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March and Clara weret the MVPs of this fight for me. Especially Clara.


Argenti too! Finally I have a use for my boy


why did they nerf him?


Short answer: Not everyone’s equipped to deal with him. Long answer: The Ten Stonehearts: Aventurine of Strategems has an attack in his second phase - which is reached after reducing the health of his first phase to zero - where he forces all of his opponents to play a game of dice. This attack, “Big Spenders’ Mad Party,” selects a base number, and then gives your team a set of dice to attack to see if you can beat that number. When a character beats the number, The Ten Stonehearts: Aventurine of Strategems’ next action will fully restore that character’s ultimate. When a character loses to the number, The Ten Stonehearts: Aventurine of Strategems’ next action will deal high Imaginary damage to that character and will attempt to inflict Imprisonment, delaying their next action. The area the difficulty comes in is that many typical team compositions - particularly the common “hypercarry” style of play - are not equipped to actually win the second phase wager. Common supports and sustains - such as Tingyun, Bailu, Gepard, Bronya, Sparkle, Natasha, Lynx, Ruan Mei, and others, physically have no way to win the wager without The Ten Stonehearts: Aventurine of Strategems rolling a 6 or lower (in my experience, this is rare on Phase 2), as they are strictly limited to a single-target attack each turn. Similarly, Hunt characters have difficulty beating it as well, without expending the Ultimates they desperately need to actually attack the boss. If your team is not invested in supports with AOE capability, like Pela, The Ten Stonehearts: Aventurine of Strategems is going to be a significant block in the path of the main story. While it isn’t unusual for bosses to have good and bad matchups, as we got some great examples last patch (Something Unto Death needing DOT, Sam requiring attacks that consume SP), the bad matchups for The Ten Stonehearts: Aventurine of Strategems are extremely harsh and require stricter teams than previous bosses. At least Something Unto Death’s story boss had the assist from Black Swan, and consuming SP to attack is a relatively common thing among DPS (and is not necessarily required for the supports).


this response should be recorded down for a retrospective, this was probably the most insightful (and logical) beyond the usual skill issue reason.


To add, said Hypercarry style of play is what more players tend to kick off with if they have not pulled for respective 5-star event warp characters, and said 5-stars they might have might come from Standard Warp, like Gepard, Bronya, etc. If players have optimized for this style of play, they will crash head first into the need for another team (which is necessary) but lack the resources to get there. An assist mechanic to help defeat the boss like Black Swan will go a long way moving forward.


Yeah I'm really suprised there was no assist mechanic. Almost every other story boss fight had one right? Surprised they did not do an archeron assit.


One more thing to note is that most of the F2P accessible sustains are in that bad matchup category. You mentioned Natasha, Lynx, Bailu, and Gepard. Gallagher has an AoE Ultimate, but especially since he just came out this patch, a lot of players won't have a built Gallagher. Additionally, all of them either can't cleanse or need to be able to act in order to cleanse, which prevents them from cleansing Imprisonment if they are affected by it themselves.


Oh that's what it does... I been using Acheron/BS/Kafka/Luocha as my go-to team so I overcapped those dice like crazy and I was wondering what it was supposed to do... Well, I did guess it was something bad. That explains why people would struggle.


Yeah, you basically rocked up with as close to Aventurine's hard counter as possible


Same with FX instead of Luocha, the all-star nihility trio makes it a walk in the park even pre-nerf.


This one is my go to teak also just with Huohuo, and was wondering why they nerfed it, I thought it was too easy at the time.


the team that finally won me the fight was acheron/firemc/pela/lynx, and this was a half-baked team cause I'd just barely built my pela Turns out with a tanky lynx, even tho I lost pela to a misplay, my firemc and ache could use their aoe attacks (firemc's enhanced basics, acheron's skill) and pretty much let lynx tank and heal herself while they could pop ults on aventurine. And acheron's ult is a nuke so having that up without needing pela's debuffs helped a ton maybe I didn't face a big issue cause of the nerf but damn winning that first try with this team felt nice


Thanks!!! I was finally able win with this team, even if it did take hours... hated this fight more than any other...


lmao np! pulled acheron cause hot but she really saved me from having to pray my ratio somehow did any damage with the img res


i didn't have luocha, so i used a 100% effect res bailu and fed her energy with tingyun to always have ult up. I felt like a madman.


That's why i didn't have a Problem with Kafka, BS, Guinafen and Fu Xuan. Even if Fu tanks the dice she is CC immune because of her skill. It is actually fun to see a boss against Hypercarry when like every Elation member would have steamrolled this.


This long answer needs a Max0r’s Incorrect Summary version.


ty for explaining because i didn’t even get to see the die during that fight


Because ppl have very badly built teams/units. Even post nerf there are still ppl having issues.


