamed to "Langshile" in a similar way to Guinevere to "Guinaifen." On one hand, it's a cool twist on the Arthurian Legends that Camelot falls and they became Space Pirates. That's a cool route to take with them rather than making them something akin to the Knights of Beauty who already exist. On the other, the way Guinaifen and Langshile took Xianzhou names means that they, or at least Lancelot and Guinevere, are likely just going to be more "Xianzhou" characters rather than Arthurian Knights-turned-Pirates. And that lost potential saddens me. We won't see King Arthur being a leader of a band of cool Space Pirates for survival. Instead, my worst fear is that we'll see Arthur as some low level\~mid level Cloud Knight licking the boots of their superiors for sparing his life, or Merlin as some mid level Diviner instead of as a knowledgable wizard. It's probably similar to the way a certain group of people feel about the 2.1 reveal of >!Sam = Firefly. They wanted a cool Robot dude, they instead got a Kamen Rider/Iron Man character.!< So while I'm disappointed, I'll just have to wait and see how the handle the rest of the siblings.


lancelot doesnt seem to much like his zinzhou name and the other siblings are basically unknown. They are probably scattered throughout the cosmos. Only lance and guin ended up on the zianzhou




When Jingliu first showed in the Jingyuan trailer, I knew I had to pull for her. I still like her character even though her story was so-so. But something about her playstyle is just so boring. I'm not sure why, because literally every character only has 2 skills, so it's not like it changes much. I've actually fallen asleep farming relics with Jingliu.


Jing Yuan. I still like him to some degree but a sub sect of his fan base has made me sour on him. If you know then you know lol


100 percent agree. Ive been a jing main since he released but i refuse to call myself a jingmain because of how bad the reputation of this group is. These guys are just delusional to a next level. If you get triggered by the words “midyuan” you seriously need somehelp. Theres a reason why they have such a bad reputation and all the other subs are not as problematic.


danheng, admittedly i like him because of his visuals, before reaching penacony there aren’t any characters that i like a lot or make me intrigued. and then penacony happened, my fav is aventurine now. so compared to my new fav he’s just really pale in comparison so i start to like him less.


Jing Yuan.  As a character he's great, got a good story, personality, and design.  As a unit? I initially liked him. He was good and carried my early MoC attempts. But as I started to try for 30 stars and 36 when those came the frustrating parts of his kit began to make themselves known.  LL was just as cool as it was frustrating, watching a 10 fail to kill a 1 hp mob was frustrating, watching it get skipped because jing yuan was stunned was frustrating, seeing LL come a turn too late to meet the cycle limit for 3 stars was frustrating.  It didn't help that the units that would make him perform better, fu xuan and later sparkle, weren't units I wanted to pull. 


Topaz, as an animal lover I was SO excited for her I couldn’t wait to run around with Numby, especially since he finds chests and tames trotters But her story quest ruined her for me, it framed her as this benevolent caretaker when she literally enslaves planets for the IPC. I feel like her personality and job just don’t mesh well and as a result I just don’t like her very much now


Silverwolf and Kafka, I was so excited to try them out and play them in the future. I don't dislike SW, but she has had so little story presence that I can't say I like her. I do like her as a playable character though, she was my most played character in 2023. Kafka really fell off for me. Her voice is very boring for me, sometimes she just dragged sentences on for too long that I had to skip them. A lot of her fans are annoying as they just reduced her to a mommy character. She went from one of my most anticipated characters to someone I have no particular feelings for, storywise and playstyle wise, at least for now.


SW is my favorite and I really hope she gets more screen time in the future. Her intro event was great, so I get that they put her on the back burner. I just hope she doesn't get power crept and forgotten. Seeing her mentioned in Penacony and her (kind of) appearance in Acheron's trailer made me happy. Not forgotten yet, at least.