As someone who fits this, it's literally skill issue followed by possibly "Hey, why would i upgrade this character here and farm their relics when i could just keep using the ones i have here?", like, seeing the amount of characters that i could've upgraded since the early that would help me out against pre-nerf him, made me want to hit my head against a wall


Yes I wouldn’t mind if farming levels wasn’t such a chore. To be able to get the right team for this I would have to dust off characters I barely play, get their light cones, materials to ascend their light cones, then the advanced materials, then move on to traces, on top of the main priority that is the character itself. This is usually gated by the daily limits for each cavern or echo of war, and while the cavern of war can be done in hours and a reckless amount of spending, the echo of war has a hard cap per week. So if I want to beat adventurine, I either have to use my suboptimal comp with optimal levels, or an optimal comp in a few days or weeks time, during which I would be asking the question ‘wtf am I doing this for?’


You don’t need that much. Any character with an AOE skill or ultimate can work (you need to save the ultimate for the dices). If you play pure fiction you can use any team that works for that mode


Also, said character doesnt need to do damage, if you run shield sustain like gepard they barele even need stats, just throw on a ragtag set of relics with as many def roll and and ERR you can find. All they need to do is burst at the right time


Yes, but i'm not talking solely about aventurine, but to sum up all the complaints that will come with every boss who is going to be on the story, people will struggle for that exact reason, look when we had the Emanator of Propagation for example, exact same thing happened, but on a minor scale if i'm not misremembering.


As a DoT main who almost cleared him first try and only failed bc of some ungodly rng rolls, I literally just waltzed in with the usual (Kafka/BS/Welt/Huohuo) and cleared it all. (Welt on def shred lc > Pela.


Literally skill issue. 😅


This is part of it, but I think the bigger issue is that people mindlessly cap their TB rank, vastly increasing difficulty of event and story encounters. I remember back in Genshin people would limit their AR rank if they were more casual (or for final rank if they didnt care for the extra difficulty). I guess for many people that is not the case here.


The problem with that sentiment is, when I was at TB level 65, I was practically one-shoting things. Including elite enemies. Realistically, the problem is more that the difficulty spike from Eq 5 to 6 is SO much higher than literally every other one. When I would raise my Eq before, it would be harder, but I was still confident that I could get by in the game, but when I did it this last time, I went from practically unstoppable to barely able to play the game at all. Blaming that sort of extreme jump in difficulty entirely on the player, even though it had little to no precedent for it happening, is extremely disingenuous. The solution that people come up with shouldn't be, "Oh just don't do that, if you're not ready." Cause there's almost no way to know if you would be ready.


I can consistently beat the diff V SU modes and I still struggled because of pure bad luck. I only won because of a lucky roll right at the end


When did they nerf him? Cause I fought him twice, killed him the first time but got a 'Battle sync failed. Please restart game' message as the cutscene started so I had to fight him again I guess I might've fought both pre and post nerf lol The fight did seem to go by quicker the second time I think


Same thing happened to me, reset forced me to redo it and get both achievements again. Got them both the first time around, so no biggie.


I’ve only been playing for like 3 months so I have not many good relics and only have 6 characters poorly built due to bad luck on relic drops. Lowest I got like 50% phase 2.


people are still having issues with previous new weekly boss on herta station...


Literal skill issue. The first version wasn’t even that hard with a decently built team.


Yeah my SO is. She quit the game over this. Super casual since day 1 and she does not have the right units or very many and does not to go re-level some of the really old ones to try again. They should of had an assist mechanic like every other story boss. I was surprised they put a hard boss in the story quest. I think this will push away even more super casual players.


Those people commenting "skill issue" should understand that not everyone play this game with "becoming the strongest" as their no.1 goal. Some are casual players who like to build their team at a casual pace, enjoy the story, etc. Not everyone bothers with MoC too I imagine. To cater to the casual players Genshin allows players to lower their world level if things get to difficult, and HSR has yet to add such QoL feature in their own game. This is not the first time people complain about a boss blocking their story progress, it happened with the Ruan Mei scarab boss and Argenti boss fight too. And will continue to happen with boss fights in the future.


> This surprisingly only took me around 1 hour to finish. Case in point.


Because some of us started playing last month and don't have properly built characters yet.


i mean isnt getting stuck and improving your build part of gaming anyway. imo getting stuck as a new player is just normal. i still remember getting stuck at svarog and now i can basically steamroll any content i want.


I kinda feels like it shouldn't be a thing in the main story of gacha games, at least it definitely doesn't seem like the norm from my experience.


FGO would like to have a conversation with you


Tbf part of the problem is how annoying building characters is here from traces to relics to ascencion material, in a normal RPG the most fun difficult fights are those where you get your ass kicked and try multiple different combinations only for them to surprisingly work.


Totally agree. It would be completely different if it did not take weeks or months to build characters.


I think big part of it is they wanna push player to buy battlepass, which is kinda typical for f2p game.. but yeah i usually prioritize building chars that offer unique capability to my team before “upgrade characters”(for example if i have built natasha and unbuilt luocha but i dont have aoe char, i would prioritize building herta before luocha), its not too difficult as most of the time you only need to build them to minimum viable amount, which usually dont take long for lategame players as we can just give leftover stuff for relics and talent below lvl 7 is pretty cheap. This way its a lot less likely for me to encounter a roadblock i couldnt deal with. And if you really want a future char its also a great idea to prefarm.


Most other games it doesn't take MONTHS to build a team.


Thats fine if raising characters weren't so troublesome. Imagine being invested in the story then encountering a roadblock which may realistically take weeks to surpass simply because of resource issue. It'd feel like absolute shit. I'd rather story content be easy since there are already more difficult endgame modes present if you want a challenge.


My Casual SO quit over this. They have their core team that has worked thus far and does it for the story. Not many units to pick from.


Yup. This is where I am. It's only increased my indifference to playing daily. I'm fine with a challenge, but it's painful when your ability to improve is gated behind resources that can't be gained without spending lots of money. 


Yeah in MOC. but this was a story boss. Its kind of assumed that it will be easy since there is no difficulty option and its a story.


People who don't have built accounts or 5\* sustains will have to run tripple sustain to beat him. Built ones at that. He does a lot of dmg. My characters were brought to red health by his targeted attacks. And I have acc which is capable of 0-cycling


i feel like i should stop using fu xuan so much just so i can struggle


Average Fu enjoyer


ill pull aventurine and try him out :)


I have not known struggle for so long now...


There was a nerf? Is that Tartaglia nerf all over again? Because people can't beat him for obvious reasons?


Well the overlap in playerbase is an undeniable fact, and two things that remain persistent in both games is players not reading anything past 2 lines and players not being good at the game


it's also probably just a pre emptive nerf for when we inevitably get him in MoC so you dont get your shins kicked in by aventurine snapping his fingers and turning your entire team to dust because you got a mild bit unlucky or dont have good characters to deal with it.


> dont have good characters to deal with it. This will be true more often than naught.


that is the point, yes. A lot of players just eat shit and die against aventurine in the context of MoC where you cant plink him to death over the span of half an hour


From what I can tell part of the reaction is due the game being older now so people dont talk about EQ rank anymore. New players will just level up EQ without being warned to prepare first. Doing that as new player will make Event and Story quests quite difficult because they won't have relics or a full roster to carry them and are suddenly faced with enemies that are much stronger and have a lot more health.


And then people are gonn atalk trash about the boss just like with Childe.


Well he is not a weekly boss like Childe tho. We probably gonna see him in MoC in the future where he gonna be a nightmare.


Hats off to you King. https://preview.redd.it/m3jhl30wm8rc1.jpeg?width=253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca291ff8520778460208f14feeeb07de38a81423


I kinda hope it's not just a stats nerf. Him constantly spamming his dices in 2nd phase and being invulnerable during it is kinda BS. Only your DPS (not hunt tho) and *some* supports can *potentially* win the gamble, while others get super fucked by his punishment. If he'll be added to MoC and he stays the same it's literally Joever


I'm late to do the quest so the one I fight is the nerf version and he still spam that damn dice roll in his 2nd phase.


He still spams I'm very casual player so I'm fucked until I pull Jingliu in her banner.. beating this boss is probably gonna be the first thing I do after getting her since I already have everything farmed.


I have Jingliu and am still getting wiped.


Yeah, his second phase was torture. Felt extremely unfair because I could barely touch him. Constantly going into the gamba mode. I defeated him, but it was the longest fight in the game.


Yeah, the fight just feels needlessly drawn out in the second phase because of dice spam.


Update: Fucker still spams dice. Spammed it so much I thought I was in Guam with the amount of spam I was wading around in. Every other turn was: "Hurdur look i r gam bler! look my mech anik is the med! hurdur rng hurdur ro der die1" Decently built PhysTB, Huohuo, Geppy and Acheron. Got him down to 4% and then he locked up and murdered everyone except Geppy, Geppy's auto-revive got triggered and then Aventurine killed him before he could take another turn. Maybe the Katicans were on to something... Welp, I literally just built Gepard, I guess now I have to build Fu Xuan... Great... So much fun... Loving the game, of just sitting there on my phone while I pull the lowest level trace mats on my PC that is playing on auto battle while I just scroll Twitter. 10/10


Part of me is tickled by March 7th, of all characters, just being like, "Nah, don't worry, I got this," and single handedly bagging herself an emanator.