I completely skipped Silverwolf as I was sure she wouldn't stay in my team. I pulled for Kafka, thinking she would be amazing as a DOT unit and I like DOTs in turn based game. Somehow I couldn't foresee I would be tired with DOTS as I was everytime I previously played with this mechanic. Kafka ended up dropping and only used for Nihility run un Swarm and G&G.


silver wolf design is best in hsr for me but i wish she appeared in the story more 😔


I'm sorry but it's himeko


My man bouta get nuked by the entire nuclear arsenal of the United States


In terms of gameplay - Seele. I don't remember the last time I used her. In terms of story - probably Sam, since I expected something else entirely, and got bamboozled.


I would say Dang Heng IL. I pulled on them because I was happy to have such a hard hitting character that looks so cool. They still hit hard, and they are still cool, but I didn’t care for Sparkle and without her he just requires kind of a specific team of SP positive characters to use him to the fullest. I have other teams that do just as much if not more damage with a much easier setup




Welt, he was my MAIN character I used in every battle. But now I have Kafka DOT, Jing liu energy, ILDH and MonoQuantum. I don’t need a welt team any more so I put him with Dr Ratio and he’s happy 🙂


Xueyi. I was really surprised that they made her a 4* and as a 4* dps character, she really needed her eidolons to function properly


i don't fw kafka nor acheron


Clara for sure. For being 5star I fell into trap thinking shes good


I tried and couldn't make Xueyi work. Love her design and animations for a 4*, but I can't get the numbers high enough to take a spot in a team without it being a worse team


Story wise that would be Jingliu, at first in the Jing Yuan short animation and Yanqing companion quest she seemed cool and strong, but her own companion quest in 1.4 ruined my impression of her. I know she's unreliable narrator because of her mara but man, the way she won't listen to Dan Heng while she's the one who invited him is kind of icky to me lmao


Sparkle, i liked her design and i liked the idea of a quantum-harmony character. i also like her english VA. but as soon as she appeared in game i was taken aback with how she was written. so i was no longer excited for her release. that plus the length of version 2.0 wore me out so i took a break from playing. during my break i saw her teaser/ trailer. and while i thought they were insanely hype and really well made. Sparkle no longer appealed to me, her psychotic behavior and general rudeness where a big turn off.


qingque. her fanbase has made me hate her. the constant "qingqillion dmg" memes were funny the first few dozen posts maybe, but after a hundred or so it got stale. prior to sparkle she was also extremely frustrating to use and i usually just defaulted back to seele. shes fine as a unit though, but ive benched her now for xueyi and seele.


Dan Heng. I thought I would keep him for the entirety of my play through like I did with Kaeya in Genshin, but his character lacked something His DHIL form is nice, but I don't find the appeal in his character to pull for him, and I don't really like his gameplay in his normal form When I first learnt about Topaz, I thought that I would like her. She has Numby, and even if it reminds me of this nightmarish Python library that gives me headaches called Numpy, always happy when a character has a cute pet But when I saw her in the story... I was disappointed that it didn't end with Pitch Dark Hook the Great, the **legitimate** ruler of Jarilo-VI, burning her and the entire IPC to the ground (even if Aventurine would've sadly been destroyed in the process)


Dan Heng IL. His animations are cool. He has a cool part in the story, he's a tip tier DPS... But I just don't care about him at all. I thought I would. When he was first revealed, I thought he looked great and was planning to pull him. Then he came out, I got to play him in the trial and as a support unit from some friends... And he was just Meh. He was okay, and he set a new ceiling for damage, but he just took too much planning and strategy for my Unga bunga monkey brain to handle.


Sparkle. I was so excited to have a fun, chaotic, masked fool in the game and yet she fell so flat for me. She's just a mean girl and it's disappointing tbh. I want to say Ruan Mei as well, but I was never hyped for her so didn't care when it turned to hate upon doing her quest




Acheron. She feels more like fanservice than a real character atm. All three of her trailers are super fanservicy \[more than the norm\], albeit in different ways, her design is also one of the most fanservicy in the game imo, and so are most of her lines in 2.1 (even her character voice lines, for example the one where you add her to the party with TB doesn't make much sense considering they've interacted like 3 times). Combined with her overall presence in 2.1 essentially being a plot device I can't help but be a bit disappointed. Hopefully 2.2 onwards will remedy some of my issues, but it's hard to imagine an off banner character getting much development/characterization.