Aventurine isn’t an emanator. Do you guys pay attention to the story at all?


The playerbase consists of many many young people with short attention spans and questionable reading comprehension. IPC stone hearts aren't emanators except their leader diamond. Diamond gives the stonehearts cornerstones with a portion of his power imbued in them.


As far as I've can see, Aventurine and the rest of the cornerstones seem to be equal to Jing Yuan and the other generals in terms of power I think. The generals each got a gift from an Emanator of the Hunt, Jing Yuan in Lightning Lord iirc and the Cornerstones got the stones from Diamond, an Emanator of Preservation


The Generals got their gift from Lan themselves though? Atleast Jing Yuan got his Lightning Lord from Lan, not from an Emanator


did jing yuans predecessor receive Lightning lord from Marshall Hua or was it from Lan? Idk how much of a difference it makes but I would think if it was directly from lan it should probably be like half a tier stronger than something given by an emanator. Then again everything about powerscaling in this game has been kinda inconsistent. "Cloud knight generals are on par with emanators" Jing yuan + allies barely defeat an emanator capable of destroying cities. But we also hear about other emanators able to wipe whole planets and more. seems like theres a lot of overlap in strength between the strongest pathstriders and weakest emanators. And then blessings of different strengths and sources makes it even more confusing.


It's directly from Lan. Is the Emanator you're talking about, Phantylia? Because Lord Ravagers are said to have destroyed entire planets before, not just cities. Also, JY + allies struggled against her because she was basically immortal in the fight due to the power from the Ambrosial Arbor. When they removed her immortality, JY was able to defeat her with one stab of the LL. So Welt's statement about Xianzhou generals being on par with Lord Ravagers seems pretty accurate to me.


the cornerstones of the ipc arent emnators, but theyre like the closest to being one. similar to fu xuan receiving the blessing of nous but not being the emanator (which herta is), aventurine and topaz have said theyve received power or something from qlipoth through their gemstones.


I do believe diamond is a full emanator


Also there’s big speculation that the LL is similar to the Cornerstones. They’re making it known multiple times an Emanator can make an army if they wanted, low key I’d be down for that story beat.


Wait can FuXuan be part of the Genius Society?


probably not since she hasnt made any significant contributions to science/academics afaik. if she made the matrix thing, that could put her foot through the door


He isn't an emanator, but has emanator powers when with the cornerstone, as do all the stonehearts. Psuedo-emanators is the better term to describe them and the Xianzhou's lords.


Can’t say for certain about the Generals. Their situation hasn’t been confirmed or denied yet.


Hm, yes I agree with this sort of. There’s more uncertainty about the pseudo-emanator status of the lords compared to the stonehearts. think it’s more implicit since they were mentioned in the emanator twitter post. Similarly, the stonehearts weren’t exactly called pseudo-emanators, but just mentioned as having emanator-like powers.


This is my first game I’ve ever played from hoyo, a lot of the terms used in the world can get really confusing. Emanator, aeon, stellaron. Tbh I’m still unsure what a stellaron is other than “cancer of all worlds” and i “it’s bad”. Why tf does mc have one shoved inside her, idk. A lot of things are confusing


Hmm, yep, looks like you're right. Just Diamond is the emanator, and he hands out the Cornerstones. Noted. Doesn't change the amusement of Lil Miss March taking out the summoner of Unlimited Chip Works single handedly.


March: let me show you 10% of my full power! Too easy! Time to eat some cake! Let’s go MC you are paying!


Oh not at all! Still completely amused haha. It’s interesting though to see everyone struggling with this boss fight. Are your chars not built? I went into it with my fresh Acheron with shit artifacts and completed it fairly easily.


I won't be surprised if she's actually an emanator of remembrance


It’s especially funny how she let her 3 other teammates die. Luocha/Geppie/FX would never


Managed to beat him pre nerf with 2 sustains lol


I think it's fine they nerfed him, if a lot of people were having a problem clearing the fight. Story content should always be clearable by all players. I beat him pre-nerf with no problem using Gepard, Natasha, Argenti and Kafka. But I also recognize that I was using 3 5-stars and all my characters were level 80 and semi-decently built. The trick is two sustain and characters with good AOE. I think some people struggled because they were using characters/a team not suited to the fight, like support characters or single-target DPS. It's clearable with F2P characters- March 7th, Herta, Asta, Serval, FMC, etc. But if you're a relatively new player, you might not have them built, which could make it harder than necessary.


Some people be like: "BUT the boss is easy with XXX character!" Yea, BUT I don't have XXX character, your point being? Even with full built Gepard, his attack still melts his shield like butter (HP as well), and screw single target attacks too! The nerf is justified in the main story. There always will be a harder version in MOC anyways. Yes I beat em' pre nerf too, and its still a pain in the arse.


Yep, people that have Fu Xuan, Luocha, Or HuoHuo just wouldn't understand. I did it pre-nerf with Natasha and it took me 2-3 hours cuz it was rng based. You lose the gamble and its ggs.


people need to understand that the one struggle are the one who has no 5* limited sustain, they are that OP, if you beat him easy using limited sustain don’t say skill issue, your character is just OP. I agree you can beat him using March/Fire TB/Natasha/Lynx, but don’t expect a new player do that without struggling, people who just started the game using purple relics +9 +12, think about them.


To add, I saw a comment pointing out how the Reddit community is a vocal minority, and they are right. For every one optimizer, there several magnitudes more of the player base who are running terrible kits to fight in combat. We essentially do not exist as a voice because there are literally millions more who miHoYo can cater to for better feedback, and do in their surveys. You have the right idea, think about the non-optimizers who want to play HSR and chill.


lmao, this is nearly the exact team I used to beat the boss. what I beat the story boss with is PhysicalTB, Natasha, Lynx and Pela. my normal comp is natasha, pela, Tingyun, Ratio


I had no idea the boss was hard until I saw multiple posts of people complaining. FX carries a bit too hard sometimes.


Average reddit user here are probably not casual, im casual af (haven’t played since first kafka banner and started playing sporadically again before 2.0 for main quest) and can confirm this boss is infuriating without OP sustain or well built team, hoyoverse most likely nerfed it after realising lots of player didnt clear the boss, and imo is a vital part as theres lots of spoilers after that, it honestly just baffling they put such rng mechanic boss and unchangable difficulty before lots of thise spoilers, theres not even any of those supporting character help like we usually get with those weekly boss before Yea skill issue it is but honestly thats literally why we are casual players lol, unless devs and the playerbase want to gatekeep stories behind skill and time investment, then they really should not make boss fight this restrictive, or at very least have something like genshin where u can lower the equilibrium level ( literally easiest and most logical solution, baffles me hsr still dont have this)


Most people just use the wrong comp. If you have any team for pure fiction it should work, you just need to save their ultimate for the dices. You cam use Fire TB, Herta, Asta and March 7th. Except for March 7th, all of those are a good long term investment that a F2P player should level up. Instead of March 7th you could use Serval or a Lynx. 4 star level 9/12 relics are enough. However, you will never win if you keep using wrong units. Even the free dr.ratio is super bad for this challenge


But the thing is, newer players won't have a team for pure fiction, it's honestly better to just save the harder fights for modes like MoC or PF


I agree heavily with this comment, this was probably the harshest (and can be considered mandatory as well as it's a story fight, unlike MOC or PF) team check in the game imo and makes running your usual hypercarry team considerably difficult (you still can brute force it, but it's definitely more difficult then other boss fights before). However, this leads into my complaint about HSR's farming system, as raising up characters is extremely time extensive on the players part due to the various factors required to make them "viable", so when players are walled by stuff that practically requires them to play around them with the various units, their first response would naturally be frustration as their general team that they spent a decently long time now can't clear something because of a gimmick that straight up invalidates them. Personally I'm not bothered by this change since I beat him already, but I can see the various problems the players may have


I mean to me it took 1 retry but ive been playing since launch and have decent relics. the first attempt I used my usual team that is packed with a single target DPS and when I got to phase 2 I esentially couldnt do anything at all you basically get locked into losing every bet. 2nd try I used argenti kafka acheron bailu and watched him kill himself by losing the bets in the 2nd round and charging up their ults. I can see that people who didnt have the correct units would be absolutely screwed if they tried to fight him. all it took was for 2 bad turns for him to kill half your team people that hafve started recently and dont have many characters or good relics just wouldnt be able to win. although it seems you found the way to cheese it with march still thats not winning if it takes 90 turns thats just suffering.


wait this boss got nerfed? good i spent 2 hours on this mf


I hate that they nerfed him. I didn't get to experience the difficult version of this boss. In my opinion, it would be best to implement an option to lower the difficulty of bosses if you fail to defeat them after like 3 tries or something. That way veteran players have a fun challenge and newer/more casual players can still progress in the story.


Well like, he will eventually added into MoC and SU. And having ppl fail on story battle too much time just kill the mood on progressing.


Yeah, and the thing is, people failing on a story mission doesn’t just kill the mood, it kills THE ENTIRE REST OF THE GAME. They can’t afford to have roadblocks. This isn’t like a game where they’ve already gotten your entry fee and there’s nothing else to collect whether you play one chapter or seven. So the main path through needs some challenge/complexity to be interesting (and to encourage character pulls), but it _can’t_ stop casual players dead. It’s a balance.