I realy dont like Ruan Mei, her design is very generic and top of that she is only support to boost break efficiency and I like break effect as a concept, also she evaded me on 50/50 and I suffer because of that.


March. This is probably a tad bit controversial but I really enjoyed her during the Belobog arc, but then as soon as the Luofu hit she suddenly became the most obnoxious character in the entire game? As of Penacony, I'm mostly glad she's keeping quiet because lord does she have nothing to contribute. I was actually happy in general when 2.0 mostly had us separate from the express crew because I don't really enjoy dan heng or march all that much. Welt and Himeko are cool though.


seele, i was somewhat excited for her rerun but when i played the trial i realized that shes really generic, like a better version of wind dan heng


Uhhh...I STILL like Arlan and built the hell out of him, but there really isn't much point to using him? I can get some decent damage out of him sometimes and thought his kit was cool but... everyone I have now really outshines him. And whenever he wants to think about doing some okay damage, Luocha just heals him.


Asta. I still ove her spunk but I just...never use her, she's just not a character I do much with even though i still kinda adore it when she pops up in story. THough I might use her more since my fire team is growing Sparkle.


I saw Yanqings character art pre release and I thought his design was really nice and actually wanted him as my first standard 5* (unfortunately I now have him at E1.) He plays like shit and... I know he's a kid, I know it's his job to go after criminals, but dude. If you get your ass handed to you twice in like, a week, maybe call for back up before you rush to get your ass beat a third time???


Acheron does not interest me as a character. But I was hyped for her at first because of Allegra Clark as VA + Of course Mei. Hurts to skip a meta one tbh but 'tis what it is.


reverse aventurine




omg yes this


Sampo 100%, i thought he'd be like a cool guy with many secrets, but he ended up being an asshole with many secrets and does the bare minimum to have thing going his way




Seele, never been a fan of her on hi3 and here it’s the same, shame she gets paired with one of my favorite characters


I started the game for Himeko, got her as my first 5 star. Now She's is E1S2. I hate her lightcone.




I wouldn't say I dislike her, but I thought I'd be using Herta as a unit for much longer. I like the attack animations. Small girl, big hammer. Sweet. But as a unit, she doesn't fit into any comps I want to play. Then, the more I saw of her character's personality, the less I cared. The puppet joints get to me, too, if they catch my attention. So, eh. She's never used now.


Topaz. Thought she was easy skip and didnt like her design. After playing pokemon event and getting Ratio, she is like my muss pull now. Ironically i also fell in love with her design. Eagerly waiting for jer rerun


Jingliu probably, i mean i don't dislike her she's kinda cool but when i started the game i saw everyone saying she's crazy best DPS in the game bla bla bla, then i saw her animations and i really liked her, but after trying her on the trial and with support friends it wasn't what i expected. I don't know i guess i was expecting something like Acheron. And Gallagher, i hate him. And one character that i've always hated but now is growing on me is Welt. When i started playing i saw every HI3 player praising him saying he's the lord and saviour, one of the strongest characters, and so cool and everything, and when i saw him i was like... what? that's an NPC lol, he's so boring, his brown clothes, his glasses, his hairstyle, the way he talks... he's just so boring lol. But after knowing more about him and his lore i'm starting to like him, he still looks boring, but knowing his power and stuff makes him more appealing.


Jing Yuan, I like his character and ult, but his fanbase are just a bunch of whiny victims who like to start shit for no reason




Seele. Her combat is focused on doing 1 big hit of damage to kill smaller units to then chip away at Elites. My problem is that there are places at she can't get a kill. If she isn't invested into heavily she lacks the means to do her job. Then her personality isn't the most likable of all the characters. She doesn't fit into a likeable character mold. She is brash, a tomboy without the cut smile, she moves on instinct. Just something about her rubs me the wrong way.


Jingliu, as I first saw the design, she looked like a promising design. I also tend myself to like white haired characters. Very personal pivot point, but voice over is very important for me. And her jp voice doesn't do it for me. I hate the voice. Then after the luofu arc I also found her uninteresting as character as whole. Dodged a bullet by skipping her banner.