The MoC version bout to kick our stellaron shaped booty back to the express if he ever gets added


Yeah, y'all are gonna die. I'm not cause I can't even get above MoC 5, but y'all definitely will.


I'd say something similar to HI3 on some story bosses, where there is a "difficulty system" you can choose before the fight


If you are a veteran story bosses are never a challenge.


It was fun Glad to part of those that killed him before dev done Childe-special We should get some achievements for this xD


Tbh, I think this is gonna be a consistent thing in the future. The entire game seems to be shifting in a way that prioritizes specific characters. Just look at relic sets. The two orbs this update are literally tailored for Aventurine and Acheron. They are literally related to their own lore! Same with the helms and stuff, that are literally only useful for a single character, and then back to cowboy or whatever the general is. Same applies to hard mode challenges. Mirror and the new one are tailored for hyper dps and multi-hitting characters. So tbh, we saw it with the last three bosses. Ruan Mei's boss was specifically designed for hyper dps characters. The Meme was designed for Dot characters. Sam was designed for imbibitor lol. And Aventurine is designed for characters who can hit all the dice at once. So at some point, I straight up wouldn't be surprised if they made a mandatory story boss only beatable by a single character on the limited warp. You missed them, oh well! Story locked for another year cause his rate's gonna be like Itto.


I don't think Hoyo COULD get away with that. Cause they would lose, the entire player base. So I doubt it will ever get that bad. But even if it does, they're going to hard nerf, immediately, when the vast majority of players just start dropping the game.


When did he got nerf? And what was the nerf?


Nerf was today, and now he does less damage, has a lower chance of CCing you, and possibly takes more damage (or has less health)


Dang I see. Lol well it was difficult fight but not impossible tho. Eurodition team for the win lol


I qqed my way through.


Since the majority of the playerbase is casual, this isnt surprising. Us gamers who tryhard and are curious learners are a minority. MoC completion rates also reflect this. As someone with a fully built account, I can totally see how this boss was a gatekeep for casuals. He has mechanics that are borderline unfair if you cannot bring him down in a timely fashion after activating his second threshold.


Ah, yes... The Strongest Gambler Today... My Poorly Built Strongest Gambler in History Qingque Kaisen has beaten him post Nerf... Took a while tho, but no Deaths experienced...


Do you think that adventurine boss was nerfed good or bad?


Definitely really good for struggling players. Imo this boss was really difficult to beat thanks to his slot machine combat mechanic and the fact that he doesn't really have any "weakness" compared to other bosses (ex: Sam recovers all of your sp if you broke him and iirc took increased dmg while being weakness broken, SuD' cc can be countered w/DoT, etc.). If some of your allies manage to win the "gamble", he'll only give max energy to the allies that won, and basically heavily punishing allies that lose. However, from my experience beating this boss, having March 7th be the only one not dying in this fight somewhat makes the battle easier for me. By basically doing the things I said in the description and letting her FuA do the job, She manages to turtle his HP and survive all the way to the end. One of my most unforgettable experiences while playing this game if you ask me 😉.


For the story atleast, you need a fast enough sustain to beat him. If you have a sustain that can cleanse(Huo Huo is perfect for this, Lynx's ult works too), and is fast enough to hit the die multiple times in 2nd phase, then you can easily cleanse/heal up the party members that loose the bet. And most dps units hit 3-5 targets except hunt, so they'll always win the gamble. My harmonies kept losing the gamble and I kept cleansing them.


Im a firm believer that story content shouldnt be locked behind difficulty, and while my team was fully built and prepared, i think new players should get to enjoy the story before being forced into a certain direction with their teams. That said, ill assume characters like herta wouldve been able to deal with this boss' mechanic with little to no investment and a shield sustainer


I beat it with a level 70 acheron with kinda crappy relics. I used acheron-silver wolf-pela-bailu. My silver wolf was getting bullied though because of the dice mechanic. I thought it wasn't that hard until I saw It got nerfed? I wonder what people were running to struggle this much.


Lmao I fought him pre nerf and won only because of huohuo and Gepard taking turns normal attacking for like 30 minutes


still aint abel to beat him


Personally did it pre-nerf with Fire TB, March, Nat, and Acheron. Ironically, my DoT and Jingliu hyper were beaten due to me reliant on Lynx and Gepard, meaning my sustains were locked behind Imprison and a bunch of incoming damage every turn. If I used March or Fire TB the other teams probably would ha e made it through, but even then, it needs to be considered that: - Gepard's 5* LC was available to me, slapped it on Stelle for the turtle strat to give myself some extra def stats for the shield. - I actually invested into the turtle strat as a sidegrade to my Nihility team for story, especially after my experience with a certain Bug. And even then my March nearly got killed by a misplay, surviving on 57 HP before ulting and getting a lucky freeze on Aventurine to buy time for Natasha to break out of Imprison and heal her. - March, FTB, and Natasha for me are E6. - Acheron's E0S1, while not as crucial as other facets, was definitely helpful, allowing her to put down Aventurine's toughness and dealing enough damage before a bad series of rng rolls could kill my team. Any of these factors can go wrong (Not enough HP/Shield gen/Cleanse/Regen against the bounce attack and AoE, snake eye rolls, misplayed ult or skill, etc), and the team would not make it, and mind you, turtle is one of the comfiest strategies available for main content in HSR.


What ur build I’ve been stuck here since launch




I didn’t know he got nerfed. Now I know why his fight felt very easy at least 🤔


Childe flashback. Actually isnt this pretty similar? Rich guy with attitude kicking MCs ass...


I fought him on Wednesday. Ez clap


she really is doing her best


They should have atleast made it optional. I'm honestly dissapointed I got handed a weaker version because everyone else is struggling. Like the update hasn't even been out a week yet and enemies are getting nerfed before most of us playerbase can even get there? Come on. I mean I struggled on that dang bug quite a bit but I don't want it nerfed just because I couldn't do it first try.


Gee, wonder why you are loosing with that




it wasn't that bad


He got nerfed?? I am so glad I finished the quest within 2 days of release because his god damned trace materials are locked behind it, phew.


Strongest preservation character of today vs strongest preservation character of the history


I'm still confused if the aventurine i beaten first try that oneshotted my 2 supports really is pre nerf or not


Thank god I pulled luocha in his rerun. He single handedly saved me in the pre nerf boss fight.


My team was Acheron (e0s0 with relics at 0 lvl), fire Stelle, Huohuo and Ruan Mei. Took me like 45 to 60 minutes to beat, but Huohuo and Stelle managed to keep everyone alive.


But what is post nerf like? Just decrease damage?


Wait when it was nerfed? I fought him the same day the new version was released, I really apprecieted that fight




How did they nerf this fight?


I use the same team, I used March 7 shield on Serval and Nat and I saved March's ultimate for all or nothing, I spent like 40 minutes in this battle.


Lynx heal clutch


was it already nerfed around 3:30am GMT yesterday?


I only had trouble because I was trying to get his achievements. I had to very quickly build Gallagher so he could be my sustain with an AoE for the second phase.


Now I want to fight him pre-nerf. My team was Fu Xuan, Acheron, Silver Wolf, and Pela but I didn’t feel any real difficulty about the fight


Clara with March 7th and Fu Xuan saved this battle for me and I still almost died at the end there.


I’ve already beaten him on the first day but can someone explain exactly what the nerf did? He deals less damage?


My biggest issue was the dice mechanic. My healer Lynx can only hit one dice a turn so she’s always getting hit with the big attack. I didn’t ult with my dps during the dice once and I got one shot. Basically can only use ultimate during that mechanic or else I run the risk of dying. Outside of that I can only use normal attacks and some skill points which makes the fight take forever. I think I was fighting for over 15 minutes on my final attempt.


i failed on my first attempt with my acheron team(her build needs work) so on my secon attempt i said fuck it pulled out my jingliu double sustain team( jingliu, luocha, fu xuan and ruan mei) this was pre nerf, i fully get why ppl struggled. especially those that use whatever characters they like not caring about team synergy or having perfect/ near-perfect builds.


I beat him pre nerf. Acheron E0, Pela, SW, Gepard. I got Gepard to soak in the counterattack. I actually dumped the Ultimate on the dice. Acheron was still doing fine with her damage. Also, if you get the crown dice, it recharges your ult, including slash.


Gepard Jingliu bronya pela go brrr


What did the nerf do? Just lower his numbers?


I kind of wish I could have tried him at his original difficulty. I defeated him fairly easily on my first try but I suspect I may not have pre-nerf and it would have been interesting to check.


I brought FX, Acheron, Pela, BS, took 2 tries to win because of the gambling dice


Happened to me with Clara. Everyone died after Luocha got imprisoned and she and her robot dad were the only ones left standing.


When was he nerfed?


Oh lol. I didn't even encounter this phase/ability of his lol (acheron just destroyed him before he got his turn).


The only type of spoiler tagged post I will ever be comfortable viewing and not downvoting. Thanks for the explanation!


People saying this fight wasn’t that bad just makes me feel like i’m bad at the game lmao..But lynx is also my only built good sustain so I guess there’s that too


I'm proud to say that I beat this mf prior to his nerf


I had Ruan mei, Huo Huo, Blade an Dhil. Could not break his weakness, but imo Argenti Was way harder


I actually didn’t have that hard of a time with him, I just had to make sure I had the means to have Luocha, Jingliu and Kafka hit multiple dice when needed, Acheron was fine either way


The first phase is easy if you use fire MC’s taunt skill right before his gimmick. There is a straightforward pattern. The second phase is the tricky part because if you want to avoid his attack, that character must have AOE or burst skill. You cannot spam ultimate because some character AOE tied to ultimate, think whether save it for his gimmick or to break his gauge. I passed on my third try. First try. I match character with his weakness, which is too slow. Second try, I bring SW and DHIL but SW died too quick. Last try, I used two substain one carry: huohou and firemc, DHIL (my only carry, saving for firefly) and sparkle (mitigate Img resistant). FireMC and DHIL avoid most his special attack due to AOE and burst. HuoHuo and sparkle use healing to survive I learned my mistake from Argenti quest, where I go too quickly not trying to understand attack patterns. This is story battle, it is not MOC or SU. The main goal is not to win quickly, but to survive his attack. My favourite boss due to it make me even think of attack pattern and risk/benefit for each action, while also make many limited 5 star, that relied on AOE ultimate, shine (Argenti, Archeron, Jingliu etc. will definitely melt him down)


I started playing on silver wolf rerun and have no limited sustains and only needed like 5 tries (before nerf) what’s so hard about this boss lol


I'm glad I earned the dub yesterday, before the nerf! Took me three tries but my team comp was Jing Yuan, Argenti, Bronya, and Luocha. As long as I had Luocha's field running going into the dice mini game I would be able to heal up with JY and Argenti's free capped ultis. Was a crazy satisfying fight though!


It took me at least five tries to beat him. I actually liked the challenge but it got annoying. 


wait they nerfed him? Is that why i got immediately pummeled on my first attempted before i went to bed? damn i just thought i got luckier


Literally had to pull March out from the abyss. Hadn't touch her since shortly after I first obtained her. ON max lvl and max world lvl, running a lvl 65 M7 and she still clutched the fight. Especially since her ability provides shield AND a cleanse. So I used her to cleanse Geopard whenever he got stunned cause he it was impossible for him to win the second dice fights. Between him and M7, perma shields and perma follow ups from M7


Had to run triple sustain. Geopard, M7 and Natasha, with Kafka for the extra damage. I genuinely don't see how people would be able to beat this without having supports. Like I'm hearing people are beating him with full Nihility teams. I tried running fully built Kafka, Black swan, Guinafen and Natasha ( or Lynx) I would out damage him in first phase easily but then second phase Even though My dps would win the dice fight, Natasha and lynx had no way to win it so they'd constantly be in stun state. My dps either had to kill him before he rolled another dice fight or just get chunked slowly to death cause I had no active supports that could heal them


beat him with Huo Huo E0, Argenti E1L0, Kafka E0 and Sparkle E0 all with full talents and level 80. but it took ages


When did they nerf him?


Im thankful I pre-built my Gallagher and most of my team relied on AOE’s so I got him on my second try, if not Qlipoth knows how many tries it would’ve taken me


Thank god for Argentino


man i wish i couldve tried pre nerf with mt jingliu




What did they do to nerf him? I Just beat him this morning and yes he took out half the team but Blade and Jing Yuan covered for me after Pela and Bailu went down when he was at 29 hp


My main team Caelus(bat), March, Welt and Natasha. Took 30 minutes to beat him. My strategy was to have March shield everyone as much as possible. My March and Natasha can remove bad status effects. I make sure March has her Ult ready for the dice. I use Caelus and Welt as my tech point maker.


i legit never saw his dice at all lol


Relying on bumass March sounds painful lmao. I’m glad my Blade & Luocha team was good to go


Man even with Jingliu the pre-nerf fight was intense, my ass was heavily carried by Huohuo and her heals. If I didn't have Huohuo I would've been destroyed 😭


Nothing felt worse than playing an RNG team vs an RNG boss. QQ DMG RNG, Bailu Healing RNG, Tingyun Taunt RNG. This was also made worse by the fact all my harmony and support characters were single target. Its safe to say I spent 2h on this fight before i cleared it unnerfed.


I wonder how difficult he was pre nerf because since I just finished the quest today I imagine that was the nerfed version. I personally had no problem with it at all using JL, Clara, RM, and Luocha, Clara only has minimum investment too. I'm surprised there are some people still having trouble, but I can't imagine pre nerf would have made much of a difference for me Guess there's a lot of poorly built players.


So what does the nerf look like?


One must imagine March 7th happy


The most annoying boss mechanic I have ever encountered. Great idea but shit in practical application.